#pragma once

#include <SFML/Window/Keyboard.hpp>
#include "board.h"

class Application

    enum class STATE
    } current_state;

    explicit Application(unsigned int window_width, unsigned int window_height);

    // Init game
    bool init(const std::string& path, int splitting);

    // Launch game
    void run();

    // Refresh render_window to actual state
    void draw();

    // Handle keyboard commands
    void processInput();

    // Handle events for player to move cursor and swap tiles
    void onGameState(sf::Event& event);

    // Handle events for winning state after the image gets assembled
    void onWinState(sf::Event& event);

    // Convert keyboard keys into moving direction
    DIRECTION getDirection(sf::Keyboard::Key &key) const;

    Board board;
    sf::RenderWindow render_window;