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"Abolitionists are those dedicated to the abolition of slavery in Morrowind."
"Aiding an escaping slave is theft, and a crime, since slaves are property in Morrowind."
"I've heard of a secret organization called the Twin Lamps. It helps runaway slaves escape. It's against the law to aid runaway slaves. But I think slavery is wrong, and I can understand why these Abolitionists would be willing to break the law."
"It's the law of Morrowind. Slavery is legal. The Empire doesn't like it, but the Emperor signed the Armistice, and that made it legal for the Dunmer to retain their ancient laws and customs. Now, there's some Abolitionists who say, "To hell with the law... slavery is wrong." I'm not saying I disagree, in theory. But it's the law."
"The Twin Lamps is a secret, illegal organization dedicated to the abolition of slavery, and in particular to aiding runaway slaves escape to freedom."
"These outlanders won't be happy until slavery is outlawed. It's our right to have slaves, by law and custom, and it's none of their damn business."
"The acrobatics discipline is the ability to jump long distances and to avoid damage when falling great distances."
"Native Dunmer and Imperials alike recognize a noble's obligation to answer a challenge of honor."
"A challenge of honor is a public declaration of a scandal against a private party. Only nobles fight duels, and the higher the rank, the stronger the obligation."
"Law and custom despises dishonorable duelists. If the victim was bullied, intimidated, or goaded by a stronger party with suspect motives, magistrates often convict the stronger party of foul murder."
"She's a clothier in the Foreign Quarter; I think her shop is in the Canalworks. Nice merchandise, actually."
"You can find Agrippina Herrenia's store here in Vivec. She is located in the Foreign Quarter Canalworks, which can be accessed through the Foreign Quarter Lower Waistworks. Her selection of clothing is excellent."
"Aharasaplit camp is an outcast Ashlander camp on a beach on the southwest coast of Sheogorad island. The camp lies southwest of Dagon Fel village -- a variety of paths lead near the site."
"Ahemmusa camp is on the northeast, the farthest tip of Vvardenfell island, north from Tel Mora, near old Daedric ruins of Ald Daedroth."
"The Ashlander Ahemmusa tribe has a permanent settlement at Ahemmusa camp on a rocky promontory at the northeastern tip of the Vvardenfell mainland in the Azura's Coast region."
"The Ahemmusa are the Ashlanders of northeast Vvardenfell. Here. Let me mark it on your map. The nearest settlement is Tel Mora. You can get a ship from Sadrith Mora to Tel Mora. In Tel Mora, ask a local for directions."
"Here. Let me mark it on your map. From Tel Mora, cross the bay west to the mainland, then follow the coast north as far as you can go. Ahemmusa Camp is on the most northeastern point of Vvardenfell island. You'll need to be able to fly or water-walk, but be a very good swimmer. You can't miss the camp. You'll be looking for eight to ten round shelters called 'yurts.'"
"Airan's Teeth are two stone spikes at the mouth of Valley of the Wind. The Valley of the Wind runs south from the sea in the northeast of Vvardenfell, east of Dwemer Bthuand, east of Daedric Zergonipal. We stay away from the valley; the winds howl, and the spirits are always awake. Dareleth Ancestral Tomb is in this valley. It is foolish to disturb the spirits in their resting place."
"Akatosh is the ultimate God of the Cyrodilic Empire, where he embodies the qualities of endurance, invincibility, and everlasting legitimacy."
"Akatosh is generally considered to be the first of the Gods to form in the Beginning Place; after his establishment, other spirits found the process of being easier and the various pantheons of the world emerged."
"Akatosh, the Dragon God of Time, is the chief deity of the Nine Divines."
"The alchemy discipline is the processing and refinement of ingredients and materials through arcane processes to elicit and preserve their subtle, hidden magical effects in alchemical potions. Alchemical potions can provide a broad spectrum of long-lasting magical effects, from healing and curing disease to water-walking, magical shields, and fortification of bodily attributes."
"Ald Daedroth is an abandoned Daedric site on an island north along the coast, in the straits between Vvardenfell and Sheogorad island. I say 'abandoned', but I've heard worshippers have rededicated the old temple there. And I also heard the Ordinators were hiring a ship and planning to burn them out. The island is out of sight of the mainland, and not easy to find."
"Ald Daedroth is a very impressive Daedric ruin in the Sheogorad region of northeast Vvardenfell. The site itself is on a small island between Vvardenfell and Sheogorad island to the north. Tel Mora is the closest settlement. From there you'll have to fly or water-walk; Ald Daedroth is long abandoned, and there's no boat service."
"Ald Redaynia is the site of an ancient ruined wizard's tower on the northern coast of Vvardenfell, on the western tip of a large island west of Sheogorad."
"Though exotic and picturesque, Ald Sotha is a dangerous site, haunted by old magics, dark cultists, and their Daedric summonings, and not recommended for sightseers."
"Ald Sotha is a large Daedric ruin in the southern Ascadian Isles region, within sight of Vivec City to the east."
"Ald Sotha is a splendid Daedric ruin within sight of Vivec City. Though exotic and picturesque, it is a dangerous site, haunted by old magics, dark cultists, and their Daedric summonings, and not recommended for sightseers."
"It's been quiet. I think everyone is concerned those outcast ashlanders will kidnap more people. Didn't you hear? They took Madura Seran! She was but a simple pilgrim. Someone needs to rescue her."
"It's a simple place. Theldyn Virith is the local Redoran sheriff lives at the outpost, and there's a Redoran smith and trader as well, and a small Temple shrine in the outpost basement."
"Ald Velothi is a tiny fishing village on the northern coast of the West Gash."
"People seem at ease now that Madura Seran has returned."
"Ald'ruhn is the district seat of House Redoran, and a large settlement. The Redoran Council chambers are located inside the shell of an ancient extinct giant crab. Tracks lead north to Maar Gan and Gnisis villages and south to Balmora."
"Aldmeri -- the Imperial usage is 'Elves' -- are long-lived, culturally conservative humanoids distinct from Tamriel's "manish" races of the north and "beast peoples" races of the southeast. By contrast with the manish tribes, Elven cultures and social institutions are stable and persistent; Elven nations are neither economically expansive nor militarily adventurous."
"Elves are conditionally fertile -- that is, they only conceive when population pressure is low -- so expanding populations do not force them to explore or war with neighbors. The arts, literature, sorceries, technology and theology that have flourished within ancient Elven cultures have profoundly shaped the development of the Empire's manish and beast races."
"Aldmeris is the original Elvish language, still spoken as a first language among isolated Elven communities, and spoken and written by all educated Elves, and the language of the Elven arts. The root '-mer' is analogous with the root '-man' or '-men' in human language; thus, the Elves are mer as Humans are men."
"Almalexia is Healing Mother, the source of compassion and sympathy, and protector of the poor and weak."
"Almalexia was the virtuous wife of Lord Nerevar, and later the Consort of Lord Vivec."
"Blessed Almalexia the Warden is one of the three Immortals God-Kings of Morrowind, a Pillar of the Tribunal, and the patron of Healers and Teachers."
"Almoners gather alms from members and friends of the faith. We depend on donations to fund most of our good works. Almoners who are successful at bringing in generous donations may rise in the ranks of Imperial cult service. If you are interested, speak to Iulus Truptor at the Imperial Chapels in Ebonheart."
"The alteration discipline is the mastery of the spell effects of the College of Alteration. The alteration spells involve manipulation of the physical world and its natural properties. Alteration effects include water breathing and walking, jumping, levitating, opening locks, and shield barriers against physical damage."
"Altmer are the tall, light-skinned Elves of the West. They were once like us, but they became soft and foolish. They abandoned their ancestors and put their faith in big buildings and sorcery. The greatfathers of our greatfathers were kin of the Altmer, but the Prophet Veloth led us out of the West and brought us here so our rites and customs could remain pure."
"Altmer are the light-skinned, tall Elven peoples of the Summerset Isles. 'High' is taken to mean variously 'tall,' 'proud,' and 'culturally snobbish.' In the Empire, 'High Elves' is the common usage. They consider themselves the most civilized culture of Tamriel, and, in truth, the common tongue of the Empire, Tamrielic, is based on their speech and writing, and most of the Empire's arts, crafts, and sciences are derived from High Elven traditions."
"We Altmer are proud, wise, and beautiful. The Empire is built on the arts, crafts, and sciences of the High Elves. Our pure blood protects us from disease, and makes us superior spellcrafters."
"The Altmer are proud, conceited, and decadent. Their clothes, manners, arts, and crafts are highly refined, but they are godless and spiritually empty. They content themselves with reliving the aged glories of their martial traditions and their mastery of sorcery and enchantment. Their achievements are admirable, but their culture no longer serves any vital purpose."
"Recently dead spirits know us well, and do not quickly forget their living kin; they are weak, but quick to guide and protect us."
"The Dunmer believe the spirits of the dead live on in our world. They can know and affect the future, and can speak with other spirits, and work great magic, so the Dunmer honor and gift them, and ask them for aid and protection. Strong spirits of heroes and wise women preserve the wisdom and honor of the race. The worst spirits are evil and harmful, called ghosts, and devils, and daemons. The oldest and greatest ancestor spirits are the Daedra. They are powerful, but dangerous, and hard to understand."
"The oldest of our ancestor spirits we call the Daedra; though they are powerful and cunning, their hearts and minds have grown distant and strange, and the bad Daedra are dangerous."
"The spirits of our dead live on in our world. They can know and affect the future, and can speak with other spirits, and work great magic, so we honor and gift them, and show them love, and ask them to help us."
"The strongest of us live long after death, so that we may guide and protect our children and kinsmen; we speak of such strong spirits as Heroes and Wise Women in our songs, sung so we may not forget their wisdoms and gifts."
"The worst of us live long after death, and we beg our kinder ancestors to protect us from the evil ones we call Ghosts, and Devils, and Daemons."
"There are a couple of them near this town. There's Ginith to the northwest and Rethandus to the northeast. There may be others, but I don't know where."
"He's recently arrived from Cyrodiil. You'll likely find him inspecting the grounds at Ebonheart."
"The Arena Compound lies between the Redoran compound on the west and the Telvanni compound on the east. The Arena is the site of public entertainments and combat sports. The comfortable domed Arena has seating for hundreds of spectators; beneath the Arena are dressing and storage rooms for entertainers and training rooms and animal pens for the combat competitors."
"Argonians are cunning, savage beasts incapable of enlightenment. They are blasphemous travesties of nature, with unspeakable foulness in their private and family urges. When guided by a stern hand, they can be trained as passable servants and slaves. By Imperial law, free Argonians have the rights of citizens, but no law can ever make an Argonian human."
"Argonians are the savage half-men of the southern marshes. Our peoples used to keep them as slaves, but they are useless. The settled people still keep them as slaves to grub in the soil. They are dirty and wicked, and we should drive them all back into the swamps they came from."
"The Argonians of Black Marsh call themselves the 'People of the Root'. They are equally at home on land or in water, and are magically gifted. Persecuted and enslaved by other races, they are cautious and secretive. Little is known of their homeland or native culture, and their alien physiology and customs are not well understood by scholars."
"We are the People of the Root, called 'Argonians' by the warmbloods. We go where we will, wet or dry, and the currents of blood magic run swift in our veins. In our native land, we hunt to live, masters of the marshes. Hunted and enslaved by softskinned enemies, we snare and slay them by stealth, spell, and steel."
"Native Dunmer regard Argonians as animals fit for slavery. Dunmer have always enslaved Argonians. The Empire protects Argonian human rights, but does not outlaw slavery in Morrowind."
"Argonians are cunning, savage beasts incapable of enlightenment. They are blasphemous travesties of nature, with unspeakable foulness in their private and family urges. They are fit only for service, and only when guided by a stern hand can they avoid abomination."
"Arkay, God of the Cycle of Life and Death, is the deity associated with burials and funeral rites, and is responsible for the progression of the seasons. His priests are staunch opponents of necromancy and all forms of the undead."
"The armorer discipline is the maintenance of weapons and armor at top efficiency. Worn weapons do less damage. Worn armor protects less against attacks. As wear increases, the diminishing effectiveness of weapons and armor is dramatic."
"Well, there are two Arvel families. The head of the family, Rovone Arvel lives in Arvel Manor in the Ascadian Isles. Another branch of the family lives in Ald Velothi."
"The Ascadian Isles includes Pelagiad, Suran, Vivec City, and Ald Sotha along with the inland lakes and waterways of the Ascadian Isles proper."
"The Ascadian Isles is the green garden of Vvardenfell, a land of lakes and rivers, little farms and grand plantations. It's the lowland area just north of the city of Vivec. To the west lies Pelagiad and Balmora, to the north the ashlands of Bal Ur, and to the east the stinking smokes and lava pools of Molag Amur."
"The Ascadian Isles is the lush, green, well-watered lowlands in the south where most of Vvardenfell's agriculture is found. The area includes Pelagiad, Suran, Vivec City, and Ald Sotha along with the inland lakes and waterways of the Ascadian Isles proper. The urban areas of Vivec and Ebonheart of the southern coast are densely populated; the inland Ascadian Isles are dotted with small farms and large plantations. The climate is temperate and comfortable, with moderate rainfall."
"The Ascadian Isles is the lush, green, well-watered lowlands in the south where most of Vvardenfell's agriculture is found."
"The climate of the Ascadian Isles is temperate and comfortable, with moderate rainfall."
"The urban areas of Vivec and Ebonheart of the southern coast are densely populated; the inland Ascadian Isles are dotted with small farms and large plantations."
"Ash-chancre is an acute blight disease affecting a victim's behavior. It may be contracted from corprus beasts or other blight monsters."
"He is the mightiest champion and greatest ashkhan of all the Ashlander tribes. A very great man. You should talk to him. He is a very curious man, always speaking with traders and travelers about the news of the world. Go ahead. Our great chief does not stand on ceremony. You may enter his yurt, if you are clean and courteous."
"When challenged for sport, it is acceptable to decline. When challenged for honor, it is shameful to decline."
"Honor challenges come from offense given in speech or action, or may represent customary formal challenges of status or ritual."
"When challenged for sport, it is acceptable to decline. When challenged for honor, it is shameful to decline. Honor challenges come from offense given in speech or action, or may represent customary formal challenges of status or ritual."
"Ashlanders may challenge a stranger who enters a yurt without invitation. Customs differ with different tribes, but leave when requested, and you may be forgiven."
"Be particularly careful when entering the yurts of ashkhans -- tribal chiefs -- and wise women -- tribal seers and counselors. Some are welcoming, some are hostile. Be courteous, and leave if requested. If offended, they may attack."
"Ashlanders may challenge a stranger who enters a yurt without invitation. Customs differ with different tribes, but leave when requested, and you may be forgiven. Be particularly careful about ashkhans -- tribal chiefs -- and wise women -- tribal seers and counselors. Some are welcoming, some are hostile. Be courteous, and leave if requested. If offended, they may attack."
"The Ashlander culture is an anachronistic survival of the ancestor-worshipping tribal culture that evolved into the theocratic Great House culture of the native Dunmer. The Ashlanders perversely prefer the impoverished physical culture and subsistence economy of the Ashland nomadic herder-hunter, and their ancestor worship is shamanistic and primitive by Dunmer and Imperial standards."
"The Velothi are people of Ashlander stock who have abandoned nomadic life and settled among the native Dunmer; the Velothi are despised by their Ashlander cousins as weak and soft, while the Dunmer look down upon the Velothi as an insignificant underclass."
"Take care when visiting an Ashlander camp. Among clan and kin, Ashlander courtesy is very proper and polite, but you are a stranger, so remember that Ashlanders hate foreigners."
"Ashlander challenges are very solemn and serious things; do not make a challenge lightly."
"Know the customs of Ashlander gifts; they are not offended by gifts of money, and take them as tokens of deference and respect."
"Among outcast Ashlanders, beware the mabrigash, renegade witch-warrior women who practice dark magics."
"Take care when visiting an Ashlander camp. Among clan and kin, Ashlander courtesy is very proper and polite, but you are a stranger, so remember that Ashlanders hate foreigners. Ashlander challenges are very solemn and serious things; do not make a challenge lightly. And know the customs of Ashlander gifts; they are not offended by gifts of money, and take them as tokens of deference and respect. And among outcast Ashlanders, beware the mabrigash, renegade witch-warrior women who practice dark magics."
"Among Ashlanders, a gift is a token of courtesy among strangers, and affection among friends."
"When coming first among strangers, a thoughtful gift is a sign to Ashlanders that you are cautious, and considerate, and aware of the other's wants and needs."
"Thoughtful gifts are often exchanged between Ashlanders traders and travelers. Among friends, it is a private thing, and subtle, with great risks, for the test of the gift is how well it is tailored to the receiver."
"Among Ashlanders, a gift is a token of courtesy among strangers, and affection among friends. When coming first among strangers, a thoughtful gift is a sign that you are cautious, and considerate, and aware of the other's wants and needs. Such is particularly useful for traders and travelers. Among friends, it is a private thing, and subtle, with great risks, for the test of the gift is how well it is tailored to the receiver."
"Ashlander nomadic camps have portable huts of hides stretched on chitin frames. These huts can be quickly dismantled and packed atop a guar when moving to new grazing and hunting grounds. The khan's hut is simply a larger, more elaborate version of a family hut."
"Ashlanders are the nomadic Dunmer barbarians of the Morrowind wastelands. They live in camps of small, mobile huts, herding guar and hunting wildlife for meat and hides."
"By tradition, Ashlanders claim the right to raid other Ashlander tribes -- and non-Ashlander settlements -- for booty and slaves."
"The Ashlanders worship their ancestors. Ashlander tribes are led by their ashkhan war chiefs, and guided by the wisdom and prophecies of their wise women."
"Ashlanders are the nomadic Dunmer barbarians of the Morrowind wastelands. They live in camps of small, mobile huts, herding guar and hunting wildlife for meat and hides. By tradition, the Ashlanders claim the right to raid settlements and other tribes for booty and slaves. The Ashlanders worship their ancestors, and are led by their ashkhan war chiefs, counseled by the arcane wisdom and prophecies of their wise women. If you plan to visit them, you should know something of Ashlander customs."
"We are the Ahemmusa Ashlanders. We are people of peace, gentle people. We herd our guar and trouble no one. But things are very bad for us now. Very bad. Soul sickness, blight storms, blight-sick animals, blight monsters, come down from Red Mountain, kill our men, eat our herds, bring disease and famine. We have no ashkhan, and our gulakhans are feeble warriors. Things are very bad for us."
"Ashlanders think it shameful to attack unarmed persons, but they will kill without hesitation an armed person who offends them or their clan laws."
"No Ashlander is fool enough to make war against the Empire. However, if such a war might be won, many Ashlanders might cheerfully give their lives to win such a war."
"Most Ashlanders wish all foreigners and their false gods could be driven from Morrowind. At very least, Ashlanders wish the foreign devils would leave them in peace. Ashlanders think it shameful to attack unarmed persons, but they will kill without hesitation an armed person who offends them or their clan laws. No Ashlander is fool enough to make war against the Empire. However, if such a war might be won, many Ashlanders might cheerfully give their lives to win such a war."
"Ashlanders seldom make war like the city people do. We raid other tribes, to prove we are strong, and to make us rich and respected. Our champions challenge one another for duels of sport and honor; it is fitting that warriors should decide these things, not hunters or herders. But when we make war as a tribe, hunters and herders fight beside champions and ashkhans with spear and bow. Such wars are cruel, for we are few, and the lives of our people are too dear to waste."
"The Ashlands are the dry wastelands on the lower slopes of Red Mountain."
"The Ashlands extend to the Sea of Ghosts to the north, and everywhere else they make a wide strip between the blighted Red Mountain region and other geographic regions."
"The village of Maar Gan is the only sizable permanent Ashlands settlement; Ald'ruhn and Fort Buckmoth are on the margin of the region."
"Ashlanders hunt for game in the Ashlands, and their herds find sparse grazing. It rains rarely, and suffers frequent ash storms."
"The Ashlands are the dry, inhospitable wastelands surrounding the lower slopes of Red Mountain. The Ashlands extend to the Sea of Ghosts to the north, and elsewhere form a wide margin between the blighted Red Mountain region and other geographic regions. The town of Ald'ruhn and the village of Maar Gan are the only sizable permanent Ashlands settlements. Ashlanders hunt for game here, and their herds find sparse grazing. It rains rarely, and suffers frequent ash storms."
"The athletics discipline is training and conditioning for running and swimming, moving short and long distances over land with speed and efficiency, and conserving breath while swimming swiftly underwater."
"We are the most blessed of all of the cursed. In addition to the powers all vampires possess, our dark powers are of the mind, where other, weaker clans are gifted more physically. Our path through the darkness relies on magic, and at this, we are truly gifted."
"Weak, pathetic creatures. They use their powerful magic as a crutch, never experiencing the joy the dark gift brings--the sheer physical power we are given."
"A dark brotherhood of vampiric mages. I fear, though, that their powerful minds may be tainted by madness. Such is the price for the gift they've been given."
"The axe weapon discipline is the study and mastery of the war axe and battleaxe weapon styles. To use any style of weapon effectively, the user must be trained, conditioned, and skilled in its use."
"Despite the rocky terrain, a variety of plants thrive on the regular rainfall of Azura's Coast."
"There are no roads through Azura's Coast. Most travel is by boat or on foot."
"Azura's Coast settlements include Molag Mar, Sadrith Mora, Tel Aruhn, Tel Mora, Tel Fyr, Tel Branora, Ahemmusa camp, Ald Redaynia, Dagon Fel."
"Azura's Coast is rocky, infertile, and mostly uninhabited."
"The rocky coast and islands of northern and eastern Vvardenfell are called Azura's Coast."
"The rugged coast and islands of northern and eastern Vvardenfell are called Azura's Coast. The region is rocky, infertile, and largely uninhabited, except for the outpost at Molag Mar, the Telvanni settlements at Sadrith Mora, the wizard towers at Tel Aruhn, Tel Mora, and Tel Branora, and Ahemmusa camp and the remote fishing villages of Ald Redaynia and Dagon Fel on the north coast. There are no roads; most travel is by boat. Despite the rocky terrain, a variety of plants thrive on the regular rainfall."
"The Temple teaches that the Three Good Daedra -- the Anticipations, Boethiah, Azura, and Mephala -- recognized the Divinity of the Tribunal and made homage to them. But the Rebel Daedra -- the Dark Daedra, Molag Bal, Malacath, Sheogorath, and Mehrunes Dagon -- in their arrogance and pride, refused to keep faith with the Tribunal. These Rebel Daedra thus became the Four Corners of the House of Troubles, and they continue to tempt the unwary into heresy and dark worship."
"The Rebel Daedra -- the Dark Daedra -- Molag Bal, Malacath, Sheogorath, Mehrunes Dagon -- in their arrogance and pride, refused to keep faith with the Tribunal. We call these Bad Daedra 'the Four Corners of the House of Troubles', and they continue to tempt the unwary into heresy and dark worship."
"The four Bad Daedra, according to the Temple, are Molag Bal, Malacath, Mehrunes Dagon, and Sheogorath. Bad Daedra include Molag Bal's servant, the daedroth; Malacath's servant, the ogrim; Mehrunes Dagon's servant, the scamp, the dremora, and the clannfear; and Sheogorath's servant, the golden saint."
"Legend says that Bal Fell was built on the site of an ancient Daedric worship center."
"The site of Bal Fell has a nasty reputation, and several Telvanni wizards currently have competing camps of hirelings and adventurers exploring and looting there."
"Bal Fell is the "City of Stone," an ancient First Era ruin in the southeastern islands and promontories of the Ascadian Isles."
"Bal Fell is the "City of Stone," an ancient First Era ruin in the southeastern islands and promontories of Azura's Coast. The site has a nasty reputation, and several Telvanni wizards currently have competing camps of hirelings and adventurers exploring and looting there. Legend says that Bal Fell was built on the site of an ancient Daedric worship center."
"The Bal Molagmer, or "Stone Fire Men," once carried their burning stones from Red Mountain over all of Morrowind, lighting hearth fires and lanterns. It is said that their fires brought the light of justice. They vanished many years ago."
"The region is named after the ancient Bal Ur Daedric ruins, a local landmark and pilgrimage site. It's an uninhabitable ash waste, rugged highlands broken by lava fields and ash pits. There's no grazing for the Ashlander herds, but they hunt there. It's also a convenient refuge for outlaws and Ashlander outcasts."
"Balmora is the Council Seat of Great House Hlaalu, and the largest town on Vvardenfell except for Vivec City. Located on the Odai River, and sitting astride the Ald'ruhn-Vivec road, Balmora is an important mercantile trade and travel center. High Town is the administrative center, with the Temple and manor houses. The shops, guilds, and tradehouses of the Commercial District are north of the river; Labor Town's modest cornerclubs and homes are south of the river."
"Balmora is the district seat of House Hlaalu, and the largest settlement on Vvardenfell after Vivec City. Good roads lead north to Ald'ruhn and south to Caldera, Seyda Neen, and Vivec City. The Imperial Legion garrison of Fort Moonmoth lies south of Balmora."
"The Imperial Legion garrison of Fort Moonmoth lies south of Balmora."
"Good roads lead north to Ald'ruhn and south to Caldera, Seyda Neen, and Vivec City."
"Balmora is the district seat of House Hlaalu, and the largest settlement on Vvardenfell after Vivec City."
"Balmora is a large town in the south of the West Gash region, bordering on the Bitter Coast region to the west, the Ashlands region to the north, and the Ascadian Isles to region to the south."
"West of the Odai River, looking up towards the Temple, the Fighters Guild is halfway up on your right. They're always looking for people. If you're thinking of joining up, ask for Eydis Fire-Eye, the local Guild Steward."
"Show some respect! You are in the most stalwart guild of warriors this side of death. Eydis Fire-Eye is Guild Steward here. Seek her out if you think you have the right stuff."
"Anon, what can be said. We are the few, the proud, the ... under-paid! HarHarHar!"
"The Mages Guild is west of the river, one street up from the waterside, by the open plaza just north of the silt strider port. If you were planning to join the Mages Guild, you want to talk to Ranis Athrys, the Guild Steward."
"The Balmora Temple stands on Rich Hill in the northwest part of town. The shrine there cures diseases and poison, and they offer various other services as well."
"An adventurer can make a living preying on bandits; the adventurer has right of salvage on weapons, armor, and goods recovered from dead outlaws."
"Bandits typically operate from secret hideouts in the backcountry, and the Legions don't have troops or time to comb the wilderness for them."
"The Empire has brought prosperity to Morrowind, and with prosperity comes bandits."
"The Barracks is an ancient Velothi building adapted for use as a barracks by the local Deathshead Legion garrison."
"This clan above all disappears into the night. Not blessed with the magical powers we are given, they rely on stealth to claim their victims."
"They are not unlike us in many ways. But, though gifted physically, they prefer the shadows, stalking their prey from the darkness. It is cowardly and weak, and they are not to be trusted."
"We are the true masters of the night. Only we use our dark powers as they were intended. Sliding through the night, invisible in the shadows, we hunt our prey in secrecy and silence."
"Betmeri, or 'Beastmen,' were the aboriginal inhabitants of Tamriel. Each Beast race has its own distinctive accounts of the mythic era before the coming of Elves and Men; each Beast race is as culturally and physically distinct from one another as it is from Elven and Manish races."
"The peaceful Khajiit and Argonian races are the most numerous and culturally advanced of the Beast races; the war-loving Orc tribes are relatively few in number and widely scattered, but notable as superior warriors and weapon crafters. Other smaller Beast races, like Goblins, Apemen, and Giants, are limited to mountainous areas in the west and north of Tamriel, and seldom encountered in the East."
"In Tamriel, persons born under certain constellations are said to be 'fortunate in their aspects'. Such persons are often blessed -- or cursed -- with remarkable abilities or weaknesses as a result of the magical conjunctions of celestial influences."
"The Bitter Coast is also called 'the Smuggler's Coast'. Hidden coves and islands are handy for smugglers, and the frequent rain and fog hides small boats from Excise cutters."
"The salt marshes and hot swamps of Bitter Coast are uninhabited, with the only settlements found at the good harbors of Gnaar Mok, Hla Oad, and Seyda Neen."
"The western coast of Vvardenfell from Seyda Neen north to Gnaar Mok is called the Bitter Coast."
"The western coast of Vvardenfell from Seyda Neen north to Gnaar Mok is called the Bitter Coast. The salt marshes and humid swamps of this region are uninhabited, with the only settlements found at the good harbors of Gnaar Mok, Hla Oad, and Seyda Neen. Also called 'the Smuggler's Coast', the region's secluded coves and islands provide refuge for criminal trade, and the frequent rain and fog hides small boats from Excise cutters."
"The Bitter Coast is named for the salt marshes and swamps along the southwest coast. The water is bitter, and so is life, generally. It's mostly uninhabited wilderness from Seyda Neen in the south all the way north to the West Gash and the Sea of Ghosts. Hla Oad is a fishing settlement on the mainland near the mouth of the Odai River; there's a fair track along the river inland to Balmora. Gnaar Mok is a fishing village on an island farther north, but both places are small, isolated, and poor."
"Most of the native Argonian population of Black Marsh is confined to the great inland waterways and impenetrable swamps of the southern interior. There are few roads here, and most travel is by boat. The coasts and the northwestern upland forests are largely uninhabited. For ages the Dunmer have raided Black Marsh for slaves; though the Empire has made this illegal, the practice persists, and Dunmer and Argonians have a long-standing and bitter hatred for one another."
"The Blades are the Emperor's spies. They're everywhere, but no one knows who they are."
"The Blades is an prestigious service order for citizens demonstrating the greatest loyalty to the Emperor. To be named to the Blades by the Emperor is a great honor, and publicly acknowledged members serve openly in noble courts and diplomatic posts. Privately, many Blades members act as the Empire's intelligence agency. Such agents conceal themselves with secret identities, operating in disguise as couriers, observers, and spies throughout the Empire."
"Imperial cult members, or reverent, respectful guests, may make offerings at shrines and receive in return a blessing. Common blessings are healing, cure common or blight disease, resistance to common or blight disease, cure poison, and other health benefits. More extraordinary blessings are reserved for the advanced ranks of the faithful. No offering need be made by these pious souls; benefits may include long-term fortification of attributes and abilities."
"Most shrines provide common blessings like healing, cure common or cure blight disease, and cure poison."
"Imperial cult members and reverent guests may make offerings at altars and receive in return a blessing."
"In addition to common blessings, most shrines provide special blessings of the saints that fortify attributes and abilities for long durations."
"Temple faithful and reverent guests may make offerings at shrines and receive in return a blessing."
"Lord Dagoth has sent the blight to destroy the foreigners, and to chasten those Dunmer who bend to foreign will. Those who oppose Lord Dagoth shall wither and die, while those who join Lord Dagoth shall be healed and strengthened, filled with the power and glory of Red Mountain, and inspired by the dreams of Dagoth Ur."
"Ridding a colony of blight is expensive and dangerous, because of the fierce attacks of sick kwama foragers and warriors, and the risk of spreading disease."
"An diseased kwama mine is a great hardship for the whole mining community. Blighted eggs are inedible, and miners catch blight diseases."
"Only egg miners worry about that sort of stuff. Not us. Rock doesn't get blighted."
"Kwama foragers range far from their homes, deep into the ashlands as far as the Ghostfence. Foragers caught in blight storms become infected, and return and infect their queen and the whole colony."
"Kwama foragers range far from their home colonies, deep into the ashlands as far as the Ghostfence. Foragers exposed to blight storms may become infected, and may return and infect their queen and the whole colony. An infested kwama mine is a great hardship for the mining community; blighted eggs are inedible, and miners catch blight diseases. Ridding a colony of blight is expensive and dangerous, because of the aggressive behavior of sick kwama foragers and warriors, and the risk of spreading disease."
"Blight diseases resist common herbal and magical treatments, and are of two kinds: wasting diseases which attack one or more of an organism's systems, and abnormal growth diseases, which distort the organism's functions and structures. Natives avoid exposure to the Blight, and wear special protective garments when traveling in Blight-prone regions."
"You get blight diseases by fighting with diseased creatures. Normal creatures that get caught in blight storms can turn into ugly monsters."
"Blight diseases can't be cured by cure common disease spells or potions. You need special cure blight disease potions or spells."
"The 'corprus men,' they crawl from under the mountain. They prey in the night like demons. They follow the blight storms, walk in the storms, bring death, disease. Hunters won't hunt, herders won't herd. Scared to go out on the land. Ahemmusa are people of peace, not of war. We fight, we die; we don't fight, we die. We must have help, or there will be nothing left."
"Red dust from Red Mountain. Grass dies, kwama and guar go mad, bite and fight. Hunters cannot find food. Herders get sick, watch the herds die. Lands to the west belong to Urshilaku. Lands to the south belong to Zainab. And to the north? Water and monsters. No safe haven for the Ahemmusa."
"Our herds are sick. And the game animals -- kagouti, alit -- they grow sick, too. When blight storms come, animals walk in the storms. They get sick, get the red taint. Then they go crazy, bite and fight, go mad, kill everything. Without the herds, without the game, we must starve."
"The block discipline is the skill of parrying melee attacks with shields. A successful block reduces damage."
"The blunt weapon discipline is the study and mastery of the club, staff, mace, and warhammer weapons styles. To use any style of weapon effectively, the user must be trained, conditioned, and skilled in its use."
"Optio Bologra is the Camp Prefect of the Deathshead Legion Garrison at Gnisis. He's a tough and violent orc, not clever or polished, but nonetheless an effective and respected officer."
"I think I can help you with the Oracle's prophecy. An ancient Dunmer stronghold called Berandas lies south of the village of Gnisis in the West Gash region. Note also the reference to 'silent caverns'. Berandas is distinctive among Dunmer stronghold, in that extensive caverns lie beneath the centuries-old architectural ruins. I feel sure Berandas is the site you seek."
"The place-name reference in the Oracle's prophecy is obvious. An ancient Dunmer stronghold called Berandas lies south of the village of Gnisis in the West Gash region. I would also not be surprised to find that the reference to "wings of twilight" designates the guardians of the treasure you seek. Winged twilights are Daedric servants of the Daedra Lord Azura, one of the Anticipations worshiped in the Tribunal Temple."
"So you found the legendary boots. Congratulations. I don't know much about them, but I'm sure you should be very proud."
"You found the boots? You must tell me all about it...."
"The Bosmer are foreigners, outlanders. They live in trees and eat nothing but meat. We have no forests here. Why don't they go back where they came from?"
"We're small, sharp, and smart. We love wild creatures, wild beauty, and wild life, unlike our dull cousins. We are not very polite, but don't have to be, since we shoot straight and run like the wind."
"The Bosmer are the clanfolk of the Western Valenwood forests. In the Empire, they are called "Wood Elves," but they call themselves the Bosmer, or the 'Tree-Sap' people. They scorn pretense and formality, preferring a romantic, simple existence in harmony with the wild beauty of nature. They are nimble and quick in body and wit, and there are no finer archers in all of Tamriel."
"The Bosmer are a light, careless, insubstantial people. They are barely civilized barbarians, living in unheated communal huts in the middle of empty forest wastelands. They are marvelous archers and cunning hunters, but they are worthless as hirelings, having no concept of contract, obligation, or loyalty. They are passionate and spiritually alive, but befuddled by primitive superstitions and shamanistic spirit worship."
"Bretons are outlanders, foreigners, Westerners. They don't belong here. They should go back where they came from."
"Bretons are arrogant, undisciplined, subject to wild swings of emotion. They make strong but unreliable wizards and mercenaries. They are occasionally independent and creative thinkers, but are faithless and unreliable servants and hirelings."
"We Bretons are natural magicians, and born with a high resistance to destructive and dominating spells. Many great sorcerers have come from our home province of High Rock."
"Passionate and eccentric, poetic and flamboyant, intelligent and willful, Bretons feel an inborn, instinctive bond with the mercurial forces of magic and the supernatural. Many great sorcerers have come from their home province of High Rock, and in addition to their quick and perceptive grasp of spellcraft, enchantment, and alchemy, even the humblest of Bretons can boast a high resistance to destructive and dominating magical energies."
"The light-hearted Buoyant Armigers are rivals of the more solemn Ordinators in service to the Temple."
"The Buoyant Armigers serve the Temple as champions and knights-errant."
"The Buoyant Armigers pattern themselves on Lord Vivec's heroic spirit of exploration and adventure, and they emulate his mastery of the varied arts of personal combat, chivalric courtesy, and subtle verse."
"The Buoyant Armigers is an small military order of the Temple, exclusively dedicated to and answering to Lord Vivec."
"Caldera is a town, and a mine. Slaves work in the mine. We know nothing about the town."
"Caldera is an Imperial charter town, part of the Caldera Mining Company charter, which grants the company rights to mine ebony from the right deposits here. The Caldera ebony mines themselves lie to the southwest. The town has a real Western flavor -- makes outlanders feel right at home. Caldera is rich, and bound to get richer, since the profits from the ebony exports continue to grow as the mine operations grow."
"Caldera is a recently chartered Imperial town and mining corporation. The Caldera Mining Company has been granted an Imperial monopoly to remove raw ebony from the rich deposits here. Caldera has the appearance and flavor of a Western Imperial town."
"Welcome to the famous ebony mines of Caldera. What are you in for?"
"The Caldera ebony mines are southwest of the village of Caldera. Did you know slaves work the mines here? No, perhaps not. Nothing to see here in town. Nothing to offend the eye. What is not seen, does not offend, yes? But perhaps Anon should not speak about this in public. And who would listen, anyway? What is done matters, not what is said."
"The Caldera ebony mines are southwest of the village of Caldera. There's an office, a bunkhouse, and guard tower over near the mine entrance. If you're thinking of taking a look while you're here, head straight west from town, then swing around south into the bowl of the mine through a gap in the mountains. Otherwise, you can try climbing straight over the ridge -- but it is too steep a climb for most."
"The Caldera Mining Company owns the mine."
"The Caldera Mine Company is chartered by the Emperor to extract ebony ore from rich underground deposits here."
"We're just a society of businessmen. We're Dunmer, and we're proud. We're tired of seeing Morrowind run by outsiders who understand nothing about Morrowind. And we're tired of trying to explain this, over and over again, to ignorant outlanders."
"We're just natives, trying to get along. It isn't easy, with all the ignorant foreigners sticking their noses where they don't belong. Can I make it any clearer, outlander?"
"We're Dunmer, and we're proud. We're tired of seeing Morrowind run by outsiders who understand nothing about Morrowind."
"We're just a society of businessmen. Not that it's any of your business, outlander."
"The Camonna Tong are known for their brutal disregard for human life."
"The Camonna Tong are in direct competition with the Thieves Guild for control of illegal trade, and they have sworn to exterminate the upstart outlander newcomers."
"The Camonna Tong has grown powerful and ruthless since the Imperial occupation, and have great influence in the higher ranks of House Hlaalu."
"The Camonna Tong is Morrowind's native criminal syndicate."
"The Camonna Tong is Morrowind's native criminal syndicate. They're grown powerful and ruthless since the Imperial occupation, and have great influence in the higher ranks of House Hlaalu. The Camonna Tong are in direct competition with the Thieves Guild for control of illegal trade, and they have sworn to exterminate the upstart outlander newcomers. The Camonna Tong are known for their brutal disregard for human life."
"Vivec's cantons are buildings with many levels. The upperworks are the rooftops with shops and rich folks' manors. The waistworks are the next tier down, usually shops and guilds, with some apartments. Canalside is the lowest level, where poor folks live. The underworks are sewers below canalside; only grubbers and cleaners go down there. The corridors are like mazes, so watch how you go. The Temple built all the cantons, and leases them to shops, guilds, and residents."
"He's in the East Empire Company Offices. The large building down by the docks."
"The cave rat is a subterranean variety of the hardy, abundant hunter-scavenger. Rat meat is tough and greasy, with an unpleasant odor and taste. Nonetheless, it is cheap, abundant, and nutritious, and palatable when cooked in a stew and masked by strong, strong spices."
"Vvardenfell's greatest challenges are its mutually hostile cultures, its cruel and untamed wildernesses, and the troubling phenomenon of the Blight. The Temple and traditional Dunmer cultures are in direct opposition to the values of the Imperial conqueror's colonists, and the interests of each Great House conflict with the interests of the other Great Houses. Only the Imperial Legions and the Duke's shrewd policies prevent political disputes from expanding into civil unrest or warfare."
"Even the Legions, however, cannot extend their protection into the sparsely inhabited wastelands of Vvardenfell, where bandits, necromancers, witches, fiends, and monsters find refuge, emerging to threaten the lives of explorers, colonists, and traders. The greatest, and most obscure, threat is the Blight, a mysterious weather-like phenomenon emanating from the crater of Dagoth Ur, warping and poisoning creatures in its path, and creating diseased horrors that attack travelers and outlying settlements."
"Chimer -- literally "the People of the North," an archaic and poetic usage -- were the Elven tribes who followed the prophet Veloth out of the southwest of Tamriel to settle in the lands now known as Morrowind. Dunmer fable says that before their skin turned dark with the Curse, the Dark Elves were known as the Chimer."
"A Hortator is chosen by consensus. Everyone has to agree. A single 'no' is a veto. First a Great House has to choose a Hortator. Then that Hortator has to go persuade the other Great Houses to agree to name him Hortator of their houses, too. A very difficult system. No Great House wants to give the honor to a member of another Great House. But luckily, it's mostly honorary, and doesn't cost a House anything. So it might not be that bad, after all."
"Sure. We're citizens. We don't have much choice, do we?"
"The Dunmer of House Hlaalu are generally proud to be citizens of the Empire. Oh, we complain about the taxes and bureaucrats and greedy merchants like everyone else, but being part of the Empire means free trade and prosperity, and we like that. Other Dunmer -- Houses Redoran and Telvanni, devout Temple-goers, Ashlanders -- are less enthusiastic about the Empire and Imperial control of Morrowind."
"We've had peace and prosperity in Morrowind under the Empire for centuries. It's a government by law, and the Legions enforce that law. The Empire has free trade and free religion, so we're rich in pockets and in spirit. Yes, there is corruption. Yes, there are crimes and criminals. Yes, the rich get richer, and the poor poorer. But overall, things are pretty good."
"As a clanfriend of the Urshilaku, you may rest in any Urshilaku bed. But you may not harm another Urshilaku, and must not take their things. Do not offend against these rules of hospitality, or you will no longer be our friend."
"There are sixteen common diseases, outlander: rockjoint, helljoint, witbane, chills, serpiginous dementia, greenspore, dampworm, rust chancre, droops, ataxia, wither, swamp fever, collywobbles, brown rot, yellow tick, rattles. The healers of the settled peoples divide them into three kinds: mild, serious, and acute. Serious and acute are more dangerous, of course, but none of them are fatal. But you must get them cured, or they weaken you, and people won't want to talk to you."
"The conjuration discipline is the mastery of the spell effects of the College of Conjuration. The conjuration spells summon magical items and beings from the outer realms to serve the caster. Conjuring effects include the mental domination of mundane and magical creatures, summoning of otherworldly weapons and armor, and summoning of Daedric servants and powers to serve and protect the caster."
"Hmm. Conjuration expert? Here? In Sadrith Mora? Well, my first thought would be Master Neloth, the mage-lord of Tel Naga. He's a mickle wizard. But Conjuration is not his specialty. In fact, I don't know anyone in Sadrith Mora who TEACHES Conjuration. No. Wait. Uleni Heleran at the Mages Guild at Wolverine Hall teaches Conjuration. I'm sure of it."
"Hmm. Conjuration expert? Well, Uleni Heleran of the Mages Guild here at Wolverine Hall teaches Conjuration. Is that what you're looking for? Training?"
"I'm sorry. But we can't help you. We can't cure corprus. Victims must go to the Corprusarium beneath Tel Fyr, the tower of the Telvanni wizard Divayth Fyr. You will go mad, and your body becomes fat and distorted with unnatural growths. It is always fatal. Sometimes it progresses slowly, sometimes in a matter of days. There is no hope. Go to the Corprusarium, or you may give the disease to others."
"There's blight plague in Fort Buckmoth! Trooper went mad, turned into a fat, beast with sores and flabby chunks of flesh hanging off. Then he dropped dead, just like that. You can't make me go anywhere near that fort."
"Did you hear? They've got corprus in Fort Buckmoth! A trooper got corprus and died. Went mad. Turned into a monster. Whole fort's in an uproar."
"The only approach to the crater citadels is up Foyada Esannudan from Fort Moonmoth, through the Ghostfence at the fortress of Ghostgate, and down into the crater."
"The ancient Dwemer citadels on Red Mountain are no longer known by their Dwemer names, but now take the names of their Dagoth Lords: Endusal, Odrosal, Vemynal, Tureynulal, and Dagoth Ur."
"Five ancient Dwemer citadels in the crater of Red Mountain are occupied by Dagoth Ur and his ash vampire kin."
"I have not heard that there is a cure for skooma addiction. The Khajiit themselves say there is no cure, and they should know. But there is a book I have heard of, 'Confessions of a Dunmer Skooma-Eater,' which claims to be a memoir of a Dunmer woman who overcame her addiction to skooma. This book praises skooma, and says that skooma addicts are not necessarily foolish or evil. Dunmer won't carry such a book. Try Vivec, Jobasha's Rare Books, in the Foreign Quarter."
"The Khajiit know there is no cure for a Khajiit who has bred skooma in his blood. This one has heard of a book where a Dunmer claims to have been cured of skooma addiction. I have not seen such a book. And how could a Dunmer know more than a Khajiit where skooma and Khajiit are concerned?"
"Misshapen monsters and diseases called 'blight disease' are spreading from Red Mountain, a volcano where the Devil Dagoth Ur and his ash vampires live. The settled regions are safe enough, but outside the towns and villages travel is becoming dangerous."
"A secret cult called the Sixth House is killing outlanders. No one knows anything about the cult, but outlanders keep dying under suspicious circumstances."
"The Temple is at war with a rebellious faction called the Dissident Priests. Ordinators persecute and imprison the Dissident priests, which has driven them underground."
"There's always trouble between outlanders -- non-Dunmer Imperial colonists -- and the Dunmer natives. Often it just appears to be common theft and crime, but racial and cultural hatreds often lie behind the violence."
"The Great Houses are always fighting each other in the Great House Wars. Rarely do the conflicts break out into open war. Instead the battles go on quietly, behind the scenes."
"Let me tell you about current events. The Great Houses are always fighting each other in the Great House Wars. There's always trouble between outlanders -- non-Dunmer Imperial colonists -- and the Dunmer natives. The Temple is at war with a rebellious faction called the Dissident Priests. A secret cult called the Sixth House is killing Imperial citizens. Misshapen monsters and diseases called 'blight disease' are spreading from Red Mountain, a volcano where the Devil Dagoth Ur and his ash vampires live."
"Cyrodiil is the cradle of Human Imperial high culture on Tamriel. It is the largest region of the continent, and most is endless jungle. The Imperial City is in the heartland, the fertile Nibenay Valley. The densely populated central valley is surrounded by wild rain forests drained by great rivers into the swamps of Argonia and Topal Bay. The land rises gradually to the west and sharply to the north. Between its western coast and its central valley are deciduous forests and mangrove swamps."
"Cyrodiilic brandy, an invigorating and stimulating alcoholic beverage, is imported and expensive in Morrowind, but it is claimed to have none of the unpleasant side effects of other intoxicants. I hear it fortifies Willpower and Endurance. I don't know, myself... I save this for paying customers."
"The Temple regards the Daedra as powerful ancestor spirits, similar to the Tribunal, but weaker and more capricious. Before the Tribunal, the Daedra were worshipped as gods by the Dunmer, but were undeserving of this veneration, since they harmed their followers as often as they helped them. When they became gods, the Tribunal became the Protectors and High Ancestor Spirits of the Dunmer. The good Daedra became loyal friends of the Tribunal, but the bad Daedra remained foul and treacherous."
"The Daedra are our ancestors. Before the Tribunal, we worshipped the Daedra as gods, but they didn't deserve it, since they harmed us as often as they helped us. When they became gods, the Tribunal became our Protectors and High Ancestor Spirits. The good Daedra became loyal friends of the Tribunal, but the bad Daedra remained foul and treacherous."
"The Temple forbids the worship of the four bad Daedra -- Mehrunes Dagon, Malacath, Molag Bal, and Sheogorath. But it's a big island, and there's a lot of wilderness, with lots of old Daedric ruins just waiting for a new group of worshippers. The Ordinators have their hands full with heretics and dissidents at home. They can't go out chasing Daedra lovers."
"Anis Seloth the alchemist probably has some. Her shop is on the north side of town, next to Fara's Hole in the Wall."
"The Mages Guild is permitted to invoke and summon Daedra by Imperial license. This is a source of friction between the Guild and local authorities, and the Guild insists that mages take care to avoid public controversy when using summoning magic."
"Despite the Empire's public policy of religious toleration, Imperial authority permits the Ordinators a free hand in persecution and extermination of Rebel Daedra cults."
"Cult worship of Molag Bal, Malacath, Sheogorath, and Mehrunes Dagon persists in remote regions despite the efforts of the Ordinators, and is particularly strong among Dunmer dedicated to expulsion of the Empire and restoration of an independent Dunmer nation."
"Council and Temple law forbids the worship of the Rebel Daedra Molag Bal, Malacath, Sheogorath, and Mehrunes Dagon in Morrowind."
"Certain Daedric summonings are more often encountered on Vvardenfell. Good Daedra are the Daedra associated with Boethiah, Azura, and Mephala -- the winged twilight and the hunger. Bad Daedra are associated with Mehrunes Dagon, Malacath, Sheogorath, and Molag Bal. Atronachs are unaligned Daedra of the elemental planes. But don't judge a summoning by its patron. The summoner commands a summoning, and, good or bad, nice or nasty, they must do the summoner's bidding."
"All Dagon Fel wants to be is a simple fishing village. But recent activities of Sorkvild the Raven are a cause for concern."
"This was a Nord settlement thousands of years ago, until the Dunmer drove the Nords from Morrowind. Then the Dwemer built a city here; the village built on the ruins of the Dwemer city. Since Morrowind became an Imperial province, Nord fishermen have returned here. Imperial scholars and adventurers also come here to explore the various Dwemer and Daedric ruins of Sheogorad."
"This is Dagon Fel. It's just a tiny fishing village here on the northern coast of Vvardenfell. We're on the large island called Sheogorad in the Azura's Coast region."
"Dagon Fel is a tiny fishing village on the northern coast of Vvardenfell on the large island called Sheogorad in the Azura's Coast region."
"People seem at ease now that Sorkvild the Raven has been done away with."
"It is the Hour of Wakening. He comes forth in his glory, and his people shall rejoice, and his enemies shall scatter like dust."
"Dagoth Ur is the evil immortal enemy of the Tribunal Temple cult. The Temple blames Dagoth Ur and his hosts for all the evils that beset the Dunmer and Morrowind. Dagoth Ur dwells in fiery caverns beneath Red Mountain, served by his kin and legions of monsters."
"Dagoth Ur is the Devil and the Enemy. Dagoth Ur and his beasts and servants are the source of many evils that beset the Dunmer and Morrowind. Dagoth Ur dwells in fiery caverns beneath Red Mountain, served by his kin, called ash vampires, and by legions of deformed monsters."
"Dagoth Ur is the evil immortal enemy of the Tribunal Temple cult. The Temple holds Dagoth Ur and his hosts accountable for all the evils that beset the Dunmer and Morrowind. Dagoth Ur dwells in fiery caverns beneath Red Mountain, served by his kin, called ash vampires, and by legions of deformed monsters."
"You have slain Dagoth Ur and all his kin. But remember, Anon. Once before, Lord Nerevar thought Dagoth Ur and all his kin were dead."
"The Devil Dagoth Ur is dead, and all his kin. And the Blight has gone, too, and the skies are blue over Red Mountain."
"The Dark Brotherhood is a depraved perversion of the ancient law-abiding order of the Morag Tong. They do not advertise their services or their creed, but they are an outlawed secret society of assassins with an evil reputation, and are often associated with Daedra worship. The Morag Tong is the sworn enemy of the Dark Brotherhood."
"The Dark Brotherhood is an ancient secret association of assassins. They do not advertise their services or their creed, but they are an outlawed secret society with an evil reputation, and are often associated with Daedra worship. The Morag Tong claims the Dark Brotherhood is a depraved perversion of their ancient law-abiding order of assassins, and the Morag Tong is the sworn enemy of the Dark Brotherhood."
"The Morag Tong claims the Dark Brotherhood is a depraved perversion of their ancient law-abiding order of assassins, and the Morag Tong is the sworn enemy of the Dark Brotherhood."
"The Dark Brotherhood do not advertise their services or their creed, but they are an outlawed secret society with an evil reputation, and are often associated with Daedra worship."
"The Dark Brotherhood is an ancient secret association of assassins."
"Scum, all of them. If they're after you, friend, you;d better find yourself some help. Or write a will. Or both."
"The destruction discipline is the mastery of the spell effects of the College of Destruction. The destruction spells harm living and undead creatures, and mages specializing in destruction are usually war wizards."
"Dibella, the Goddess of Beauty, is the most popular god of the Nine Divines. In Cyrodiil, she has nearly a dozen different cults, some devoted to women, some to artists and aesthetics, and others to erotic instruction."
"My starkest madness seeming is divinest sense. Come! Grasp the chain, and prove you're sane!"
"I know there's been a lot of talk about it for a long time, but now the Temple Priests and Ordinators are really going after heretics, especially Dissident Priests."
"We are fiercely loyal to the Temple's ancient traditions. But we are troubled that the ultimate source of the Tribunal's divinity might be the same as the source of Dagoth Ur's evil power. Dagoth Ur's power seems to wax as the Tribunal's power wanes. Read 'The Progress of Truth' and other documents of the Apographa in our library, and you'll see why we are uneasy."
"Did you hear they stuck that Dissident Priests guy Malur Omayn in the Ministry of Truth? I guess the Temple Priests and Ordinators figure they can straighten him out in there. I'll bet they can."
"Now that Lord Vivec has proclaimed an end to the persecution of the Dissident priests, perhaps we can hope for reconciliation with the Temple."
"Speak to a wise woman. They know the lore of dreams."
"These dreams are the sendings of the Sharmat Dagoth Ur. They are evil sendings, black lies. Do not listen to these dreams, or they will drive you mad."
"The Devil's evil dreams are gone, Anon. Dagoth Ur is dead. Now my people can dream in peace."
"Divayth Fyr is one of the oldest mortals on Tamriel. He could be the Telvanni Archmagister, but he doesn't care about that stuff. He just wants to collect Dwemer artifacts and Daedric artifacts and corprus victims. He welcomes thieves and adventurers, says they can have anything they can get away with. He must have a right rich booty in there, considering the ones that go in and don't come out."
"Dreugh are ancient sea monsters, half-human, half-octopus in appearance. Dreugh are hunted for their hides, which are used for making armor, and dreugh wax, a tough, waxy substance with modest magical properties, scraped from dreugh shells."
"Dumac was a king among the Dwemer and a friend of the hero Nerevar before the war began. He served with Nerevar on the First Council and died with Nerevar at Red Mountain."
"We are the Dunmer, the dark-skinned, red-eyed Elven people who followed the Prophet Veloth out of the southwest generation upon generation ago, settling here in Morrowind. We are the true Dunmer. We have remained true to the sacred rites and customs of our forefathers. The House People, also called the Settled People, called 'Dark Elves' by the outlanders, are also of the ancient lineage of the Prophet Veloth."
"Dark Elves are the dark-skinned, red-eyed Elven peoples of Morrowind. The 'dark' part may come from their dark grey skin, but it also fits their gloomy dispositions. Folks call them 'Dark Elf' in the West, but they call themselves the 'Dunmer.' They have no sense of humor, and always take themselves very seriously. They look down their noses at all the other races -- particularly the Khajiit and Argonians, which they treat like animals."
"We are the dark-skinned, red-eyed Elven people of Morrowind. The Westerners call us 'Dark Elves' but we prefer to call ourselves 'Dunmer'."
"Dunmer -- literally 'the Dark, or Cursed People,' or 'Dark Elves' -- are the dark-skinned Elven peoples of the East. 'Dark' is variously understood to mean 'dark-skinned,' 'gloomy,' and 'ill-favored by fate.' The Dunmer and their national character embrace these various connotations enthusiastically. In the Empire, 'Dark Elves' is the common usage."
"We Dunmer are the dark-skinned Elven peoples of the Eastern Empire. Dunmer means "dark elf." "Dark" in this sense is variously understood to mean "dark-skinned," "gloomy," and "ill-favored by fate." The Dunmer and our national character embrace these various connotations with enthusiasm. In the Empire, "Dark Elves" is the common usage, but in our Morrowind homeland, and among their Aldmeri brethren, we call ourselves the "Dunmer.""
"The dark-skinned, red-eyed Dunmer combine powerful intellect with strong and agile physiques, producing superior warriors and sorcerers. On the battlefield, we are noted for our skilled and balanced integration of swordsmen, marksmen, and war wizards. In character, we are grim, aloof, and reserved. We wisely distrust and disdain the lesser achievements of the inferior races."
"We Dunmer prize the virtues of duty, gravity, and piety. Duty is to one's own honor, and to one's family and clan. Gravity is the essential seriousness of life. Life is hard, and events must be judged, endured, and reflected upon with due care and earnestness. Piety is respect for the gods, and the virtues they represent. A light, careless life is not worth living. We are proud of being dark-skinned and dark-humored. Our race produces great warriors and wizards in equal proportion."
"You are the Prophesied One. You must save the Dunmer people."
"We are the Dunmer. Once this was the Dunmer's land, and it will be once again."
"Vivec City presents a unique panorama of high Dunmer architectural style. Grand multi-tiered blocks are arranged along canals. High bridges lead across the canals to block-top plazas and markets, while below gondoliers guide flat-bottomed skiffs along the canals. The whole city is overshadowed by the grand monumental architectures of Vivec's Palace and the Archcanon's High Fane."
"Dunmer towns are typically organized around a dominant central feature, either the Temple or the grand manor residences of the Great House nobles. Simple multi-storied public and commercial buildings -- tradehouses, craftguilds, and such -- are usually rectangular in floor plan, built from local materials, featuring organic curves with decorated exteriors. More modest one-story private dwellings follow the same plan, except with less decoration."
"Urban Temple compounds feature high-walled outer courtyards, with smaller shelters and halls clustered around the Temple Shrine itself. Aristocratic residences of the Great Houses are similar to Temple compounds with walled outer courts and outbuildings for craftsmen and servants, dominated by a grand manor residence in place of the Temple Shrine."
"The Dunmer village style is the most familiar style in all districts. Huts are built of local materials, with organic curves and undecorated exteriors inspired by the landscape and the shells of giant native insects. Villages are dominated by Temple compounds and courtyards in traditional villages, but in newer plantations, the manor houses are the central features."
"The Dwemer were ancient enemies of the Dunmer, but they are long dead, destroyed in a holy war by Saint Nerevar and the Tribunal."
"Saint Nerevar and the Tribunal defeated the Dwemer in holy war, and banished them from the face of the world for their blasphemies."
"They call them 'Dwarves' in the West. In their folly and pride, the Dwemer conspired to create a god to serve them and to destroy the Dunmer. But now they are no more."
"Dwemer -- literally, 'the Deep, or Deep-Counseled or Secretive People' -- are the fabled lost Dwarven race whose ruins and splendid artifacts are scattered across Tamriel. Elves use the term 'Dwemer,' connoting variously 'deep-delving,' 'profound,' and 'close-counseled'; Imperial usage is 'Dwarven,' derived in fable from the affectionate regard of the Giant races for their 'little' Dwemer friends."
"Artifacts salvaged from Dwemer ruins are valuable, but protected under Imperial law, and trade in such artifacts is illegal. Most valuable are Dwarven weapons and armor, both for their superb craftsmanship, and for their value to collectors and scholars."
"I heard Ra'Zhid over at FatLeg's Drop Off was looking for a buyer."
"I don't know anything about that."
"Dwemer ruins all over the place up here on the island. Folks come hunting Dwemer artifacts, never mind the Emperor's laws. None of my business."
"Dwemer artifacts taken from Dwemer ruins are very valuable, particularly Dwemer weapons, armor, and other enchanted devices, but they are protected as property of the Emperor by Imperial decree, and trade in such artifacts is illegal."
"The ruins of the lost Dwemer race are found everywhere in Tamriel, but are most common in Morrowind, once the native land of the Dwemer."
"The East Empire Company is a monopolistic mercantile enterprise chartered by the Emperor and managed by a board of directors appointed by the Emperor. The Company has sole authority to trade in certain goods, like flin, raw ebony, raw glass, and Dwemer artifacts, and it also enjoys favorable tariffs and regulations for import and export of other common and exotic goods, like kwama eggs, marshmerrow pulp, saltrice, and Telvanni bug musk."
"Because of its wealth and the favor of the Emperor, the East Empire company wields considerable influence in the Duke's administration."
"Ebonheart is a walled Imperial town in the southern part of the Ascadian Isles region, west of the city of Vivec."
"Ebonheart is the seat of the Imperial government for Vvardenfell district, and a busy center of maritime trade."
"Castle Ebonheart is the home of Duke Vedam Dren, the district's ruler and Emperor's representative."
"The Vvardenfell District Council chambers and the Hawk Moth Legion garrison are located at Castle Ebonheart."
"The officers, docks, and warehouses of the East Empire Company are found in Ebonheart."
"Ebonheart is the seat of the Imperial government for Vvardenfell district, and a busy center of maritime trade. Castle Ebonheart is the home of Duke Vedam Dren, the district's ruler and Emperor's representative. Also located at Castle Ebonheart are the Vvardenfell District Council chambers and the Hawk Moth Legion garrison. The officers, docks, and warehouses of the East Empire Company are also found in Ebonheart."
"Ebonheart is the Imperial headquarters for Vvardenfell district, and a busy seaport. Duke Vedam Dren is the district's ruler and Emperor's representative. The Duke lives in Castle Ebonheart. The District Council chambers and the Hawk Moth Legion garrison are also at Castle Ebonheart. The East Empire Company buildings and docks are outside the castle, facing Vivec to the east."
"Castle Ebonheart is the seat of Imperial authority on Vvardenfell. Here Duke Vedam Dren, Duke of Ebonheart, and the Vvardenfell Grand Council determine law and policy for the Vvardenfell administrative district. The Imperial cult shrine here serves the Duke, his retainers, and the castle's garrisons, and is also an administrative center for the Imperial cult presence on Vvardenfell. A unit of the Imperial Guard protects the Duke, and the Hawkmoth Legion is also garrisoned within the walls of the castle."
"Because the East Empire Company is chartered directly by the Emperor, its offices, warehouses, and docks are adjacent to the castle, and its security is assured by the Imperial garrisons. The provinces of Skyrim and Black Marsh maintain diplomatic missions within the walls of Castle Ebonheart to insure that their political interests are respected by the laws and policies of the Duke and Grand Council."
"Kwama eggs are a principal agricultural commodity of Vvardenfell District. Kwama live and breed in large communal subterranean colonies. Miners protect kwama eggs from poachers, predators, and raiding kwama foragers from other colonies, and harvest judiciously, preserving sufficient eggs to sustain colony growth. Consumed locally or exported by ship to the rest of the Empire, kwama eggs are eaten boiled, roasted, or raw, and remain fresh for weeks."
"The Khajiit of the southern Elsweyr jungles and river basins are settled city dwellers with ancient mercantile traditions and a stable agrarian aristocracy based on sugarcane and saltrice plantations. The nomadic tribal Khajiit of the dry northern wastes and grasslands are, by contrast, aggressive and territorial tribal raiders periodically united under tribal warlords. While the settled south has been quick to adopt Imperial ways, the northern nomadic tribes cling to their warlike barbarian traditions."
"Their armies are great, and so is their lust for fortune."
"Who can oppose the law and taxes of the Emperor? His hand lies heavy on our ancient land."
"Give to the Emperor only your coin, and honor only the law which is just."
"Heed the Emperor's law and might, but dedicate your body and soul to the sacred soil of Morrowind, and to the Temple which schools, nourishes, and protects its people."
"The Empire is the greatest achievement of Tamrielic civilization. This melting pot of contrasting cultures is held together by a strong hereditary emperor and bureaucracy, by the rule of law, by a powerful professional army, and by religious tolerance. Education and wealth is broadly distributed through all social classes where Imperial culture has flourished; many citizens are literate and protected under Imperial law."
"The enchant discipline concerns imbuing physical items with magical properties called enchantments. The simplest enchantment are magical scrolls with a single enchantment that are destroyed with one use. The most complex enchantments are enchanted artifacts, objects with one or more magical effects powered by built-in soul gems. Skilled enchanters also use enchanted items more efficiently, with less waste of the magicka trapped in the soul gems."
"Enchanters create enchanted items for themselves and for unskilled spellcasters. A magic scroll is the simplest enchanted item; anyone can use it to cast a single spell with 100% reliability, but the scroll is destroyed in the process. Enchanters also place permanent enchantments on weapons, armor, clothing, and ornaments. These items cast spells reliably, powered by built-in soul gems. A soul gem's power limits the number of an item's uses, but the gems renew their expended power over time."
"Enchanters place permanent enchantments on weapons, armor, clothing, and ornaments. These items cast spells reliably, powered by built-in soul gems."
"A soul gem's power limits the number of an item's uses, but the gems renew their expended power over time."
"You can enchant items yourself, using your own skill, or go to an enchanter, who uses his skill to make the item -- and charges handsomely for the service."
"To enchant an item, you must have the item to be enchanted and a soul gem containing a soul."
"To have an enchanter enchant an item for you, bring it to the enchanter, along with a soul gem to power the item."
"To enchant an item yourself, use a soul gem with sufficient power to support the enchantments you want to add. And have some skill in enchanting, or you will just fail and waste your soul gem."
"When enchanting an item yourself, you can only enchant items with spell effects you know, and success or failure in enchanting an item depends on your enchanting skill."
"Different items have different capacities for enchantments, and various soul gems are more or less powerful."
"Enchanting items is expensive, and failure destroys the item, so enchanting items is most profitable for skilled enchanters."
"Temple enchanters favor healing and protection spells. Redoran enchanters favor wounding missile loads and shield spells. Hlaalu like weapon enchantments and various spell rings. Imperials use a wide array of weapon and ring damage enchantments. But the masters of enchantment are the Telvanni. They use all effects, often several combined on one item, but they especially like items that summon creatures or magical weapons and armor."
"The Ashlander Erabenimsun tribe has a permanent settlement at Erabenimsun camp, an isolated hut settlement in the middle of the desolate Molag Amur region."
"The Erabenimsun are the Ashlanders of Molag Amur, a barren wasteland of rock, lava, and smoke southeast of Red Mountain. Erabenimsun camp is inland, halfway between the coast and Red Mountain. Here. Let me mark it on your map. The nearest settlement is the stronghold oasis of Molag Maar, on the southeast coast of Vvardenfell. You can get a ship from Vivec to Molag Maar, or silt strider from Suran to Molag Maar. From Molag Maar, head north cross-country -- very nasty country -- to Erabenimsun camp."
"Erabenimsun camp lies north as the racer flies, between Mt. Kand and Mt. Assarnibibi and beyond. The camp itself lies north-northwest of Mt. Assarnibibi. There is no track, and the going is difficult. You'll need to turn and backtrack to avoid obstacles like lava lakes. The camp itself is a group of five or six yurts."
"The camp itself lies north-northwest of Mt. Assarnibibi in the wastelands of Molag Amur. There are no tracks, few landmarks, and the going is difficult. Even we Ashlanders get lost in Molag Amur. You can't go straight; lava lakes, ridges, and ravines block all routes. An outlander like you? Walk north like a pilgrim from Molag Mar, find the shrine at Mount Assarnibibi, then from there search north for the camp."
"Find Tel Fyr, the tower of Divayth Fyr, on the southern coast of Zafirbel Bay. Tel Fyr is due south from Tel Aruhn, across the bay. Then follow the mainland coastline south until you pass a one-yurt outcast camp. Look southwest for a valley heading west, inland. Follow the valley west, turning south with it, until you see the camp in a small hollow surrounded by hills."
"This is Erabenimsun camp."
"Perhaps you mean the Needle? It is a tall rock column in the Valley of the Wind. I have slept beneath it once or twice. The Valley of the Wind is a valley on the northeast slopes of Red Mountain. The entrance to the valley is marked by Airan's Teeth, two tall rock spires."
"This token of our tribe, Malipu-Ataman's Belt, is proof of Sul-Matuul's blessing. Let me think.... Perhaps you mean the Needle? It is a tall rock column in the Valley of the Wind. I have slept beneath it once or twice. The Valley of the Wind is a valley on the northeast slopes of Red Mountain. The entrance to the valley is marked by Airan's Teeth, two tall rock spires."
"Observers of Vvardenfell's politics have identified eleven main factions, some aligned with Imperial interests, some aligned with native Dunmer interests. The primary Imperial factions are the Imperial cult, the Imperial legions, and the Fighters, Mages, and Thieves Guilds. The primary native Dunmer factions are the three Great Houses, Redoran, Hlaalu, and Telvanni, the Temple, and the Morag Tong. The Ashlander barbarians are native Dunmer, but are opposed to both the Empire and the settled Dunmer."
"The Ashlander barbarians are native Dunmer, but are opposed to both the Empire and the settled Dunmer."
"The primary native Dunmer factions are the three Great Houses, Redoran, Hlaalu, and Telvanni, the Temple, and the Morag Tong."
"The primary Imperial factions are the Imperial cult, the Imperial legions, and the Fighters, Mages, and Thieves Guilds."
"Observers of Vvardenfell's politics recognize eleven main factions, some aligned with Imperial interests, some aligned with native Dunmer interests."
"Thank the gods for Farvyn Oreyn. Long will we tell of his heroic conquests. He arrived here only a day ago with his servants to help rid of us some marauding netches. Even now, he has gone to the south of town, making the area safe once again for our fishermen."
"Oh, wondrous is Farvyn Oreyen, the powerful battlemage! He single-handedly slew a Daedroth Lord who wished to enslave us all. Even now, he has traveled with his servants to Gnaar Mok, to rid that poor town of some evil presence."
"Fenas Madach is a local-born Breton and the owner and proprietor of the Madach Tradehouse in Gnisis."
"The nine disciplines traditionally associated with the Fighters Guild are: block, armorer, medium armor, heavy armor, blunt weapon, long blade, axe, spear, and athletics."
"The Fighters Guild is a professional organization chartered by the Emperor to regulate the hiring and training of mercenaries."
"Training, goods, and services are cheaper for Fighters Guild members, and the Guild Stewards know where to find work."
"You'll find Fighters Guild chapters in Balmora, Ald'ruhn, Wolverine Hall in Sadrith Mora, and the Foreign Quarter in Vivec."
"The Fighters Guild is a professional organization chartered by the Emperor to regulate the hiring and training of mercenaries. Training, goods, and services are cheaper for members, and the Guild Stewards know where to find work. Look for chapters in Balmora, Ald'ruhn, Wolverine Hall in Sadrith Mora, and the Foreign Quarter in Vivec."
"The Fighters Guild in Balmora is on Trade Street, west of the river, on the right as you head north of the plaza near the south gate and the silt strider port. Eydis Fire-Eye is the steward. Look for her if you're thinking of joining the Fighters Guild."
"Yes. This is the Fighters Guild. Eydis Fire-Eye is the steward. Talk to her if you're thinking of joining the Fighters Guild."
"The punishment for criminals in Morrowind is typically fines. Fines are collected by the state, and compensation is paid to the injured party or his kin."
"Fines may sound like a sweet deal -- kill an enemy, then pay the fine -- but folks who have enough money to pay such fines are almost always House lords, and House Wars customs means the Great House of the victim usually buys a writ with the Morag Tong to assassinate the murderer. So murderers pay, and THEN they get killed, too."
"The punishment for criminals in Morrowind is typically fines and compensation. The fines are collected by the state; the compensation goes to the injured party or his kin. That may sound like a sweet deal -- kill an enemy, then pay the fine -- but folks who have enough money to pay such fines are almost always House lords, and House Wars customs means the Great House of the victim usually buys a writ with the Morag Tong to assassinate the murderer. So murderers pay, and THEN they get killed, too."
"That's how we punish crimes in Morrowind. We collect fines, and compensation is paid to the injured party or his kin. Don't pay the fine? Then do hard labor."
"Imported Cyrodiilic whiskey is called flin. This stimulating beverage is imported and expensive, but has none of the unpleasant side effects of other intoxicating beverages. A sharp boost in strength and willpower is what most people experience."
"We've got local fare. It's filling, and priced to move. We've got the local brews, greef, shein, mazte and sujamma. They're cheap, and full of kick. I've got the good stuff, too, behind the counter -- Cyrodiilic brandy and flin -- but it ain't cheap. We don't carry skooma, and we don't like it used here. And we don't like Telvanni bug musk, either -- it clouds the mind and makes fools more foolish."
"The staple is the saltrice grain, usually eaten as a cooked porridge mixed with scuttle (a cheese-like food from giant domesticated beetles). Hackle-lo (a hardy succulent edible leafy green) is a reliable year-round vegetable, eaten cooked or raw, and bittergreen (a fast-growing slime triggered by rain) is safe and nourishing when boiled, though highly toxic if eaten raw."
"The most popular sources of protein are kwama eggs and the meat of the domesticated guar. The most popular beverages are mazte (a local beer brewed from fermented saltrice) and sujamma (a potent, bitter liquor)."
"The staple is the saltrice grain, usually eaten as a cooked porridge mixed with scuttle (a cheese-like food from giant domesticated beetles)."
"Hackle-lo (a hardy succulent edible leafy green) is a reliable year-round vegetable, eaten cooked or raw."
"Bittergreen (a fast-growing slime triggered by rain) is safe and nourishing when boiled, though highly toxic if eaten raw."
"The most popular sources of protein are kwama eggs and the meat of the domesticated guar."
"The most popular beverages are mazte (a local beer brewed from fermented saltrice) and sujamma (a potent, bitter liquor)."
"The Foreign Quarter is the large three-tiered canton to the north. Originally, foreigners were not allowed to enter Vivec any further than the Foreign Quarter, but now outlanders can travel throughout Vivec at will. The Imperial Guilds each have guildhalls and complete services here, and an Imperial cult shrine serves the spiritual needs of the Imperial faithful. Various independent tradesmen, craftsmen, and trainers also rent space here. The Black Shalk Cornerclub rents beds to non-guild visitors."
"Most native Dunmer don't like foreigners. The Dunmer are a proud people, and they look down on other races and cultures. They particularly dislike outland Dunmer -- Dark Elves born and raised to Imperial ways, who don't know what it is to be a Dunmer born-and-bred. Foreigners can be accepted in Morrowind, even adopted into the Great Houses. There's even a Nord on the House Hlaalu Council. But it isn't easy. It takes time and effort to win a native's trust."
"We don't like foreigners much in Morrowind. This is our country, and we don't like foreigners who come in and steal our land and our treasures and tell us what to do and how to live."
"We don't like foreigners much in Morrowind. We Dunmer are a proud people, and we have good reasons to dislike other races. And, for that matter, we don't much like outland Dunmer -- Dark Elves born and raised to Imperial ways, who don't know what it is to be a Dunmer born-and-bred. Some of us get used to foreigners. We even like some, and adopt some into our Great Houses. But it isn't easy. It takes time and effort to win a native's trust."
"Fort Moonmoth is the Imperial Legions garrison southeast of Balmora, just outside of town. General Larrius Varro is the commandant, and Radd Hard-Heart is the Chapter Steward. The Chapter Steward is the fellow to talk to if you were thinking of enlisting. Crulius Pontanian, an enchanter, is the Imperial agent. Between the Imperial Legions and Imperial cult staff, they have about a dozen service providers out there."
"Fortify potions temporarily increase attributes and abilities. Fortify potions include: fortify strength, fortify intelligence, fortify willpower, fortify agility, fortify speed, fortify personality, fortify luck, fortify health, fortify spell points, fortify fatigue, and fortify endurance."
"We have garrisons at Fort Pelagiad in Pelagiad, Fort Hawkmoth in Ebonheart, Fort Moonmoth outside Balmora, Fort Buckmoth outside Ald'ruhn, and Fort Darius in Gnisis."
"Fortune is the corrupt spirit of commerce, profit, and usury. It is worshipped under the name of Zenithar in the Empire."
"In many lands the spirit of Fortune is worshipped under no name at all, save in its mortal incarnation, the Almighty Coin."
"Worshippers of Fortune scorn the Temple Law of Fair Price and Fair Labor, and assert that Might makes Right in measuring price and labor."
"Extracting profit from trade and interest steals wealth from the deserving and puts it in the hands of thieves and extortionists."
"'Foyada' means 'fire-river' in the native Ashlander language. The deep, ash-dark ravines which run down from the Red Mountain volcano are called foyada. The lava from Red Mountain is very fluid, and it runs almost like water, and during an eruption, fire-rivers run down the mountain, clearing the ravines of vegetation. Because they have good footing, are clear of brush, and run long distances, we use them like roads when traveling overland."
"Foyada Mamaea is a volcanic ravine that runs from the top of Red Mountain southwest to its end just below Balmora. An old Dwemer bridge crosses the foyada near Fort Moonmoth. The best route to Ghostgate is to follow Foyada Mamaea up from where the Pelagiad-Balmora road crosses the foyada southeast of Fort Moonmoth."
"He's in charge of the garrison here in Ebonheart. You can find him in the Hawkmoth Legion Garrison."
"Hmmm. Try the Imperial Guard Garrison in the Castle. They may know something."
"Always had a chip on his shoulder. No one's seen or heard of him since he was banished. He had used the southwest room here."
"I have heard of it, but do not know where to find a copy. Try looking in Vivec."
"It was inevitable. The local criminal organization, the Camonna Tong, wasn't going to stand by and let the Thieves Guild set up shop in their territory. It'll be bloody. And the Thieves Guild doesn't stand a chance."
"Unless you are a Telvanni retainer or kin, you're not supposed to sleep anywhere in Sadrith Mora except the Gateway, the official Telvanni hostel for outsider visitors. In theory, you're not supposed to walk around in Sadrith Mora unless you are Telvanni retainer or kin, unless you have the necessary Hospitality papers from the Prefect of Hospitality, Angaredhel the Dunmer, at the Gateway. In practice, stay out of trouble, and you can go where you want and do what you want."
"The Gateway is the official Telvanni hostel for outsiders visiting Sadrith Mora. Unless you are a Telvanni retainer or kin, you may not sleep anywhere else in Sadrith Mora. Unless you are a Telvanni retainer or kin, no one is permitted to walk abroad in Sadrith Mora without Hospitality papers from the Prefect of Hospitality, Angaredhel the Dunmer, at the Gateway."
"You've heard about it? I saw it myself. Open the South Turret bed chamber door and there it is. Another fellow went in an attacked it. He wasn't badly hurt, and it wasn't hard to drive it away. But a couple hours later, someone else went up there and it was back. And it KEEPS coming back, no matter what you do. Neloth's Mouth, Arara Uvulas the mage, looked at it, but he doesn't know what's happening. The Gateway can't rent the room, and Angaredhel is very upset."
"By the way, we heard how you handled that business with Uleni Heleran and the Gateway haunting. We all like Uleni very much, and we're glad you kept her name out if it when you spoke with Angaredhel."
"Angaredhel mentioned your handling of the Gateway haunting affair. It was quite an embarrassment for our house, and we are grateful."
"Vvardenfell has nine regions, each with their own plants and terrain. They're called: the Ascadian Isles, the Ashlands, Azura's Coast, the Bitter Coast, the Grazelands, Molag Amur, Red Mountain, West Gash, and Sheogorad."
"Vvardenfell has nine basic geographic regions, each with their own distinctive plants and terrain features. Scholars have based their classifications on the different types of land described by the native Ashlanders, so the designations are recognized by most local traders, travelers, and adventurers. These geographic regions are called: the Ascadian Isles, the Ashlands, Azura's Coast, the Bitter Coast, the Grazelands, Molag Amur, Red Mountain, West Gash, and Sheogorad."
"The island of Vvardenfell, in north-central Morrowind, is known for the giant volcano Red Mountain and its ash wastes. Most of the Vvardenfell's population is squeezed into the green southwest coast."
"Morrowind is the northeastmost province of the Tamrielic Empire, bounded on the north and east by the Sea of Ghosts, on the west by Skyrim, on the southwest by Cyrodiil (also known as the Imperial Province), and on the south by Black Marsh (also known as Argonia). The southeast is a warm coastal plain with broad cultivated areas and marshes and swamps similar to those found in Black Marsh. The west and south-central region is mountainous and sparsely populated."
"The rocky, rugged archipelago of the northeast is also sparsely populated. Most of the population is gathered in the high uplands and fertile river valleys of central Morrowind, especially around the Inland Sea. The island of Vvardenfel is dominated by the titanic volcano Red Mountain and its associated ash wastelands; most of the island's population is confined to the relatively hospitable west and southwest coast."
"Morrowind is the northeastmost province of the Tamrielic Empire, bounded on the north and east by the ocean, on the west by Skyrim, on the southwest by Cyrodiil (also known as the Imperial Province), and on the south by Black Marsh (also known as Argonia). Vvardenfell District consists of the island of Vvardenfell, surrounded by the Inland Sea, and dominated by the titanic volcano Red Mountain and its associated ash wastelands."
"Only recently open to settlement and trade, most of the island's population is confined to the relatively hospitable west and southwest coast, centered around the ancient city of Vivec and the old Great House district centers at Balmora, Ald'ruhn, and Sadrith Mora. The rest of the island is covered by hostile desert wastes, arid grasslands, and volcanic badlands, and thinly populated by the nomadic Ashlander tribes."
"Get diseases cured at the Temple or Imperial cult, or a healer or apothecary or enchanter. Or get a spell and cure yourself."
"The Temple and Imperial cult have shrines and altars. Pay for a blessing, and get cured. Ranking members get cured free; others must pay."
"Buy cure potions from healers, apothecaries, alchemists, or traders. Enchanters sell cure scrolls. Best way, of course, is learn the spell and cure yourself, so you have an endless, portable, cheap source of cures."
"Common disease and blight disease are different, and need different spells and potions for cures. And no one can cure corprus disease, I'm afraid. And I've heard that vampirism is a disease, but I've never heard of a vampirism cure."
"The Ghostfence is a magic wall created by the Tribunal to imprison the devil Dagoth Ur and his evil servants within the crater of Red Mountain."
"Nothing can pass through the Ghostfence except at Ghostgate. Ghostgate is guarded by Ordinators and Buoyant Armigers at the Tower of Dawn and the Tower of Dusk."
"The Ghostfence is a magic wall running completely around Red Mountain. The barrier keeps blight storms and blight monsters from spreading across Vvardenfell."
"The Ghostfence was created and is sustained by the divine powers of Vivec and the Tribunal."
"In the past, the Ghostfence was completely effective, but now we hear reports of encounters with blighted monsters outside the fence."
"The chiefs of the settled people -- Vivec, Almalexia, and Sotha Sil -- are false gods, but they must be mighty sorcerers to create and feed the powerful magic of the Ghostfence."
"The Ghostfence is a magic wall around Red Mountain. The settled people created this barrier to keep the Devil Dagoth Ur and his beasts and servants trapped in Red Mountain."
"Now we don't need this magic wall, since you have killed Dagoth Ur."
"Thanks to you, Nerevarine, Dagoth Ur is dead, and we don't need the Ghostfence."
"Dagoth Ur is dead, Nerevarine. We don't need the Ghostfence. But its bare pylons will remain as a tribute to Almsivi, to all the Ordinators and Buoyant Armigers who died, to the victims of the Sixth House, and to you, Nerevar-Born-Again."
"Ghostgate is the stronghold on the south slope of Red Mountain that guards the only passage through the Ghostfence and into the blighted region of Red Mountain."
"Ghostgate is the gate citadel of the Ghostfence Ordinator and Buoyant Armiger garrisons. Ghostgate sits astride the only gap through which the monstrous hosts of Dagoth Ur might emerge from Red Mountain to threaten the rest of Morrowind. The Ghostfence itself is a colossal magical artifact that completely encircles Red Mountain and prevents the Blight from spilling its corruption across the rest of Vvardenfell."
"Ghostgate is a stronghold that guards the only passage through the Ghostfence and into the blighted region of Red Mountain."
"Ghostgate is garrisoned by the Ordinators and the Buoyant Armigers, and House Redoran maintains a hostel for pilgrims."
"For centuries Ordinators and Buoyant Armigers led by the Tribunal would passed through Ghostgate on annual raids against Dagoth Ur's ash vampire kin, but these raids were suspended because of heavy losses to the Temple forces."
"Ghostgate is a great warrior's fort of the settled people. It blocks the only hole in the magic wall that keeps Dagoth Ur and his evil trapped inside. These warriors serve false gods, but they are brave fighters."
"Now that Dagoth Ur is dead, and the Blight ended, I wonder if they'll maintain a garrison at Ghostgate. Or will it become a deserted ruin, like the old Dunmer strongholds. Only time will tell, Moon-and-Star."
"Ghostgate was built as the gate citadel of the Ghostfence Ordinator and Buoyant Armiger garrisons. Now, since you've slain Dagoth Ur and banished the Blight, perhaps they should maintain the garrisons as a tribute to Almsivi and you, and all those who died to save Morrowind."
"I hope they maintain Ghostgate as a stronghold for the Ordinators and the Buoyant Armigers, and as a hostel for pilgrims. You know, Nerevarine, in years to come, they will make pilgrimages here, and to Red Mountain. We won't forget what you've done."
"Ghostgate is a great warrior's fort of the settled people. But you killed the Devil, Nerevarine. Maybe they will abandon the fort, like all the ancient strongholds."
"Gnaar Mok is a tiny island fishing village in the Bitter Coast region of western Vvardenfell."
"Everyone's worried about those two breeding netch that have been attacking."
"Thankfully those breeding netch have been taken care of. Everyone seems a bit better now."
"Gnisis is a small mining and trade village on the silt strider caravan route between the northwest West Gash and Ald'ruhn."
"Gnisis is a small agricultural village on the Ouada Samsi, with a prosperous little eggmine. We sit on the caravan route to Ald'ruhn, with silt strider service, and traders come through here often. Like any small outland caravan village, it has a market, the Gnisis Temple, and a tradehouse -- the Madach Tradehouse. Unlike most outland villages, there's a Deathshead Legion garrison in Gnisis, and pilgrims come to see the Mask of Vivec at the Gnisis Temple."
"Gnisis Temple is the only shrine in Gnisis. Pilgrims visit the Temple to pray before the Mask of Vivec, a holy relic. The Temple maintains a hostel for pilgrims and travelers, and provides the other services common at any small shrine."
"Boethiah, Mephala, and Azura are loyal friends of the Tribunal. These Daedra are the Good Daedra, which we also call the Anticipations."
"The Temple says that Boethiah, Mephala, and Azura, the Anticipations, also called the Good Daedra, are loyal friends of the Tribunal. Malacath, Mehrunes Dagon, Molag Bal, and Sheogorath, the Four Corners of the House of Trouble, also called the Bad Daedra, are inconstant, rebellious, and unreliable, and ever eager to seduce the faithful into sin and profane worship. The loyal Three Good Daedra, knowing the tricks of their rebellious kin, help the Tribunal frustrate the devious schemes of the Bad Daedra."
"The regular rain and dark soils of the Grazelands make the rich green grass that feeds the Ashlander herds."
"The Grazelands region lies in the northeast of Vvardenfell, sandwiched between the Ashlands and Azura's Coast."
"Permanent settlements in the Grazelands include Vos village and the towers of Tel Vos and Tel Fyr."
"The Ashlanders of Zainab camp move their herds across the Grazelands in search of fresh fodder."
"There are no roads or tracks in the Grazelands, but travel is easy across the rolling plains."
"The regular rain and dark soils of the Grazelands produce the rich grazing for Ashlander herds that gives the region its name. The region lies in the northeast of Vvardenfell, sandwiched between the Ashlands and Azura's Coast. Permanent settlements include Vos village and the towers of Tel Vos and Tel Fyr. The Ashlanders of Zainab camp move their herds across the plains in search of fresh grazing. There are no roads or tracks, but travel is easy across the open plains."
"Morrowind is dominated by five noble Great Houses. Three have holdings on Vvardenfell: House Redoran, House Hlaalu, and House Telvanni."
"Of the three Great Houses that rule Vvardenfell, House Redoran is the aristocratic house of noble warriors, and strong supporters of the Temple."
"House Hlaalu, the Great House that strongly supports the Empire, is ruled by traders and merchant princes."
"House Telvanni is an independent association of wizard-lords, equally hostile to the Empire, the Temple, and the other Great Houses of Morrowind."
"House Indoril and House Dres are also Great Houses of Morrowind, but they have no holdings on Vvardenfell."
"In modern times Morrowind is ruled by five Great Houses: House Hlaalu, House Redoran, House Telvanni, House Indoril, and House Dres. Three Great Houses, Redoran, Hlaalu, and Telvanni, have territorial interests on Vvardenfell; the other two, Dres and Indoril, are not represented on Vvardenfell."
"Vvardenfell's three Great Houses identify themselves by their traditional colors: red for Redoran, yellow for Hlaalu, and brown for Telvanni. For example, House Hlaalu members are called 'Yellows'."
"Great Houses derive from ancient Dunmer clan and tribes, but now function as political parties."
"Dunmer membership in a Great House is a matter of birth and marriage, but Imperial colonists may become retainers of a Great House, or may be adopted into a Great House."
"In modern times Morrowind is ruled by five Great Houses: House Hlaalu, House Redoran, House Telvanni, House Indoril, and House Dres. Three of these Great Houses have territorial interests on Vvardenfell; the other two, Dres and Indoril, are not represented on Vvardenfell. The three Great Houses on Vvardenfell identify themselves by their traditional colors: red for Redoran, yellow for Hlaalu, and brown for Telvanni. Thus, members of House Hlaalu may be referred to collectively as Yellows."
"The Great Houses traditions derive from ancient Dunmer clan and tribes, but now function as political parties. Dunmer Great House membership is largely a matter of birth and marriage, but Imperial colonists may also become retainers of a Great House, or may be adopted into a Great House."
"Three Great Houses rule Vvardenfell. House Redoran are noble warriors, and strong supporters of the Temple. House Hlaalu are traders and merchant princes, and strong supporters of the Empire. House Telvanni are independent wizard-lords, hostile to the Empire, the Temple, and the other Great Houses."
"The Red Party of Redoran preserves the ancient martial traditions of our ancestors, and deserves our thankful respect."
"The Brown Party of Telvanni honors great traditions of arcane mastery of our race, and deserve our respect, but they are careless in observance of Temple teaching, and scornful of discipline, doctrine, and obedience."
"The Yellow Party of Hlaalu honors and serves Fortune, Trade, and the Empire, and through such distractions they stray away from the narrow paths of duty, gravity, and piety."
"The greater saints of the Temple, listed with their proper spheres, are: Blessed Almalexia the Warden -- Healers, Teachers, Lord Sotha Sil the Magus -- Artificers, Wizards, Lord Vivec the Poet -- Artists, Rogues, Saint Nerevar the Captain -- Warriors, Statesmen, and Saint Veloth the Pilgrim -- Outcasts, Seekers."
"The native comberry brandy is locally called greef. Greef is a strong stimulant, but like all intoxicants, it tends to impair physical coordination. That is, it makes you feel real strong, but makes you clumsy."
"Velfred never docks in Hla Oad, but he sells goods here from time to time. He must have another dock near here."
"Right. That's Velfred's ship. It never comes into Hla Oad, but sometimes docks near here. Follow the coast southwest to get to Hla Oad's less public docks."
"Guards keep the peace and chase down criminals. Each district has its own guards. Legion troopers in Imperial districts, Ordinators in Temple districts, Redoran, Hlaalu, and Telvanni guards in their own Great House districts. Guards collect fines and compensation, or drag you off to prison if you can't pay."
"In the West they speak of three guilds of mercenaries and adventurers: the Fighters Guild, the Mages Guild, and the Thieves Guild. Each of these guilds by tradition acknowledge nine different disciplines as their proper areas of study and mastery. Thus it is common to speak of the nine fighter disciplines, the nine mage disciplines, and the nine stealth disciplines."
"A guild guide is a spellcaster of the Mages Guild who provides magical transport for a small fee. You can only travel from one Mages Guild to another, but it is the fastest way to travel between Vivec, Balmora, Ald'ruhn, Caldera, and Sadrith Mora."
"A guild guide is a spellcaster of the Mages Guild who provides magical transport for a small fee. You can only travel from one Mages Guild to another, but it is the fastest way to travel between Vivec, Balmora, Ald'ruhn, Caldera, and Sadrith Mora. Erranil is the guild guide at the Ald'ruhn Mages Guild. For a small fee, she can teleport you directly to the Mages Guild at either Vivec, Balmora, Caldera, or Sadrith Mora."
"A guild guide is a spellcaster of the Mages Guild who provides magical transport for a small fee. You can only travel from one Mages Guild to another, but it is the fastest way to travel between Vivec, Balmora, Ald'ruhn, Caldera, and Sadrith Mora. Masalinie Merian is the guild guide at the Balmora Mages Guild. For a small fee, she can teleport you directly to the Mages Guild at either Vivec, Ald'ruhn, Caldera, or Sadrith Mora."
"A guild guide is a spellcaster of the Mages Guild who provides magical transport for a small fee. You can only travel from one Mages Guild to another, but it is the fastest way to travel between Vivec, Balmora, Ald'ruhn, Caldera, and Sadrith Mora. Flacassia Fauseius is the guild guide at the Vivec Mages Guild in the Foreign Quarter. For a small fee, she can teleport you directly to the Mages Guild at either Balmora, Ald'ruhn, Caldera, or Sadrith Mora."
"A guild guide is a spellcaster of the Mages Guild who provides magical transport for a small fee. You can only travel from one Mages Guild to another, but it is the fastest way to travel between Vivec, Balmora, Ald'ruhn, Caldera, and Sadrith Mora. Iniel is the guild guide at the Sadrith Mora Mages Guild at Wolverine Hall. For a small fee, she can teleport you directly to the Mages Guild at either Balmora, Ald'ruhn, Caldera, or Vivec."
"The Hall of Wisdom and Hall of Justice contain the executive, administrative, judicial, and martial operations of the Tribunal Temple."
"The Hall of Justice houses the four orders of the Temple Ordinators: the Order of the Watch, the Order of War, the Order of Doctrine and Ordination, and the Order of the Inquisition."
"Grandmaster Berel Sala, chief Ordinator on Vvardenfell, has his offices there."
"That's where you are."
"The Hall of Wisdom houses scholars, monks, and priests who study and shape the doctrines of the Temple. The Hall of Wisdom is in the Temple Canton of Vivec."
"The Hall of Wisdom and Hall of Justice contain the executive, administrative, judicial, and martial operations of the Tribunal Temple. They're in the Temple Canton of Vivec."
"That might be any Dunmer ancestral tomb. The ancient Dunmer word for ancestral tomb is 'cardruhn'. 'Ruhn' translates as 'home' or 'hearth-hall'. 'Card' means 'undeparted kin-wardens'. The sense is very close to your phrase 'Halls of the Dead'."
"I don't know. Such might refer to any ruin or tomb. Perhaps you should consult with a Dunmer savant. Such learned men are better suited to puzzle out the riddle words of vision and prophecy."
"Hammerfell is primarily an urban and maritime province, with most of its population confined to the great port and trade cities. The interior is sparsely populated with small poor farms and beastherds. The Redguard love of travel, adventure, and the high seas has dispersed them as sailors, mercenaries, and adventurers in ports of call throughout the Empire."
"The hand-to-hand discipline is the martial art of unarmed combat. Inspired by the mystical martial arts disciplines of the Khajiit, this unarmed combat style has been adopted in the West by agents and thieves whose scruples forbid them to seriously injure or kill their opponents. Unlike weapon attacks, which only injure and kill, defeating an opponent in hand-to-hand combat renders him unconsciousness and helpless. However, once a target is unconscious, hand-to-hand attacks cause wounds and death."
"The heavy armor discipline is the study and mastery of iron, steel, silver, ebony, and Daedric armor styles. To use any style of armor effectively, the wearer must be trained, conditioned, and skilled in its use."
"The Velothi Dunmer Hetman Abelmawia is the village hetman, and village steward for Hlaren Ramoran, Redoran Master, Councilor, Lord of Gnisis."
"The High Fane is the largest Tribunal temple on Vvardenfell. Archcanon Saryoni presides over the temple, along with a large staff of priests, healers, and monks. Pilgrims travel from all over Morrowind to view the High Fane and the Ministry of Truth, and to offer prayer and thanks before the Palace of Vivec."
"High Rock encompasses the many lands and clans of Greater Betony, the Dellese Isles, the Bjoulsae River tribes, and, by tradition, the Western Reach. The rugged highland strongholds and isolated valley settlements have encouraged the fierce independence of the various local Breton clans, and this contentious tribal nature has never been completely integrated into a provincial or Imperial identity. Nonetheless, their language, bardic traditions, and heroic legends are a unifying common legacy."
"Hla Oad is a tiny isolated fishing village on western Vvardenfell in the Bitter Coast region. A rough track along the River Odai connects Hla Oad with Balmora. There's also silt strider service from Vivec."
"This is just a little fishing village on the Bitter Coast. A rough track along the River Odai connects Hla Oad with the town of Balmora across the hills to the northeast. And you can get a ship to Gnaar Mok or Ebonheart. Otherwise, it's a very long and unpleasant walk along the coast south to Seyda Neen, or a much longer and more unpleasant walk north to nowhere."
"Hlaalu Compound is the westmost canton. Councilor Crassius Curio has a splendid tier-top mansion here. The tiers below contain Hlaalu treasuries, records, holding cells, and various services. There are two public houses: the Elven Nations and the No Name Club. A variety of craftsmen and tradesmen also have shops at Hlaalu Compound. Some House Hlaalu nobles maintain residences in the less-formal St. Delyn and St. Olms cantons. Councilor Velanda Omani's manor is east of the city on Elmas Island."
"A Hortator is a champion who leads by inspiration. He challenges opposing heroes in single combat. He goes on long, desperate quests. He goes alone into the citadels of the enemy. He confronts the dangers no one else in the House is strong enough... or courageous enough... to face."
"Hortator is more a chief hero than a general. The councils plan and approve strategy. It's a terrible system. The Legions aren't like that. The generals ignore the politicians. And win the wars. But a Hortator leads by doing. The champion who wins every battle and inspires by example. The hero who challenges and defeats the opposing hero in single combat. Doesn't have to be polite or smart. Or even a nice person. Just has to win. And make others want to win."
"A Hortator is a champion who leads by inspiration. He challenges opposing heroes in single combat. He goes on long, desperate quests. He goes alone into the citadels of the enemy. He confronts the dangers no one else in the House is strong enough... or courageous enough... to face."
"Of the five Dunmer Great Houses, House Dres is one of two houses without holdings or interest in Vvardenfell."
"Dres District is in the south of Morrowind, bordering the swamps and marshes of Black Marsh. House Dres is an agrarian agricultural society, and its large saltrice plantations rely completely on slave labor for their economic viability."
"Always firm Temple supporters, House Dres is hostile to Imperial law and culture, and in particular opposed to any attempts to limit the institution of slavery."
"Of the five Dunmer Great Houses, House Dres is one of two houses without holdings or interest in Vvardenfell. Dres District is in the south of Morrowind, bordering the swamps and marshes of Black Marsh. House Dres is an agrarian agricultural society, and its large saltrice plantations rely completely on slave labor for their economic viability. Always firm Temple supporters, House Dres is hostile to Imperial law and culture, and in particular opposed to any attempts to limit the institution of slavery."
"House Hlaalu is one of the three Dunmer Great Houses with holdings on Vvardenfell."
"House Hlaalu has always been loyal to the Emperor and the Empire. Hlaalu welcomes Imperial law and the Legions, and freedom of trade and religion."
"House Hlaalu, the Great House that strongly supports the Empire, is ruled by traders and merchant princes."
"House Hlaalu is one of the three Dunmer Great Houses with holdings on Vvardenfell. House Hlaalu has always been loyal to the Emperor and the Empire. Hlaalu welcomes Imperial law and the Legions, and freedom of trade and religion. We still respect the old Dunmer ways, the ancestors, the Temple, and the noble houses. But times change, and the Empire changes with the times. House Hlaalu hopes to live in peace and harmony with the other races, and share in the growth and prosperity of the Empire."
"House Hlaalu still respects the old Dunmer ways, the ancestors, the Temple, and the noble houses. But times change, and the Empire changes with the times."
"House Hlaalu hopes to live in peace and harmony with the other races, and share in the growth and prosperity of the Empire."
"House Hlaalu is the only Great House that knows how to do business with the Empire. They are more tolerant of foreigners like myself and more willing to do business. They're not paranoid and insular like the Telvanni, nor do they try and covert you to the Tribunal Temple like House Redoran."
"If you wish to learn more of my House, go to Balmora."
"House Hlaalu has always been loyal to the Emperor. We welcome Imperial law and the legions, and the trade they bring. We still respect the old Dunmer ways, the ancestors, the Temple, and the noble houses. But times change, and we change with the times. We can live in harmony with the other races. And share in the prosperity of the Empire."
"If you wish to join my House, speak with Nileno Dorvayn at the Hlaalu Council Manor."
"Yes, we both belong to House Hlaalu. Are you here to discuss business?"
"House Indoril is one of the five Dunmer Great Houses, and one of the two houses without holdings or interest in Vvardenfell."
"The city of Almalexia is located in Indoril District, on the mainland, and the Indoril are orthodox and conservative supporters of the Temple and Temple authority."
"House Indoril is openly hostile to Imperial culture and religion, and preserves many traditional Dunmer customs and practices in defiance of Imperial law."
"House Indoril is one of the five Dunmer Great Houses, and one of the two houses without holdings or interest in Vvardenfell. The city of Almalexia is located in Indoril District, and the Indoril are orthodox and conservative supporters of the Temple and Temple authority. House Indoril is openly hostile to Imperial culture and religion, and preserves many traditional Dunmer customs and practices in defiance of Imperial law."
"Yes, this is the Redoran Canton of Vivec, but if you have business with House Redoran, you should travel to Ald'ruhn."
"Ald'ruhn is considered a Redoran city, even though only a few citizens actually belong to House Redoran."
"The Redoran Council Hall is here in Ald'ruhn under Skar. Go there if you want to know more about House Redoran."
"House Redoran is one of the three Great Houses on Vvardenfell. The Redoran prize the duty, gravity, and piety. They believe a light, careless life is not worth living. If you want to know more, go to Ald'ruhn, their seat of power."
"House Redoran is one of the three Dunmer Great Houses with holdings on Vvardenfell. The Redoran prize the virtues of duty, gravity, and piety. Duty is to one's own honor, and to one's family and clan. Gravity is the essential seriousness of life. Life is hard, and events must be judged, endured, and reflected upon with due care and earnestness. Piety is respect for the gods, and the virtues they represent. A light, careless life is not worth living."
"House Redoran is one of the three Great Houses on Vvardenfell. The Redorans are honorable and fair in their dealings with other houses, but they have no business sense. Those of us in House Hlaalu understand the power of wealth and do not ponder morality day after day."
"House Redoran is one of the three Great Houses on Vvardenfell. The Redorans talk and talk and talk about duty and honor and piety and their proper role in life. We Telvanni have a more pragmatic approach."
"They are the true warriors of the ancient Dunmer. Although House Hlaalu has adopted more of the Empire's ways, I have more respect for the warriors of House Redoran."
"I belong to House Redoran and serve honorably."
"We of House Redoran have the honor of serving the greatest and most noble House, for we are the righteous warriors and hereditary defenders of Morrowind."
"If you want to join House Redoran, speak with Neminda in the Redoran Council Hall."
"Trebonius asked you to kill the Telvanni Council? I wouldn't even try to do that if I were you. Even if you were successful, there's no telling how the Telvanni would respond."
"House Telvanni is one of the three Dunmer Great Houses with holdings on Vvardenfell."
"The Telvanni wizard-lords have traditionally isolated themselves, pursuing wisdom and mastery in solitude. But certain ambitious wizards-lords have joined the competition to control and exploit Vvardenfell's land and resources, building towers and bases all along the eastern coast."
"The Telvanni think that wisdom confers power, and power confers right."
"House Telvanni is one of the three Dunmer Great Houses with holdings on Vvardenfell. The Telvanni wizard-lords have traditionally isolated themselves, pursuing wisdom and mastery in solitude. But certain ambitious wizards-lords, their retainers, and clients have entered whole-heartily into the competition to control and exploit Vvardenfell's land and resources, building towers and bases all along the eastern coast. The Telvanni think that wisdom confers power, and power confers right."
"We live comfortably. Our wizard-lords keep us secure, and otherwise leave us alone. All we want is to be left in peace to do as we wish."
"We don't care about politics. We don't care what other think. We just want to be left alone. And our wizard-lords and their mercenaries make sure no one bothers us."
"House Telvanni is one of the Great Houses. We value talent, knowledge, and initiative. Perhaps you would like to join House Telvanni?"
"The Great Houses have always fought private wars among themselves. Sometimes they fight about land, sometimes about wealth, sometimes about politics, sometimes about honor."
"The Dunmer Great Houses long ago adopted certain customs and rules to avoid open warfare. House Wars are supervised by the Temple, and private feuds and writs of assassination are contracted through the Morag Tong."
"By the immemorial custom of Dunmer society, a House may challenge the honor of another House in the person of one of the House's ranking nobles. The ranking noble of the impugned House is 'marked for death' -- in ancient times, actually formally marked with a black banner, but in modern times, served with a formal written public announcement. If within a year of the challenge, the marked noble still lives, the challenging House must publicly forego any further complaint or scandal on the matter."
"Only a ranking challenging noble or a Morag Tong may attack the marked noble; in modern times, Houses routinely engage Morag Tong. This custom permits Houses to war upon one another on a small scale without threatening public peace and rule of law. Such violent disputes among Great Houses are called 'House Wars.'"
"Codes of behavior under House Wars of Honor are complex and subtle, and the Morag Tong specialize in the honorable and legal prosecution of these factional vendettas. House Wars are expensive, dangerous, and disruptive to all Houses involved, but on the island of Vvardenfell alone, a dozen or more Marked Challenges are being prosecuted at any time."
"The Great Houses have always fought among themselves. Long ago they banded together against one house, House Dagoth, and falsely denounced the house as traitors, and thought to destroy House Dagoth for all eternity. But they failed, for House Dagoth was but sleeping, and now has awakened. Now all the Great Houses must join House Dagoth to drive the foreigners and false gods from our soil."
"Elves consider themselves the only 'truly human race,' being descended directly from the gods, and regard the Manish and Beast races as highly intelligent animals. On the other hand, Imperial scholars consider Men, Elves, and Beastmen as 'men,' on the basis that individuals of all three groups can mate with one another."
"Offspring of inter-racial matings have the racial appearance of the mother, but may occasionally share inherited characteristics and abilities of the father. Sloads, dragons, and other sentient races cannot mate with Men, Elves, or Beastmen, and are not considered 'human.' Exceptional accounts of matings between men and daedra do not fit smoothly into this scheme."
"The human races are short-lived, socially aggressive humanoids, shorter than Elves and more technologically advanced than the Beastfolk. Warlike human cultures have subjugated their Elven and Beastfolk neighbors and synthesized their arts, literature, magick, technology, and theology into Tamriel's dominant culture -- the Empire. Obsessed with progress and destiny, human civilization constantly reinvents itself from materials plundered from conquered cultures and re-shaped by human myths and dreams."
"The illusion discipline is the mastery of the spell effects of the College of Illusion. The illusion spells affect the perception and mind of living subjects. Illusion effects include blinding, paralyzing, and silencing subjects, calming and enraging subjects, and distracting observers so they do not notice the caster -- the invisibility effect."
"There's an old sea cave nearby, called Ilunibi Caverns, up on the north end of the island, right on Khartag Point. Nothing but rats and slaughterfish. Sometimes smugglers and outlaws use it for a hide-out, but it's wet and nasty, and not real comfortable."
"Ilunibi Caverns. That's what they call the old sea cave up on the north end of the island, right on Khartag Point. Don't be poking your nose in there. Someone might object."
"Ilunibi Caverns. That's what they call the old sea cave up on the north end of the island, right on Khartag Point. Don't poke around in there. It's a convenient smuggler's hole, and they might not welcome visitors."
"The Imperials are clever, industrious thieves and con men. Their legions are invincible, but individually they are weak and cowardly. Their civilization is a shabby imitation of High Elven culture, cheapened by the common greed and grasping nature of their merchants and monopolists. They have subjugated and enslaved the various peoples of Tamriel, and called this coerced submission 'peace.'"
"The Imperials are the educated and well-spoken natives of the civilized, cosmopolitan province of Cyrodiil. Imperials are known for their enlightened rule of law and government, and the discipline and training of their citizen armies. Though physically less imposing than the other races, they are shrewd diplomats and traders. Their legions have enabled them to subdue all the other nations and races of Tamriel, and to have erected the monument to peace and prosperity that comprises the Glorious Empire."
"Our civilization has brought peace and prosperity to all Tamriel. We place our faith in hard work, education, and discipline. We prefer free trade and diplomacy, but are not ashamed to use force."
"The Imperials came out of the West and tricked the gods of the settled people, the false gods called the Tribunal. Now the Imperials act like they own Morrowind, and they claim we are ruled by their chief, the one they call Emperor. We think nothing of this foolishness, but they have great armies of soldiers in armor who come and burn our yurts and slay our children. So we hate them, but we must remember to be quiet and patient and cunning, as Boethiah has taught us."
"The Blades is an prestigious service order for citizens demonstrating the greatest loyalty to the Emperor. To be named to the Blades by the Emperor is a great honor, and publicly acknowledged members serve openly in noble courts and diplomatic posts. Privately, many Blades members act as the Empire's intelligence agency. Such agents conceal themselves with secret identities, operating in disguise as couriers, observers, and spies throughout the Empire."
"The guys who are making the REAL money are the tax agents and bureaucrats. They take their percentages off the top."
"The people who control the wealth in Vvardenfell are the tax agents and bureaucrats. They skim the liquor off the scuttle."
"And how do you think it was that bloated Imperial plutocrats got the charter to exploit the Caldera ebony deposits, and not a native Great House or local colonist? Big fat bribes, I tell you. And friends in high places."
"Balmora's Imperial cult shrine is outside of town to the southeast, in Fort Moonmoth. Aldasi Thirothran is the priest in charge there. The altar there cures disease and poison, and they offer various other services as well."
"Pelagiad's Imperial cult shrine is in Fort Pelagiad, at the eastern end of the main street. The altar there cures disease and poison, and Ygfa, the healer, sells cure potions."
"Pelagiad's Imperial cult shrine is here in Fort Pelagiad, behind that door over there. The healing altar cures disease and poison, and Ygfa, the healer, sells cure potions."
"Ald'ruhn's Imperial cult shrine is in Fort Buckmoth, south of town. The altar there cures disease and poison. Cocistian Quaspus, the apothecary, sells cure potions, and they also have a savant, an enchanter, and a trader."
"Ebonheart's Imperial cult shrine is in a small walled keep in the far western end of Castle Ebonheart. The altar there cures disease and poison. Lalatia Varian is the Imperial Priestess, Synnolian Tunifus, the Mara Healer, Kaye the Zenithar Trader, and Iulus Truptor, the Stendarr Savant."
"The Gnisis Imperial cult shrine is in Fort Darius at the far east edge of town. The altar there cures disease and poison. Chaplain Ogrul is the cult Healer for the Deathshead Legion garrison, but he also serves the civilian populace as well."
"The Sadrith Mora Imperial cult shrine is in Wolverine Hall on the coast at the south edge of town. The altar there cures disease and poison. Aunius Autrus is the Imperial Priest, and Scelian Plebo the Healer has curing potions for sale."
"The Imperial cult is the official Imperial religion. The cult worships the Nine Divines. Imperial cult priests serve Imperial shrines in settlements throughout Vvardenfell."
"Imperial law supports and protects the Imperial cult, but the Nine Divines are neither gods nor worthy ancestors, and their worship is just foolish superstition."
"Imperial cult priests provide worship and services for the Nine Divines at Imperial shrines in settlements throughout Vvardenfell."
"The Imperial cult worships the Nine Divines: Akatosh, Dibella, Arkay, Zenithar, Mara, Stendarr, Kynareth, Julianos, and Tiber Septim."
"The Imperial cult combines the worship of the Aedra Akatosh, Dibella, Arkay, Zenithar, Mara, Stendarr, Kynareth, and Julianos, with worship of the divine god-hero Tiber Septim, founder and patron of the Empire."
"The missionary arm of the great faiths, the Imperial cult brings divine inspiration and consolation to the Empire's remote provinces."
"We look to the Nine Divines as models for living a good and virtuous life. Each of the Nine represent different aspects of life, and how it should be lived. But the simplest statement of our doctrines is -- help and protect one another. The stronger one is, the wealthier one is, the more one bears responsibility for helping and protecting others. One's first duty, of course, is to one's fellow members of the Imperial Cult. But after that, one should help and protect any needy persons."
"We also say -- do not harm one another. It is forbidden to attack another person of the Imperial cult, and of course, forbidden to kill another member. It is forbidden to steal from another member, whether by open theft or by covert pickpocketing. It is forbidden to trespass upon the private property of another member -- private property being understood to be anything behind a locked door. Break any one of these rules, and be expelled from the cult."
"Imperial culture is a pragmatic melting pot of the various contrasting cultures of the Imperial provinces, unified by a strong hereditary emperor and bureaucracy, the rule of law, a powerful professional army, and tolerance of disparate polytheistic cult worships. Education and wealth is broadly distributed through all social classes where Imperial culture has flourished; many citizens are literate and protected under Imperial law."
"Persons of all races and creeds can advance in wealth and status in commerce, the bureaucracy, and the military. However, moral and political corruption at the highest levels of Imperial society, and the economic strain of maintaining military occupations in widely separated hostile provinces like Morrowind, signals the impending decline of the Empire."
"The Imperial Guard is an elite unit of the Imperial Legion. The Guard is charged with the defense of the Emperor and various of his direct representatives in the provinces. The Duke's rank and responsibilities entitle him to the protection of this elite unit. There is a traditional rivalry between the Imperial Guard and their counterparts in the regular Legions."
"In the Western Empire, mercenaries and adventurers have organized themselves into guilds to promote the welfare of the members, to serve as a clearinghouse for information and employment opportunities, and to provide services and training for the members. The Fighters Guild and the Mages Guild are official trade guilds, chartered by the Emperor. The Thieves Guild is a private, informal, and semi-secret organization. Each of the Guilds provides training in what are called the Guild disciplines."
"Don't steal. Don't brawl or start fights. Don't kill, except in self-defense. If you're caught, guards will let you choose your punishment: fines or hard labor."
"We uphold Imperial law as well as the laws of the Temple. We enforce the laws against theft, brawling, verbal assault, and murder. Guards like me determine your punishment, whether you may pay fines and compensation, or must serve hard labor."
"An adventurer should know the basics of Imperial law concerning life and property. Verbal assault, pickpocketing, and trespassing are minor crimes, punished by fines or hard labor. Theft and foul murder are felonies. Theft is punished by fines proportional to the value of the property stolen, or by hard labor. Foul murder is punishable by fines of at least 1000 drakes, or by hard labor."
"Fines and compensation are determined by magistrates, and may be paid to guards. In place of fines, the criminal may serve extended sentences of hard labor. The workcamps are hard places for hard men, and for each day served, expect to lose some hard-earned skill as a result of physical, mental, or emotional punishment."
"We're here to uphold the law and protect everyone from folks like you. Now get on with it."
"The most disciplined and effective military force in history, the Imperial Legions preserve the peace and rule of law in the Empire."
"We have garrisons at Fort Pelagiad in Pelagiad, Hawkmoth Fort in Ebonheart, Fort Moonmoth in Balmora, Fort Buckmoth in Ald'ruhn, and Fort Darius in Gnisis. Were you looking to join the Imperial Legion?"
"The legions hire qualified recruits of proven skill and character, and provide training, goods, and services at discounts. The lower ranks are common troopers and officers, but the upper ranks include the orders of the Imperial knights."
"The most disciplined and effective military force in history, the Imperial Legions preserve the peace and rule of law in the Empire. The legions have garrisons in the major settlements of Vvardenfell, but the units mostly serve as guards to enforce the law in Morrowind. The legions hire qualified recruits of proven skill and character, and provide training, goods, and services at discounts. The lower ranks are common troopers and officers, but the upper ranks include the orders of the Imperial knights."
"For the glory of Tiber Septim, you and I should be honored to be in its service."
"Imperials are apes posing as civilized beings. we respect Imperial. They can make armies from peasants, and are hard workers and gifted engineers. But Imperials lack of honor and refinement, and we despise their mercantile greed and mongrelized culture."
"Native Dunmer regard Imperials as apes posing as civilized beings. The Dunmer respect Imperial cunning in creating organized armies from peasants, and admire their engineering and work ethic, but they scorn their lack of honor and refinement, and they despise their crass commercialism and tolerance of cultural mongrelization."
"Imperial taxes are based on head counts of citizens; Census and Excise is responsible both for head counts and tax assessment and collection. Census and Excise officers also administer many Imperial licenses -- importation, mercenary company incorporation, for example."
"The Empire of Tamriel encompasses the nine Imperial provinces: Skyrim, High Rock, Hammerfell, Summerset Isle, Valenwood, Elsweyr, Black Marsh, Morrowind, and the ancient Imperial province itself, Cyrodiil. Morrowind was among the last of the provinces to be integrated into the Empire, and because it was added by treaty, and not by conquest, Morrowind retains exceptional power to define local law by reference to ancient Great House precedents."
"Imperial urban style mixes with Dunmer urban style in Hlaalu District and Vivec suburbs, but dominates in new Hlaalu and Imperial chartered towns. Houses, shops, and tradehouses are of timbered, half-timbered, or stone construction in the Western manner, with peaked roofs, right angles and flat planes, and plain, undecorated exteriors."
"The waters enclosed between mainland Morrowind and Vvardenfell Island are called the Inner Sea."
"All our intelligence is old. No one has ventured far inside the fence for years. This map shows the locations of the citadels of the various ash vampires. Sixth House creatures have become more numerous and powerful, and the most powerful can conjure powerful daedra. Until recently, we've been able to clear routes and keep them clean with raids, but no longer. There are no safe refuges or services inside the fence; you must return here to rest and heal."
"All our intelligence is old. No one has ventured far inside the fence for years. Sixth House creatures have become more numerous and powerful, and the most powerful can conjure powerful daedra. Until recently, we've been able to clear routes and keep them clean with raids, but no longer. There are no safe refuges or services inside the fence; you must return here to rest and heal. I'm sorry. That's all we can tell you."
"You lied to me once, Anon. I don't care what you say about J'Saddha, I'm staying right here."
"I'm going to look around the ruins, like you said."
"You said he left town. There's no reason for me to stick around here."
"I'll take a look over there. Thank you, Anon."
"No idea where he went? Damn. He's probably halfway to the mainland by now... Thanks, Anon. I'd best start looking for the next slave on my list, then."
"Right. Sure. "He left town." I can't believe you thought I was that stupid. I don't like you, Anon. You better stay out of this."
"It's here in the Foreign Quarter, on the west end of the lower waistworks."
"It's in the Foreign Quarter."
"You broke the rules, Anon. Maybe you can make amends, and maybe not."
"What do you want, Anon?"
"I can't give you jobs if you're not in the Guild. You want to join the Thieves Guild?"
"I can't give you jobs if you're not in the Guild."
"Yes, he speaks from his books and we listen to him. The way a guar listens to its owner."
"He is like the Nix-Hound chasing a bone. We told him the Mabrigash wanted to hear him speak from his books. He went to them, and never returned."
"Go to the Balmora Council Manor. It is on the hill on the west side of town."
"Join with the house? No thank you. I prefer to be in the house, not of the house."
"Oh, you've been expelled? Nothing to fear. I will take care of this for you. What else did you want?"
"You are already a member of House Telvanni, Anon."
"Of course you wish to join our Great House. But you already belong to House Hlaalu. We cannot allow you to join."
"Of course you wish to join our Great House. But you already belong to House Redoran. We cannot allow you to join."
"I have heard you were expelled. But it is a simple matter to correct. Reflect on your misdeeds and speak with me again when you are ready."
"You have already joined House Telvanni. Your decision is not reversible."
"Speak with my Mouth at the Telvanni Council House in Sadrith Mora."
"Yes, you may be a worthy candidate. Would you like to join?"
"Are you certain? Remember that once you join, you cannot join any other Great House. Perhaps you would like to hear our rules?"
"You are now a member of House Telvanni. Welcome, Anon Anon. When you are ready, speak with me about your chores and your advancement in House Telvanni."
"If you change your mind, House Telvanni will welcome you."
"We trust all members of House Telvanni to use their own judgement. If you steal from another Telvanni, but still live, then clearly you deserve whatever you stole. Murdering your opponents by magic or treachery is the traditional way of settling disputes. If you win, then clearly your argument has more merit. You may be expelled as in any other Great House, but most Telvanni will not care or even know about it. Does this appeal to you?"
"You are now a member of House Telvanni. Welcome, Anon Anon. When you are ready, speak with me about your chores and your advancement in House Telvanni."
"You are now a member of House Telvanni. Welcome, Anon Anon. When you are ready, speak with me about your chores and your advancement in House Telvanni."
"If you change your mind, House Telvanni will welcome you."
"If you change your mind, House Telvanni will welcome you."
"I regret to inform you that you do not meet our high standards. If you passed even the minimum requirements, perhaps we would reconsider."
"You must speak with one of the Mouths."
"Speak with the Mouths in the Telvanni Council Hall."
"Go to Sadrith Mora and speak with the Mouths in the Telvanni Council Hall."
"You've been expelled from the Fighters Guild. We take the Fighters Guild Charter very seriously. If you break the rules just once, we think of it as a lesson. If you clear your name, you can be a member again. Do you wish to clear your name?"
"The Fighters Guild can forgive your actions this one time only, Anon Anon. Personally, I'd like to kick your backside up around your ears, but there are some who think you might amount to something. You're back in."
"Hmmm. No skin off mine."
"You are already a member of the Fighters Guild, Anon."
"You look like you could take care of yourself. Before I sign you up, you might want to look at the Fighters Guild Charter. Are you ready to sign up now?"
"You are now Anon the Fediverse Moderator in the Fighters Guild. Work hard, follow orders, and you'll do just fine. Seek me out if you feel you are ready for advancement."
"Your duties are to your Lords and brethren. In all ways, proceed with honor and valor. Keep a keen and watchful mind and never succumb to the craven tricks of the weak. As a member, you are permitted to use items in our equipment chest. It is traitorous to fight or thieve from other members of your guild. If you break these rules, you must speak with at least a Warder of the Guild to redeem your standing. Do you feel you can uphold these simple ideals?"
"You are now Anon the Fediverse Moderator in the Fighters Guild. Work hard, follow orders, and you'll do just fine. Seek me out if you feel you are ready for advancement."
"Worthless traitor. Get out of my sight."
"Hmmm. No skin off mine."
The Fighters Guild can't just sign up anyone. You don't meet our requirements."
"Speak with Ygfa at Fort Pelagiad, Syloria Siruliulus at Fort Buckmoth, Somutis Vunnis at Fort Moonmoth, Ruccia Conician in the Grand Council Chambers in Ebonheart, or Lalatia Varian in the Imperial Chapels at Ebonheart. And here's my copy of 'For my Gods and Emperor'. It's a handbook for members of the Imperial cult. Keep it. Read it. It may help you decide whether you should join the Imperial cult."
"Speak with Ygfa at Fort Pelagiad, Syloria Siruliulus at Fort Buckmoth, Somutis Vunnis at Fort Moonmoth, Ruccia Conician in the Grand Council Chambers in Ebonheart, or Lalatia Varian in the Imperial Chapels at Ebonheart."
"We accept all citizens of good character and earnest faith. We ask only a one-time pledge of 50 drakes to aid us in our good works. Thereafter, the only cost of membership comes when you use our health, healing, and blessing shrines -- modest fees which help us spread the blessings of the Nine to those less fortunate than ourselves. Do you wish to join the Imperial Cult? Or would you rather I review the Imperial cult requirements and doctrines with you before you join?"
"You are now a Fediverse Moderator in the Imperial Cult. Welcome, Anon, to our community, and may your rejoice in its blessings. Can I tell you about our services? Or, if you can donate more time and effort, would you like to become a lay servant?"
"At present you don't have the one-time pledge of 50 gold that we require. We'll be pleased to reconsider your request when you have the gold."
"To serve and glorify the Nine Divines, you must cultivate a noble personality and a strong will. Respect the magical arts, especially the colleges of Restoration, Mysticism, and Conjuration. Those who swear to avoid bloodshed, to take the field unarmored, to fight only with blunt weapons, are especially praiseworthy. Knowledge of enchantments and the gift of diplomatic speech are other qualities we look for in our initiates."
"Our doctrines are simple. We acknowledge the divinity of the Nine Divines: Akatosh, Dibella, Arkay, Zenithar, Mara, Stendarr, Kynareth, Julianos, and Tiber Septim. We preach the Nine Virtues: Humility, Inspiration, Piety, Work, Compassion, Justice, Ambition, Learning, and Civility. Our Emperor is the Defender of the Faith, and the Empire is the worldly working of the Divine Plan. We pledge aid and comfort to all citizens in need, and serve the Emperor and Empire at his will."
"Our rules are equally simple. It is forbidden to attack another person of the Imperial cult, and of course, forbidden to kill another cult member. It is forbidden to steal from another member, whether by open theft or by covert pickpocketing. It is forbidden to trespass upon the private property of another member -- private property being understood to be anything behind a locked door. Break any one of these rules, and you shall be expelled from the cult. Now, Anon. Do you wish to join?"
"You are already a member of the Imperial Cult, Anon Anon."
"With greatest sorrow, we must turn away our faces. You have done the unforgivable, and are henceforth cast out from our community."
"You've been expelled from the Imperial cult. If you heartily repent your misdeeds, we will give you a second chance -- only one second chance -- to return as a member of our community. Do you wish to atone?"
"All mortals are weak. But your will to make amends is praiseworthy. You are now again, a member of the cult. But I caution you. Do not again forget yourself, for there is no further recourse if you should be expelled once more."
"Please reconsider, Anon, and come to us again. There is great strength and comfort in the solace of the Nine."
"I'm sorry for you, and for your misfortunes. Perhaps your attributes are so greatly reduced by curse or disease. But in your case, I'm afraid we cannot offer membership."
"All the garrisons are presently at full strength. Except, perhaps, the Deathshead Legion at Fort Darius, in the West Gash near the village of Gnisis. If you're interested, you'll have to talk to General Darius there."
"We could use a few recruits here in the Deathshead Legion garrison. See General Darius."
"Your activities have led some to question your allegiance. At the moment there is some debate as to your continued affiliation with the Imperial Legion. Would you care to explain yourself, Anon Anon? This had better be good."
"The users can forgive your actions this one time only, Anon Anon. Your record will be permanently marred by this incident. Now return to your post."
"I see."
"You had your chance and you blew it. Get out of my sight."
"Hmm... No, you are not a worthy candidate. A true wizard must know at least the basics of the magical arts. You should review our requirements."
"Hmm... Yes, you look like the sort we could use in the Mages Guild. Will you take The Mage's Oath and join the Guild?"
"You are now a member of the Mages Guild. Welcome, Fediverse Moderator. When you are ready, you can ask for duties to perform, and once you are ready, you can ask me about advancement in the Guild."
"Perform any duties assigned to you by the masters of the Guild. Learn from them and grow strong. Always share your knowledge freely with other Guild members. Never strike or steal from another guild member. Does this appeal to you?"
"You are now a member of the Mages Guild. Welcome, Fediverse Moderator. When you are ready, you can ask for duties to perform, and once you are ready, you can ask me about advancement in the Guild."
"You are already a member of the Mages Guild, Anon."
"You are a member of the Mages Guild, though not a member in good standing."
"If you wish to join us, you must seek out Eno Hlaalu, the Grandmaster of the Morag Tong in Vivec."
I see them from time to time, but I do not know where to find them."
"I believe the current Grandmaster is Eno Hlaalu. I have heard rumors that the Morag Tong has a base somewhere under the Arena here in Vivec."
"Grandmaster Eno Hlaalu may be found in the Arena Canton here in Vivec."
"I have heard the Morag Tong stays in secret tunnels somewhere under the Arena, but I do not know how one might join."
"By tradition, the Grandmaster of the Morag Tong lives in the Arena Canton here in Vivec."
"So you have found our headquarters. This speaks well of you. Perhaps you should speak with Grandmaster Eno Hlaalu."
"You claim to fulfill the false prophecies of the 'Incarnate' and the 'Nerevarine,' but you are really an agent in the pay of the Imperial Intelligence Service. You are an outlaw and a fraud. Yet you have the nerve to ask to join the Temple. Go away."
"Leave now. You are nothing to the Temple."
"You've been expelled from the Temple. If you tarnish the fourfold duties just once, we think of it as a lesson. With atonement, you can be a member again. Do you wish to atone?"
"The Temple understands the failings in all of us. But your will to repent is admirable. You are now Anon, the Anon. Do not forget the four again."
"Hmmm. The choice is, of course, yours to make Anon."
"You are already a member of the Temple, Anon Anon."
"You have a promising look. Perhaps we could use you. Do you wish to join? Or shall you hear our doctrine first?"
"Your fourfold duties are to: Faith, Family, Masters, and all that is good. Perform holy quests and bring luster to the Temple. Never transgress against your brothers or sisters -- in thought or deed -- as we are all one body. If you somehow fail to uphold these ideals, you must speak with a Master or the Patriarch to be cleansed of your wrongdoings. Still want to join?"
"Hmmm. The choice is, of course, yours to make Anon."
"I'm afraid our standards are a bit beyond your reach. But the Temple does thank you for your interest."
"I'm sorry, but we have only a small chapel here in Gnisis. Speak with Tuls Valen in the Ald'ruhn Temple to the south."
"I'm sorry, but we have only a small chapel here in Sadrith Mora. Speak with Tharer Rotheloth at the Temple in Molag Mar, or with Endryn Llethan at the High Fane in Vivec."
"Speak with Tharer Rotheloth here at the Temple."
"Speak with Feldrelo Sadri here at the Temple."
"Speak with Tuls Valen here at the Temple."
"Speak with Endryn Llethan at the High Fane or the Archcanon, Tholer Saryoni."
"Maybe we could use you. Talk to Gentleman Jim Stacey in Simine Fralinie's shop?"
"Hm. Maybe we could use you. Why not visit the South Wall Cornerclub? Spend some time there, ask around. Maybe you'll learn something."
"Tell you what. Why not visit the South Wall Cornerclub in Balmora? Spend some time there, ask around. If people like what they see, maybe you'll learn something."
"Talk to Sugar-Lips."
"Oh, no Thieves Guild here in Ald'ruhn, no ser. But maybe you should check for yourself over at the Rat in the Pot."
"Aengoth the Jeweler is the mer you want."
"Alright, you want to go to Dirty Muriel's and talk with Big Helende. She'll tell you what's what."
"You want Big Helende. She runs this place. Can't miss her."
"We have our standards, Anon, and you do not meet them."
"You look like you may have some skill... You want to join? Or maybe you want to know what we're all about."
"Just remember there *is* honor among thieves. Do not steal from a brother thief. Everyone else is a mark. Do not attack a brother thief. Do what you will to everyone else. If you have a price on your head, we have ways of taking care of it. If you break these rules, you must speak with one of the Masterminds here in Vvardenfell to regain your good standing. Think you can handle it?"
"Hmmm. Whatever you say, chum. But we'll keep our eyes on you."
"You're already a Anon in the Thieves Guild, Anon."
"You really screwed the netch this time, but I may be able to pull some strings... If you make amends."
"Got any friends here? Thought not."
"Outlanders may join a Great House. Initially one gains status as an hireling, pledging exclusive loyalty to a given house, but with faithful service and advancement in lower ranks, an outlander may prove his worth."
"Adoption and advancement to higher ranks in a Great House requires that a councilor stand as sponsor for the candidate's character and loyalty. Finding a councilor to sponsor an outlander often involves performing a great service for the prospective sponsor."
"Outlanders may join a Great House. Initially one gains status as an oath-bonded hireling, pledging exclusive loyalty to a given house, but with faithful service and advancement in lower ranks, an outlander may be adopted into a Great House. Adoption and advancement to higher ranks in a Great House requires that a councilor stand as sponsor for the candidate's character and loyalty. Finding a councilor to sponsor an outlander often involves performing a great service for the prospective sponsor."
"Julianos, God of Wisdom and Logic, is the deity of literature, law, history, sorcery, enchantment, and alchemy. Monastic orders founded by Tiber Septim and dedicated to Julianos are the keepers of the Elder Scrolls."
"Yes, you have found them."
"They are on the north end."
"They are in the Hall of Justice here in Vivec."
"The Khajiit are the cat people of the province of Elsweyr. Though the race has a variety of sub-types, each with different forms and habits, only the smooth, quick, agile Suthay-raht are encountered in Vvardenfell. When most people think of Suthay-raht, they think of thieves -- with good reason, since many Suthay-raht are cunning, acquisitive, and slow to embrace the sanctity of personal property. But the speed, agility, and bold spirit of the Suthay-raht also make them gifted traders and adventurers."
"Khajiit are clever animals, and useful servants when trained from early youth, and so long as they are kept away from skooma. They are compulsive thieves and liars, lamentable traits that can be amended by stern punishment. By Imperial law, free Khajiit have the rights of citizens. Now there are Khajiit thieves everywhere."
"Suthay-raht make good jumpers and sneakers, but not good warriors like the Cathay-raht."
"The Khajiit are savage half-men of the southern deserts and jungles. They are ignorant and superstitious, but they are clever and dangerous. Our fathers used to keep them as slaves, but they are sneaky and untrustworthy. The settled people still keep them as slaves to feed them and keep their great houses clean."
"Some Khajiit are thieves, others are very good thieves."
"Suthay-raht prefer claws to weapons. Fast and always ready."
"Khajiit love sweets, especially the Moon Sugar."
"In Vvardenfell Khajiit are all Suthay-raht like me -- smart, quick, and agile."
"Khajiit wear many skins from the smooth-skin Ohmes to the fat-fur Senche-raht."
"Khajiit love Emperor very much, think of him often."
"Proud Khajiit come from the deserts of Elsweyr."
"Going to Khartag Point, are you? You'll find that on the western coast not far from Gnaar Mok. Nothing there but a big rock. Don't know why anyone cares about it."
"Yes, that's on the western coast, not far from here. It's a gigantic boulder. Some of the orcs consider it a landmark. Why, I don't know. Some orc or another jumped off on a dare. It didn't end well."
"Glorious Khartag Point! Very famous for orcs. Great hero Khartag who had fought some battle or something died there. Very famous."
"I've heard there are some changes at Khartag Point. Some daedric statue or other there now. And it was carved by some orc! Imagine that."
"Well, I guess the new statue there isn't bad, even for an orc sculptor."
"Oh, Khartag Point has changed I hear. Now, have to climb up big ugly statue to jump. Still good time, though. Can't wait to see if new statue is as high as rock it carved from."
"Khuul is a tiny fishing village on the northern coast of the West Gash."
"Khuul is just a fishing village. Not much else here. You can rent a bed at Thongar's Tradehouse. But other than the Daedric ruins to the southwest, there's not much around here worth looking at."
"According to Imperial custom, killing is justifiable in war, self-defense, defense of property, and affairs of honor. Other killings are murder, and punishable by fines and compensation, or by punitive labor."
"Local custom permits killing in House Wars when sanctioned by the state."
"Outlaws have no rights, and may be killed without scandal or sanction. Guards may use deadly force in the line of duty."
"According to Imperial custom, killing is justifiable in war, self-defense, defense of property, and affairs of honor. Other killings are murder, and punishable by fines and compensation, or by punitive labor."
"Killing is justifiable in war, self-defense, defense of property, affairs of honor, Great House affairs under the sanction of the state, and affairs of heresy. Other killings are foul murder, and punishable by compensation, punitive labor, or, in sanctioned House Wars affairs, by writ of assassination."
"Justifiable but unnecessary or cruel killing is sinful, punishable by Temple courts, but not illegal under Imperial law. The justice of killing heretics is a source of bitter controversy among contemporary Temple authorities. Killing heretics is against Imperial law, but not dishonorable or scandalous."
"According to Telvanni custom, killing is justifiable on any practical grounds -- in particular, justifiable if you can get away with it, and it serves your purposes. Killing is neither sinful nor dishonorable. Telvanni abide by Imperial law only so far as it is enforced. No Imperial guards or Legion garrisons are found in most Telvanni settlements."
"Killing is justifiable when you can get away with it, and it serves your purposes."
"Killing is useful to educate and intimidate others, especially when brutal, cruel, and arbitrary."
"Killing is neither sinful nor dishonorable, but may be imprudent or wasteful."
"By House Hlaalu law and custom, killing is justifiable in war, self-defense, defense of property, affairs of honor, and House Wars affairs under the sanction of the state. Other killings are foul murder and punishable by compensation, punitive labor, or, in sanctioned House Wars affairs, by writ of assassination. Justifiable but unnecessary or cruel killing is scandalous but legal. A cynical acceptable of abuse of power by the rich and powerful is a feature of Hlaalu philosophy."
"According to the unwritten Code of the Thieves Guild, killing is always inefficient, inelegant, and counter-productive."
"A reputation for respecting life is good for business, and the Thieves Guild is very sensitive to public opinion."
"Unnecessary killing may be grounds for expulsion from the Guild."
"By House Redoran custom, killing is justified in war, self-defense, defense of property, affairs of honor, and House Wars affairs. Other killings are foul murder, and punishable by fines, hard labor, or writ of assassination."
"Justifiable but unnecessary or cruel killing is scandalous, and grounds for sanction or expulsion."
"An opponent who yields may not be slain honorably."
"According Morag Tong custom, killing civilians is scandalous, and grounds for expulsion."
"For the Morag Tong, killing anyone but a victim marked by writ is dishonorable, a sign of incompetence and disrespect for the Tong, and grounds for sanction or expulsion."
"Killing a victim marked by a writ is sacred and honorable."
"Kwama colonies, also known as eggmines, are inhabited by the following varieties of kwama: kwama queen, kwama warrior, kwama worker, kwama forager, and scrib."
"The kwama forager scouts the surface of the land and natural underground passages, searching for suitable locations for new colonies, and hunting for prey. Foragers are aggressive but not very dangerous."
"The kwama queen is the huge, bloated kwama that produces the nest's eggs. They are too large and fat to move, and all their needs are attended by worker kwama."
"The kwama warrior defends the kwama colony's tunnels and chambers. Warriors are aggressive and dangerous."
"The kwama worker digs the colony's tunnels and chambers and tends the queen and the eggs. Workers are unaggressive, but not completely helpless."
"Kynareth, Goddess of Air, is the deity of the heavens, the winds, the elements, and the unseen spirits of the air. Patron of sailors and travelers, Kynareth is invoked for auspicious stars at birth and for good fortune in daily life."
"Have you noticed, for all its proclamations about protecting the rights of property and preserving law and order, the Imperial legion does little enough to capture and prosecute abolitionists? That's a bit hypocritical, don't you think?"
"At first, it seemed the fuss about the Nerevarine prophecy was just silly superstition. Then I learned that the Dunmer have been waiting for Lord Nerevar to come back for centuries. The 'Incarnate', they call it. Every few years an Ashlander appears, and the tribes call him the Incarnate. Then the Temple goes out, hunts him down, and reveals him as a fake. Why does the Temple worry so much about it?"
"I must tell you, all this self-righteous Western clamor against slavery is really tiresome. Our right to own slaves is protected by law -- IMPERIAL law. People who free slaves are breaking the law. It's as simple as that."
"These Imperial tax collectors have really started to get on everyone's nerves. Haven't seen the local one in a while, though...not that anyone is complaining."
"I've heard that the local tax collector, Processus Vitellius, is missing. No surprise, really. He wasn't well liked around here."
"Have you seen Ienas Sarandas lately? What a remarkably good-looking young man he is. And so tastefully dressed. I thought I heard something about him having a little money trouble, but you'd never think it to look at him. And I hear he has become a prisoner of strong drink. That would never have happened while his devout, Temple-fearing parents were alive."
"I heard how you handled that affair with Ienas Sarandas. And a very pretty thing you did. The town's merchant's think the world of you. The word is all over town. Have you heard he has given his house to the Temple and is studying to be a priest at the Ald'ruhn Temple?"
"I heard how you handled that affair with Ienas Sarandas. And a very pretty thing you did. The word is all over town. Have you heard he has given his house to the Temple and is studying to be a priest at the Ald'ruhn Temple?"
"I heard how you handled that affair with Ienas Sarandas. I hear Ienas Sarandas was found dead in his home. I don't suppose YOU had anything to do with that? Of course, there were no witnesses. But everyone knows you killed that poor fool. Don't think anyone here will forgive you for that."
"Redoran is not going to stand by and watch Telvanni setting up those bases without a charter. Ever since we let the Telvanni get away with Tel Vos, they've been sending out wizards and mercenaries to stake their claims on promising sites. And if we don't do something about it, those damn necromancers will end up on our doorsteps."
"Athyn Sarethi may be the 'Hope of the Redoran,' but someone wants him dead. He's fended off three Morag Tong attacks already."
"Morvayn Manor was overrun by corprus monsters. I thought they couldn't get out of the Ghostfence."
"House Redoran isn't going to let those Hlaalu take Caldera and the ebony mines without a fight. Caldera is traditionally House Redoran territory, so we are the ones who should have the charter. As soon as we have proof that the Hlaalu are cheating the Empire, we'll take Caldera back by force."
"There's a ban on new Great House settlements without Duke Dren's approval, but rogue Telvanni are developing sites in defiance of the Duke's orders. I hear these rogue Telvanni are just ambitious hedgewizards -- not full-blown Telvanni mage-lords -- so they might be easy pickings."
"Everyone says Varvur Sarethi murdered Bralen Carvaren, but I don't believe it. They were the best of friends."
"These outlanders won't be happy until slavery is outlawed. Personally, I don't want slaves. No one I know has any. But it's our right to have slaves, by law and custom, and it's none of their damn business."
"The other day a Redoran in Vivec refused a duel. With cowards even in House Redoran, who will protect us next time the Nords invade?"
"Did you hear Bolvyn Venim killed another outlander in a duel. The man was an officer in the House Guard, but Bolvyn Venim insulted his ancestors at a meal, so of course the officer had to demand satisfaction. And of course he had no chance against Venim. So it was murder, really. You're an outlander, yes? Then take warning. Be very careful in your dealings with Venim. Or, better yet, stay away from him."
"Some Ashlanders near Maar Gan have been bragging about how they captured a famous noble. I wonder who it is."
"The guar herders west of Ald'ruhn were having trouble with bandits."
"You won't believe what old Avus said yesterday. 'I could live in a nutshell and be consumed with infinite space were it not that I have bad dreams.' What the hell is he talking about?"
"A guard found Naryn walking around in his nightshirt near the fort. He said he didn't remember how he got there. Sounds to me like he's getting old before his time."
"It's not bad enough with the blight storms this year, but the Ashlanders are also going crazy, jumping caravans and pilgrims, raiding villages, scrapping with the Legions. They ought to send the Legions out and teach them a lesson."
"Why is everybody so grouchy and tired lately? You don't suppose folks are all having bad dreams all at once? I'm not saying I'm having bad dreams. No, sera, not at all. I'm fine. But you do hear folks talking among themselves sometimes. About having bad dreams and not being able to sleep nights."
"Yeah. Right. The Temple SAYS this Peakstar heretic is dead. But did they produce a body? I don't see no body."
"Everyone knows who really runs House Hlaalu. It's not the councilors. No one sits on that council unless it suits Orvas Dren."
"Well, the Temple has always said that madness is a soul sickness, and a sign of sin. But in the Empire, they say it's just another kind of disease."
"Look. It's not just the crops and herds. The blight storms are making everyone sick. It's not an easy cure, even for a Temple, and all they've got in the backcountry is the odd healer and pilgrim shrine."
"I heard Bolvyn Venim was having an affair with the wife of one of the other Councilors."
"House Hlaalu would much rather have the Caldera charter, thank you very much, and run those ebony mines ourselves. But it hasn't worked out so badly. The Imperial Caldera Mining Company is laying out the cash and doing the work, and we're talking the cream off the top in graft and bribes. No wonder Redoran is angry. And when they're angry, they're dangerous."
"These outlanders won't be happy until slavery is outlawed. Our plantations depend on slaves, mostly down south in Dres District, but here in the Ascadian Isles, too. It's our right to have slaves, by law and custom, and it's none of their damn business."
"Uriel Septim is sick, and wizards say his heir, Geldall Septim, and the younger Septims, Enman and Ebel, are just doppelgangers placed in the household during Jagar Tharn's tenure as Imperial Battlemage. They say the Guard charged a mob demanding destruction of the false heirs -- lots of folks were killed."
"House Redoran is really steamed up about the Caldera land grab. They say that Caldera is in their territory, and that they should have gotten the charter. Worse yet, they say that Hlaalu is skimming the top off the Imperial fatcat company that got the charter. Since it's an Imperial company, Redoran can't even get a House War contract on it. It'll come to violence, you mark my words."
"Odral Helvi was arrested on charges of smuggling. It seems someone he hired for a delivery of smuggled ebony turned him over to the authorities. Now Helvi's cooling his heels in some lockup on the mainland, awaiting trial."
"I heard a shipmaster on the Tel Mora-Dagon Fel run dropped a group of wizards and mercenaries off on a little island somewhere. Think that was a bunch of rogue Telvanni planning to set up a base?"
"Kirginia is back in Dagon Fel. And when you see Kirginia, you know there's smuggling going on."
"With all the unrest in Cyrodiil City, a trooper told me they might have to recall the Legions to protect the Emperor."
"The smugglers working out of Shurinbaal lost their contact in Balmora. I hear they're working now with someone in Ald'ruhn."
"Yes, I've heard what Bilsa Andaram has been saying. Of course they're smugglers on the West Gash coast. When was that ever news?"
"Some strange men came through here not long ago. Stopped by Thongar's Tradehouse. Tight-lipped, suspicious bunch."
"It was inevitable. The local criminal organization, the Camonna Tong, wasn't going to stand by and let the Thieves Guild set up shop in their territory. It'll be bloody. And the Thieves Guild doesn't stand a chance."
"Some Ashlanders nearby have been bragging about how they captured a famous noble. I wonder who it is."
"Tilena Thalor will never stop smuggling. It's all she knows. And if you see her here in Maar Gan, she's got something going on. But where?"
"Did you hear about the pilgrims headed east of Lake Nabia, northwest of Mount Kand. That's no place for a party of pilgrims."
"It's the law of Morrowind. Slavery is legal. The Empire doesn't like it, but the Emperor signed the Armistice, and that made it legal for the Dunmer to retain their ancient laws and customs. Now, there's some Abolitionists who say, 'To hell with the law... slavery is wrong.' I'm not saying I disagree, in theory. But it's the law."
"A rumor says the Emperor has repealed the War Tax. We've heard nothing official here, but it's about damn time. We haven't had a war in ten years."
"And how do you think it was that bloated Imperial plutocrats got the charter to exploit the Caldera ebony deposits, and not a native Great House or local colonist? Big fat bribes, I tell you. And friends in high places."
"We've been fortunate. We tested the resolve of the Duke and the other Houses when we grabbed Tel Vos. And we found out they weren't going to fight to protect the settlement charters, we sent out our deviants and malcontents to stake new claims. Some will survive, some won't. Hlaalu and Redoran have to respond. But in the end, the ones that survive will extend our power and influence here on Vvardenfell."
"These outlanders won't be happy until slavery is outlawed. I don't know what I'd do without slaves. Hire some shiftless, untrustworthy, evil-smelling pauper? It's our right to have slaves, by law and custom, and it's none of their damn business."
"Of course, most Mages Guild wizards are pathetic clowns. But I must admit, that lizard that goes by the barbarous title of 'Skink-in-Tree's-Shade' is a very astute practitioner, almost as sage and learned as Telvanni aspirants five times his age. But I have heard he carries his anti-slavery politics a little too far, and much farther than Imperial law allows."
"The Temple forbids the worship of the four bad Daedra -- Mehrunes Dagon, Malacath, Molag Bal, and Sheogorath. But it's a big island, and there's a lot of wilderness, with lots of old Daedric ruins just waiting for a new group of worshippers. The Ordinators have their hands full with heretics and dissidents at home. They can't go out chasing Daedra lovers."
"This caravaner friend of mine says that with so many more blight storms around Red Mountain this year than last year, he's thinking about getting out of the business."
"Narese Athrys found a rogue Telvanni base out in the middle of the ashlands, but she used Almsivi Intervention to escape, and now she doesn't know exactly where the base was."
"Wonder where those young Telvanni were headed with all that gear? Shipmaster said they had quite a load."
"You know, I just heard someone say they'd heard about smugglers on the coast around here. Sorry. I don't remember the details."
"Did you hear they stuck that Dissident Priests guy Malur Omayn in the Ministry of Truth? I guess the Temple Priests and Ordinators figure they can straighten him out in there. I'll bet they can."
"Have you heard? Seven victims? Here in Vivec? All with their throats slit? When it was just a few outlanders killed, the Ordinators weren't making much fuss. But now that they've had two of their own people with slit throats, they seem very concerned at the Hall of Justice. I've heard that the Office of the Watch is quietly looking around for some special help. Anything that can kill TWO Ordinators before they can draw their weapons sounds like it will NEED special help."
"What could kill two Ordinators before they can draw their weapons? Slit their throats? Happened right here in Vivec. Got to be a sorcerer or vampire. The Office of the Watch in the Hall of Justice is worried about sending their own Ordinators out after this killer. The rumor is that the Office of the Watch is looking for outside help. You're an outlander. Did you know five other outlanders were killed just the same way?"
"You've got to hand it to the little daemon-charmers. They surprised us. The Telvanni got these little groups squatting down all over the island, and we've done little to stop them. They're going to be tough to root out. It's going to cost money and lives. But we better make the investment now, before it's too late."
"The guys who are making the REAL money are the tax agents and bureaucrats. They take their percentages off the top."
"I hear there's a secret organization called the Twin Lamps. It helps runaway slaves escape. It's against the law to aid runaway slaves. But I think slavery is wrong, and I can understand why these Abolitionists would be willing to break the law."
"House Redoran has been sending groups of mercenaries against the rogue Telvanni bases cropping up out in Molag Amur and the Ashlands. They don't seem to be having much luck, even though these rogue Telvanni are small fry compared to the mage-lords of the Telvanni towers. Maybe the hard-headed Redorans are sticking too closely to the armored-knight charge-and-bash drill. Maybe someone with a little subtlety might do better."
"I heard someone kidnapped Miner Arobar's daughter."
"House Redoran has been sending groups of mercenaries against the rogue Telvanni bases cropping up out in Molag Amur and the Ashlands. They don't seem to be having much luck, even though these rogue Telvanni are small fry compared to the mage-lords of the Telvanni towers. Maybe the hard-headed Redorans are sticking too closely to the armored-knight charge-and-bash drill. Maybe someone with a little subtlety might do better."
"Now that they found Lesley's little hole over by Ebonheart, where do you suppose she's moved her operation? It's got to be close by, with the volume of stuff she's smuggling."
"So Herd the Bandit has become Herd the Pirate? I guess he's decided to try his luck with sea-going banditry. How do you like the idea of Herd and his mob in a boat? I hope they've invested in water-breathing potions."
"The Office of the Watch says they got the one who killed the two Ordinators. They didn't say how. But I heard it was an outlander that tracked the killer down. And I also heard the outlander was a Anon that looked a lot like you. What a remarkable coincidence."
"I've been hearing of a lot of people with bad dreams, seeing bad omens, stuff like that. Haven't you?"
"You'd think she'd be more discreet, seeing as how the Duke's her father. But Ilmene Dren is a strong-willed young woman, and she hates slavery with a passion. Her family's wealth and influence means nothing to her. She's proud of living in a St. Delyn slum. And she doesn't mind being seen with known abolitionists like that bookseller, Jobasha."
"Have you noticed? People staying up until all hours of the night? Walking the streets? Tradesmen open all the time? Strange. Like they can't get to sleep or something. Or don't want to go to sleep. Maybe something in their sleep is bothering them. If you follow my meaning."
"I'm telling you, it's making me worried. My neighbor was outside in the middle of the night last night, running around, talking nonsense, and in the morning, he doesn't remember a thing about it. Those scholars talk stuff about delusion diseases and such. What the hell does that mean? And why can't the priests cure it?"
"The blight storms have been really bad this year. My friend who makes the Maar Gan pilgrimage every year got caught in a real doozy. He was in a pretty bad way until they got him back to a Temple."
"It's not just the blight storms that're bad this year. They got all sorts of blighted beasts coming down from the mountain. It's pretty bad on the trails and in the outback villages."
"It's strange, isn't it? Lots of people I know are having bad dreams. Seeing strange visions. Acting funny. The Tribunal Temple just goes on and on about sin and wickedness, but they're just religious fanatics. It is odd. Wonder if it has anything to do with all the blight storms this year?"
"I know they announced it a while ago, but now the Temple Priests and Ordinators are really going after heretics, especially Dissident Priests."
"People seem tired lately. Everybody is talking about it, giving all sorts of excuses -- the weather, noise, over-work, worries. But you also hear some people talking quietly about having bad dreams. You know the Temple doesn't want to hear that stuff, and folks keep it to themselves. But it would explain a lot."
"Madness is a sickness in the soul. It comes from a lack of faith, and a love of sin. All this talk of bad dreams and bad omens, superstition... it's just a sign that people have abandoned the Temple and fallen into greed and wickedness."
"Someone's been selling strange red statues in Ald'ruhn."
"It feels like everyone's working too hard, trying to live the Good Life. Seems like everyone I talk to is always tired. Just not getting enough sleep."
"Everybody's complaining about not getting enough sleep. Maybe it's the weather."
"I tell you. This Peakstar? The Temple says she's dead. So how could she be the Nerevarine if she's dead?"
"The blight storms have been so bad around Red Mountain this year that the crops and herds of the outlying villages are really suffering. The price of everything is got to go up."
"I hear the same thing from everybody. Everybody's feeling tired. Wonder if something is going around."
"Tanusea Veloth has the Divine Disease, but she refuses to leave the city."
"A sailor from Soulrest says he heard the Expeditionary Force has put down the tribal uprisings in Black Marsh. He says local traders expect exports of gold and timber to resume after the plantations and mines are rebuilt."
"You know what I heard about Baram? The other day he woke up in the Temple, but couldn't remember how he got there or why he went there. He made a big joke of it, saying he must have tied one on last night, and forgot all about it."
"Our new mage-lord, Master Aryon, has done a lot for Tel Vos, and most of us are very happy with him. But he is still having trouble with the nearby Zainab Ashlander tribe. Part of the problem is that we settled villagers and the Ashlander nomads don't really understand each other very well. Aryon's captain, Turedus Talanian, is looking for someone who can help forge a bond with the Zainab. If you know anything about Ashlanders, you might be able to help them out."
"The Legion Champion, Larrius Varro, over at Moonmoth Legion Fort, has sworn an oath to stop corruption. He hasn't had much luck going through official channels. The syndicates have got their people covered coming and going. He'll never get anywhere working through the system. He's going to have to find someone who can get him around the system. Or through the system. Like straight and HARD through the system."
"People don't realize how deeply the Dark Elves resent the Occupation. The real powers behind the Hlaalu council, Orvas Dren and his Camonna Tong syndicate, nurse those ancient resentments. They haven't a chance of challenging Imperial authority now, but if the stability of the Empire were threatened -- for example, if the legions were recalled because of some problem with the Septim succession -- Dren and the Tong might move openly to drive the Imperials out of Morrowind."
"Everyone knows the Balmora magistrate, Nolus Atrius, is on the take. Thieves, thugs, and murderers are getting ridiculous sentences, or paying a drake and walking free. But they'll never get Atrius. He's got fatcats and family back in the City to cover him. The Legion Champion, Larrius Varro, over at Moonmoth Legion Fort, he has sworn an oath to stop corruption. But I don't see what he can do."
"They say someone hit the Camonna Tong at the Council Club. Hard. And the guards SAY they're very concerned, and they're following all leads... But somehow they don't seem very sincere. And Larrius Varro? Champion at Fort Moonmoth? He's been quoted as saying, 'I swore an oath to stop corruption, but it seems the gods have seen fit to fulfill my oath for me.' And you know what's funny? Someone said they saw YOU talking to Larrius Varro several times recently. A coincidence? I don't think so."
"That bigmouth Varro over at Moonmoth Legion Fort says he's going to stop corruption. He doesn't know what he's talking about. What he calls corruption is just the routine greasing of the wheels of commerce. These outlanders come in here and think they know how things should work. They don't understand anything about the way things work in Morrowind."
"Heard about the Gateway haunting? A ghost is haunting the South Turret bed chamber. Somebody drives it out? And it comes right back. The Gateway is too new to have its own haunts. Some sorcerer up to mischief is my guess. But it's ruining business at the Gateway, and Angaredhel the Prefect is NOT happy. Be good if somebody would take care of it before someone gets hurt."
"I hear you're in a little trouble with the law. Why don't you pay the magistrate? You know you owe it. Why don't you pay it?"
"Everyone's saying you've got a price on your head. Some people are going to start looking at your skin like it might be a handy way to pay off a few debts."
"It is not a rumor. It is the truth. Lord Dagoth, Dagoth Ur, Lord of the Sixth House, and Savior of the Dunmer people, has awakened. And with him shall all sleepers awaken, and Morrowind shall be cleansed of the stain of false gods and foreign rule."
"I've heard there are a number of young locals who follow a vampire named Lord Irarak. They hide themselves in one of the ancestral burial tombs nearby and do whatever it is they do. Idiots, if you ask me."
"I've heard that the youngest Llethri runt has decided he wants to become one of your kind. Maybe you can help with that. Of course, his mother is against it, and she's got a lot of money."
"I've heard rumors of a vampire hunter in the city recently, dark one. You should take care."
"I've heard that there's a powerful vampire in the Drethan tomb near Ald Daedroth. She's slaughtered any mortals that have gone in the place. From what I've heard, she's killed a number of your kind as well."
"I've heard that Miun-Gei in the Foreign Quarter is getting really fed up with some obnoxious Breton selling wares outside his shop. Ridiculous what some people will do to earn a drake."
"I've heard that Miun-Gei the enchanter is getting really fed up with some obnoxious Breton selling wares outside his shop. Ridiculous what some people will do to earn a drake."
"Crassius Curio is quite a patron of the arts. He commissioned some artists to do a mural for him, and I heard that he has written a new play, and would like to have it performed."
"I've heard that Balen Andrano over in the Redoran section has had a real tough time lately. He's losing a lot of business."
"Did you hear about poor Jeanne? No one will go into her store anymore. People say it's haunted."
"Poor Moroni Uvelas. Her husband hasn't been home in days, and she's worried about him. No telling what that no-good man is doing."
"There's been a pretty bad rat problem in the Telvanni section of Vivec. Audenian Valius the enchanter has gotten the worst of it, apparently."
"I have heard that you have taken personal vengeance for the murder of Airan-Ahhe, dead husband of our trader, Kurapli. This is well done, Clanfriend. I have also heard that she gave you Spirit Spear. May it find a home in the hearts of your foes."
"Are you Anon? I heard the strangest thing. Someone said they heard you spoke with Tiber Septim at Ghostgate. The Emperor. The one who built the Empire, and died centuries ago, and became a god. They say the Emperor gave you a lucky coin, and blessed you with good fortune. That's just a story, isn't it? It couldn't be true, could it?"
"You were visited by Tiber Septim! We heard this -- we were told that the Oracle of the Imperial Cult in the Imperial Chapels of Ebonheart says you saw Tiber Septim. Did you see him in the flesh? Did you see his ghost? Did he come and speak to you? Is that true? Wonders never cease."
"It may come as a surprise to you, but some of us don't like outlanders. And don't want to talk to them."
"They call them 'corprus beasts.' They come from Red Mountain. Once they were men. Then blight storms come. They walk in the storms. They get sick, grow fat and stupid. Now they wander like mad beasts, killing and eating. Very bad, very bad."
"We know of the Nerevarine prophecies. We have also heard that an outlander comes to fulfill these prophecies. Perhaps you are that outlander. Perhaps not."
"Everyone is very curious about this outlander who claims to be the Nerevarine."
"We are living in strange times, outlander. The voices that speak in dreams say the Sleeper awakes. Dagoth Ur stirs beneath Red Mountain, and all his hosts shall spill forth and spoil the land."
"Ghosts and Ancestors! We have heard how you went to Kogoruhn, and what you found there. It is terrible. And we have heard of Azura's cave, and the great ring. Will you show this ring to me? Please? Truly. It is a marvel."
"So. You are Nerevarine. When will you go to Red Mountain to face the Devil Dagoth Ur?"
"The ways of the world are mysterious. How strange. The Nerevarine, an outlander."
"You are the prophesied one? Strange times. When will you go to Red Mountain to face the Devil Dagoth Ur? When you go, you go with our blessing."
"The skies are clear all over Morrowind? Even on Red Mountain? I cannot believe it."
"The Blight is gone. Completely. Blue skies over Red Mountain. We all owe you a debt of gratitude."
"Morrowind is governed under Imperial Law, and under the law and customs of the Dunmer Great Houses. Conflicts of Imperial and Great House Law are governed under the Treaty of the Armistice, which reserves most local government functions to the Dunmer Great House councils. Local Magistrates judge cases and determine sentences; local guards execute the judgements of the Magistrates and enforce the laws."
"Theft, Trespass, Assault, Foul Murder, and Contempt are serious crimes; criminals must pay fines or serve sentences of hard labor. Treason is a most serious crime, punished by death. Noble House Dunmer have right of appeal to the House Councils; Imperial citizens have right of appeal to the King of Morrowind and his Dukes. By ancient House custom, offended House nobles appealing to House councils may refuse to accept compensation and may demand death for many crimes."
"Morrowind is governed under Imperial Law, and under the law and customs of the Dunmer Great Houses."
"Conflicts of Imperial and Great House Law are governed under the Treaty of the Armistice, which reserves most local government functions to the Dunmer Great House councils."
"Local Magistrates judge cases and determine sentences; local guards execute the judgements of the Magistrates and enforce the laws."
"Noble House Dunmer have right of appeal to the House Councils; Imperial citizens have right of appeal to the King of Morrowind and his Dukes."
"Theft, Trespass, Assault, Foul Murder, and Contempt are serious crimes; criminals must pay fines or serve sentences of hard labor."
"Treason is a most serious crime, punished by death."
"By ancient House custom, offended House nobles appealing to House councils may refuse to accept compensation and may demand death for many crimes."
"Lay healers gather ingredients for health and healing potions, and minister to the sick and hurt in poor and isolated communities. It is difficult and sometimes dangerous work, but the spiritual rewards are great. If you are interested, speak to Synnolian Tunifus at the Imperial Chapels in Ebonheart."
"We accept all citizens of good character and earnest faith. We ask only a one-time pledge of 50 drakes to aid us in our good works. Thereafter, the only cost of membership comes when you use a healing altar -- modest and nominal fees which help us in our mission to bring the words and blessings of the Nine to those less fortunate than ourselves. Do you wish to join the Imperial Cult?"
"We accept all citizens of good character and earnest faith. We ask only a one-time pledge of 50 drakes to aid us in our good works. To become a lay member of the Imperial cult, speak with Ygfa at Fort Pelagiad, Syloria Siruliulus at Fort Buckmoth, Somutis Vunnis at Fort Moonmoth, Ruccia Conician in the Grand Council Chambers in Ebonheart, or Lalatia Varian in the Imperial Chapels at Ebonheart."
"Lay servants serve the Imperial cult by doing various tasks. Not a lot of excitement, but safe, honorable, and rewarding. First you have to join the Imperial cult, then go to the Imperial Chapels in Ebonheart to get work. See Synnolian Tunifus to become a lay healer. See Iulus Truptor to become an almoner -- a fund raiser. See Kaye to become a shrine sergeant -- they do the more dangerous jobs."
"The lesser saints of the Temple are: Saint Felms the Bold -- Butchers, Fishmongers, Saint Llothis the Pious -- Tailors, Dyers, Saint Meris the Peacemaker -- Farmers, Laborers, Saint Roris the Martyr -- Furnishers and Caravaners, Saint Aralor the Penitent -- Tanners and Miners, Saint Delyn the Wise -- Potters, Glassmakers, Saint Olms the Just -- Sailors, Chandlers, Clerks, Saint Rilms the Barefooted -- Pilgrims, Beggars, and Saint Seryn the Merciful -- Brewers, Bakers, Distillers."
"The light armor discipline is the study and mastery of leather, boiled leather, chitin, and glass armor styles. To use any style of armor effectively, the wearer must be trained, conditioned, and skilled in its use."
"We are shunned by almost all who live in the sunlight. While some mages will tolerate us, all others consider us abominations. And the sunlight...do not walk in the sunlight. It will be your death."
"If you're heading into the backcountry, always carry a couple of Restore Health, Restore Fatigue, Cure Disease, and Cure Blight potions with you."
"If you find yourself stumbling into trouble when you're tired, stop being so reckless. Keep an eye out. If you're entering unfamiliar territory, and you think it might be hostile, slow down to a walk, look around, catch your breath, and be ready for trouble."
"When you take a job, you have to have the good sense to hold off until you're stronger if it seems too hard for you."
"Don't fight when you're tired. Don't try to cast spells when you're tired. You'll fail much more often when you're tired. That's why veterans always carry a couple of Restore Fatigue potions for an emergency."
"If you kill yourself trying to complete a job that's too difficult for you, it's nobody's fault but your own."
"If you want to improve a skill you're terrible at, it's worth paying for a little training, just to get you started. Sure, you can teach yourself, but it can be slow and frustrating."
"If you take a job that's too hard for you, don't kill yourself. Wait until you're bigger and stronger, then try again."
"If you do the crime, pay the fine, don't do the time. You might think a little hard labor isn't a bad price to pay, but while you're breaking rocks for the Empire, you lose the edge in your useful skills, and it takes a long time to get back to where you were before."
"Best bargain for a risk-taker is a jug of sujamma. Makes you strong as an ogrim -- not for long, but long enough."
"If all it takes is a little persuasion, a flask of Telvanni bug musk is what you need. Makes even an Orc charming."
"Yes, buying and selling Dwarven artifacts without an Imperial charter is illegal. But I've never heard of anyone pinched for it."
"There's an enchanted transportation system in the old Dunmer strongholds. Created ages ago, but still works. You need a thing called an 'index' to use the system. Not many of them around. Collectors will pay a pretty drake for them."
"If you want to know the sorcerer's tricks and trade, talk to Smokey Morth at Varo's Tradehouse in Vos. It's a long trek, but few sorcerers are as friendly and down-to-earth as Smokey."
"If you want to know everything there is to know about being a mage, let me suggest Estirdalin at the Balmora Mages Guild. You want to talk to an expert in the trade, patient, and well-spoken -- someone who likes to talk about the subjects. You don't want a trainer -- not unless you expect to pay for the information. And you don't want someone too busy or important to talk to you. Try Estirdalin. He's smart, friendly, and ready to talk."
"Are you interested in the healer's trade in Morrowind? Maybe you should talk with Ygfa at Fort Pelagiad in Pelagiad village. She's very nice, experienced, and very patient with questions."
"Artisa Arelas is a well-traveled and knowledgeable pilgrim. She works over in the Canon Offices at the Temple. If you're polite and respectful, she'll answer any questions you have."
"Eraamion at the Caldera Guild of Mages is a useful resource if you have questions about the nightblade's trade as it is practiced in Morrowind."
"If you're looking for someone to talk to about the witchhunter's trade in Morrowind, you should talk to Melvure Rindu at the Hall of Justice in Vivec."
"If you want to talk with a spellsword with extensive experience in Morrowind, talk to Strillian Macro at the barracks in Gnisis. He's served with several garrisons on Vvardenfell, knows the island and its people, and doesn't mind taking time out to talk with anyone who shares his interest in his profession."
"Anarenen at the Ald'ruhn Guild of Mages is happy to talk your ear off about alchemy. He's been on Vvardenfell a while, and knows everything there is to know about practicing the profession here."
"If you want to talk to an enchanter about enchanting, try Galar Rothan at the Telvanni Council House. He's not a stiff shirt like a lot of the Telvanni wizards, and he knows his stuff."
"Tendris Vedran is the person I'd talk to if I wanted to know about the apothecary's trade in Morrowind. I've spoken with him on several occasions, and he's smart, well-spoken, and well-informed."
"You want to know about traders and how they work in Morrowind, talk to Nalion at the Gateway Inn in Sadrith Mora. He knows what he's talking about."
"Briring is a barbarian at the Skyrim Mission in Ebonheart. He's remarkably educated and well-spoken for a barbarian, but he knows the things a barbarian should know."
"Have you met Gudling the Rascal in your travels? Lately he's taken up residence at St. Veloth's Hostel in Molag Mar. If you're interested in the hunter's craft, he's worth talking to."
"Vala Catraso at the Ald'ruhn Guild of Mages runs a little class for new arrivals in Vvardenfell. And, by the way, she is also happy to talk about her vocation as priest."
"It's hard to find a wise woman who'll talk about her trade. If you're interested, you might try Maela Kaushad in Vos. She married a villager, left the tribes, and settled down in town."
"If you want to talk to a smith about his trade, talk to Garothmuk gro-Muzgub. He is not a master smith, but he's well-spoken, friendly, and knows a lot about smithing in Morrowind."
"If you were to ask me for the model of a warrior, I'd have to say Miles Gloriosus. He's at the Andus Tradehouse in Maar Gan right now, on a crusade to kill off all the monsters sneaking through the Ghostfence, but he always has time to talk with an admirer."
"There's a crusader in residence at Desele's House of Earthly Delights in Suran. His name is Snorri. Talk to him if you want a good, long lecture on a crusader's experiences on Vvardenfell."
"The master-at-arms at Fort Pelagiad, Angoril, is a good source if you are curious about the master-at-arms's trade in Morrowind. He's a little long-winded, but he knows his stuff, and he's always willing."
"Flaenia Amiulusus is a drillmaster at the Balmora Fighters Guild. If you want to talk to someone about the drillmaster's trade, she's the one I'd pick."
"Mervs Uvayn has been an agent for House Hlaalu for quite a while. You'll find him at the Hlaalu Council Manor in Balmora. Talk to him if you want to know about the agent's trade."
"Albecius Colollius is a veteran battlemage. He hangs out at Arrille's Tradehouse in Seyda Neen. Talk to him if you want to know about battlemages and how they work here in Morrowind."
"My notion of the ideal knight is an Orc named Dumbuk gro-Bolak. He serves with the Legion under General Darius up in Gnisis. You'll usually find him in the barracks. Look him up. He knows his trade, and Vvardenfell."
"Llevana Salaren at the Temple in Molag Mar is the most knowledgeable acrobat I know. I didn't say BEST acrobat. There's others who can leap higher and jump farther, but she can TALK acrobat talk better than any other acrobat I've ever met."
"You should speak with the monk An-Deesei at the Argonian Mission. If the monk's life interests you, that is."
"Athal Nerano is the proverbial 'silver-tongued rogue'. He knows the rogue's trade, and loves to talk about it. He lists his residence as Madach's Tradehouse in Gnisis."
"If you want to talk to an archer about archery, talk to Ian in Ebonheart. You can usually find him wandering around on the plaza near the docks, where the dragon statue is."
"Most assassins don't like to talk about their trade. Take the Morag Tong, for instance. Tight-lipped about everything. But Ingokning, the assassin at the Skyrim Mission in Ebonheart? He doesn't mind talking. In fact, he'll bend your ear if you aren't careful."
"Fenas Madach is the thief's thief. Retired, of course. Or so he says. He has a business up in Gnisis, Madach's Tradehouse. You want to talk shop with a thief, go talk to Fenas Madach."
"If you want to know about a place on Vvardenfell, talk to a scout. And the scout I'd talk to is Elone. You can find her at Arrille's Tradehouse in Seyda Neen. She's traveled all over the island."
"If you need to know about clothes, and you want to talk to a clothier, talk to Milie Hastien in Balmora."
"If you need to know something about the merchant's trade, talk to Bolrin in Ebonheart at the East Empire Company Hall. He's been a merchant with the East Empire Company here for years, and he knows his stuff."
"Outlanders new in Vvardenfell do best in Balmora. House Hlaalu is Imperial through and through, and you get a good mix of native and Imperial people and services. Not as friendly to outlanders up north in House Redoran country, or down in big Vivec City, and DEFINITELY not friendly out east with the Telvanni wizards. Shop the outfitters, then check out the guilds for work. If you want to be adopted by a Great House, you'll need a patron, and that's easier when you've got a reputation."
"The easy way to get started is to join a Guild. Do their jobs, earn your way up the ranks, get the discounts, training, and other services. Gets you out and around in Vvardenfell, a little at a time, get to know the country and the people. The Guild takes an interest in you, doesn't send you in over your head. The Fighters Guild and the Legion, anyway. The Mages Guild is another story. Some old chair-polisher, doesn't have a clue what he's sending you into, doesn't much care."
"If you want to make your mark as a mage, you haven't got much choice. It's the Mages Guild or nothing. Oh, you can pick up experience and education from the Temple or the Imperial cult, but here in the settled West, the Mages Guild has all the best people, best libraries and facilities, best work opportunities. Of course, all the REAL wizards are Telvanni Dunmer, out on the east coast. But they are all either cranky or crazy or just plain mean. You got to be tough just to TALK with those wizard-lords."
"One little word. 'Ingredients.' Pointy hats and bottlepackers all need their ingredients. Go out, pop a skeleton apart, get the bonemeal, make a quick drake. Now, you have to be careful, because the locals don't like you out digging up their aunties. So get a book, read up, know the kinds of rocks and herbs you're looking for, and off you go. Start small. Leave the big Daedra and scary stuff alone, right?"
"Well, if you're considering a mercenary career, the Fighters Guild isn't too choosy. No, don't take offense. I just mean they're relaxed, easy going, give along, get along. Legion is a lot tougher outfit, and fussy about ends and means, if you follow me. And those House Redoran people -- well, they are tough and sharp, but a bit tiresome in the duty-and-honor line."
"You look like you might not faint wearing heavy armor. You might check out the Legion garrison at Fort Moonmoth. They like 'em big over there, and maybe they're looking for recruits. Good benefits, chance for advancement, get a piece of land at retirement, maybe even end up a knight."
"Be smart. Join the Guild. Honor among thieves, right? You're new here, don't know your way around, get in a little trouble -- a lot of trouble, more likely. Oh, you'll learn, fast enough, I guess. But get gold on your head, and things get tougher. The Guild will steer you straight, towards the sweet and away from the sour. And they're a regular guild -- discounts on your training and services and everything. Do yourself a favor. Start easy, with friends. Then later, you want to freelance, fine."
"If you need to meet a guy, you want to look in at the South Wall, cornerclub, south of the river. Talk around; if they like your looks, they'll open up. But be careful. The Council Club, also on the south side, is Camonna Tong territory, the local mob. They don't like outlanders, except under building foundations."
"We don't like outlanders. We don't like them in our Council Club. We don't like trouble. We do like a little peace and quiet. If you don't mind."
"Strangers get lost up here. Be careful. My advice is keep an eye to the coast, then pick a landmark, then keep them both is sight as you explore. The Daedric ruins to the east, for example, are visible for a long distance."
"While you're here, you have to take a look at the Daedric ruins. Ashalmawia. Very old. Remarkable. Safe to go up there, in the daytime at least. I wouldn't go inside, though. Place is cursed."
"If you want weapons or arms in Ald'ruhn, or need weapons and armor repaired, look for Dandera Selaro the Smith in Ald'ruhn-under-Skar. Dandera Selaro serves all comers, and has a quality selection. The other three smiths in Ald'ruhn have faction associations. Ergnir the Nord is the Fighters Guild smith, and Tuveso Beleth is the House Redoran smith at Redoran Council Hall. Yambagorn gro-Shulor is the Legion's smith at Fort Buckmoth. And Daynes Redothril the pawnbroker may also be worth a look."
"You look like you're looking for something. It might be you'll find it at the Rat in the Pot. A fellow named Aengoth the Jeweler. He's good at looking for things. And finding them. And a warning. Stay clear of the Camonna Tong. They don't like outlanders, and what they don't like, they kill."
"Do yourself a favor, mate. Hook up with the Guild. Now, maybe I got you wrong, don't take offense. But I'm watching you, and you look and move like someone in the Trade. The Guild can help you. And frankly, the Guild could use your help. Maybe you know, maybe you don't.... The Guild and the Camonna Tong are in a Guild War for control of Vvardenfell. The Camonna Tong are the ancient Dunmer syndicate. They hate outlanders, and always will. If they win, there'll be no place for you here, outlander."
"Ald'ruhn is fortunate in having two enchanters and two alchemists. Even though Cienne Sintieve and Llether Vari are up in the more expensive Manor District, I think you'll find the selection and service with Tanar Llervi and Anarenen at the Mages Guild every bit as good. Of course, if you're affiliated with the Mages Guild, you'll want to try Tanar Llervi and Anarenen first."
"If you are looking for work, and have skill and experience in the arcane arts, you can't do better than the Ald'ruhn Mages Guild. Edwinna Elbert, the guild steward, is in her own world, like most mages, but she's good-hearted and sensible, if you can get her attention. And you can't advance very far in other factions around here unless you have good fighter's skills. Except, the Temple, if that's to your taste. People with arcane skills can rise pretty fast in their ranks."
"Ald'ruhn is a good place for experienced fighters and mercenaries. Both the Fighters Guild and the Imperial Legion are looking for recruits, and they offer rapid advancement if you do well with the tasks the guild steward or the chapter steward assigns you. And if you're planning to make a career here in Ald'ruhn, you might consider House Redoran. It's hard for outlanders to rise above a certain rank, but if you show promise, and get a sponsor, you can go all the way to the top... in theory, anyway."
"Caldera is a quiet, law-abiding town. Not much call for adventurers or mercenaries here. A good place to shop for equipment and look for a trainer, though."
"Lots of ruins here on Sheogorad. If you're an adventurer looking for loot, or trouble, it might be worthwhile exploring the island. Mzuleft is the big Dwemer ruin everyone knows about. But there are other places on the island, less famous, less often visited, that might be more interesting. And safer."
"We get pilgrims here from time to time, since we're the closest port to a pair of sites, the Malacath shrine and the Sanctus Shrine. If you were thinking of visiting the sites, let me warn you. I heard that a group of orcs are camped out over at the site of the Malacath shrine."
"The Imperial Legion may be recruiting. I hear the units are at full strength in the town forts, but there might be openings on the frontier, up at Fort Darius. Speak to Frald the White, Knight Bachelor and Chapter Steward of the Hawkmoth Legion."
"You look like someone who is thinking about going into Red Mountain. We will not stop you. But we warn you: without protection from blight diseases, you won't get far. And even with protection, and plenty of blight cures when protection fails, you must plan on short forays inside and quick returns for heals and cures. And the creatures inside are terrible and numerous. And the ruins and citadels are worse."
"A fellow looking for trouble might take a peek around in the old Daedric ruins on an island to the south. Probably safer than stirring up trouble in town, anyway."
"I bet you couldn't throw a stone around here without hitting a smuggler. 'Smuggler's Coast' is what they call this stretch of coast from Seyda Neen north to West Gash. Now, no one HERE would think of trying to cheat the Emperor of his taxes. No. We're loyal citizens."
"Since you're here, you should take a look at the Mask of Vivec. Ask Mehra Drora at the Temple to tell you the story behind the Mask of Vivec."
"If you're looking for work, you might consider the Deathshead Legion. This is not a very popular posting, and there might be openings. Check with General Darius."
"It's pretty quiet right around Gnisis, especially for a questing hero like yourself. But out to the east are a bunch of bandit caves. Might be some loot and bandits there that'd be easy pickings for someone like you."
"Don't go poking around in the Old Velothi tower. The renegade Telvanni wizard Baladas Demnevanni lives there, and he doesn't welcome visitors."
"They've sealed off the eggmine. Only letting miners in. But there is a secret entrance from the river bed."
"Mind your own business is my advice to visitors. Don't get nosy, or some people may take strong objection. If you think you're hot stuff, and you want to throw your weight around, go ahead. But I warned you."
"Here's a notion. Steal from thieves. Perfectly legal. Outlaws got no rights, and they'll none of them be missed. You're a big hero if you bag a few thieves. And you end up with their stuff. Slick, eh? Of course, it's dangerous. But you can't get ahead without taking some risks."
"You may have heard people refer to the Bitter Coast as the Smuggler's Coast. There's a reason for that. A lot of islands and coastline, with plenty of caves and hidey-holes, and few people around. Perfect for men with boats who want to keep their business private."
"There are nests of dreugh somewhere along the Bitter Coast. They're not to be trifled with. I don't think the value of the hide is worth the trouble. But it's the challenge and danger itself that attracts some people. More power to them."
"There's a lot of wildlife in the Bitter Coast swamps. There's a market for alit and kagouti hide, and some folks swear rat meat is the sweetest meat in Morrowind."
"If you're looking for trouble, and not particularly superstitious, there are a number of ancient abandoned tombs in these parts."
"People around here are suspicious of strangers asking a lot of questions. Maybe something they're doing isn't exactly legal. They don't want anyone poking around. You understand?"
"Not much up here to keep a questing hero like yourself busy, I'm afraid. It's pretty quiet, and that's the way we like it. You might take a look at the Daedric ruins to the southwest, though. Don't know anything about them, myself. No business fooling with that stuff. But they say a lot of those old sites have hidden treasures."
"Visit the Tower shrine, and ask the priests there about it. Quite a story. 'To you, Lord Dagon, I bite my thumb.' Hah hah hah. Quite a trick. Maybe, if you're a questing hero, you'd like to match your wits against a Daedra?"
"We've had a lot of trouble with blight monsters escaping through the Ghostfence and attacking the village and outlying settlements. The Temple and House Redoran has called for volunteers to come help protect Maar Gan from monster attacks. Talk to the priests at the shrine if you might be willing to help. And talk to the volunteers who are lodging at the Andus Tradehouse."
"Most pilgrims will need guards and guides to reach the pilgrim sites, but someone like you should have no trouble on your own. Follow Foyada Ilibaal northwest to Mount Kand, then Mount Assarnibibi is northeast of Mount Kand, across Foyada Zabirbael. Just take your time, keep landmarks in sight, and be ready to hoof it back to the stronghold if you get in trouble."
"Watch out for small camps of outcast Ashlanders. They prey on careless pilgrims. There's a large Ashlander camp beyond Mount Kand and Mount Assarnibibi to the north -- Erabenimsun camp. The Erabenimsun tribe is not very hospitable, but we're more or less at peace with them at present, so don't rile them."
"Sadrith Mora is the only place to shop for goods and services in the Telvanni District. All the other Telvanni settlements are small, with very few services and very poor selections."
"According to the Collective Articles of the Council of the Great House Telvanni, out-house and outlander guests in Sadrith Mora may not travel in town or speak to or conduct business with citizens, tradesmen, or publicans unless they have Hospitality Papers. Hospitality Papers may be obtained from the Prefect of Hospitality, Angaredhel, at the Gateway Inn for 25 gold."
"Looking for work in Sadrith Mora? Start with the Fighters Guild and the Mages Guild at Wolverine Hall. If you're thinking of trying to serve House Telvanni, go talk to the Telvanni Mouths over at the Council Hall."
"The best way to travel in Sadrith Mora is by the guild guide teleports at the Mages Guild in Wolverine Hall. It gets you past the foolishness at the Gateway, and most of the services you need are right in Wolverine Hall."
"Go to the Prefect of Hospitality, Angaredhel the Altmer, at the Gateway, and purchase the necessary Hospitality papers. It's not that expensive, and you don't want any trouble with the guards."
"You wouldn't think so, but there are number of old abandoned tombs in the area. I thought this area had never been settled, but apparently, long before the Empire opened Vvardenfell up for settlement, someone has put a lot of ancestors to rest here. Most of us can't get past a superstitious distaste for rooting around in ancestral tombs. But you're an outlander. It shouldn't bother you, should it?"
"We see a lot of new faces like yours here in Seyda Neen. If you're hoping to stand out from the crowd, you need to practice a lot to improve your skills. And if you want to increase your general level of competence, focus on your major skills -- the ones most important to your trade. That way you'll advance more quickly. And another little tip newcomers forget. Always carry a little food so you can freshen up when fatigue gets you down. Eat a little, and you can feel your energy coming back."
"Your first visit to Morrowind, outlander? Then learn the law and local customs. Get a copy of Law and Custom in Morrowind. Slavery is legal here. Foul murder is illegal, but if he strikes the first blow, you're in the clear. A verbal attack is illegal, just like an unprovoked physical attack. Folks are touchy about personal honor. Watch your tongue, or you'll get called out to a duel."
"Phew. You're bittergreen green, outlander. Might as well wear a sign, "New in Town." Word of advice. Buy a little good will. Lose a few drakes, gain a friend. Folks will loosen up if your spread a little of the Emperor's gold around."
"Where to start. Probably in Balmora. That's the House Hlaalu district seat. They've got a Fighters Guild and Mages Guild there, and a legion fort -- though I don't know if they're recruiting. They have all the services you need -- trainers, smiths, outfitters -- and if you join a guild and work your way up, the discounts and perks are worthwhile."
"Don't know anything about adventuring? Here's the basics. Travel light, run like a kagouti. Don't go poking in holes unless you know what you're doing. Common sense."
"You can read, can't you? Well, read some books. That's what they write 'em for. Got all the damn advice anyone could want in 'em. Buy 'em, read 'em, sell 'em back. Most folks don't mind if you take a peek at what books they got. Proud of being book-learned. Of course, if the f'lah is SELLING books, he wants you to buy 'em, THEN read 'em. It stands to reason."
"Me, I can afford it, so I buy my bed and board here. But there's no harm in sleeping rough, and eating what you can find. Anywhere outside of town you can just lay down and take your rest -- provided there ain't no thieves or kagouti around. But the guards don't like you sleeping in the streets. It annoys the gentry."
"Hmm. You'll be looking for better armor. And a decent weapon. Let me make a suggestion. A lot of people out there are wearing very nice armor and carrying very nice weapons. You don't want to go taking those things from honest citizens, because you'll end up doing hard labor. But if you happen to find some outlaws wearing nice armor and carrying nice weapons, well, the bailiffs don't mind at all if you knock them over the head and take their stuff."
"DON'T head for the back country until you're ready. I did, and they took my stuff, and I count myself lucky. There's plenty of work, good opportunities near the towns down here in the southwest. But Red Mountain? No way. Out east with the Telvanni? Not yet. Up north in Sheogorad? Just toss your stuff in the water and slit your throat -- it'll be much faster, and less painful."
"Well, most outlanders stick close to the Imperial Guilds and the legions. But you might consider service in one of the Dunmer Great Houses. They aren't real fond of outlanders. And you have to look around hard for a patron -- someone who'll speak for you, help you advance to the higher ranks. But the Great Houses are where the real opportunities are. House Hlaalu and House Redoran are pretty reasonable. House Telvanni -- the wizard house -- they're another story."
"Don't expect the natives to take to you right away. Colonists like us -- outlanders, settlers from the other provinces -- will be more open and friendly at the start. Then, maybe when you do a few things, get your name around, gain a reputation, then the locals will open up a little. Stick to your own kind to start, and it will go a little easier."
"You look like a f'lah who knows his way around, eh? Looking for what others are looking for. Well, they don't have an Imperial charter, but there's honor among thieves, if you know what I mean. Look in the tradehouses and cornerclubs, talk around. If you look likely, and talk likely, they'll give you the word."
"Best bet if you're new here is to hook up with one of the Imperial Guilds -- Fighters Guild or Mages Guild. It's not what you know, it's who you know. You'll get discounts on training and services, and if you need work, they know where to find it."
"It pays to take it slow when you first come to Morrowind. When you talk to folks, keep an eye on their dispositions. They let you know if you don't like them, and it's smart to get on a f'lah's good side before you ask for a favor."
"New in Morrowind, eh? Well, the natives are not very friendly. They still resent the Empire, and they look down on the other races. They don't like outlander Dunmer very much either. If you aren't Dunmer and native-born, you're an outlander, just like the rest of us."
"Some rough customers come into town now and then for supplies. I think they might be smugglers and bandits holed up locally. Be doing a public service to clean them up, and might find yourself some nice loot in the bargain."
"Some neglected ancestral tombs around here. Locals don't like it, but you can find some nice bits. Ghosts and ancestral spirit guardians are dangerous."
"Stay away from the mudcrabs. Swamp Fever. Or join the Tribunal Temple. Initiates get free Cure Disease at the shrines."
"If you do the crime, pay the fine. You KNOW you owe it. So why don't you just PAY the fine? You wonder why people look at you with a lousy disposition? Because there's gold on your head, and maybe someone in Black Marsh doesn't know it, but he's the only one."
"The Fields of Kummu is an easy, safe walk southeast from town. Visit the shrine, and earn the blessing of Vivec."
"Don't bother looking for a convenient system of bridges or ferries across the lakes and rivers. There aren't any. If you're traveling in the Ascadian Isles, be prepared to get wet, or to use magic to fly or walk across the waterways."
"The Shrine of Molag Bal is not a pilgrimage for the casual traveler. The interior is cursed and dangerous, and the Temple has not been successful in keeping it clean of Daedra-worshipping witches and warlocks. Go view the ruins from the outside, but don't go inside unless you are strong and well-prepared."
"Trerayna Dalen has challenged Mistress Therana for Tel Branora. Dalen and her mercenaries have been camped out here for months, but they haven't got much to show for it. I think she may have run out of steam. Or maybe the mercenaries are getting restless. Might be Therana's captain, Mollimo, would welcome some help."
"Security is pretty tight at the tower, what with Trerayna Dalen's siege and all. Better not ruffle any feathers if you have any business in the tower. If Mollimo thinks you've got something cooked up with Dalen, he might kill you first and let the old necromancer ask questions later. Heh-heh."
"I bet old Mollimo and his hirelings could make short work of Trerayna Dalen. But they way I hear it, Mistress Therana has got Mollimo on a short leash. Won't let him out of the tower, wants to keep him and the guard real close so everything safe. Granted, it's probably the safest, and most economical tactic, but it's dull and tiresome, and I think it's getting on Mollimo's nerves."
"Nobody is going to coddle you in the Fighters Guild. In the Imperial cult, they give you stuff that old ladies could do in their sleep. But here, you get in line for work, and if something comes to you that is out of your depth, you're supposed to be smart enough to back off and come at it again later when you have the equipment and chops."
"How do you judge a job, decide if it's too tough for you? Good question. Me, I check three things: location, opposition, and payoff. First, if it's a long walk, I worry. If it's a Daedric ruin, or a Dunmer stronghold, or a Telvanni tower, I worry. If it's way up north, or near Red Mountain, I worry. Second, if the opposition is tough, I worry. Daedra worry me. Vampires worry me. Telvanni wizards worry me. Third, if the reward is fat, I worry. Nobody pays you a crate of gold for a walk in the park."
"Buy paralyze as soon as you can. Keeps the creatures off you and allows you to cast those more elaborate spells."
"Buy a spell of every type that you can find. This will give you the best options later when you're creating your own custom spells."
"Use the spellmaker. It's cheap, and a custom-designed spell tailored to your skills, magicka reservoirs, and spellcasting style will always outperform the standard spells you buy from service casters."
"Don't be afraid to invest in armor. Even if you carefully avoid close combat like a smart spellcaster, things go wrong, and armor can save your skin when the unexpected happens."
"When you think you are just about to encounter some heavy opposition, get those shield-style spells up. The life they save may be your own."
"Invest in potions to restore your magicka. In hostile territory, these potions can save you a lot of downtime. Even supposing you can find some safe place to get some rest and regain your magicka, who needs the aggravation?"
"Learn the Mark, Recall, Levitation, and Open spells. Mark and Recall are essential for any long-distance travel. There are plenty of places you can't get to without Levitation. And treasure does you no good if it's behind a locked door or in a locked chest."
"A good strategy is to paralyze your opponent, cast some kind of touch spell that does damage for awhile, like poison, then retreat to a farther range to cast your targeted, long range spells. Recast paralyze if the creature isn't dead by the time they reach you again."
"Join the Mages Guild. Rise ranks to get good rates for services. And stay in their good graces by minding their rules and performing the required duties."
"Use illusion spells like invisibility to scout an area before you go on the offensive. Often a cunning spellcaster can simply avoid opponents and obstacles, move right to the objective, and leave without taking a scratch."
"The farther from civilization you go, the worse the dangers. But there're exceptions to that rule. Ald Sotha is a short walk from Vivec. But only a five-year veteran with full kit ought to be peeking into that hole. And I hear there's a couple of spots in Vivec's sewers where you wouldn't send a team of Ordinators. But it's your call. You see something you don't like, back out, and find something else to do while you train and build up your kit."
"How do you know when you've got a quest too tough for you? If it sounds too tough for you, it probably is. You must use your own judgement. Guild stewards don't really get to know your abilities. All they know is that a guy never comes back. They don't know if he got lost interest, or got eaten."
"Practice stealing and pickpocketing by taking cheap things from small merchants. Don't go after the big stuff until you're experienced."
"Always study your target, and take a good inventory of what he has before attempting to steal anything. If he has his eye on that shiny silver claymore, he won't notice you pocketing a few tarnished throwing stars."
"If possible, always take a single item at a time. It increases the risk, but it's excellent practice."
"Keep a good sense of your surroundings, no matter how good you are sneaking, you're always better off if no one is around."
"You will get slaughtered if you start acting like a warrior. Always sneak up to your target and take advantage of your stealth. Even a dagger is effective if used in the right way at the right time."
"You can't be a successful thief if you always steal from the same merchant, or even stay in the same town. After you've picked them clean, explore somewhere else to give them a chance to restock."
"The elite of Morrowind may not have all the armor and equipment you need as an adventurer. But don't overlook precious stones or fine jewelry and clothing; to the right merchant those items can be worth more and be more easy to carry than some heavy iron armor."
"Noble families often aren't around to watch their manors so they lock everything up. This makes them a wonderful opportunity to practice your skill at picking locks in the privacy of someone else's house. And of course, don't neglect to check the contents of that chest after you pick it."
"Merchants know their own inventories far better than you do. Never attempt to trick them into buying something you stole from them."
"Alchemists are easy targets for inexperienced thieves. They have far too many ingredients for them to keep an eye on all of them all of the time."
"Don't risk a frontal confrontation with anything. When in doubt, sneak."
"If you have the patience, sneak around everywhere you go. It will take longer, and may arouse suspicion, but it's excellent practice."
"Higher quality picks and probes are definitely worth their higher price. But keep cheaper ones around as well for the easier locks and traps. Also be sure to find a good source for buying these instruments."
"Look. If you're the bloody-minded type, tries to complete every task a boss gives you, you're in for a world of hurt. Happens all the time. You breeze through a couple of jobs, then you hit one you can't budge. I can't tell you what to do, but me, I go find something else to do for a while. Sure, nobody likes to admit you can't do a job. You brood over it, lie awake nights figuring how your gonna crack that nut. But patience and good sense is as important as blood and courage in this business."
"The services required at lower ranks in the Imperial cult are not very difficult or dangerous. But any task you do for the Oracle, Lalatia Varian, will be very difficult, very dangerous, and suited only for experienced, powerful, well-equipped adventurers."
"Nobody is going to hold your hand in the Legion. In the Imperial cult, they just test your faith and your shoe leather. But here, your superior gives you orders, and you find you're out of your depth, you're supposed to be smart enough to be patient, get some training, experience, and new equipment, and try it again later when you're better prepared."
"Just because your superior gives you a task, don't assume you should be able to do it. Your superior doesn't really know what you can or can't handle. And some superiors don't care."
"If you accept a task from a superior, you are honor-bound to complete it. But unless there is a deadline, or an issue of honor, you are NOT supposed to die trying. Use common sense. If you find you are not yet ready to face a challenge, be patient, train, outfit yourself, and revisit the task at a later date."
"Just because your lord gives you a task, don't assume you should be able to do it. Your lord doesn't really know what you can or can't handle. And most Telvanni lords don't care."
"Let me warn you. The quests for the Temple at lower ranks are not too difficult. But suddenly after you reach Curate rank, the quests get very, very difficult. Don't be surprised if you have to do a lot of skill-building outside the Temple before you can handle the higher rank quests. These tasks are tests of faith, yes, but they are also tests of good judgement and common sense."
"In principle, a member is not be given tasks that exceed the member's rank or abilities. In practice, sometimes mistakes are made. You are not expected to fail and die for those mistakes. Use judgement. Be patient. Take the initiative. Train yourself. Equip yourself. Study your target and situation more carefully. Then return to your task when you are ready, and succeed."
"Go on inside if you like. Look around. But don't mess with anything. And if you're going to talk to anyone, talk real nice. Stay out of the dungeon, that's where all the corprus victims are. It's not pretty. And they aren't mean, really. Just crazy mad and hungry."
"Mistress Dratha doesn't like men. She won't roast you or anything. But if you want something from her, like a favor, or a job, be very proper and polite. Don't try to be funny. She does hire men for various tasks. But I always wondered if she saves the nasty work for males."
"Mistress Dratha prefers female mercenaries and adventurers. Go see her. She may have some work for you."
"If you need to earn some money to support yourself while you're in Vivec, try the Imperial Guilds in the Foreign Quarter. They often have odd jobs for willing adventurers. And ask tradesmen and craftsmen you meet. They often have simple errands that need doing. The pay is small, but the goodwill gained by serving local people and the experience traveling around the city may be worth more than the gold you earn."
"Vivec is huge. It is easy to get lost. But if you observe the law, you can't get into much trouble. My advice is wander freely. Learn your way around. See what the craftsmen and traders have to sell. See the sights the pilgrims come to see -- the Ministry of Truth, the High Fane, the Palace of Vivec. And while you're here, go take a tour of Ebonheart, the Imperial town across the lagoon to the west. A lot to see and do over there, too."
"If you're a mercenary, or a questing hero, you must go visit Master Aryon. He always has lots of very ambitious projects going on. And you MUST see his tower. It's really something."
"This is still very wild country out here in the Grazelands. Master Aryon is trying to get along with the Ashlanders, but there are still plenty of outcasts and renegade Ashlanders who attack outsiders on sight. The big Zainab Ashlander camp is off to the southwest. Don't start trouble with them. They are very sneaky, and their warriors are great fighters, but we're more-or-less at peace with them right now."
"You're a freelance adventurer, yes? There're many tombs, ruins, and lairs in the Grazelands to the south and west. Just keep your eyes open. They're often marked by a clump of rocks or trees at the entrance."
"You're a freelance adventurer, yes? If you're looking for challenge, try Esutanamus, a Daedric shrine on an offshore island to the southeast, or Nchuleft, a Dwemer ruin to the southeast where the plains and the slopes of Red Mountain meet. They're large ruins -- easy to find."
"Thinking of setting yourself up as a mercenary or questing hero? Not much call for that around here. Rats and the occasional bandit are our only problems."
"Looking for work? Not much around here. Better head to one of the towns to the north -- Balmora and Ald'ruhn -- and try the Fighters Guild and the Mages Guild. Or head for the big city -- Vivec -- to the east."
"Things are pretty tame hereabouts. But get off the roads and head northwest into the Bitter Coast, or northeast into the Ashlanders, and things get a lot more interesting in a hurry."
"You want my advice, outlander? Stay clear of the Cammona Tong. We don't like outlanders."
"Carry good nourishing food. When you stumble wearily into trouble, eat and refresh yourself, so you will fight well."
"Go around trouble. Leave it behind you. Then return, later, when you can give trouble a big surprise."
"No one will ever grow rich hunting. But it is a pure pleasure for itself. Take your time. Sneak up on your prey. Surprise it with a swift, silent arrow. There is no greater pleasure than to drop a cliff racer with a single arrow."
"Talk to everyone. Talk is cheap. Ask questions. You don't ask, you never learn."
"If someone attacks you first, you have the right to defend yourself. If someone DOESN'T attack you first, you're going to break the law if you attack him."
"Buy from merchants and traders who like you. You get better prices. Members of your own factions usually like you best."
"If you're thinking of traveling up country, near Sheogorad, or out Molag Amur way, or inside the Ghostfence, you need to know about corprus. It's a disease that turns normal creatures into beasts. Turns men into twisted, mad lumps of flesh, superhumanly strong, and full of hatred. You get corprus from fighting with diseased creatures. It's hard to get corprus, but harder to get rid of it. In fact, I hear there is no cure."
"Have you heard of this new secret cult, the Sixth House? They say they sit around in caves, cutting off pieces of their own flesh and eating it. It's that corprus disease -- makes the flesh grow wild and crazy. Cut a piece off, and another piece grows back, bigger and better. Guards say, 'We're looking into it.' Right. That makes me feel better."
"Did you hear about the fellow they found in the canal? Flesh was swollen and covered with growths. His arms and legs were all twisted and out of shape. And the face? It was a face, you could tell from the eyes and the holes for nose and mouth. But it wasn't a face you'd ever want to see again. The priest said it looked like corprus. Corprus? Here in Vivec? That's a worry."
"That bookseller in the Foreign Quarter, Jobasha, is an avowed abolitionist, but so far he has managed to avoid being caught. There's an Ordinator in there all the time, keeping an eye on his activities, so he must be very discreet."
"That bookseller, Jobasha, in Jobasha's Rare Books, talks like an abolitionist, but no one's ever pinned anything on him. The Ordinators have a guard in there keeping an eye on him, but somehow he stays out of trouble. Maybe he has friends in high places...."
"Falasmaryon, the old Dunmer stronghold, up near Ald Velothi? You know the place I'm talking about? I heard Mangolodh, the Legion scout, stuck his head in there, just looking around, saw a corprus monster, and teleported right out. He reported to the Legion, but I don't know what they're going to do about it. Pass it on to the Temple, that's my guess."
"Do you know where Telasero is? The old Dunmer stronghold between Suran and Molag Mar? The Temple just sent three Ordinators from the Order of War up there. Some trader reported seeing corprus monsters there."
"I heard the Ordinators burned out a camp of Nerevarine cult worshippers out by the Ghostfence, in Foyada Ashur-Dan. The Temple seems to be going to a lot of trouble to exterminate a bunch of simple Ashlanders. They can't help being ignorant. They're just primitive savages. And nobody takes that 'return of Lord Nerevar' stuff seriously. Crazy rag-robed prophets. Not much threat there."
"Somebody said Larrius Varro over at Fort Moonmoth is looking for you. Said he wanted to talk to you. Don't know what about."
"Why is the Temple so upset about this Nerevarine prophecy? Crazy old gentlemen, wandering around the ashlands and staring at the sun, talking to themselves. Big deal. 'Lord Nerevar is coming back to save Morrowind.' About time, I say. Where was he when the Empire walked in here and took over?"
"Vampires are not as much of a problem here as back in the West. Here, the Dark Elves burned them out centuries ago, and the Temple makes sure they don't come back."
"They say they don't have much of a problem here with vampires. From my experience, that's the truth in the settled parts of Vvardenfell. But in the backcountry, you hear rumors. Out near Dagon Fel, Maar Gan, Molag Mar, you hear people talk of running into vampires in Dwemer ruins, and in ancestral tombs. Best to be careful. You don't want to run into those babies. And if you do, you want a nice, crisp copy of Divine Intervention so you can get safe, fast, all in one piece."
"They say a vampire can hide among us? Nonsense. One look at the face, and you know a vampire. You can't disguise that. You can wear a helmet. But here in Morrowind, we don't trust anyone who won't take off a helmet in public. In Morrowind, someone like that is looking to spend some time in a big, hot fire."
"In Morrowind, we don't like to hear about vampires. We know that, back West, the Mages Guild helps them hide. The Mages Guild is full of necromancers, and we don't like that one bit. If we see a vampire here in Morrowind, we put him on a stake and roast him. Well, truth be, we tell the Ordinators, let them take care of it. Private citizens have no business fighting vampires. They're too dangerous."
"They say a vampire can hide among us? Nonsense. One look at the face, and you know a vampire. You can't disguise that. You can wear a helmet. But here in Morrowind, we don't trust anyone who won't take off a helmet in public. In Morrowind, someone like that is looking to spend some time in a big, hot fire. What? Well... now that you mention it, I don't think I've ever seen a Telvanni guard with his helmet off. Hmm...."
"If you help someone, they'll remember. If you're loyal to others, they'll be loyal to you. Do the right thing. You know the right thing. Do the right thing, so you'll never regret what you've done."
"If you're having trouble persuading someone, offer a bribe. Don't be so stuffy. Bribes are the lubricant of honest commerce."
"Sadrith Mora is the best town to shop for spells."
"Never take a life carelessly. It cheapens you, and diminishes you. Take life seriously, if taking life is your profession."
"Everybody can learn a few spells. You don't need to be a wizard to cast spells. It makes life easier. And when you learn a spell, practice. It's the only way to learn, and it helps to pass the time."
"Don't be in such a hurry when you're traveling. Take your time. Keep your eyes open. Learn from your experiences. You're on the road to learn about yourself and the world around you."
"Keep your weapons sharp, your armor in good shape. If you can't afford to have others do it, learn to do it yourself. Get the best quality you can afford. You can be no better than the quality of your tools."
"Remember: there's always a welcome for you in the Imperial cult. If you're having a hard time here in Morrowind, outlander, come home to the Imperial cult shrine. We'll find a use for you, and help you feel good while doing good."
"Always carry a jug of sujamma with you. That burst of strength, and the ability to penetrate armor and deal serious damage, will give you the one-time punch to face an opponent you normally can't handle."
"Don't carry those cheap armorer's hammers around with you. Hammers are dead weight. Buy them, and use them on the spot. If you're a shortblade specialist, and you like to travel light, it's often cheaper to own and carry backup weapons."
"Have you heard about poor Ienas Sarandas? He lost his patrimony betting on the guar. Sold every piece of the family silverware to pay his debts. A pity. I think it's driven him a bit mad. Wears clothes fit for a lord, and hasn't got a drake for a meal."
"You know, people say the Zainab -- and Ashlanders in general -- are lying and untrustworthy. But I think it is partly a problem of pride. If the truth will shame them, they don't want to say it. Among the Ashlanders, no one would be rude enough to force an Ashlander to admit something shameful. But we civilized people, in may ways we are less careful of another's feelings than the Ashlander savages. In particular, the men are very proud. I don't know about the women. We rarely see them here."
"How do you recognize a Daedric shrine? Well, they've got long, funny names, like Ashurnibibi or Zaintiraris. Some are well-known sites, like Ald Sotha and Bal Fell. And stone and architecture is unmistakable. Big, dark, grey-green stone ruins, funny angles, funny markings and patterns on the stone. Weird oval crooked doors. And inside, all funny angles."
"Daedra? You know what they are, right? Well, Daedric shrines are where Daedra cults worship Daedra. Bad people who summon bad Daedra. Stay away from them. Why? Because Daedra are nasty. And the folks that worship them are even nastier."
"What are the most dangerous places in Morrowind? Well, probably the ash vampire citadels inside the Ghost Fence, on Red Mountain. But outside the Ghostfence? I guess the Daedric ruins would be the worst. They're all over the place, and full of bad Daedra, and the crazy folks who summon them. I hear vampires are pretty bad, too, but I've never seen any, personally. And the Dwemer sites are pretty bad, too."
"You're an outlander, maybe you don't know about the kinds of Daedric ruins we have here in Morrowind. Daedra cults worship the Bad Daedra. You can learn more about that at the Temple. Anyway, long ago, before the Temple put a stop to it, people used to worship bad Daedra -- Molag Bal, Malacath, Sheogorath, and Mehrunes Dagon -- at Daedra shrines. But lately, since the Empire came in, some people have taken up worshipping the bad Daedra at these old sites. And I warn you. These are dangerous places."
"You like to poke your nose into doors out in the backcountry? A little suggestion. The places that look like they're made of a golden metal? With spires and towers? Those are Dwarven ruins. They're kinda dangerous -- partly because of the old Dwarven machines in them, and partly because of the kind of things that like to hide out in such old ruins. All the old ruins inside the Ghostfence, for example, are ancient Dwarven ruins. And I hear that vampires like them, too."
"There's a lot of money to be made looting the Dwarven ruins. Against the law, yes, but where's there's a profit to be made, folks turn a blind eye. One problem -- the artifacts are often made of metal, and heavy as hell. Unless you're a big brute, it's tough to carry away all the loot. Me, I carry a Divine Intervention or an Almsivi intervention scroll. Load up, read the scroll, and I'm back in town with a load of goods."
"Interested in Dwarven artifacts? Fine. Dwarven ruins are fascinating. And there's good loot. Just one suggestion: you find yourself over your head, back out, and go back to running errands and hunting rats for a while. Seriously. Those centurions -- spider centurions, sphere centurions, steam centurions -- they are far too dangerous for most adventurers."
"I'm User rank in the Instance, and I'd think twice about going down in a Daedric ruin without a crateful of potions and scrolls."
"You want my advice, rookie? I've been around. I've risen to Moderator rank in this outfit by being smart and careful. And if I were you, I'd stay away from Daedric ruins until you have a little more experience, and a heftier kit bag."
"So, you think House Hlaalu is just an Imperial puppet? Shows what you know. Who really runs House Hlaalu? Not the house council. Those posers do what Orvas Dren tells them. Orvas Dren is the Camonna Tong kingpin. And one day, when the time is right, Orvas Dren, the Camonna Tong, and all right-thinking Dunmer will rise up, murder you outlanders in your beds, and restore Morrowind to its ancient glory."
"Want to cure a blighted queen, but don't have the cure blight spell? Then you need to buy some Scroll of Daerir's Blessing scrolls. NOT Daerir's Miracle -- they cure YOU. Daerir's Blessing scrolls cure the target. Try Crulius Pontanian at Fort Moonmoth, or Miraso Seran at Telvanni Council Hall, or Ureso Drath at the Ald'ruhn Temple."
"When the blight gets a mine, you have to kill or cure them. It doesn't pay to cure the foragers, workers, or warriors -- a healthy queen can produce them fast enough. But you HAVE to cure the queen, or the mine is doomed. To cure the queen, you need to cast a cure blight spell or have scroll of Daerir's Blessing."
"Kwama foragers and warriors won't attack us, since they're used to our smell. But they attack intruders. And you smell like an intruder. But don't worry. The queen squirts out foragers and warriors like seeds. If the foragers and warriors bother you, kill them, or run past, whichever is easier. But do us a favor, and don't kill the workers. They won't bother you, and we need them to keep the queen laying and the eggs ripening."
"We miners don't grow the eggs. We just harvest them. The queen lays the eggs, the workers plant them, tend them, and nourish them, and we harvest them. Doesn't hurt the colony. They grow far more than they need."
"Kushtashpi, that is the name of old Daedric stones west of Ahemmusa camp. No one goes there. It is a deep and dark place."
"The ancient Dunmer stronghold at Valenvaryon... we have seen orcs there. Orcs worship Malacath. It is a bad place."
"At the ruins of Assurnabitashpi, they have an old shrine to Mehrunes Dagon. Stay far from that place -- it is cursed."
"Vampires have returned to Vvardenfell. In the ruins of the Deep Elves at Druscashti. They are foul, and must be destroyed... but these are difficult times, and who can risk his life or his tribe by drawing the attention of such creatures?"
"The old stones at Zergonipal... beneath those stones are dark chambers and a great statue. None of our people have been there in many years."
"Are you interested in seeing the old places of the Daedra worshippers? Look upon Esutanamus. It sits upon an island east of the mainland beaches, southeast of the Telvanni town of Tel Mora. Sometimes a champion will enter there in search of ancient weapons and treasures."
"South and west of Kushtashpi, the old Daedric place west of Ahemmusa camp, is the entrance to an old cavern called Sanit. That is where they found two hunter dead, their flesh white and bloated by the corprus. That is not a place where a wise man would go."
"Everyone knows the people who worship Mehrunes Dagon have returned to Indoranyon. It is none of our business, and they are very unpleasant if disturbed. They stay in the dark, and do not bother us or our herds."
"Do the old places of the Deep Elves interest you? then you must look upon Nchuleft. That place is very old, and you can still go down inside. The walls still glow with strange lights, and terrible things walk and squeal in the passages."
"Southeast of Zainab camp is an old cave they call Pulk. Everyone says there are bandits hiding there. But I do not know if it is true. I have not seen for myself."
"Southeast of Erabenimsun camp is an old stone place called Tusenend. That is where we send outlanders when we are tired of listening to them."
"All outlanders are looking for the old Deep Elf places. Have you heard of Nchardumz? Maybe not. Maybe you will be surprised when you see it."
"Do the old places of the Deep Elves interest you? Then you should go see Nchuleftingth. The walls still glow with strange lights, and terrible things walk and squeal in the passages. it is a bad place, and very dangerous, but it is filled with wonders."
"This is a dangerous place, so none of the House people will come here. So we have kept the secret of the ebony all to ourselves. Now you know our secret. you are brave to come so far, outlander, so we will let you live, but do not touch the ebony."
"There must be more diamond deposits on Vvardenfell. This kind of rock is common here. But even though people have been here for thousands of years, the island has never been fully explored."
"Smuggling ebony is a crime. All ebony belongs to the Emperor, so it's the crime of treason, and punished by death. But... there's so much money to be made selling black market ebony that it's a rare merchant who'll refuse to buy a piece from you. Of course, if the mine guards catch you stealing ebony, they just kill you. Which is why we don't steal ebony."
"Smuggling raw glass is a crime. All raw glass belongs to the Emperor, so it's the crime of treason, and punished by death. But... there's so much money to be made selling black market raw glass that it's a rare merchant who'll refuse to buy a piece from you. Of course, if the mine guards catch you stealing raw glass, they just kill you. Which is why we don't steal raw glass."
"You'll find it Under-Skar. That's the giant shell on the north side of town, outlander."
"You'll find the entrance at the northwest corner. Move along."
"You are in Llethri Manor."
"Go around Fort Pelagiad due east towards the Dren Plantation. Turn south at the first road."
"His farm is down the road to the southwest, past the Dren Plantation."
"His farm is just down the road west of here."
"She is in the Hermitage at the Telvanni Council House."
"The long blade weapon discipline is the study and mastery of the broadsword, saber, longsword, claymore, katana, and dai-katana weapon styles. To use any style of weapon effectively, the user must be trained, conditioned, and skilled in its use."
"Lord...ha! He's just a vampire, and not even a particularly menacing one at that. His real name is Gulmon Droth. I don't know where he got all this "Lord Irarak" stuff from. What an idiot."
"What a moron. I've heard he's got himself holed up in the Ginith Ancestral Tomb. Has all of his little followers waiting on him hand and foot. Pathetic, that's what it is."
"We serve Irarak. He is our master, and one day he will bestow upon us his Dark Gift."
"Yes, the Lord's Mail. Quite a wondrous piece of armor. It's a tragedy it was taken."
"Taken from the Imperial Commission here, right? You're a friend, so if I were you, I'd talk to Rufinus there. He keeps his ears open."
"Yes, I heard it was found."
"I'm glad you returned the Lord's Mail, Anon."
"It's good to see the Lord's Mail in good hands again."
"Kogoruhn? It used to be west of here. No one's been there in years."
"Lost Kogoruhn was somewhere north of the northern boundary of the Ghostfence. It was closer to Maar Gan than Ghostgate."
"Kogoruhn used to be somewhere northeast of here."
"Kogoruhn used to lie north of the northern boundary of the Ghostfence. It was northeast of Maar Gan and west of the present-day Vos. It was near the stronghold of Falasmaryon, which I can mark on your map."
"Maar Gan is a small isolated village in a remote region north of Ald'ruhn. Maar Gan's shrine is an important Temple pilgrimage site."
"Maar Gan is a Redoran eggmining village in the northern Ashlands, north of Ald'ruhn, close to Foyada Bani-Dad, the Ghostfence, on the plains beneath Red Mountain. Monsters have been breaking through the Ghostfence here and attacking the villagers. Fortunately, monster fighters have answered the call for volunteers to come help protect Maar Gan. Pilgrims of the Tribunal Temple come to visit the Maar Gan Tower shrine where Lord Vivec outwitted the Bad Daedra Lord Mehrunes Dagon."
"The road leads north from the west gate of Ald'ruhn. Turn northeast -- right -- when the road forks, and head towards the village of Maar Gan. The track runs under the highland skirts of Red Mountain on the east. Maar Gan is the only settlement along the road."
"A mabrigash is an Ashlander witch-warrior, a renegade wise woman who has forsaken the established rules of behavior for an Ashlander woman to become a master of dark magic and the weapons of war."
"By secret rituals the mabrigash steals a man's vital essence and makes herself a powerful sorcerer and warrior."
"The manifestation of the mabrigash's dark power is called a 'ghost snake' that paralyzes and drains a victim's vitality."
"A mabrigash is an Ashlander witch-warrior, a renegade wise woman who has forsaken the established rules of behavior for an Ashlander woman to become a master of dark magic and the weapons of war. By secret rituals the mabrigash steals a man's vital essence and makes herself a powerful sorcerer and warrior. The manifestation of her dark power is called a 'ghost snake' that paralyzes and drains a victim's vitality."
"The wise-woman who left us, and our rules. She steals a man's vital essence to make herself a powerful sorcerer. Her camp is to the west, along the lava. She has others with her and I would stay away. It'll be hard to find the camp in this landscape anyway."
"Old Big Head? He lives on an island a ways north of Ald Redaynia, if he's even still alive. Stay clear of that one, though. I think he's dangerous."
"Some rogue Ashlanders have a small camp just south of the village. They took her there. Look for the camp past the lighted tree, up on the hill. Watch yourself."
"You're the one who rescued her right? It's nice to see someone of courage."
"You did a brave thing rescuing her from those ashlanders."
"Someone has killed her. It's a shame."
"The nine disciplines traditionally associated with the Mages Guild are: enchant, destruction, alteration, illusion, conjuration, mysticism, restoration, alchemy, and unarmored."
"The Mages Guild is a professional organization chartered by the Emperor to promote study of the arcane arts."
"Training, goods, and services are cheaper for Mages Guild members, and the Guild Stewards know where to find work."
"Look for Mages Guild halls in Balmora, Ald'ruhn, Caldera, Wolverine Hall in Sadrith Mora, and the Foreign Quarter in Vivec."
"You'll find Mages Guild halls in Balmora, Ald'ruhn, Caldera, Wolverine Hall in Sadrith Mora, and the Foreign Quarter in Vivec."
"The Mages Guild is a professional organization chartered by the Emperor to promote study of the arcane arts. And it's where you go to find wizards for hire. Training, goods, and services are cheaper for members, and the Guild Stewards know where to find work. If you're thinking of making wizardry your profession, you should join and work your way up the ranks. Look for guild halls in Balmora, Ald'ruhn, Wolverine Hall in Sadrith Mora, and the Foreign Quarter in Vivec."
"The Mages Guild is dedicated to the preservation and distribution of magical knowledge."
"The Mages Guild is dedicated to the preservation and distribution of magical knowledge. Pursue your studies diligently, Anon, and the benefits of belonging to the Mages Guild will become clear to you."
"Mara, Goddess of Love, is the Mother-Goddess, patron of the bountiful earth, and source of mortal compassion and understanding. She is associated with Nir of the 'Anuad', the female principle of the cosmos that gave birth to creation."
"The marksman weapon discipline is the study and mastery of the short bow, long bow, crossbow, throwing stars, and throwing knives weapon styles. To use any style of weapon effectively, the user must be trained, conditioned, and skilled in its use."
"The unarmed, unarmored martial arts traditions of the Marshmerrow, Salt Rice, and Golden Reed societies of the Dissident Priest, patterned on the 'Rain-of-Sand' fighting styles of Elsweyr, are slow to be adopted in the Empire, associated as they are with the ascetic renunciation of worldly wealth and material goods, and the rigid disciplines and mystical philosophies so alien to the Imperial West."
"Vivec's Ash Mask is a holy relic displayed within the shrine of the Gnisis Temple. Pilgrims travel from all over Morrowind to view this sacred artifact."
"If you want to speak with him, you must levitate up to the top of the tower and look for a door facing south."
"Master Gilvas Barelo is the abbot of our monastery, and the head of our secret order."
"He should be here any day now. If you want to find him, you might meet him on the road to Maar Gan or Ald'ruhn."
"I bet Mathis Dalobar was just delayed a bit by the ash storm."
"Mathis Dalobar? The trader? He should have been here ages ago. Maybe he got caught in the ash storm."
"Maybe he got stuck in the ash storm."
"Admin sees no Mathis Dalobar here. Admin saw a great ash storm and hid inside."
"I have not seen Mathis Dalobar. Perhaps he is no longer in business."
"He hasn't been here recently. He'll turn up though. Always does. And he'll make up some excuse or other and charge higher prices than last year, too."
"Oh...I've heard the bards singing of the love of these two. No one has seen either of them in a long time. It's said they ran off together to live away from prying eyes."
"I've heard the bards singing of how the rogue stole the lady's heart. Amazing stuff, but I don't believe a word of it."
"Yes, the lady and the rogue. I've heard their love grows every day. The bards sing songs about it."
"Mazte is a local beer brewed from fermented saltrice. Cheap, plentiful, and invigorating, this beverage is very popular, despite its dulling effect of wit and judgement. For the price, folks are willing to feel dumb and weak-willed, so long as they feel really strong."
"The medium armor discipline is the study and mastery of chain, scale, bonemold, and Orcish armor styles. To use any style of armor effectively, the wearer must be trained, conditioned, and skilled in its use."
"Mehra Drora is our local priestess over at the Gnisis Temple. She heals and trains the Temple faithful... for a fee. She's Indoril -- a Great House traditionally linked to the New Temple cult -- but not a snob or prig, like most Indorils."
"Mehra Milo? Isn't she the librarian at the Library of Vivec? That's here in the Vivec Temple canton, in the Hall of Wisdom section. That's the lower levels on the eastern side of the canton. It's a bit of a maze in there -- just keep looking."
"Mehra Milo has run terrible risks remaining at the Hall of Wisdom and Truth, and we are grateful that you have rescued her from the Ministry of Truth."
"The mercantile discipline is the art of buying low and selling high. This skill is useful in dealing with merchants, both for purchasing goods, equipment, and services at the lowest rates, and for getting the best prices for the treasures collected during adventuring."
"Mercantile skills are the skills of evaluation and negotiation -- the estimation of worth, and the resolution of conflicts over worth. The immediate goal is profit, of course, but more important is the long-term relationship, the client's loyalty and confidence. Money makes the world go 'round, true, but more important is the sense of getting value for your money."
"Mercenaries of all kinds find easy employment in Morrowind."
"Mercenary work is always available through the Fighters and Mages guilds."
"The Dunmer Great Houses also hire mercenaries, and though they are more particular about whom they hire, the rewards are considerable, both in coin and in access to training and other services."
"Great Houses require loyalty from their mercenaries; they seldom hire those who serve other houses, and only for small, unimportant tasks."
"I've heard a rumor that Nartise Arobar is being held hostage by one of the Telvanni."
"The politics of House Redoran are not my concern."
"I heard that Master Neloth has some influence over Miner Arobar."
"Admin heard that Neloth has Miner Arobar's daughter locked up in Tel Naga."
"That's none of your business."
"Go down the hall and through the door. Miner's rooms are on the left."
"Go through the door to the dining area. Then take a right and go through the door. Miner's rooms are on the left."
"Miner Arobar is currently in his rooms. Go through the door to the guard quarters, then through the next door and turn right. Miner's rooms are on the left."
"The Ministry of Truth is a celestial body suspended by Vivec's mighty power over the Great Temple of the High Fane in Vivec City."
"The Ministry of Truth was hollowed out to provide a prison and re-education center operated by the Temple Ordinators for the correction of heretics."
"The Molag Amur region lies inland in the southeast of Vvardenfell."
"Molag Amur is an empty wasteland of rocky hills, steep ravines, lava pools, and barren ash pavements.."
"Pathfinding and travel is extremely difficult in this trackless wilderness, and is complicated by frequent ash storms."
"The Ashlanders of Erabenimsun camp hunt game here, but few others venture into this region."
"The worst part of Molag Amur is considered impassible even by the Ashlanders."
"Located inland in the southeast of Vvardenfell, Molag Amur is an uninhabited wasteland of rocky hills, steep-sided ravines, lava pools, and barren ash pavements. Pathfinding and travel is extremely difficult in this trackless wilderness, and is complicated by frequent ash storms. The Ashlanders of Erabenimsun camp hunt game here, but few others venture into this region. The worst part of Molag Amur is considered impassible even by the Ashlanders."
"Molag Amur is the rocky, uninhabited wilderness interior of southeastern Vvardenfell. Molag Mar is the only settlement, and it's more a fortress than a village. Pilgrims come here to visit Mount Kand and Mount Assarnibibi, but they can't travel without well-equipped, heavily armed escorts. There are no paths, and ravines, ridges, and lava pools make it impossible to travel straight over land. And if you get in trouble, you're on your own."
"The outpost at Molag Mar is a fortified stronghold on the southeastern edge of the desolate Molag Amur region."
"Pilgrims bound for the nearby pilgrimage sites at Mount Assarnibibi and Mount Kand take refuge at Molag Mar's hostels, comforted by the garrison of Redoran and Buoyant Armiger crusaders stationed at the stronghold."
"The outpost at Molag Mar is a fortified stronghold on the southeastern edge of the desolate Molag Amur region. Pilgrims bound for the nearby pilgrimage sites at Mount Assarnibibi and Mount Kand take refuge at the outpost's hostels, comforted by the garrison of Redoran and Buoyant Armiger crusaders stationed at the stronghold."
"Molag Mar Stronghold is a combination frontier garrison and pilgrimage hostel jointly staffed and maintained by the Tribunal Temple and House Redoran. Both the Temple and House Redoran have garrisons of elite volunteers here to defend the stronghold. Pilgrims use the stronghold as a base from which they can attempt the difficult and dangerous pilgrimages to the Mount Kand and Mount Assarnibibi sites to the north in the Molag Amur wastelands."
"The enchanted ring called Moon-and-Star -- or One-Clan-Under-Moon-and-Star, as the Ashlanders call it -- was forged for the hero Nerevar by one of the Dwemer Sorcerer-Priest Kagrenac's smiths, and blessed by the Daedra Lord Azura. The ring gave Nerevar supernatural powers of persuasion and indisputable proof of identity, since any other who tried to wear the ring would be killed instantly."
"The Morag Tong is an assassins guild sanctioned by the Empire to provide three varieties of execution: public executions, private executions, and House Wars executions. Constrained by ancient traditions and rigid codes of conduct, the Morag Tong only recruits candidates of proven skill and honor. Morag Tong only accepts legally approved contracts called 'writs,' but rumor hints at the execution of secret extralegal 'grey writs.' The Morag Tong is the sworn enemy of the Dark Brotherhood."
"The Morag Tong is an assassins guild sanctioned by the Empire to provide three varieties of execution: public executions, private executions, and House Wars executions."
"Guided by ancient traditions and rigid codes of conduct, the Morag Tong only recruits candidates of proven skill and honor."
"The Morag Tong only accepts legally approved contracts called 'writs.' Some Assassins are not quite so noble."
"The Morag Tong only accepts legally approved contracts called 'writs,' but rumor hints at the execution of secret extralegal 'grey writs.'"
"The uninformed associate the Morag Tong with the Dark Brotherhood, a Western assassins guild. But the Morag Tong is the sworn enemy of the Dark Brotherhood, and they couldn't be more different in practice or principle."
"The Morag Tong is the ancient traditional assassins guild of the Dunmer. We provide three varieties of execution: public, private, and House War. We only recruit candidates of proven skill and honor, and only Grandmaster Eno Hlaalu in Vivec can authorize new members to join the Morag Tong."
"It's not bad enough with the blight storms this year, but the Ashlanders are also going crazy, jumping caravans and pilgrims, raiding villages, scrapping with the Legions. They ought to send the Legions out and teach them a lesson."
"The blight storms have been so bad around Red Mountain this year that the crops and herds of the outlying villages are really suffering. The price of everything is got to go up."
"The blight storms have been really bad this year. My friend who makes the Maar Gan pilgrimage every year got caught in a real doozy. He was in a pretty bad way until they got him back to a Temple."
"It's not just the blight storms that're bad this year. They got all sorts of blighted beasts coming down from the mountain. It's pretty bad on the trails and in the outback villages."
"This caravaner friend of mine says that with so many more blight storms around Red Mountain this year than last year, he's thinking about getting out of the business."
"Look. It's not just the crops and herds. The blight storms are making everyone sick. It's not an easy cure, even for a Temple, and all they've got in the backcountry is the odd healer and pilgrim shrine."
"I've heard of her. She works in the St. Olms Brewers and Fishmongers Hall. Nice woman. Shame about her no-account husband, Danar Uvelas, though."
"A darkness is on the land, and only you can bring the light."
"Morrowind is a peculiar mixture of Dunmer tradition and Imperial modernism. The council system of government works well, and the Temple provides shelter, education, and health for all. At the same time, the Legions and magistrates guarantee rule of law and justice, and free trade has made everybody in Vvardenfell prosperous. But there's still a lot of race hatred, and slavery ought to be outlawed, regardless of 'sacred Dunmer customs.' And the proud Dunmer will always be bitter about the Occupation."
"Morrowind, homeland of the Dunmer peoples, is the northeastmost province of the Tamrielic Empire. Most of the population is gathered in the high uplands and fertile river valleys of central Morrowind, especially around the Inland Sea. The island Vvardenfel is encircled by the Inner Sea, and is dominated by the titanic volcano Red Mountain and its associated ash wastelands; most of the island's population is confined to the relatively hospitable west and southwest coast."
"Morrowind is the northeastmost province of the Tamrielic Empire, bounded on the north and east by the ocean, on the west by Skyrim, on the southwest by Cyrodiil, also known as the Imperial Province, and on the south by Black Marsh, also known as Argonia. Vvardenfell District consists of the island of Vvardenfell, surrounded by the Inland Sea, and dominated by the titanic volcano Red Mountain and its associated ash wastelands."
"Only recently open to settlement and trade, most of the island's population is confined to the relatively hospitable west and southwest coast, centered around the ancient city of Vivec and the old Great House district centers at Balmora, Ald'ruhn, and Sadrith Mora. The rest of the island is covered by hostile desert wastes, arid grasslands, and volcanic badlands, and thinly populated by the nomadic Ashlander tribes."
"Morrowind is the northeastmost province of the Tamrielic Empire, bounded on the north and east by the ocean, on the west by Skyrim, on the southwest by Cyrodiil, also known as the Imperial Province, and on the south by Black Marsh, also known as Argonia."
"Morrowind has three main cultures: the native Dunmer culture -- also sometimes known as the House Dunmer culture or the Dark Elf culture, the Ashlander culture, and the Imperial culture."
"Here's a copy of a short work by Jeanette Sitte distributed by the Imperial cult. For a good treatment of Morrowind since it became part of the Empire, look for 'On Morrowind, the Imperial Province', by Erramanwe of Sunhold. Both are by Imperial scholars, but balanced and fair."
"I hope you found 'Short History of Morrowind' useful."
"Worn-out weapons and armor work poorly. Repair them yourself, if you have some skill, or take them to a smith for repair."
"We are nomads, living in camps of small portable huts. We travel from place to place, build our camps, then move on to find new grass for our herds and new ranges for hunting."
"In case you didn't know, weapons and armor are less effective when they get worn out. Repair them yourself, if you have the skill, or take them to a smith for repair."
"The Imperial legions are mighty warriors. No one can defeat them when they march in rows in open fields. But here, in our ashlands and wild places, they are no match for us."
"About 50% of Vvardenfell's inhabitants are Dunmer. The other half are Redguard, Breton, Nord, Altmer, Dunmer, Bosmer, Imperial, Khajiit, Argonian, and Orc in roughly equal proportion."
"Slavery is protected by law in Morrowind. Slavery is illegal throughout the rest of the Empire. But some Dunmer still defend their 'ancient right' to own slaves. In Morrowind slaves are bound by enchanted slaver bracers. The bracers drain the magicka from the slaves so they can't use magic to escape. Unless you have a key, you can't get the slave bracers off. The Emperor should put a stop to slavery, but the Dunmer claim the right to own slaves is guaranteed by the Armistice."
"Light armor is weak but less tiring, good for running. Heavy armor is strong but slow and tiring. Medium armor is in-between. Unarmored style -- evading attacks instead of using armor -- least tiring of all."
"We don't like outlanders. Morrowind belongs to the Dunmer. We only want to be left alone to live as our forefathers lived."
"Ashlanders live with their herds in camps in the wilderness. They are primitive people, but proud, and I fear they can never become civilized."
"The two criminal guilds here are the Camonna Tong, the native criminal syndicate, and the Thieves Guild, the Imperial newcomers. The Thieves Guild is fighting for its life against the ruthless and well-established Camonna Tong."
"The two criminal guilds here are the Camonna Tong, the native criminal syndicate, and the Thieves Guild, the Imperial upstarts. The Camonna Tong accepts only native Dunmer. The Camonna Tong has sworn to exterminate the outlander-dominated Thieves Guild."
"Imperials worship powerful spirits -- but are they the RIGHT spirits? They are powerful, but are they GOOD? We used to worship the Daedra, but now we worship the true gods, the Tribunal, and the Daedra serve the true gods in fear and humility."
"The Imperial cult worships the Nine Divines, Akatosh, Dibella, Arkay, Zenithar, Mara, Stendarr, Kynareth, and Julianos, and Tiber Septim, founder and patron of the Empire. Imperials are more tolerant than Dunmer when it comes to religion."
"The Dunmer don't like outlanders. After four centuries, they still aren't really part of the Empire. I understand their loyalty to religion and culture, but at heart, I think they just hate other races."
"Three Dunmer Great Houses dominate Vvardenfell politics. The Hlaalu are loyal friends of the Empire, and love trade and wealth. The Redoran honor the traditions of the noble warrior houses. The Telvanni are ruled by thousand-year-old sorcerers who care for nothing but magic and power."
"The Imperial legions are mighty warriors. No one can defeat them when they march in rows in open fields. But here, in our ashlands and wild places, they are no match for us."
"The Imperial legions are the greatest fighting force Tamriel has ever known. In Morrowind they serve as guards, but the garrisons are insurance that the Dunmer will never rise in rebellion against the Empire."
"Most Dunmer worship the Tribunal, three mortals who became gods in the distant past before Tiber Septim. The Temple takes care of the poor, provides health and education, and teaches family duty."
"The Dunmer are a serious people, and very serious about their gods and the Temple."
"Dunmer say they hate necromancers, vampires, and all undead. But they guard their tombs with the ghosts and animated spirits of their ancestors. What's the difference?"
"The Morag Tong are honorable, law-abiding executioners and assassins. They hate the Dark Brotherhood, the outlaw Western assassins guild."
"Three cultures live on Vvardenfel: the nomadic Ashlanders: the settled House Dunmer, and the Western Imperial colonists of all races."
"Ashlanders are primitive native nomads living in the wilderness. There aren't many of them."
"House Dunmer are the common Dark Elves of Morrowind. They live everywhere on Vvardenfell, in towns, villages, manors, and farms."
"Western Imperial colonists of various races live mostly in the towns and villages of southwest Vvardenfell."
"The Blight is a sickness you get from being outside during ash storms. The sickness comes from Red Mountain; it makes normal creatures into terrible monsters."
"Morrowind was a great nation before the Western men were even civilized. Sometimes it makes us impatient to hear the Imperials preach to us of civilization."
"Red Mountain is a terrible place. Dagoth Ur, the ash vampires and his foul host live there. Only the Ghostfence keeps Dagoth Ur from sweeping across Morrowind and killing everyone."
"When you've joined one Great House, you can never join any other Great House. They won't trust you. So when you join a Great House, make sure its the one you want forever."
"In the First Age, the prophet Veloth led the ancestors of our people from Summerset Isles to Vvardenfell."
"In the First Age, the prophet Veloth led the ancestors of the Dunmer from Summerset Isles to the region of Morrowind."
"A few of the Dunmer tribes that settled Morrowind became the Great House clans. Our Ashlander tribes also descend from these early Dunmer tribes."
"The First Age Dunmer tribes that settled Morrowind became the modern Great House clans. Ashlanders also descend from these early Dunmer tribes."
"The first Dunmer nation, Resdayn, was ruled by the First Council and the Tribunal Temple. The name changed to Morrowind when it became an Imperial province."
"Morrowind is an Imperial province, though the Treaty of the Armistice lets the Dunmer Great House councils control most local government functions."
"The Imperial cult brings Imperial religion to the Empire's remote provinces. Imperial cult priests provide worship and services for the Nine Divines at Imperial shrines throughout Vvardenfell."
"We are nomads, living in camps of small portable huts. We travel from place to place, build our camps, then move on to find new grass for our herds and new ranges for hunting."
"Ashlanders are nomadic barbarians, living in camps of small portable huts."
"Recent Imperial colonies like Pelagiad look like the same homes and castles you see in Daggerfall or any other Western province."
"The native Dunmer cultures are the civilized Great House societies of House Redoran, House Hlaalu, and House Telvanni, each with their own architectures, customs, and traditions."
"Our camps are groups of small portable huts we call 'yurts'."
"Ashlander nomadic camps are groups of small portable huts."
"Rural Dunmer live in villages, groups of small huts centered around Temple compounds."
"Town and city Dunmer live either in the metropolitan style of Vivec City, the urban style of towns like Ald'ruhn, or the Imperial style of recent settlements like Caldera."
"In Telvanni District, the few Telvanni tower towns are just big villages with wizard towers."
"you know why we don't like outlanders? We are a proud people, and we don't like being reminded that we were conquered by foreigners."
"We don't like foreigners or outlanders much in Morrowind. We are a proud people, and we don't like being a conquered nation."
"Many Dunmer in Morrowind don't like outlander Dunmer. Dark Elves born and raised to Imperial ways can't understand what it is to be a Dunmer born-and-bred."
"Some Ashlanders get used to outlanders. We even like some outlanders, and now and then we may adopt them into our tribes. But it takes time and effort to win our trust."
"Some Dunmer get used to outlanders. We even like some outlanders, and adopt them into our Great Houses. But it isn't easy. It takes time and effort to win our trust."
"By Redoran customs, killing is justified in war, self-defense, defense of property, affairs of honor, and House Wars affairs. Other killings are foul murder, and must be punished."
"Foul murder is punished by compensation, hard labor, or sometimes by writ of assassination."
"We are the nomadic Dunmer barbarians of the Morrowind wastelands. We live in our yurts, gather in camps, herd guar and hunt wild beasts for meat and hides."
"Ashlanders are the nomadic Dunmer barbarians of the Morrowind wastelands. They live in camps of small, mobile huts, herding guar and hunting wildlife for meat and hides."
"We claim the right to raid other Ashlander tribes -- and non-Ashlander settlements -- for booty and slaves. It is our way."
"By tradition, Ashlanders claim the right to raid other Ashlander tribes -- and non-Ashlander settlements -- for booty and slaves."
"We worship our ancestors. Our tribes are led by our war chiefs, the ashkhans and gulakhans. Our chiefs are guided by the wisdom and prophecies of our wise women. And our hunters and herders guard the treasures of the land that nourish us and make us strong."
"The Ashlanders worship their ancestors. Ashlander tribes are led by their ashkhan war chiefs, and guided by the wisdom and prophecies of their wise women."
"Of Morrowind's five Great Houses, three are represented on Vvardenfell. House Redoran, House Hlaalu, and House Telvanni."
"House Indoril and House Dres are the two of Morrowind's Great Houses that have no holdings on Vvardenfell."
"House Redoran is a house of warriors. There are good ones and bad ones. Some have honor and speak truth. Others speak with their weapons, and steal our lands and treasures."
"House Redoran is an aristocratic house of noble warriors. They are strong supporters of the Tribunal Temple."
"House Hlaalu is a pack of lying thieves. They send their traders to try to trick us out of our treasure. And if they cannot trick us, they send soldiers to drive us away from our lands. They want to steal our land and put houses and towns there."
"House Hlaalu is an ambitious house of traders and merchant princes. They are strong supporters of the Empire."
"House Telvanni is ruled by old, evil wizards -- Daedra worshippers and necromancers. They used to leave us alone, but now they sneak into our lands and try to steal them."
"House Telvanni is an independent association of wizard-lords, equally hostile to the Empire, the Temple, and Morrowind's other Great Houses."
"We hear the Temple is at war with itself. These Dissident priests rebelled against Temple rulers, so the Temple outlawed the Dissident priests, and imprison and torment them."
"A group called the Dissident priests rebelled against Temple authority. The Temple outlawed the Dissident priests, and persecutes them."
"Ordinators arrest and imprison Dissident priests and other heretics. By the terms of the Armistice, the Empire cannot interfere."
"The Dissident priests challenge certain traditional doctrines of the Temple. They also criticize abuses of power by the Ordinators, and accuse the Temple leaders of greed and corruption."
"Morrowind used to be free hunters and herders -- the proud tribes of the Dunmer. But since the outlanders rule our land, the Dunmer live in the cities and grow soft and mild like herd beasts."
"Morrowind used to be free farmers and herders and fishermen ruled by great houses and their noble councils. But since the Imperial occupation, the Dunmer are more dependent on trade and industry."
"The Blight is weather caused by the big volcano, Red Mountain."
"Within the Ghostfence, on Red Mountain's slopes, and in its crater, the weather is always blighted and gloomy."
"Let me tell you a little about the Blight. The Blight is a weather phenomenon associated with Vvardenfell's colossal volcano, Red Mountain. Persistent within the Ghostfence -- that is, within the crater and on the volcano's slopes -- and intermittent near the volcano, the Blight is a health-threatening, ash-heavy volcanic cloud. Plants and creatures exposed to the Blight may contract a variety of blight diseases. So stay away from Red Mountain and the Blight, unless you're some mighty hero or wizard."
"The Blight is a health-threatening volcanic cloud full of ash. Plants and creatures in the Blight get blight diseases."
"The Great Houses are always fighting each other in the Great House Wars."
"There's always trouble in Morrowind between outlanders -- non-Dunmer Imperial colonists -- and the Dunmer natives."
"The Tribunal Temple is at war with a rebellious faction called the Dissident Priests."
"A secret cult called the Sixth House is killing Imperial citizens."
"Misshapen monsters and diseases called 'blight disease' are spreading from Red Mountain, a volcano where the Devil Dagoth Ur and his ash vampires live."
"Verbal assault, pickpocketing, and trespassing are minor crimes, punished by fines or hard labor."
"Theft and foul murder are serious crimes. Theft is punished by fines related to the value of the stolen goods, or by hard labor. Foul murder is punished by fines of at least 1000 drakes, or by hard labor."
"By Imperial law and custom, killing is fair in war, self-defense, defense of property, affairs of honor, and sanctioned affairs of state. Other killings are murder, and punishable by death, fines, or hard labor."
"Outlaws have no rights, and may be killed without scandal or sanction. Guards may use deadly force in the line of duty."
"Want to join a Great House? Study all three Great Houses, and think carefully before you join, because once you've joined one house, no other house will ever consider you for membership."
"Loyalty is very important in the Great Houses. When you join, you become family, and, by Dunmer standards, it's a matter of blood and kin, and irreversible. Even if you get kicked out of one house, no other house will have you."
"Verbal assault, pickpocketing, and trespassing are minor crimes, punished by fines or labor. Theft and foul murder are felonies. Theft is punishable by fines and compensation proportional to the value of the property stolen, or by punitive labor. Foul murder is punishable by fines and compensation of at least 1000 drakes, or by punitive labor."
"Theft and foul murder are serious crimes. Theft is punishable by fines according to the value of the property stolen, or by hard labor. Foul murder is punished by fines of at least 1000 drakes, or by hard labor."
"No Great House may build new settlements on Vvardenfell without Duke Dren's approval. But 'rogue' Telvanni occupied many sites on Vvardenfell, defying the Duke's authority."
"Rogue Telvanni occupy many sites on Vvardenfell in defiance of the Duke's authority. House Telvanni denies supporting the rogue settlements, but no one believes that."
"Volunteer expeditions and mercenary raids against rogue Telvanni settlements are silently endorsed by the Duke, but they haven't done much good."
"Smuggling is the most profitable criminal enterprise here. They smuggle skooma, moon sugar, ebony, Dwemer artifacts, exotic Dunmer weapons and armor, slaves, alcoholic beverages."
"Though some Dunmer are Imperial cult initiates, most of them are also members of the Tribunal Temple. Religious passions like the Tribunal Temple are the exception in the Empire. Dark Elves who join the Imperial cult are usually more moderate and tolerant."
"According to the Unwritten Code of the Thieves Guild, killing is always bad policy. Respecting life is good for business, and the Thieves Guild is very sensitive to public opinion."
"The Thieves Guild is like any trade guild, really. In the Empire, the Thieves Guild is old and powerful, but here in Morrowind, the Thieves Guild is young and weak. The old and powerful criminal guild of Morrowind is the Camonna Tong. The Camonna Tong doesn't like the newcomers, and threatens to destroy the Thieves Guild."
"By Telvanni custom, killing is okay -- IF you can get away with it, and IF it serves your purposes. Killing is neither sinful nor dishonorable."
"The Mages Guild is a guild for students of the arcane arts. Go there to find wizards for hire, or training, goods, and services. Guild Stewards know where to find work."
"Native Dunmer and Imperials alike know a noble has to answer a challenge of honor. Only nobles fight duels, and the higher the rank, the stronger the obligation."
"By House Hlaalu custom, killing is fair in war, self-defense, defense of property, affairs of honor, and House Wars affairs. Other killings are foul murder and punishable by fines or hard labor, or by writ of assassination."
"You should know how the Camonna Tong feels about killing. According to the criminal customs of the Camonna Tong, killing is justifiable on any practical grounds -- in particular, justifiable if you can get away with it, and it serves your purposes. Killing is useful to educate and intimidate others, especially when brutal, cruel, and arbitrary. Killing is neither sinful nor dishonorable, but may be imprudent or wasteful."
"The Camonna Tong is Morrowind's local crime gang. They're powerful and ruthless, and have great influence in the higher ranks of House Hlaalu."
"The Camonna Tong are in direct competition with the Thieves Guild for control of illegal trade in Morrowind, and they have sworn to exterminate the upstart outlander newcomers. The Camonna Tong are known for their brutal disregard for human life."
"As it wears out, armor becomes less effective. Broken armor is useless until you repair it, but worn armor stops only part of the damage that good armor does. Learn armor repair, and fix your armor, piece by piece, before every big battle. Or pay a smith to fix your armor."
"Weapons are less effective as they wear out. Eventually they break, and are useless until you repair them. A worn weapon does only part of the damage it should do. Learn to repair your weapons, or pay a smith to do it."
"Short blades include the dagger, tanto, shortsword, and wakizashi."
"Long blades include the broadsword, saber, longsword, katana, claymore, and dai-katana."
"Blunt weapons include the club, staff, mace, morningstar, and warhammer."
"Axes include the war axe and battle axe."
"Spears include spears and halberds."
"Marksman weapons include short bow, long bow, crossbow, throwing star, and throwing knife. Bows shoot arrows; crossbows shoot bolts."
"The heavy armor styles, called 'Legion' or 'knight' style in the West and 'ebony' style in the East, require great strength and endurance."
"The light armor styles, called 'militia' in the West and 'Ashlander' in the East, favors speed and agility."
"The medium armor styles, called 'Imperial guard' in the West and 'Great House' in the East, are compromises between the heavy and light styles, balancing protection against mobility."
"The Fighters Guild controls hiring and training of mercenaries. Training, goods, and services are cheaper for members, and the Guild Stewards know where to find work."
"According to the Temple, killing is fair in war, self-defense, defense of property, affairs of honor, Great House affairs under the sanction of the state, and affairs of heresy. Other killings are foul murder, and punishable by fines or hard labor."
"In the Temple, the justice of killing heretics is a subject of bitter controversy. Killing heretics is against Imperial law, but the Temple doesn't feel it is dishonorable or evil to kill heretics."
"In Morrowind we believe the Daedra are powerful ancestor spirits, similar to gods, but weaker and more untrustworthy."
"In the olden times, the Daedra were worshipped as gods by the Dunmer, but they didn't deserve this worship, since they harmed followers as often as they helped them."
"When they became gods, the Tribunal became High Ancestor Spirits of the Dunmer. Good Daedra became loyal friends of the Tribunal, but Bad Daedra remained foul and treacherous."
"Red Mountain is the great volcano in the center of Vvardenfell island. The crater of Red Mountain is called the Dagoth Ur region, where Dagoth Ur and his evil servants dwell."
"The Tribunal built the Ghostfence around Red Mountain to imprison Dagoth Ur and his servants, and to protect Morrowind from the blight storms that boil out of Dagoth Ur's crater."
"Dagoth Ur is the evil immortal enemy of the Tribunal Temple cult. Dagoth Ur and his hosts are responsible for all the evils that trouble the Dunmer and Morrowind."
"Dagoth Ur dwells in fiery caverns beneath Red Mountain, served by his kin, called ash vampires, and by legions of deformed monsters."
"The Imperial legions have garrisons in the major settlements, but they mostly serve as guards to keep the peace."
"The legions hire qualified recruits of proven skill and character, and provide training, goods, and services at discounts. The lower ranks are common troopers and officers, but the upper ranks include the orders of the Imperial knights."
"Most Dunmer worship the Tribunal, three mortals who became gods in the distant past before Tiber Septim."
"The Dunmer are a serious people, and very serious about their gods and the Temple. You won't find beggars in Morrowind; the Temple takes care of the poor. The Temple provides health and education for worshippers, and stresses family duty."
"The Tribunal are named Almalexia, Sotha Sil, and Vivec. When you refer to all three of the Tribunals at once, you call them 'Almsivi'."
"Shields and tower shields give good protection, but you can only use one-handed weapons with them."
"When choosing body armor, get a cuirass first for the chest, then greaves for the legs, helm for the head, and boots for the feet. Add left and right pauldrons for upper arms and gauntlets or bracers for lower arms."
"When choosing body armor, balance protection against weight. You can't fight if you're exhausted by the weight of your armor."
"Ancestor worship is the religion of the Ashlanders. The Tribunal Temple still practices ancestor worship, but only as a minor part of their faith."
"The Daedra and the Saints are worshipped as ancestors by the Temple, and each family maintains a shrine dedicated to the remains and spirits of the clan's dead."
"The Morag Tong is an assassins guild sanctioned by the Empire to provide three varieties of execution: public executions, private executions, and House Wars executions."
"Constrained by ancient traditions and rigid codes of conduct, the Morag Tong only recruits candidates of proven skill and honor."
"Morag Tong will only accept legally approved contracts called 'writs.' There's no truth to rumors of secret extralegal 'grey writs.'"
"According to the Morag Tong, killing civilians is wrong, and grounds for expulsion. Killing anyone but a victim marked by writ is dishonorable and incompetent. Killing a victim marked by a writ is sacred and honorable."
"Three Dunmer Great Houses dominate Vvardenfell politics. Only House Redoran honors the ancient noble traditions and faith of our ancestors. House Hlaalu is infected with the greed of the West. They fawn over their Imperial masters. The Telvanni are, as always, heartless, predatory, and unpredictable."
"Let me tell you the basics about armor wear. As it wears out, armor becomes less effective. Broken armor is completely useless until you repair it, but worn armor stops only a fraction of the damage that new or well-maintained armor does. Learn the basics of armor repair, and go over your armor, piece by piece, before every big battle. Or visit a smith regularly to keep your armor in good shape."
"Let me tell you the basics of Imperial law concerning life and property. Verbal assault and pickpocketing are malfeasances, punishable by fines and compensation of less than 100 drakes, or by punitive labor. Theft and foul murder are felonies. Theft is punishable by fines and compensation proportional to the value of the property stolen, or by punitive labor. Foul murder is punishable by fines and compensation of at least 1000 drakes, or by punitive labor."
"Verbal assault and pickpocketing are minor crimes, punishable by fines or hard labor. Theft and foul murder are serious crimes. Theft is punishable by fines or hard labor. Foul murder is punishable by fines of at least 1000 drakes, or by hard labor."
"In Morrowind, whether you're a professional mercenary, or a pilgrim or traveler, you'll want some armor. Shields and tower shields are basic armor protection, but limit you to one-handed weapons. For body armor, get a cuirass first for the chest, then greaves for the legs, helm for the head, and boots for the feet. Add left and right pauldrons for upper arms and gauntlets or bracers for lower arms. Balance protection against weight; you can't fight if you're exhausted by the weight of your armor."
"Let me tell you about the ten races most commonly encountered in Morrowind: Redguard, Breton, Nord, Altmer, Dunmer, Bosmer, Imperial, Khajiit, Argonian, and Orc. Dunmer are the native majority, but on Vvardenfell, heavily colonized by Imperial outlanders, only one in two individuals are Dunmer. The other nine races are about equally distributed. As mercenaries, House Hlaalu prefers Imperials and Redguards, Redoran prefers Nords and Altmer, and Telvanni prefer Bosmer and Bretons."
"The three armor styles common here are light, medium, and heavy. Light armor is weak but less tiring to wear, and is better for fast running. Heavy armor is strong but slow and tiring. Medium armor is a compromise between light and heavy. The fourth style is unarmored, evading attacks rather than absorbing them with armor."
"There are three cultures on Vvardenfel: the nomadic Ashlanders: the settled House Dunmer, and the Western Imperial colonists of all races. Ashlanders are few in number, and confined to wilderness regions. House Dunmer live everywhere, in towns, villages, manors, and farms. The Western Imperial colonists live mostly in the towns and villages of the southwest."
"Let me tell you about the three major cultural groups of Morrowind. Ashlanders are nomadic barbarians, living in camps of small portable huts. Recent Imperial colonies like Pelagiad look like the same sturdy half-timbered homes and stone castles you might see in Daggerfall or any other Western province. The native Dunmer cultures are the civilized Great House societies of House Redoran, House Hlaalu, and House Telvanni, each with their own architectures, customs, and traditions."
"Let me tell you about settlements in Morrowind. Ashlander nomadic camps are groups of small portable huts. Rural Dunmer live in villages, groups of small huts centered around Temple compounds. Town and city folk live either in the metropolitan style of Vivec City, the urban style of towns like Ald'ruhn, or the Imperial style of recent settlements like Caldera. In sparsely populated Telvanni District, the few Telvanni tower towns are essentially large villages dominated by wizard towers."
"Let me tell you how House Redoran feels about killing. According to House Redoran custom, killing is justifiable in war, self-defense, defense of property, affairs of honor, and House Wars affairs. Other killings are foul murder, and punishable by compensation, punitive labor, or, in sanctioned House Wars affairs, by writ of assassination. Justifiable but unnecessary or cruel killing is scandalous, and grounds for sanction or expulsion. An opponent who yields may not be slain honorably."
"Let me tell you about the Ashlanders. Ashlanders are the nomadic Dunmer barbarians of the Morrowind wastelands. They live in camps of small, mobile huts, herding guar and hunting wildlife for meat and hides. By tradition, the Ashlanders claim the right to raid other Ashlander tribes -- and non-Ashlander settlement -- for booty and slaves. The Ashlanders worship their ancestors, and are led by their ashkhan war chiefs, counseled by the arcane wisdom and prophecies of their wise women."
"Let me tell you a little about the Blight. The Blight is a weather phenomenon associated with Vvardenfell's colossal volcano, Red Mountain. Persistent within the Ghostfence -- that is, within the crater and on the volcano's slopes -- and intermittent near the volcano, the Blight is a health-threatening, ash-heavy volcanic cloud. Plants and creatures exposed to the Blight may contract a variety of blight diseases. So stay away from Red Mountain and the Blight, unless you're some mighty hero or wizard."
"If you are thinking of joining a Great House, let me give you some advice. Study all three Great Houses, and think carefully before you join, because once you've joined one house, no other house will ever consider you for membership. Loyalty is very important in the Great Houses. When you join, you become family, and, by Dunmer standards, it's a matter of blood and kin, and irreversible. Even if you get kicked out of one house, no other house will have you."
"Want to join a Great House? Study all three Great Houses, and think carefully before you join, because once you've joined one house, no other house will ever consider you for membership. Loyalty is very important in the Great Houses. When you join, you become family, and, by Dunmer standards, it's a matter of blood and kin, and irreversible. Even if you get kicked out of one house, no other house will have you."
"Let me tell you the basics of Imperial law concerning life and property. Verbal assault and pickpocketing, are malfeasances, punishable by fines and compensation of less than 100 drakes, or by punitive labor. Theft and foul murder are felonies. Theft is punishable by fines and compensation proportional to the value of the property stolen, or by punitive labor. Foul murder is punishable by fines and compensation of at least 1000 drakes, or by punitive labor."
"Let me tell you about smuggling here. Smuggling is the most profitable and dangerous of criminal enterprises in Vvardenfell. Most high-price smuggling concerns skooma, moon sugar, ebony, Dwemer artifacts, exotic Dunmer weapons and armor, and slaves. Local low-level smuggling involves the local alcoholic beverages; the Empire has a low tax on flin and a high tax on local alcohol, and many merchants and private citizens try to evade these tariffs."
"Let me tell you how the Thieves Guild feels about killing. According to the Unwritten Code of the Thieves Guild, killing is always inefficient, inelegant, and counter-productive. A reputation for respecting life is good for business, and the Thieves Guild is very sensitive to public opinion. Unnecessary killing may be grounds for expulsion from the Guild."
"Let me tell you about the Thieves Guild in Morrowind. The Thieves Guild is like any trade guild, an organization of professionals, except the professionals are thieves and robbers and pickpockets and smugglers and other criminals. In the Empire, the Thieves Guild is old and powerful, but here in Morrowind, the Thieves Guild is young and weak. The old and powerful criminal guild of Morrowind is the Camonna Tong. The Camonna Tong doesn't like the newcomers, and threatens to destroy the Thieves Guild."
"You should know how the Telvanni feel about killing. According to Telvanni custom, killing is justifiable on any practical grounds -- in particular, justifiable if you can get away with it, and it serves your purposes. Killing is neither sinful nor dishonorable. Telvanni abide by Imperial law only so far as it is enforced. No Imperial guards or Legion garrisons are found in most Telvanni settlements."
"Let me tell you about affairs of honor. Native Dunmer and Imperials alike recognize a noble's obligation to answer a challenge of honor. A challenge of honor is a public declaration of a scandal against a private party. Only nobles fight duels, and the higher the rank, the stronger the obligation. Law and custom despises dishonorable duelists. If the victim was bullied, intimidated, or goaded by a stronger party with suspect motives, magistrates often convict the stronger party of foul murder."
"Let me tell you how House Hlaalu feels about killing. By House Hlaalu custom, killing is justifiable in war, self-defense, defense of property, affairs of honor, and House Wars affairs. Other killings are foul murder and punishable by compensation, punitive labor, or, in sanctioned House Wars affairs, by writ of assassination. Justifiable but unnecessary or cruel killing is scandalous but legal. A cynical acceptable of abuse of power by the rich and powerful is a feature of Hlaalu philosophy."
"Let me tell you about the weapon types most common in Morrowind. Short blades include the dagger, tanto, shortsword, and wakizashi. Long blades include the broadsword, saber, longsword, katana, claymore, and dai-katana. Blunt weapons include the club, staff, mace, morningstar, and warhammer. Axes include the war axe and battle axe. Spears include spears and halberds. Marksman weapons include short bow, long bow, crossbow, throwing star, and throwing knife. Bows shoot arrows; crossbows shoot bolts."
"Let me tell you about the armor styles most common in Morrowind. The heavy armor styles, called 'Legion' or 'knight' style in the West and 'ebony' style in the East, require great strength and endurance. The light armor styles, called 'militia' in the West and 'Ashlander' in the East, favors speed and agility. The medium armor styles, called 'Imperial guard' in the West and 'Great House' in the East, are compromises between the heavy and light styles, balancing protection against mobility."
"Let me tell you about the Fighters Guild in Morrowind. The Fighters Guild is a professional organization chartered by the Emperor to regulate the hiring and training of mercenaries. Training, goods, and services are cheaper for members, and the Guild Stewards know where to find work. Consider joining and working your way up the ranks. It's a smart move for the ambitious sell-sword."
"Let me tell you how the Morag Tong feels about killing. According to the codes and customs of the Morag Tong, killing civilians is scandalous, and grounds for expulsion. Killing anyone but a victim marked by writ is dishonorable, a sign of incompetence and disrespect for the Tong, and grounds for sanction or expulsion. Killing a victim marked by a writ is sacred and honorable."
"Let me tell you about the Imperial Legions in Morrowind. The legions have garrisons in the major settlements, but they mostly serve as guards to keep the peace. The legions hire qualified recruits of proven skill and character, and provide training, goods, and services at discounts. The lower ranks are common troopers and officers, but the upper ranks include the orders of the Imperial knights."
"An adventurer should know the basics of Imperial law concerning life and property. Verbal assault, pickpocketing, and trespassing are malfeasances, punishable by fines and compensation of less than 100 drakes, or by punitive labor. Theft and foul murder are felonies. Theft is punishable by fines and compensation proportional to the value of the property stolen, or by punitive labor. Foul murder is punishable by fines and compensation of at least 1000 drakes, or by punitive labor."
"You should know the Empire's attitudes about killing. According to Imperial law and custom, killing is justifiable in war, self-defense, defense of property, affairs of honor, and sanctioned affairs of state. Other killings are murder, and punishable by death or imprisonment. Outlaws have no rights, and may be killed without scandal or sanction. Guards may use deadly force in the line of duty."
"Let me tell you about the Morag Tong in Morrowind. The Morag Tong is an assassins guild sanctioned by the Empire to provide three varieties of execution: public executions, private executions, and House Wars executions. Constrained by ancient traditions and rigid codes of conduct, the Morag Tong only recruits candidates of proven skill and honor. Morag Tong will only accept legally approved contracts called 'writs.' There's no truth to rumors of secret extralegal 'grey writs.'"
"Let me tell you about ancestor worship in Morrowind. Ancestor worship is the dominant form of worship among the Ashlanders, a personal and pervasive feature of their everyday life. The Tribunal Temple retains veneration of ancestors as a minor aspect of worship, greatly overshadowed by the awe-inspiring power and benevolence of the Tribunes. The Daedra and the Saints are worshipped as ancestors, and each Temple family maintains a shrine dedicated to the remains and spirits of the clan's dead."
"Let me tell you about the Tribunal Temple. Most Dunmer worship the Tribunal, three mortals who became gods in the distant past before Tiber Septim. The Dunmer are a serious people, and very serious about their gods and the Temple. You won't find beggars in Morrowind; the Temple takes care of the poor. The Temple provides health and education for worshippers, and stresses family duty. The Tribunal are named Almalexia, Sotha Sil, and Vivec, collectively called Almsivi. See a Temple priest to learn more."
"Let me tell you about Dagoth Ur. Dagoth Ur is the evil immortal enemy of the Tribunal Temple cult. The Temple blames Dagoth Ur and his hosts for all the evils that beset the Dunmer and Morrowind. Dagoth Ur dwells in fiery caverns beneath Red Mountain, served by his kin, called ash vampires, and by legions of deformed monsters."
"Let me tell you about Red Mountain. Red Mountain is the great volcano in the center of Vvardenfell island. The crater of Red Mountain is called the Dagoth Ur region, where Dagoth Ur and his evil servants dwell. The Tribunal built the Ghostfence around Red Mountain to imprison Dagoth Ur and his servants, and to protect Morrowind from the blight storms that issue from Dagoth Ur's crater."
"Let me say a little about Daedra here in Morrowind. Here we believe the Daedra are powerful ancestor spirits, similar to gods, but weaker and more capricious. In the olden times, the Daedra were worshipped as gods by the Dunmer, but were undeserving of this veneration, since they harmed followers as often as they helped them. With their Apotheosis, the Tribunal became High Ancestor Spirits of the Dunmer. Good Daedra became loyal friends of the Tribunal, but Bad Daedra remained foul and treacherous."
"You should know how the Temple feels about killing. Killing is justifiable in war, self-defense, defense of property, affairs of honor, Great House affairs under the sanction of the state, and affairs of heresy. Other killings are foul murder, and punishable by compensation, punitive labor, or, in sanctioned House Wars affairs, by writ of assassination. The justice of killing heretics is a source of bitter controversy. Killing heretics is against Imperial law, but not dishonorable or scandalous."
"Let me tell you about the Camonna Tong. The Camonna Tong is Morrowind's native criminal syndicate. They're grown powerful and ruthless since the Imperial occupation, and have great influence in the higher ranks of House Hlaalu. The Camonna Tong are in direct competition with the Thieves Guild for control of illegal trade, and they have sworn to exterminate the upstart outlander newcomers. The Camonna Tong are known for their brutal disregard for human life."
"We don't like foreigners or outlanders much in Morrowind. We Dunmer are a proud people, and we have good reasons to dislike other outlander races. And, for that matter, we don't much like outlander Dunmer -- Dark Elves born and raised to Imperial ways, who don't know what it is to be a Dunmer born-and-bred. Some of us get used to outlanders. We even like some, and adopt some into our Great Houses. But it isn't easy. It takes time and effort to win a native's trust."
"Let me tell you about rogue Telvanni. No house may build new settlements on Vvardenfell with Duke Dren's approval. However, the Duke has little power to enforce restrictions, and 'rogue' Telvanni have occupied many sites on Vvardenfell, defying the Duke's authority. House Telvanni publicly denies supporting the rogue settlements. Volunteer expeditions and mercenary raids on these outlawed settlements are silently endorsed by the Duke, but have been largely ineffective."
"The Morag Tong are executioners and assassins who operate within the law and under a strict code of behavior. They have nothing to do with the Dark Brotherhood; the Morag Tong and the Dark Brotherhood are bitter enemies."
"Let me tell you a little about Morrowind history. The prophet Veloth led the ancestors of the Dunmer from Summerset Isles to the region of Morrowind. Various Dunmer tribes became the modern Great House clans; Ashlanders descend from other Dunmer tribes. The first Dunmer nation was called Resdayn and ruled by the First Council and the Tribunal Temple. Now Morrowind is an Imperial province, though the Treaty of the Armistice reserves most local government functions to the Dunmer Great House councils."
"Let me tell you about the Imperial cult. The Imperial cult brings divine inspiration and consolation to the Empire's remote provinces. The cult combines the worship of the Nine Divines -- the Aedra Akatosh, Dibella, Arkay, Zenithar, Mara, Stendarr, Kynareth, and Julianos -- and the Talos cult, dedicated to the divine god-hero Tiber Septim, founder and patron of the Empire. Imperial cult priests provide worship and services for all these gods at Imperial shrines in settlements throughout Vvardenfell."
"Of Morrowind's five Great Houses, three are represented on Vvardenfell. House Redoran is an aristocratic house of noble warriors, strong supporters of the Temple. House Hlaalu is an enterprising house of traders and merchant princes, strong supporters of the Empire. House Telvanni is an independent association of wizard-lords, equally hostile to the Empire, the Temple, and the other houses. House Indoril and House Dres are the two Great Houses not represented on Vvardenfell."
"Let me tell you the basics about weapon wear. Weapons become less effective with wear. Eventually they break, and are useless until you repair them, but a worn weapon does only a fraction of the damage it should do. You'll hack and stab and slash away, and suddenly realize you're doing almost nothing to your enemy. So learn the basics of weapon repair, and touch up your weapons before every big fight, or pay a smith to keep your weapons in top shape."
"Let me tell you about the Dissident priests. A group called the Dissident priests has rebelled against Temple authority, and are outlawed and persecuted by the Temple. Ordinators arrest and imprison these heretics, and according to the terms of the Armistice, the Empire cannot interfere. The Dissident priests challenge certain traditional doctrines of the Temple. They also condemn the arbitrary power of the Ordinators, and accuse the Temple hierarchy of self-interest and corruption."
"Let me tell you about Morrowind's economy. Morrowind used to be an agrarian aristocracy, mostly free farmers and herders and fishermen ruled by great houses and their noble councils. But since the Imperial occupation, and especially here on Vvardenfell, the Dunmer are developing a mercantile economy on the model of the Empire, ruled by the Emperor, law, and legions, but driven by trade in crafts and goods."
"Three Great Houses dominate Vvardenfell's politics. Aristocratic, warlike House Redoran champions ancient Dunmer honor and morality, and strongly supports the Temple. Great House Hlaalu is an aggressive mercantile culture, influenced by Imperial values of progress, tolerant polytheism, and free enterprise. The sorcerer-lords of Great House Telvanni dedicate themselves to ruthless competition among themselves for arcane mastery, and competition with other Great Houses for Vvardenfell's resources."
"Let me tell you about current events. The Great Houses are always fighting each other in the Great House Wars. There's always trouble between outlanders -- non-Dunmer Imperial colonists -- and the Dunmer natives. The Temple is at war with a rebellious faction called the Dissident Priests. A secret cult called the Sixth House is killing Imperial citizens. Misshapen monsters and diseases called 'blight disease' are spreading from Red Mountain, a volcano where the Devil Dagoth Ur and his ash vampires live."
"Let me tell you about rogue Telvanni. No Great House may build new settlements on Vvardenfell without Duke Dren's approval. However, the Duke has little power to enforce restrictions, and 'rogue' Telvanni have occupied many sites on Vvardenfell, defying the Duke's authority. House Telvanni publicly denies supporting the rogue settlements. Volunteer expeditions and mercenary raids on these outlawed settlements are silently endorsed by the Duke, but have been largely ineffective."
"Let me tell you about Dunmer who join the Imperial cult. Though some Dunmer are Imperial cult initiates, most of these are also nominal members of the Tribunal Temple. Religious fervor is exceptional in the Empire, compared with Morrowind's more passionate Temple worshippers, and Dunmer who adopt the Imperial cult often share the moderation and religious tolerance of Imperial culture."
"Though some Dunmer are Imperial cult initiates, most of them are also members of the Tribunal Temple. Religious fervor is exceptional in the Empire, compared with Morrowind's more passionate Temple worshippers, and Dunmer who adopt the Imperial cult often share the moderation and religious tolerance of Imperial culture."
"Let me tell you about the Mages Guild in Morrowind. The Mages Guild is a professional organization chartered by the Emperor to promote study of the arcane arts. And it's where you go to find wizards for hire. Training, goods, and services are cheaper for members, and the Guild Stewards know where to find work. If you're thinking of making wizardry your profession, you should join and work your way up the ranks."
"Read a book or something. You can read, can't you?"
"The raw ebony deposits here on Vvardenfell are the richest in the world. And the deposit in Caldera is the biggest on Vvardenfell. There's a fortune in ebony here. It all used to belong to the Temple, but now it belongs to the Emperor -- or anyone of his cronies he gives a mine charter."
"The raw ebony deposits here are the richest in the world. And they are ours. Do not touch the ebony, outlander."
"The raw glass deposits here on Vvardenfell are the richest in the world. There's a fortune in raw glass here. It all used to belong to the Temple, but now it belongs to the Emperor -- or anyone of his cronies he gives a mine charter."
"There are not many diamond mines here on Vvardenfell. I don't know of any others."
"Morrowind used to be an agrarian aristocracy, mostly free farmers and herders and fishermen ruled by great houses and their noble councils. But since the Imperial occupation, and especially here on Vvardenfell, the Dunmer are developing a mercantile economy on the model of the Empire, ruled by the Emperor, law, and legions, but driven by trade in crafts and goods."
"The Dunmer of Morrowind dislike and disrespect all foreigners, who they regard as racially and culturally inferior. They thoroughly dislike their Imperial neighbors to the southwest, who conquered and occupied their land. They passionately hate and despise their Argonian neighbors to the south, thinking them savage animals fit only for slavery."
"Dunmer casually dislike their Nord neighbors to the west; in the past, Nords raided and made war against Morrowind, and today the Nords still have territorial ambitions for the coast and highlands of Morrowind's northwest borders."
"A High Elf named Mossanon? I don't know anyone by that name. But there aren't many High Elves in Sadrith Mora. Why don't you ask Sinyaramen over at the Gateway Inn? He's a High Elf, and a trader. He might know."
"A High Elf named Mossanon? I don't know anyone by that name. But there aren't many High Elves in Sadrith Mora. Why don't you ask Sinyaramen? He's a High Elf here in the Gateway, and a trader. He might know."
"A High Elf named Mossanon with a Dark Elven woman? I don't know anyone by that name. But I have seen a High Elf in the company of a local woman, Volmyni Dral. She has a pod over near Wolverine Hall."
"A High Elf named Mossanon? Traveling with an 'attractive' Telvanni woman? I don't know anyone by that name. But I have seen a High Elf in the company of a local woman, Volmyni Dral. She has a pod over near Wolverine Hall. She's young. But not all that attractive."
"You're looking for a High Elf and Volmyni Dral? Go talk to her. She has a pod over near Wolverine Hall."
"He doesn't work here anymore, and I don't think the Company wants us to discuss him with outsiders."
"Well... I'm not sure the Company would appreciate my talking about this. But you seem a decent sort. Mossanon was always a good clerk, and a pleasant fellow. Then, recently, he seemed to have something else on his mind. He was acting strangely. He was absent a lot, often without letting anyone know. I didn't know him well. Perhaps you should talk to Okan-Shei, or Shazgob gra-Luzgan -- they worked together."
"Mossanon? A High Elf? He was in and out here not long ago -- but not recently. Was asking for the guild guide, Flacassia Fauseius."
"I'm sure she loves you. And she'll miss you when you're gone."
"Oh? What? No, no.... Nothing. Just talking to myself...."
"Isn't Fast Eddie near that rank?"
"Mouth? What about your mouth?"
"The Telvanni Mouths are in the main Council House."
"I am a Mouth in House Telvanni. I speak the words of my patron here in the Telvanni Council"
"I am not a Mouth for anyone. I oversee the construction of strongholds and bases for House Telvanni. If you have business with House Telvanni, speak with one of the Mouths in the Telvanni Council House."
"But what cave? There are many caves."
"I'm sorry. I know the Needle, and yes, I see that the whitish rock atop the spire might remind someone of pearl. But I don't know of any cave or mouth of a cave in that valley."
"Malipu-Ataman's Belt... I know this token, and I wish to help you. But I'm sorry. I know the Needle, and yes, I see that the whitish rock atop the spire might remind someone of pearl. But I don't know of any cave or mouth of a cave in that valley."
"You can find muck just about anywhere there are muckspunge pools. Muckspunge is kinda brown and grows taller and fatter than me. Believe me, you can't miss it."
"You're looking for muck? Ask Anis Seloth here in town. Her shop is on the north side of town, next to Fara's Hole in the Wall."
"It's northwest of here. Due west of Tel Vos."
"It's due west of here."
"Found his body, huh? Well, it's up to you what to do with that information. I suppose that Socucius Ergalla in the Census and Excise Office would be the one to tell, if that's your inclination."
"Someone finally got him, huh? Well, it's no surprise, I suppose. No one likes a tax collector, especially one who flaunts his wealth while taking our hard-earned cash. Only one who could stomach him at all was Thavere over in the lighthouse. The two of them spent some time together. Shame, really. She seemed like a nice woman."
"We heard. He was a good man, and his murder should be avenged."
"I don't know anyone like that."
"Admin thinks Admin saw someone like that over at the Council Club, just across from the Silt Strider."
"Hmm... I believe Thanelen Velas over at the Council Club might fit that description."
"That could be Thanelen Velas at the Council Club over by the Silt Strider."
"Why, no. I don't know anyone like that. Everyone here at the Council Club thinks that Nine-Toes murdered Ralen Hlaalo."
"He often goes swimming near Fadila's house. I wonder what he's doing out there?"
"He looks like he doesn't have any money, but he sure does spend it."
"I am a merchant. I look for goods that are well-made, that people want to buy, that I can buy and sell at a profit. There are many different kinds of materials I can buy and sell -- animal products, vegetable products, mineral products, even exotic products. Crafts and manufactured goods I deal in include weapons, armor, clothing, books, potions, enchanted items, and various housewares. I travel, talk with people I meet, buy what I like, and sell what people like."
"I'm a warrior by trade. I know how to fight, when necessary, but I much rather look so tough that critters give up or run away when they see me. Personally, I favor long blades of all kinds -- they use long blades of many different styles and craftsmanships here in Morrowind -- and I wear medium armor, for a decent balance of protection and mobility. But I train with various weapon types and armor types. And like any good warrior, I'm my own armorer -- don't want to fight with worn weapons in worn armor."
"I'm a barbarian, and proud of it. I like the wilderness, and know how to live comfortably off the land. I know the various creatures of the wild, how to hunt them, what bits are good to eat, and what bits the city-folk will pay for. I know weapons and armor, and how to stay healthy, so I can play soldier for pay. But I hate taking orders, so I rather live by hunting."
"I'm what they call a crusader. Crusaders used to be warriors in service to a cult, but now any heavily armored warrior with a good cause calls himself a crusader. My good cause is hunting down necromancers and witches and bandits and other malefactors. And I do well by doing good -- salvage on arms, armor, and goods taken from malefactors earns me a good living. I'm tough and strong, so I wear heavy armor and use blunt weapons. And I won't fight with worn weapons or worn armor, so I'm my own armorer."
"I'm a knight. In the West, you need a horse and land to be a knight, but here, we have no horses, and all you need is good armor, good weapons, and the skill to use them. I prefer to fight with axes and shields. Since I live by my weapons, I have to pay careful attention to local feelings about killing and murder -- what's right and what's wrong."
"I'm a scout. I know places, people, plants, paths, wind, and weather. I serve as guide for travelers and traders, or work as advance guard and pathfinder for expeditions. I know the geography of Vvardenfell, and the various geographic regions. My best defense is stealth, sneaking past trouble, but I can fight bow or blade, in various armor styles, when the job requires it."
"I'm an archer. I'm the kind of fighter who hates getting hurt, so I ambush with my marksman weapons from a distance, then run like crazy when I can, and fight with long blades or spears when I must. I prefer spears because they're longer, and I keep farther from things trying to hurt me. If that sounds cowardly to you, you better stick with tin suits and fat axes."
"I'm a lovable rogue, a silver-tongued devil with a taste for the better things in life. But lovable as I am, some people get upset with me, and so I must fight -- purely in self-defense, you understand. I like light armor and short blades for self defense; heavy armor and heavy weapons just tire you out. But I train with various different weapon types and armor types, so I can improvise when the situation demands it."
"I'm a thief. I was born to be a thief. I love to sneak around in rich people's houses, and liberate their possessions. I enjoy puzzling out the security provisions on doors and chests, thrilling to the challenge and suspense of picking locks and disarming traps. And I've always had an interest in Imperial law -- property rights, criminal justice, bribes and graft. Me and the guards, we're old friends. And punitive labor isn't all that bad -- free food and board, fresh air, and good fellowship."
"I'm a thief. I was born to be a thief. I love to sneak around in rich people's houses, and liberate their possessions. I enjoy puzzling out the security provisions on doors and chests, thrilling to the challenge and suspense of picking locks and disarming traps. I can sell you the tools of the trade -- the lockpick and probe. I can train you to be a better thief yourself, but you must make a generous contribution to my retirement fund."
"I'm an agent. I work for a House, or a company, or the state, and I do things that need doing. All sorts of things. Mostly I handle matters in the business or diplomatic line, things that require mercantile skills, or the arts of speechcraft. I trade in knowledge -- hard facts and rumors. 'Knowledge is power,' as they say. And sometimes I do other sorts of things. Things I can't talk about."
"I'm an agent. I work for a House, or a company, or the state, and I do things that need doing. Mostly I handle matters in the business or diplomatic line, things that require mercantile skills, or the arts of speechcraft. I trade in knowledge -- hard facts and rumors. 'Knowledge is power,' as they say. And sometimes I do other sorts of things. Things I can't talk about."
"I'm an assassin. Killing is my profession. I am discrete, efficient, and reliable. In Morrowind, the assassin's trade is an ancient and honorable profession, restricted by a rigid code of conduct, and operating strictly within the law. Because I am discreet, I prefer short blades for swift, close-and personal work, while the marksman weapons like throwing stars and throwing knives are more suitable for stealth and surprise."
"I'm an assassin. Killing is my profession. I am discrete, efficient, and reliable. In Morrowind, the assassin's trade is an ancient and honorable profession, restricted by a rigid code of conduct, and operating strictly within the law. Because I am discreet, I prefer short blades for swift, close-and personal work, while the marksman weapons like throwing stars and throwing knives are more suitable for stealth and surprise. I charge fair prices to train apprentices in the assassin's skills."
"I'm an acrobat. As an entertainer, my job is to amaze and amuse my patrons. But in my more discrete vocation as a second-story man and connoisseur of treasures and secrets, my job is to come and go without attracting notice, and to effectively discourage pursuit when I am noticed. Running, swimming, or leaping, my art is to leave my less-agile, less-swift pursuit behind."
"I am a monk. In mind and spirit, I am a student of the hidden mysteries, of the unseen world that lies behind the objects and ideas of everyday life. In body, I am a student of the ancient martial arts, patterned on the 'Rain-of-Sand' fighting styles of Elsweyr. I pursue hand-to-hand and unarmored self-defense, because what you don't have, you cannot lose. I also train with the blunt weapons called staffs, because even the poorest peasant can own a staff."
"I am a monk. In mind and spirit, I am a student of the hidden mysteries, of the unseen world that lies behind the objects and ideas of everyday life. In body, I am a student of the ancient martial arts, patterned on the 'Rain-of-Sand' fighting styles of Elsweyr. I pursue hand-to-hand and unarmored self-defense, because what you don't have, you cannot lose. I also train with the blunt weapons called staves, because even the poorest peasant can own a staff. To earn my keep, I train others in my skills."
"I am a pilgrim. I search for enlightenment, and hope to purify my soul through facing and overcoming the challenges of pilgrimages that reenact the tests and trials of gods, saints, and heroes. I visit the shrines and make devotions everywhere I travel -- in village Temple shrines, and the High Fane of Vivec, or at the remote shrines scattered all over Vvardenfell."
"I am a bard. As an entertainer, I share songs and stories with patrons and peasants. As a scholar, I travel the world, speaking with people, and learning the lessons of history and human nature. And because a good bard must experience adventure at first hand in order to present its drama effectively, I have learned to defend myself with the noble tools of medium armor and long blade, and have mastered minor mysteries of alchemy, enchantment, and illusion."
"I am a mage. My study is the destruction and alteration of the visible and invisible world. I study magic for its pure intellectual challenge and rewards, but I am paid in gold for the practical applications of my knowledge. Further, when undertaking expeditions in search of knowledge, I defend myself with spells of the College of Destruction, and leap, swim, and levitate with the spells of the College of Alteration."
"I am a mage. My study is the destruction and alteration of the visible and invisible world. I study magic for its pure intellectual challenge and rewards, but I am paid in gold for the practical applications of my knowledge. I defend myself with spells of the College of Destruction, and leap, swim, and levitate with the spells of the College of Alteration. I sell spells, and I am a spellmaker who creates spells to your specifications. I can also teach you in my skills, for a fee."
"I am a sorcerer. Through my mastery of special disciplines of the College of Conjuration, and my private studies of the Outer Realms and their Powers and Principalities, I have learned to summon and command their denizens to do my bidding. I do these things for coin, or to suit my own interests. I also am an enchanter, enchanting items for my own use and for the use of others. My skill with enchantments also makes me more efficient in using enchanted items that I collect on my research expeditions."
"I am a sorcerer. I am a master of the College of Conjuration, and I have learned to summon and command the denizens of the Outer Realms to do my bidding. I also am an enchanter, enchanting items for my own use and for the use of others. My skill with enchantments also makes me more efficient in using enchanted items that I collect on my research expeditions. I sell spells, and I am a spellmaker who creates spells to your specifications. I can also teach you in my skills, for a fee."
"I am a healer. I have sworn solemn oaths in the College of Restoration to heal the afflicted and cure the diseased. But I have also learned that preventing harm to others often requires a more active opposition to monsters and malefactors, so I have studied both the unarmed, unarmored martial arts of the Khajiit and the light armored and blunt weapon styles of the Imperial West, both for self-defense, and for disabling or killing dangerous opponents."
"I am a healer. I have sworn solemn oaths in the College of Restoration to heal the afflicted and cure the diseased. But I have also studied both the unarmed, unarmored martial arts of the Khajiit and the light armored and blunt weapon styles of the Imperial West, both for self-defense, and for disabling or killing dangerous opponents. I sell spells, and I am a spellmaker who creates spells to your specifications. I can also teach you in my skills, for a fee."
"I am a Battlemage. Though arrayed as a Western knight with heavy armor, axes and long blades, my primary training is in the College of Alteration, the College of Destruction, and the College of Conjuration. To round out my education, I have mastered enchantments and alchemy. Potions made through alchemy, or purchased from alchemists, grant me the magics of the Restoration, Mysticism, and Illusion Colleges. And can there be any more terrible master of the science of war than a battlemage? I think not."
"I am a Battlemage. Though arrayed as a Western knight with heavy armor, axes and long blades, my primary training is in the College of Alteration, the College of Destruction, and the College of Conjuration. To round out my education, I have mastered enchantments and alchemy. I sell spells, and I am a spellmaker who creates spells to your specifications. I can also teach you in my skills, for a fee."
"I am a witchhunter. I dedicate body and soul to the destruction of profane magics. Most foul are necromancers, who defile the bodies and spirits of the sacred dead. Equally abominable are the evil Daedra worshippers. The Daedra Lords delight in the torment and corruption of mortals, and they reward followers with terrible powers always used for evil purposes. In employing the tools of the Enemy -- the spells of the College of Conjuration -- I risk contamination, but fire must be fought with fire."
"I am a spellsword. I make war with spell and sword, combining the arts of the College of Restoration, the College of Alteration, and the College of Destruction with training in medium armor style, in block defense, and in the offensive disciplines of axes, blunt weapons, and long blades. I rely on enchanted weapons and enchanted armors to further augment my offensive and defensive abilities. This balance of steel and spell, offense and defense, mobility and protection is the signature of the Spellsword."
"I am a nightblade. Blending the disciplines of the stealthy agent and subtle wizard, I move unseen and undetected, foil locks and traps, and teleport to safety when threatened, or strike like a viper from ambush. The College of Illusion hides me and fuddles or pacifies my opponents. The College of Mysticism detects my object, reflects and dispels enemy spells, and makes good my escape. The key to a nightblade's success is avoidance, by spell or by stealth; with these skills, all things are possible."
"I am a nightblade. Blending the disciplines of the agent and wizard, I move unseen and undetected, foil locks and traps, and teleport to safety when threatened, or strike like a viper from ambush. The College of Illusion hides me and fuddles or pacifies my opponents. The College of Mysticism detects my object, reflects and dispels enemy spells, and makes good my escape. I sell spells, and I am a spellmaker who creates spells to your specifications. I can also teach you in my skills, for a fee."
"I'm an alchemist. Alchemy is the process of refining and preserving the magical properties hidden in natural and supernatural ingredients. I sell potions. I also sell the various kinds of apparatus alchemists need to make potions, and buy and sell ingredients."
"I'm an apothecary. I brew and sell potions to heal wounds, restore bodily and mental attributes, and cure diseases. I also buy and sell ingredients."
"I'm a bookseller. I buy and sell books. I also read books, and know the sorts of things you read in books. I don't mind sharing what I know about Morrowind lore, and am happy to share a little advice, if you're interested. I can also suggest who to talk to if you want to know more about a subject."
"I'm a gondolier. I can ferry you by gondola to various nearby destinations for a modest fee."
"I'm a shipmaster. I can transport you by ship to various destinations for a modest fee."
"I'm a caravaner. I can transport you by silt strider to various destinations for a modest fee."
"I'm a guild guide. I can teleport you to various destinations for a modest fee."
"I do not like to boast, but my people call me a champion, a noble warrior of the Ashlanders. I have the duty of protecting the honor of the tribe in peace and war. I give counsel to the ashkhan in tribal affairs, and represent the tribe to guests and intruders. There are things you should know about courtesy and challenges among the Ashlanders if you wish not to give offense."
"I am a clothier. I make clothes and sell them. I also buy clothes in good condition; with a little work I can make them good as new and resell them. Mostly I make and sell Dunmer clothing, but some people also want Imperial clothes and Ashlander clothes."
"I am a commoner. I do whatever needs doing -- cooking, cleaning, building, baking, making, breaking. And, by your accent, I can tell YOU are an outlander. Since you're new to these parts, perhaps you'd like me to share a little local lore."
"I am a drillmaster. I train and condition the local militia. I teach the citizens the basics of block, spear, and long blade, but mostly I concentrate on athletics and acrobatics, because conditioning is the biggest weakness of the citizen-soldier. No point teaching them to fight if they pass out after a short jog in full kit."
"I am an enchanter. I enchant things, and sell them. I have scrolls, which are cheap, but only work once, and enchanted items, which work over and over again, but which are NOT cheap. I also make my enchanter's lab available to those who want to enchant items, but who can't afford the expense of building and maintaining a lab. I charge for the service, of course, but you must provide the items, soul gems, and magic effects. I also buy and sell enchanted weapons, enchanted armor, and enchanted clothing."
"I am an enforcer. There are rules. The boss makes the rules. I enforce them. You break the rules, and you don't get to live a long productive life. So don't break the rules."
"I am a farmer. I grow crops, and raise animals for food, and gather animal products and vegetable products from the land for my own use or for sale at the markets."
"I am a herder. I watch over the tribe's herds of guar and shalk. I butcher the guar and shalk and preserve their meats to feed the tribe. I tan the guar hides, render the shalk resins, and season the shalk shells. Then the tribe's craftsmen take these things and make the things we need for ourselves, and the things we sell to traders and other tribes."
"I am a hunter. I range across the ashlands and wastes, hunting for meat and hides. I know the native creatures of Vvardenfell, and know to avoid the diseased creatures, and the blighted creatures, for they are foul and worthless, and deadly to the careless hunter. I know the Ashlands and the Grazelands, Azura's Coast and Molag Amur, and can tell you of these places."
"I am a master-at-arms. I am a master of all the basic hand weapon types: long blades, short blades, axes, blunt weapons, and spears. I am willing to train with weapons, for a fee."
"I am a miner. Usually here on Vvardenfell, being a miner means you're an eggminer. Scrib jerky and scrib jelly, kwama eggs and kwama cuttle are the basis of our Vvardenfell economy. Yes, there are more valuable resources we take from mines -- raw ebony, raw glass, dreugh wax, daedra skin, daedra heart, diamond, ash salts, and so forth -- and that's good work, too. But it's the eggminers that feed Morrowind, and bring cash from all over the Empire."
"I'm an ebony miner. The raw ebony deposits here on Vvardenfell are the richest in the world. The matrix is a very hard stone, and separating ebony from the matrix is hard work. Hard, honest work that pays well."
"I'm an ebony miner. This is dangerous work. And we are dangerous miners. Do not touch our ebony."
"I'm an raw glass miner. The raw glass deposits here on Vvardenfell are the richest in the world. The matrix is a very hard stone, and separating raw glass from the matrix is hard work. Hard, honest work that pays well."
"I'm a diamond miner. It's hard work. The rock is hard, and the hours long. But it pays well."
"I am a noble, elevated by birth and distinction to the highest ranks of Imperial society. I do not have a trade, as such, though I may dabble in various affairs, collecting rare treasures of beauty and refinement. And if such things are valuable, there's no harm in it. My lofty station is not without responsibilities, of course. I must serve at the command of the Emperor and the Councils, giving counsel and support, and, when duty calls, taking spell and sword to protect the smallfolk of the Empire."
"I am a noble of Great House Telvanni. I rule my lands and kinsmen by superior right of wit, will, wealth, and wisdom. In the ancient arcane traditions of House Telvanni, I am a wizard, skilled in all the crafts of war and rulership. By my own craft and dominion, I bring prosperity and power to my tower, honor to my house, and security to my kinsmen and retainers. So long as none dare challenge my sorcerous mastery, I thereby insure the health, wealth, and security of my house and its people."
"I am a noble of Great House Hlaalu. It is my privilege and pleasure to serve my house and clan as a leader and protector of its ancient prerogatives. In the grand mercantile traditions of House Hlaalu, I am a merchant prince. I concern myself with the wealth and influence of our house, and strive to bring profit and wealth to myself, my retainers, and my humble clients and kinsmen. I serve at the pleasure of the Clan and Council, providing such public works and services as befits my station."
"I am a noble of Great House Redoran. It is my grave duty and honor to serve my house and clan as a leader and protector of its ancient rights. In the ancient martial traditions of House Redoran, I am a knight and champion of the clan. I concern myself with the welfare and influence of our house, and strive to bring honor and glory to myself, my retainers, and my humble kinsmen. I serve at the pleasure of the Clan and Temple, providing such public works and services as befits my station."
"I am a pauper, one of the humble smallfolk. I make my way in the world as best I can, laboring in the fields, kitchens, and factories of lords and merchants. When times are good, I live well enough by my own work. When times are hard, I must hope for the charity of the nobles and wealthy merchants."
"I am a pauper, one of the humble smallfolk. I make my way in the world as best I can, laboring in the fields, kitchens, and factories of the Great House lords. When times are good, I live well enough by my own work. When times are hard, I live by the grace and generosity of the clan, and by the charity and good works of the Temple. I am no rude beggar; we are all educated in the Temple, free of charge, and it may be I can teach you something of Morrowind lore."
"I am a pawnbroker. I buy your goods, giving you cash on the counter, and if, at a later date, you wish to recover your goods, you need only pay me what they are worth -- with a small profit, of course, for my time and trouble. I also sell things, sometimes used and worn, sometimes almost new, and all for a fraction of what they'd cost if purchased elsewhere."
"I am a priest of the Imperial cult. My role is advocate to the gods on behalf of our cult members. The Imperial cult provides certain benefits for its members at our shrines."
"I am a priest of the Tribunal Temple, an intercessor between Almsivi and their worshippers. caretaker of the temple and shrines, and councilor and educator for the faithful and laymen. I can tell you about the Temple, the Daedra, the saints, and the ancestors. I can explain about pilgrimages, and why we hate necromancy. I can also tell you something about other cults."
"I am a publican. I have food to buy, and beds for lodgers. I also know the neighborhood, and can share the local lore, or, if you prefer, I can give you a little Morrowind lore. I also am likely to have heard the latest rumors, and am happy to share them with you in the spirit of fellowship."
"I see."
"I am a sharpshooter. I make my living as a mercenary, working on short contracts as a caravan guard or expedition escort, or for long term contracts to nobles or merchants. I have mastered the various marksman weapons, and can train you in their use, for a modest fee."
"I am a slave, sera. I serve my owner and master as commanded. I clean, prepare food, fetch and carry, do the shopping and marketing, and do other tasks too tiresome or menial for my master."
"I am a smith. I make, sell, and repair weapons and armor. I can tell you about the basic armor styles and weapon types. I can also tell you how to take care of worn weapons and worn armor, and sell you the armorer tools you need. I also repair weapons and armor, for a fee."
"I am a trader, a general merchant. I travel, look for opportunities to make a profit. I'm not making any trades at present."
"I am a trader, a general merchant. I buy and sell a little of everything -- weapons ,armor, clothes, books, miscellaneous items of all kinds. Take a look around; let me know what you want. Or if you have things you'd like to sell, let me take a look at them, and I'll give you a price."
"I'm a warlock. I have bound myself by oath and deed to the service of a Daedra lord, and in return have received gifts of knowledge and power. The Temple calls my patrons the bad Daedra, and perhaps they aren't very nice... but I guess I'm not very nice, either. If you are curious, and not afraid, I can tell you a little about the bad Daedra and Daedric summonings."
"I am a wise woman. I am councilor to my Ashlander tribe, guardian of secret knowledge, spirit guide and seer into the world unseen. I can tell you about the ancestors, and about Ashlander customs."
"I'm a witch. I have bound myself by oath and deed to the service of a Daedra lord, and in return have received gifts of knowledge and power. The Temple calls my patrons the bad Daedra, and perhaps they aren't very nice... but I guess I'm not very nice, either. If you are curious, and not afraid, I can tell you a little about the bad Daedra and Daedric summonings."
"I am a Buoyant Armiger, a member of a small military order of the Tribunal Temple, exclusively dedicated to and answering to Lord Vivec. We pattern ourselves on Lord Vivec's heroic spirit of exploration and adventure, and emulate his mastery of the varied arts of personal combat, chivalric courtesy, and subtle verse. We serve the Temple as champions and knights-errant, and are friendly rivals of the more solemn Ordinators in our dedicated service to Lord Vivec and the Temple."
"We are the Ashlander witch-warriors, women who defy the man's rules of behavior for women, mastering the man's weapons of war and the sorcerer's powerful magics. Craven men whine that we steal their vital essences to feed our dark purposes. But men are fools and cowards. Only women can understand the secrets of the ghost snake and its hidden mysteries that make men tremble like maidens."
"The mysticism discipline is the mastery of the spell effects of the College of Mysticism. The mysticism spells involve the manipulation of magical forces and boundaries to bypass the structures and limitations of the physical world. These spells bind souls in gems, or teleport the caster's body, or manipulate the world with telekinesis, or absorb or reflect magical energies, or sense unseen objects at a distance."
"I haven't seen him for a few weeks. He used to come here every day."
"Her shop is a two-story building on the northwest side of town."
"This is her shop."
"I believe Nalvilie Saren is a shopkeeper in Vivec."
"I think she has a shop somewhere around here in St. Olms."
"I heard she was disgraced and living somewhere here in Vivec. Perhaps you should speak with the Saren family who live in the Redoran Plaza."
"The name sounds familiar... Perhaps you should speak with the Saren family. They have a manor in the Redoran Plaza."
"Speak with the Saren family. Their manor is nearby."
"Native Dunmer culture shares common roots with the other Aldmeri races -- the Altmer, or High Elves, and the Bosmer, or Wood Elves. All Aldmeri cultures are ancient, complex, and sophisticated. The native Dunmer have dark grey skin, unlike their cousins. Native Dunmer have strong militaristic and authoritarian traditions, founded in their ancient practices of ancestor worship, and fostered and elaborated in the theocratic religion of the Tribunal Temple."
"The clan and family structures of the Dunmer Great House system are strong forces for social and political stability. The feudal monarchy of the Altmer, by contrast, has a long history of conflict and instability, while the informal anarchy of Bosmer clan structures produces a consciously unstable society."
"Necromancy is both illegal and utterly evil according to our custom and religion."
"Under the terms of the Armistice, necromancy is punishable by death."
"Under the terms of the Armistice, necromancy defined as "animation and control of a deceased's flesh or spirit" is punishable by death."
"The traditional Dunmer practices of ancestor worship are NOT necromancy. Only ignorant outlanders could confuse our sacred practices with the vile sorceries of necromancers."
"Our traditional practice of ancestor worship is NOT necromancy. Only ignorant outlanders could mistake our sacred rituals for the vile sorceries of necromancers."
"The traditional Dunmer practices of sanctified invocation of spiritual and bodily remains to protect sacred and family property are universally approved and protected by Temple and Imperial law."
"Our practice of binding our dead to protect sacred and family property is our right, and protected by Temple and Imperial law."
"According to the Dunmer, animation or control of a deceased's flesh or spirit is righteous when practiced according to established cult ritual, but illegal and abominable when practiced by secular sorcerers. However, in Telvanni districts, necromancy is privately practiced by wizards in defiance of Temple censure."
"Necromancy is an evil magic that forces the spirits and remains of our ancestors to serve a black sorcerer. There is no greater evil than profaning the bones or spirits of our fathers."
"Foolish outlanders believe WE are necromancers because we are protected by our ancestors. Outlanders know nothing about the sacred honor of ancestors faithfully protecting their living kin."
"Necromancy is a loathsome abomination. Necromancers and vampires are foul and evil beyond reckoning, and must be destroyed."
"Ignorant foreigners confuse our communication and reliance upon our ancestor spirits with necromancy, but ancestor veneration is holy and pious, while necromancy is godless, perverse sorcery."
"In the Empire, body and spirit are protected as property, and may not be used without permission of the owner, and public display of the living dead is widely prohibited. But necromancy itself is not really illegal."
"In the Empire, mages may legally purchase corpses and souls for philosophical research, and may do with them as they wish in private."
"In the Empire, necromancers and vampires are widely confused in the public mind, and persecuted, but in remote locations, necromancers are usually free to pursue their studies without legal interference."
"Necromancy is not illegal, per se, in the Empire, though body and spirit are protected as property, and may not be used without permission of the owner, and public display of the living dead is widely prohibited. Mages may purchase corpses and souls for philosophical research, and may do with them as they wish in private. Necromancers and vampires are widely confused in the public mind, and persecuted, but in remote locations, necromancers are free to pursue their studies without legal interference."
"Necromancy is the evil sorcery of the invaders, an abomination to our ancestors. All true Dunmer worship their ancestors, and honor their traditions. Our ancestors now are mad with shame and hatred, seeing us brought low by beasts and lesser races. Only when we have driven the foreigners from the land can our ancestors rest."
"Tashpi? The healer? She's no necromancer."
"Tashpi is not a necromancer. Who have you been talking to?"
"Nedhelas? The fellow who says his house is haunted? He lives just to the right of the south gate. I'd look for him there."
"You're the one who took care of Nedhelas's haunted house problem. It's good to know you can rely on the Imperial cult for help. Thank you for your trouble."
"Nedhelas? He's dead. You should know that, since you were responsible for his death. If you had any business with Nedhelas, you should have taken care of it BEFORE you killed him."
"Savile Imayn is the only one here who might be able to find you a wife. She runs the slave market on the northwest side of the tower."
"There's only one place in town for that, Anon, Desele's House of Earthly Delights."
"Try asking Fathusa Girethi at the Ald Skar Inn."
"Have you asked Aryni Orethi? Many have, but she has refused them all."
"Certainly, I know who he is. Handsome fellow. Quiet, though. I don't think he actually lives around here, but he's often around. You might check in the Halfway Tavern. Quite a few folks gather in that place."
"Nelos Onmar? I've seen him around here. Quiet man, keeps to himself. Not too sure what he does, actually. Other folks might know more than I do, though. Might check in the tavern. They get all sorts of folks there."
"He's here in the tavern somewhere. Check over by the bar."
"If you want to speak to Master Neloth, he's in the Upper Tower of Tel Naga. There's a west-facing entrance from the upper terrace. I suppose you could get there from the Great Hall or Upper Hall, but it's confusing, and you still have to fly. From the west-facing upper terrace entrance, just take the passage east to Master Neloth. And you'll have to cross the central shaft -- don't fall down it."
"To speak to Master Neloth, just head east along the central passage. And mind the central shaft -- it's a long fall."
"If you want to speak to Master Neloth, he's in the Upper Tower of Tel Naga. There's a west-facing entrance from the upper terrace. I suppose you could get there from the Great Hall or Upper Hall, but it's confusing, and you still have to fly. From the west-facing upper terrace entrance, just take the passage east to Master Neloth. And you'll have to cross the central shaft -- don't fall down it."
"To speak to Master Neloth, just head east along the central passage. And mind the central shaft -- it's a long fall."
"Nels? He frequents the Halfway Tavern, I believe...not that I go there much, mind you. I've just heard he can be found there. Do send my regards, though."
"Probably drinking and whoring at the Halfway, if I know that lout. I'd love to get my hands on him one of these days."
"Oh....Nels...charming man. A bit forward, though. Probably out on the roads somewhere, earning his keep. What a cad."
"That rogue? Probably out robbing innocent people of their money, if I what I have heard is true. Tried to steal a kiss from my wife once, the bastard. If I ever get my hands on him...."
"Oh, he's around here somewhere."
"Nerevar was a legendary Dunmer general who, in ancient times, defeated the evil Dwarves, Nords, Orcs, and traitor Dunmer at the Battle of Red Mountain. Nerevar was also one of the founders of the First Council of Great Houses, and friend and companion of Vivec, Almalexia, and Sotha Sil, who later became the gods of the Tribunal Temple."
"Ages ago, Nerevar was the greatest Dunmer general, First Councilor, and companion of Vivec, Almalexia, and Sotha Sil, who, with the power of the great Ring of the Ancestors, One-Clan-Under-Moon-and-Star, united the Dunmer Houses to confront the evil Dwemer, the treacherous House Dagoth, and their Western allies at Red Mountain. By Providence, the faithless Dwemer were utterly destroyed, and their allies and the traitor Dagoth Ur were defeated."
"Nerevar died not long after, but he lived to see the birth of the Temple, and to bless the unity of the Dunmer into the safekeeping of Almsivi, the Temple, and all its communion of saints."
"In ancient days, the Deep Elves and a great host of outlanders from the West came stealing the land of the Dunmer. In that time, Nerevar was the great khan and warleader of the House People, but he honored the Ancient Spirits and the Tribal law, and became as one of us. So, when Nerevar pledged upon his great Ring of the Ancestors, One-Clan-Under-Moon-and-Star, to honor the ways of the Spirits and rights of the Land, all the Tribes joined the House People fighting a great battle at Red Mountain."
"Though many Dunmer, Tribesman and Houseman, died at Red Mountain, the Dwemer were defeated and their evil magicks destroyed, and the outlanders driven from the land. But after this great victory, the power-hungry khans of the Great Houses slew Nerevar in secret, set themselves up as gods, and forgot Nerevar's promises to the Tribes. But Nerevar will come again and cast down the false gods, and by the power of his ring will make good his promises, honor the Spirits, and drive the outsiders from the land."
"When the Dunmer followed Veloth to Morrowind, they were many warring clans, with no law or leader in common. One Dunmer warlord, Nerevar, had the ambition to rule all the Dunmer. In that time, House Dwemer were great enchanters, so Nerevar went in secret to a Dwemer smith and asked for an enchanted ring that would help him. The ring gave its wearer great powers of persuasion; for safety, it was enchanted to instantly kill anyone who wore it except Nerevar."
"The ring was called Moon-and-Star, and it helped Nerevar unite the various clans into the First Council. Later, however, disputes over religion divided the Council, with House Dwemer and House Dagoth on one side and all the other Houses on the other. Dumac and Dagoth invited Orc and Nord clans as allies, and held northwest Morrowind, while Nerevar mustered the other Houses and nomad tribes and marched to meet the Dwemer-Dagoth-Westerner forces."
"The armies met at Red Mountain, a Dwemer stronghold. The Dwemer were defeated, and terrible sorceries were used, resulting in the utter extermination of House Dwemer, House Dagoth, and their allies. Nerevar died after the battle, and his ring was lost, but Nerevar's alliance survives in Morrowind's ruling political institution, the Grand Council."
"The Ashlanders have a prophecy that one day a reincarnation of the legendary hero Nerevar will unite the Dunmer against the invaders and restore the ancient Dark Elven nation. But the Tribunal Temple says this is a false and profane superstition, and the Ordinators deal mercilessly with those who profess such beliefs."
"The Nerevarine is a heretic, according to the Temple, and so are all those who support the Nerevarine. But House Hlaalu policy is to avoid extremist religious views. We follow the Imperial practice of religious toleration for various cults and beliefs, so long as they do not challenge law or public order."
"We Ashlanders have a prophecy that one day a reincarnation of the legendary hero Nerevar will unite the Dunmer against the outlander invaders, driving them from our land, and restoring the ancient faith and honor of the Dark Elven peoples as taught us by the Prophet Veloth. You are an outlander, so it is not proper that we should speak with you about this."
"Perhaps you are. We shall see."
"You have faced trials, and have passed them. But trials still lie before you."
"We have heard that our chief has named you Zainab Nerevarine. We are surprised. But our chief is wise, and we trust his judgement. Perhaps some good will come of this. Stranger things have happened."
"We know about the prophecies. We think they are foolish superstition. Don't bother us with this nonsense."
"We know about the prophecies. We think they are foolish superstition. But we have a new chief, so maybe it is time to think differently."
"Blades keep tabs on the Emperor's enemies. The Nerevarine cult seems to be a bunch of Ashlanders, and Ashlanders are our enemies. They'd love to see us dead or gone from Vvardenfell. But they're only a few simple savages, and they mostly just want to be left alone."
"We hear YOU'RE the Nerevarine. It's a funny world, isn't it?"
"When you came to Vvardenfell, you were just a wet-behind-the-ears Anon. And now you're the Nerevarine, and Morrowind's biggest hero. Well, it's an honor to know you."
"It's the reincarnation of some Dark Elven hero, supposed to come and drive the Empire out of Morrowind. Just some local superstition... but the Temple says it's wicked and evil, and you'll be very sorry if you talk about it with the priests and Temple guard."
"So. It turns out the Nerevarine is an outlander after all. And, from what I hear, being Nerevarine was no picnic for you. Well done."
"Word has gotten around about you and the prophecies. Most people think it's just harmless superstition, not worth getting upset over. The Temple feels otherwise, of course. They say you're all heretics. It's a difficult situation."
"The Devil is dead, and the Blight is gone. You have conquered Red Mountain, destroyed Dagoth Ur and all his kin. We offer you our thanks in this happy hour."
"The Temple was wrong. You are Lord Nerevar reborn -- you've proven that. You've done what no one else could do. Not even Lord Vivec. Of course we are grateful for what you've done."
"You're the one they claim fulfills the Nerevarine prophecies? Then you are a heretic, as the Temple says, and you can expect no welcome from House Redoran."
"You're the one they call the Nerevarine. You are a heretic, and all who support you are heretics. You may think Imperial law protects heretics, and you may be right, but some of the Temple faithful care little for Imperial law."
"House Telvanni pays little attention to religious doctrine, or prophecies and other superstitions, for that matter. Call yourself the Nerevarine. We don't care."
"Everyone is talking about it. The curse upon the Nerevarine is lifted. The persecution of the Dissident Priests is ended. Vivec says you are the Incarnate of prophecy. That's hopeful news. But no one will sleep well until you have gone to Red Mountain and destroyed Dagoth Ur and the Sixth House."
"We have heard the proclamation. Vivec has removed his curse upon the Nerevarine, and has ended the persecution of the Dissident Priests. Vivec has acknowledged you as the Incarnate and Nerevarine, the prophesied savior of Morrowind, and the last hope to withstand the menace of Dagoth Ur and the Sixth House."
"Praise Almsivi! Praise the Nerevarine! The Devil is dead, and the Blight is gone!"
"The Temple says Vivec has removed his curse from the Nerevarine, and the persecution of the Dissident Priests is ended. But if you are the Incarnate and Nerevarine of prophecy, shouldn't you be on Red Mountain fighting Dagoth Ur?"
"Welcome back, Nerevarine. And thank you for all you have done. Your name and deeds are on everyone's lips. Tell me... did you find much treasure on Red Mountain?"
"Everything is changed. Now the Temple says you are the Incarnate and Nerevarine of prophecy. It takes some getting used to. But our hopes and prayers go with you to Red Mountain."
"You are indeed the Incarnate and Nerevarine of prophecy. It takes some getting used to. But the Devil is dead, and the Blight is gone, and there is no doubt who we have to thank for it."
"So. You're going to Red Mountain to kill Dagoth Ur? Vivec couldn't do it, so he's elected you. Doesn't that worry you?"
"So. You went all the way to Red Mountain, slew Dagoth Ur, and ended the Blight. A remarkable achievement."
"Prophecies say Lord Nerevar will come again to drive the foreigners from the land and restore the Dunmer and Morrowind to its ancient glory."
"The hand that struck down the Devil. Hero of Red Mountain. An outlander. And Nerevarine. It is a great honor, Anon. And we give you thanks for the great gift you have given us."
"An Ashlander religious cult called the Nerevarine cult believes prophecies of a reincarnation of the ancient Dunmer hero Nerevar who will come to cast down the false gods of the Tribunal Temple, and drive all outlanders from Morrowind. The cult is outlawed by the Temple and the Empire."
"So how does it feel to have a cult worshipping you, Anon?"
"That's an Ashlander cult that believes that the ancient hero Nerevar will be reborn to cast down the Temple and drive the Imperials out of Morrowind."
"Well, Anon, you're a hero, and people worship heroes. It must be strange, having a cult to worship you."
"This is not a matter for idle talk with strangers. Why should I trust you, outlander?"
"What does an outlander have to say to an Urshilaku of the Nerevarine prophecy?"
"I do not believe what I am hearing. You think you are the Nerevarine, and you wish to speak to Sul-Matuul and Nibani Maesa. You do not look like the Nerevarine. But you do not speak like a fool, or a madman. This is a puzzle. I tell you... go speak with Zabamund in his yurt. He is a gulakhan, Sul-Matuul's champion, and he will decide what is right. If Zabamund gives you permission, then you may enter the Ashkhan's Yurt and speak with Sul-Matuul."
"I am not surprised you are ignorant, outlander. And it is not my job to teach you."
"I do not talk of such things with killers of my kinsmen."
"I hear rumors, favored guest. I hear the Outlander earns honor and hospitality of the tribe. I hear the Outlander makes claim to be named 'Nerevarine'. The People respect their ashkhan and wise woman. But these are strange tidings, and hard to believe."
"The ways of the world are mysterious. How strange. The Nerevarine, an outlander. Yet Nibani Maesa tells us, was not Nerevar himself an outlander? Yet we never once thought...."
"We know of these prophecies. We have also heard that an outlander comes to fulfill these prophecies. Perhaps you are that outlander. Perhaps not."
"You give us new hope. You have saved the Ahemmusa, and perhaps you shall fulfill the Nerevarine prophecies."
"We heard rumors. Some outlander says he is the Nerevarine. So you are that outlander? What do you say to that, eh?"
"It does not matter. It is not a big thing. But you should talk to Ashkhan Kaushad, if you know something about this outlander who claims to be the Nerevarine. The ashkhan has heard the rumors, and is very curious."
"Hmm. Is that all true? That is a very interesting ring. It is part of the story of Nerevar, the ring Moon-and-Star, that none may wear but Nerevar himself. You should talk to Ashkhan Kaushad. The ashkhan is very curious about this outlander who claims to be the Nerevarine."
"We are living in strange times, outlander. The voices that speak in dreams say the Sleeper awakes. Dagoth Ur stirs beneath Red Mountain, and all his hosts shall spill forth and spoil the land. So it is said. And then you come, the prophesied one. Strange times. When will you go to Red Mountain to face the Devil Dagoth Ur? You go with our blessing."
"The Nerevarine Prophecies are fulfilled. The Devil is dead, the Blight is gone, and the False Gods are revealed. You have triumphed at Red Mountain, guided by Azura's hand."
"Nevena Ules lives at Ules Manor across the lake to the west. There's an east-west rope-and-plank bridge north of town that crosses the water just before you enter the highlands. Cross the bridge heading west, and Ules Manor is the first building on the left, south of the road."
"Well, it's probably no better than Crassius' old plays, which were awful. "Dance of the Three-Legged Guar" was quite a sight, though."
"Foreigners are foolish to worship the Nine as gods, for though both Aedra and Daedra are mighty supernatural beings, neither group is as worthy of trust and faith as the Tribunal. Great power does not make a being a god."
"Many foreigners worship the Nine as gods. They have divine power, like the Daedra, but they are not worthy of worship. Some are better than others, but none are trustworthy."
"The official religion of the Empire, the Imperial cult, worships the Nine Divines. The Nine Divines are the Aedra Akatosh, Dibella, Arkay, Zenithar, Mara, Stendarr, Kynareth, and Julianos, and the divine god-hero Tiber Septim, founder and patron of the Empire. These are indeed powerful spirits, but they are untrustworthy, and unworthy of worship."
"The official religion of the Empire, the Imperial cult, worships the Nine Divines. The Nine Divines are the Aedra Akatosh, Dibella, Arkay, Zenithar, Mara, Stendarr, Kynareth, and Julianos, and the divine god-hero Tiber Septim, founder and patron of the Empire."
"His house is in the middle row east of the river Odai."
"I am sure he is not the murderer."
"The Nords of Skyrim are a tall and fair-haired people, aggressive and fearless in war, industrious and enterprising in trade and exploration. Skilled sailors, they can be found in seaports and settlements along all the coasts and rivers of Tamriel. Strong, stubborn, and hardy, they are famous for their resistance to cold, even magical frost. Violence is an accepted and comfortable aspect of Nord culture, and they cheerfully face battle with an ecstatic ferocity that shocks and appalls their foes."
"We Nords of Skyrim are big, strong, stubborn, and hardy. We love to fight, and are afraid of nothing."
"Nords are treacherous, violent, and greedy. They've invaded our land in the past, and still have designs on our territories. They are fierce warriors, but impulsive and undisciplined. They are superstitious, and easily cowed by displays of powerful sorcery. They can be as simple and trusting as children, and lack the basic elements of courtesy and diplomacy. As mercenaries, they are useful only on the offensive, and their treatment of unarmed civilians and captives is barbaric."
"The Nords of Skyrim are the ancient enemies of the Dunmer. In the time of the Prophet Veloth, the Nords invaded our lands and drove us out of the good places. Later we grew strong and cunning, and we came down and slew them, and took our land back. Since then, we have kept our land free of the Nords, but they are always scheming to return and steal our good places."
"The Dunmer regard Nords as dangerous savages with a thin veneer of civilization. The Dunmer say everything civilized about the Nords is borrowed from the Dunmer. Nord greed, violence, primitive religion, and sordid history are artifacts of their savage clan culture."
"These people are our ancient enemies. Like all man races, they are of inferior blood, but otherwise are human in every respect. Are they capable of enlightenment? Do they have souls? Who can say?"
"The River Odai flows through the center of Balmora to the coast near Hla Oad."
"Yes, this is Odirniran. We've been having trouble with a Telvanni necromancer and one of our party was captured. Speak with our leader, Remasa Othril."
"House Hlaalu will be able to hold Odirniran now, Anon."
"Okur? The Argonian? Her shack is over that way, by the path."
"Okur? The Argonian? I hear they found her dead in her shack. Murdered by some thief, I guess. If you had any business with her, you're out of luck."
"Ondres Nerano? You can find him in Nerano Manor. It's on the northwest side of town in the middle of the plaza."
"I heard he was spreading rumors about some Redoran noble."
"There was a duel in Nerano manor, and Ondres lost."
"He said something that got the Redorans upset, that's for sure. Then he challenged one of their best warriors to a duel and lost. The Nerano family was always hotheaded."
"The greatest opportunities of Vvardenfell lie in its untapped wealth, its rich mines and ancient treasures, its unexplored and unclaimed lands. And even its threats represent limitless opportunity to any bold adventurer determined enough to fight and scheme his way to distinction, earning the attention of the great lords and wizards of Morrowind."
"Optio Bologra is the Camp Prefect of the Deathshead Legion garrison at Fort Darius. He's a tough and violent orc, not clever or polished, but nonetheless an effective and respected officer."
"Here's here somewhere, check around."
"The Orcs are savage half-men that the Westerners call 'human'. They should go back to their mountains in the West and leave us alone. The Emperor uses them as his soldiers, and they are indeed fierce warriors, cunning with leather and steel."
"They call us barbarians because we are brave in war and we laugh at hardship. But we have earned our citizenship by service in the legions, and we are as civilized as any race. We make the finest weapons and armor in the world, and our warriors are the bravest and toughest in Tamriel."
"The Orc people of the Wrothgarian and Dragontail Mountains are brave and hardy barbarians. Once they were feared and hated by everyone else in Tamriel. Now many have gained an education and Imperial citizenship through service in the legions. Their armorers are the finest in the world, and Orc warriors in heavy armor are the best front-line troops in all Tamriel. Detractors say that Orcs are rough and cruel, but Orcs say they are hard, and fair, and stern, but just."
"Orcs are the beast barbarians of the Wrothgarian and Dragontail Mountains. They are wonderful warriors and armorers, but they are not civilized beings, and they worship the Bad Daedra. They have come as legion veterans to settle in Morrowind, and by law, they have rights as citizens. Many serve us as reliable mercenaries and hireings, and as a people, they may someday come to be civilized. But many Orcs are savages and outlaws, and as a race they cannot be trusted."
"The Ordinators are the holy guards and soldiers of the Temple."
"The four orders of Ordinators answer to the Alma Rula in Almalexia."
"Grandmaster Berel Sala is the chief Ordinator on Vvardenfell."
"The Order of the Watch provides guards for temples and shrines."
"The Order of War fights the enemies of the Temple; most War Ordinators are stationed near Red Mountain."
"The Order of Doctrine and Ordination are militant scholars."
"The Order of the Inquisition identifies and suppresses heresy among priests and laymen."
"Most wondrous are the tales of Oreyn Bearclaw, slayer of beasts and protector of man and mer. I believe he has relatives still living in Vivec. Oh, if only I could meet them."
"Great are the tales of Oreyn Bearclaw! And his legacy continues! Farvyn Oreyn, the great battlemage lives the life of his ancestors, protecting all the people of the land from danger."
"Oh, wondrous Oreyn Bearclaw! And how his legacy lives on in Farvyn Oreyn!"
"Bearclaw...pah! A sham he was, and his kin are as well. He is off doing some good for the poor people of Gnaar Mok. Not that he ever does anything himself anyway. It's those bodyguards of his."
"Bearclaw...pah! A sham he was, and his kin are as well. Heard he struts around Vivec like a king."
"Yes, he's a member of the Talos Cult. Check the Barracks."
"Check the Barracks. If you really want info on folks there, talk to Optio Bologra."
"Here's here somewhere, look around."
"I heard he's been killed."
"Orvas Dren is the real power behind the Camonna Tong."
"He's the Duke's brother. Talks too much about freeing Morrowind from us foreigners, but he's a good friend to have in this wasteland."
"He's the brother of Duke Vedam Dren. An important businessman. Brave and loyal to his people and our rightful homeland."
"He's the brother of Duke Vedam Dren and a very wealthy and influential man. He has a netch ranch in the Ascandian Isles."
"What do you want to talk to Orvas Dren for? He's not likely to want to see you."
"You want to see Orvas Dren? He's in his villa, on the east side of the plantation."
"Master Dren is in his villa on the east side of the plantation. Slaves are not allowed there."
"The Imperial cult are the official religion of the Empire. Their worship is false and unworthy, but their worshippers are no more good or evil than any superstitious savage."
"The Daedric cult worship the bad Daedra; these cults and their worshippers are evil."
"The Ashlanders have a primitive cult that worships the Daedra and tribal ancestors; this is the faith of our ancient forefathers, and not evil, but their worship is ignorant and unenlightened."
"The Berne vampire travels as the shadows do. Silent, unnoticed. We are more agile than the other clans, and even on crowded streets, we pass unnoticed. Our victims never suspect our presence...until their blood is on our lips."
"As a Quarra, you are gifted above all. Your strength and fighting skills are unmatched by any. Throw away your armor and weapons, for so great is our skill, that they are unneeded."
"As an Aundae, you will find your mind even more powerful than vampires of other clans, and your spellcasting unparalleled. We have achieved perfection of the mind and the body. We are sublime."
"An outlander is anyone born and raised outside of Morrrowind. Most Dunmer think anyone who isn't a native-born Dunmer is an outlander. Dunmer with Western words and ways are also immediately identified as outlanders -- Dunmer are very sensitive to accents, clothes, and manners in Morrowind. Outlanders are foreigners, and Morrowind doesn't like foreigners. It's not bad here in Hlaalu territory, but on the rest of Vvardenfell, folk are very cool to outlanders."
"An outlander is anyone born and raised outside of Morrrowind. Most Dunmer think anyone who isn't a native-born Dunmer is an outlander. Dunmer with Western words and ways are also immediately identified as outlanders -- we're very sensitive to accents, clothes, and manners in Morrowind. Outlanders are foreigners, and Morrowind doesn't like foreigners. It's not bad here in Hlaalu territory, but on the rest of Vvardenfell, folk are very cool to outlanders. Be patient, and pleasant, you'll do all right."
"An outlander is anyone born and raised outside of Morrrowind. You. And the Cammona Tong doesn't like outlanders. Thanks for asking."
"The waters of the Padomaic Ocean completely surround Tamriel. The continent of Akavir lies across the Padomaic Ocean to the east, and the continent of Atmora lies across the Sea of Ghosts to the north."
"The Palace of Vivec is the abode of the mortal form of the god-hero Lord Vivec, the Warrior-Poet of the three deities who comprise Almsivi, the divine patrons of the Tribunal Temple. Only the most devout are admitted to the presence of Lord Vivec, and only at his initiation. Beneath the Palace of Vivec is the Puzzle Canal, a place of worship and testing for questing heroes hoping to receive Vivec's favor. Many choice treasures are guarded by Daedric servants in the Puzzle Canal's dark passages."
"You have a patron already, Anon."
"A sailor from Soulrest says he heard the Expeditionary Force has put down the tribal uprisings in Black Marsh. He says local traders expect exports of gold and timber to resume after the plantations and mines are rebuilt."
"Peakstar was an Ashlander girl found washed ashore near Ald Redaynia. She was raised by the Urshilaku, and many believed she was the Incarnate. Some Ashlanders believe that Peakstar was a false Incarnate and that she is dead. Others believe that she will soon return to fulfill the rest of the prophecies. Temple warriors claim she was captured and imprisoned. No one really knows what happened to her."
"Yeah. Right. The Temple SAYS she's dead. But did they produce a body? I don't see no body."
"I tell you. The Temple says she's dead. So how could she be the Nerevarine if she's dead?"
"Pelagiad is a newly chartered Imperial village between Balmora and Vivec City on the western edge of the Ascadian Isles region."
"The village is right outside the Imperial Legion garrison at Fort Pelagiad."
"The houses and shops of Pelagiad are built in the Western Imperial style, and Pelagiad looks more like a village in the western Empire than a Morrowind settlement."
"The Empire built a little fort here to guard the roads between Vivec, Seyda Neen, Balmora, and points north. And then some veterans took their mustering-out pay and built themselves some little farms here. And pretty soon there's a few shops and a tradehouse. It's a pleasant little village. If you didn't know better, you'd think you were in Daggerfall or some other High Rock town."
"Pelagiad is a newly charted Imperial village between Balmora and Vivec City on the western edge of the Ascadian Isles region. The village is right outside the Imperial Legion garrison at Fort Pelagiad. The houses and shops are built in the Western Imperial style, and Pelagiad looks more like a village in the western Empire than a Morrowind settlement."
"Oh, that one. She's got a bounty on her head, I believe, although no one would bother trying to collect on it. She's a slippery one. Often deals in shoddy items. Great promise, but low reward. You know?"
"Oh, I heard she met an untimely end while on one of her "trade" excursions. Some trader...all she ever sold was low-quality and poorly enchanted. Only a real scuttlehead would deal with that thief."
"The pilgrimage shrine nearby commemorates the labor and inspiration of the Tribunal in creating and maintaining the arcane barriers of the Ghostgate. It also memorializes the courage and sacrifice of the Ordinators, Buoyant Armigers, crusaders, and pilgrims who have lost their lives here defending Morrowind against the damnable hosts of Dagoth Ur."
"A book called The Pilgrim's Path describes many of the Temple's pilgrimages and their shrines."
"At pilgrimage sites the Temple maintains shrines commemorating sacred events. By retracing the holy feats of saints and heroes, and by contemplating their experiences, the faithful may advance on the path of enlightenment."
"The most pious members of the Temple make pilgrimages to various sites on Vvardenfell where gods, saints, and heroes have faced test and trials."
"Vvardenfell District's Grand Council, presided over by the sovereign Lord Vedam Dren, Duke of Ebonheart and Vvardenfell, is dominated by five interest groups: the three Great Houses, the Temple, and the Imperial colonists. The Temple and House Redoran are champions of ancient Dunmer customs and privileges, and uncompromising and intolerant worshippers of the native religion call the Tribunal Temple, which venerates three immortal god-kings -- Lord Vivec, Lord Sotha Sil, and Lady Almalexia."
"The Imperial colonists and House Hlaalu find common cause in their shared tastes for progress, tolerant polytheism, free trade, and vigorous exploitation of Vvardenfell's untapped resources. The policies of House Telvanni's sorcerer-lords are completely unpredictable, whimsically allying with or opposing one faction or another for their own obscure reasons."
"As is obvious, we are stronger, faster, more focused than normal creatures. You will find your body lacks the frailties of the normal man or mer. Disease is nothing, and those who would seek to paralyze you will always fail. We float through the night air with ease, always watching. And, of course, we can drain the warmblooded ones with but a touch, restoring our own life force."
"Abolitionists fight slavery by helping slaves escape their masters in defiance of Imperial law."
"Vampires are rare, but hated by the Dunmer."
"Rogue Telvanni build settlements in defiance of the Duke's edicts."
"Both the Temple and the Empire outlaw Daedra worship and the Nerevarine cult."
"Bandits threaten traders and travelers, and smuggling is a widespread criminal enterprise, particularly smuggling of raw ebony, moon sugar, and artifacts salvaged from Dwemer ruins."
"Many forces threaten the peace of Morrowind. The Legion is here to preserve the peace."
"There are those that can take care of that. We can explain more to you about that later."
"If there's a price on your head, there are a few people who can make it go away. In Balmora, talk to Phane Rielle; in Ald'ruhn, it's Tongue-Toad; in Sadrith Mora, Rissinia; and you should speak to Crazy-Legs Arantamo in Vivec. They're the people who can take care of those nasty bounties, for a price."
"You've been expelled from the guild, Anon. Take care of that, and maybe we can talk."
"Beneath the Palace of Vivec is the Puzzle Canal, a place of worship and testing for questing heroes hoping to receive Vivec's favor. Many choice treasures are guarded by Daedric servants in the Puzzle Canal's dark passages."
"They fear nothing, and with good reason. Of all the clans, they are the strongest...at least physically. They are not subtle, and would rather slaughter an entire village than choose a few on which to feed."
"They fear nothing, and with good reason. Of all the clans, they are the strongest...at least physically. They are not subtle, and would rather slaughter an entire village than choose a few on which to feed."
"Brutes. Ugly and foolish. Offensive to the eyes. They live and feed through sheer physical strength. And they are strong, dark walker."
"The ten races commonly encountered in Morrowind are: Redguard, Breton, Nord, Altmer, Dunmer, Bosmer, Imperial, Khajiit, Argonian, and Orc. Dunmer are the native majority, but on Vvardenfell, heavily colonized by Imperial outlanders, only one in two individuals are Dunmer. The other nine races are about equally distributed, with more Argonian and Khajiit slaves. As mercenaries, House Hlaalu prefers Imperials and Redguards, Redoran prefers Nords and Altmer, and Telvanni prefer Bosmer and Bretons."
"I heard that a red-haired Dunmer was seen leaving Hlaalo Manor the day that Ralen Hlaalo was murdered."
"I have heard only false rumors. Nine-Toes cannot be the murderer."
"I heard that Nine-Toes the Argonian killed him."
"Admin has heard nothing of the murder. Admin minds Admin's business."
"Yes, it's just terrible."
"I heard an Argonian murdered Ralen Hlaalo."
"Hlaalo Manor is on the northwest side of town. Just head southwest from the Temple, go up the first steps you see, then look to your left. Though I don't know why you'd want to go there after what's happened."
"You'll find his shop in the Plaza of the Foreign Quarter."
"His shop is in the Plaza here in the Foreign Quarter."
"His shop is on the southeast side of the plaza."
"With all the unrest in Cyrodiil City, a trooper told me they might have to recall the Legions from the East to protect the Emperor."
"I do not know of any egg miners around here. Perhaps the slave trader, Savile Imayn, has one for sale."
"I heard Ilasour Tansumiran was looking for work. He lives on the north side of Gnisis between the Temple and the mines."
"The dominant feature of Vvardenfell, Red Mountain is a vast volcano in the center of Vvardenfell. The outer slopes are steep and rugged, and the crater is deep and dotted with surface lava. The Ghostfence, a magical barrier which blocks travel as well as seals in the harmful, disease-laden weather called 'blight,' rings the volcano's outer slopes, and is broken only at Ghostgate. Within the Ghostfence, rain never falls and the sun never shines; the only weather is the red and deadly ash-blight."
"Red Mountain is the great volcano in the center of Vvardenfell island. To reach Red Mountain, follow Foyada Mamaea from the old Dwemer bridge near Fort Moonmoth to Ghostgate."
"The Tribunal built the Ghostfence around Red Mountain to imprison Dagoth Ur and his servants."
"The crater of Red Mountain is called the Dagoth Ur region, where Dagoth Ur and his evil servants dwell."
"Red Mountain is the great volcano in the center of Vvardenfell island."
"Ghostgate is the only way through the Ghostfence and into Red Mountain. But no one sane would go there. Certain death."
"Red Mountain is the great volcano in the center of Vvardenfell island. The crater of Red Mountain is called the Dagoth Ur region, where Dagoth Ur and his evil servants dwell. The Tribunal built the Ghostfence around Red Mountain to imprison Dagoth Ur and his servants, and to protect Morrowind from the blight storms that issue from Dagoth Ur's crater."
"Red Mountain is the great mountain of fire in the center of Vvardenfell. The outer slopes are steep and rugged, and the crater is deep and filled with burning rock. Beasts and servants of the Devil Dagoth Ur live on Red Mountain. The settled people built a magical barrier called Ghostfence to keep the evils inside. Within the Ghostfence, rain never falls and the sun never shines; the only weather is the red and deadly ash-blight."
"Red Mountain is the heart of Morrowind. There Lord Dagoth Ur dwells, and from Red Mountain he shall come to drive out the foreigners and restore the ancient glories of the Dunmer. Go to him, beneath Red Mountain, kneel before him, and he will show you mercy, and gather you into his household."
"Red Mountain is the heart of Morrowind. There Lord Dagoth Ur dwells, and from Red Mountain he shall come to drive out the foreigners and restore the ancient glories of the Dunmer. Leave while you can, or die."
"Now that you have killed Dagoth Ur and ended the Blight, the skies over Red Mountain are clear and blue by day, and dark and filled with stars by night."
"Redguards consider themselves the most gifted warriors of Tamriel. The dark-skinned, wiry-haired people of Hammerfell are born to battle, though pride and independent spirit makes them better scouts or skirmishers, or free-ranging heroes and adventurers, than rank-and-file soldiers. They are quick of foot and hardy of constitution, and quickly adopt new weapon and armor styles."
"We are warriors by nature, quick of foot and hardy of constitution. We are good with all weapons and armors. Look for us in the thick of battle."
"Redguards are loud, loutish, and boastful. With education and discipline, they make passable mercenaries. They are stubborn and bloody-minded, but courageous and tough. They have little aptitude for the arcane arts, but they are quick enough to make good archers and skirmishers. They have little respect for law or tradition, and are often successful as smugglers and bandits."
"Redguards are outlanders, foreigners, Westerners. They don't belong here. They should go back where they came from."
"Redoran Compound is the canton south of the Foreign Quarter, west of and next to the Arena. The Redoran administrative center there includes the Redoran Treasury, Hall of Records, and Holding Cells. On the lowest tier is a Redoran shrine and ancestral vaults. Two noble families, the Sarens and the Dralors, have top-tier manors. There are many tradesmen, craftsmen, and trainers, and the Flowers of Gold cornerclub provides lodgings for Redoran kin and retainers."
"Here's a recent edition of the Red Book of Great House Redoran. It lists the current Redoran councilors and their residences."
"You should consult the recent edition of the Red Book of Great House Redoran. It lists the current Redoran councilors and their residences."
"Rels Tenim is a thief and outlaw. He's stolen from some of the farmers in Vos. Check with some of the local farmers. I'm sure they'll know something about him."
"Rels Tenim? He's a bandit. He stole some guar, and some crops, and I don't know what else. I don't know where he is now, but the Ahemmusa might know. Check at the Ahemussa Camp north of here."
"A man went to the cavern of Shallit, on a small island southwest of Ald Daedroth. He left at night when neither Masser nor Secunda could be seen. Perhaps this is the man you seek. To get there, cross the water to the first island north of camp. From that island, travel northwest, two more islands. On the second island's north side, the entrance to Shallit will be found at the water's edge in a small cove."
"A rumor says the Emperor has repealed the War Tax. We've heard nothing official here, but it's about damn time. We haven't had a war in ten years."
"Thieves must be fast and agile. Being able to move undetected and a knowledge of security are essential to our trade. Most thieves prefer light arms such as daggers, though many use bows or throwing stars. Thieves usually prefer light armor as well, since it is gives some protection, but you can still jump while wearing it."
"The Temple admires those who have the personality to lead others and the will to resist the world's temptations. When it cannot be avoided, we fight with staves and hammers, armored only in our faith. We study Restoration and Alchemy to heal the people and Mysticism to learn more of the divine. We must also study Conjuration to speak with the spirits of our ancestors and protect against those who traffic with the Four Corners."
"House Telvanni seeks candidates of high intelligence and dominant will. We value the arts of magic: Mysticism, Conjuration, Illusion, Alteration, and Destruction. We also expect members to be capable of enchanting items"
"Swift and agile are the Morag Tong. Silent and unseen they move. Illusions they supply to misdirect their prey. Close and sure they strike with shortblade, or distant and secure they strike from afar with accurate missile fire. Light armor protects them from harm, and the acrobatic discipline finds for them the unseen and unlooked-for path. Have you these virtues? Then, perhaps, your oath and service may please the Morag Tong."
"The Guild of Mages only accepts candidates of keen intelligence and dominant will. Candidates must exhibit mastery in the great schools of magic: Destruction, Alteration, Illusion, and Mysticism. Candidates must also display practical knowledge of enchantments and alchemical processes."
"The Legion selects for endurance, the soldierly virtue, and personality, the citizen's virtue, for service in the Legion is the model for the duties of Imperial citizenship. As a trooper or knight, you must master the long blade, spear, and blunt weapons. You must block whatever blows you can, and take unblocked blows upon your heavy armor. The Legion recruit must also be athletic to evade, maneuver, and charge on the field of battle."
"Our favored attributes are Personality and Willpower. Our favored skills are Speechcraft, Unarmored, Restoration, Mysticism, Conjuration, Enchant, and Blunt Weapon. To advance a rank, you must have at least one skill -- your highest of our favored skills -- at the required primary skill level for the new rank, and at least two skills at the required favored skill level for the new rank."
"The Guild selects for strength and endurance. Stewards accept only those proficient with long blade, axe, and blunt weapons. Guildsmen must know how to block and how to fight in heavy armor. Guildsmen must also provide for the repair and upkeep of their armor."
"The Restoration discipline is the mastery of the spell effects of the College of Restoration. The restoration spells heal, restore, and fortify the body's attributes and abilities, cure disease, and protect it from other malign influences. The primary spells of this college heal wounds, cure disease, and restore lost vitality, but can also augment strength, endurance, intelligence, agility, and other bodily attributes."
"Vevrana Aryon, a monk at the docks outside, can arrange for travel back to Vivec. You can only enter or leave Holamayan at dusk and dawn; the entrance is sealed at all other hours. But please make yourself comfortable here. Rest in our beds, and make good use of our services. You may read our books, but don't take them. Do not abuse our hospitality. Do not take personal items or alchemical apparatus or ingredients or other private property."
"Perhaps I can help you with the Oracle's riddle. Nammu, or 'no-name,' is a cavern in the wildlands of Sunna Guradan. Its east-facing entrance is west-north-west from the Daedric ruin Yansirramus. At the heart of the cavern is a great high chamber, flooded, with a central spire rising from the water. The water around the bottom of the spire might be the ring of water in darkness from the Oracle's vision."
"So. You found the Ring of the Wind, eh. Good for you."
"So. You found the Ring of the Wind? Fascinating. Sit down and tell me all about it...."
"No Great House may build new settlements on Vvardenfell without Duke Dren's approval. However, the Duke has little power to enforce restrictions, and 'rogue' Telvanni have occupied many sites on Vvardenfell, defying the Duke's authority."
"House Telvanni publicly denies supporting the rogue settlements, but no one believes them."
"Volunteer expeditions and mercenary raids on these outlawed settlements are silently endorsed by the Duke, but have been largely ineffective."
"Try the Foreign Quarter."
"She has a small stall in the Upper Waistworks along with a few other merchants."
"Her shop is right over there."
"It's on the main road on the right just before the road turns south to Ald'ruhn."
"Rufinus? He's actually next door in the Imperial Commission. You can get there through a door in the north side of this building."
"Rufinus? He's actually next door in the Imperial Commission."
"He's around here somewhere."
"Just remember there *is* honor among thieves. Do not steal from a brother thief. Everyone else is a mark. Do not attack a brother thief. Do what you will to everyone else."
"Your fourfold duties are to: Faith, Family, Masters, and all that is good. Perform holy quests and bring luster to the Temple. Never transgress against your brothers or sisters -- in thought or deed -- as we are all one body."
"If you steal from another Telvanni, but still live, then clearly you deserve whatever you stole. Murdering your opponents by magic or treachery is the traditional way of settling disputes. If you win, then clearly your argument has more merit. You may be expelled as in any other Great House, but most Telvanni will not care or even know about it."
"The rules of House Hlaalu are simple. You must never interfere with the business of House Hlaalu. Or if you do, be sure you are not caught. If you're never caught stealing from a member of attacking a member, you'll be fine. If you are expelled, you will have to make amends."
"Perform any duties assigned to you by the masters of the Guild. Learn from them and grow strong. Always share your knowledge freely with other Guild members. Never strike or steal from another guild member."
"The Morag Tong executes writs and performs special duties as the ruling houses direct. Guild members never harm or steal from anyone - except the target of a legal Writ of execution. Never betray our secrets or our identities. If you break any of these rules, you must immediately speak with a Master to regain your good standing or you may be targeted for execution."
"Uphold the law of the Empire. Praise the glory of the Emperor. Follow the orders of your superiors. Never assault a member of the Legion, or steal from another member."
"Your duties are to your Lords and brethren. In all ways, proceed with honor and valor. Keep a keen and watchful mind and never succumb to the craven tricks of the weak. It is traitorous to fight or thieve from other members of your guild. If you break these rules, you must speak with at least a Warder of the Guild to redeem your standing."
"Steal from your kin, strike your kin unprovoked, or murder your kin, and you shall be cast out from us and called our enemy. Do not break your word of honor. Know your place, serve your superiors, and do your duty to your House. Respect the teachings of the Tribunal. Defend your House, your People, and your Honor."
"The rules for the Blades are simple. Follow orders. Don't steal from the Blades. Don't attack anyone from the Blades. Simple rules. Follow them, or you'll be expelled. And once you're expelled, you're out forever."
"Sadrith Mora is the district seat of House Telvanni, and home of the Telvanni Council. The town is large, with many craftsmen, traders, and trainers, but the island is accessible only by sea and teleportation."
"Sadrith Mora is the district seat of House Telvanni, and home of the Telvanni Council, though only one Telvanni councilor actually lives in Sadrith Mora. Sadrith Mora is an island settlement, and accessible only by sea and teleportation. The town is large, with many craftsmen, traders, and trainers, but it is open only to Telvanni retainers; outsiders should confine themselves to the Gateway Inn."
"Sadrith Mora is the House Telvanni seat, home of the Telvanni Council House and site of Tel Naga, the Councilor Mage-Lord Master Neloth's wizard tower. Visitors cannot enter the town, but must stay in the Gateway, a merchant inn for outsiders. Retainers and kin of the Telvanni can travel freely in town. Many outlanders live here, but most are Telvanni mercenaries, craftsmen, traders, or slavers."
"Saint Aralor the Penitent is the patron of Tanners and Miners. This foul criminal repented his sins, and to prove his repentance, he completed a circuit of the great pilgrimages on his knees."
"Saint Delyn the Wise is the patron of Potters and Glassmakers. Saint Delyn was head of House Indoril, a skilled lawyer, and author of many tomes on Tribunal law and custom."
"Saint Felms the Bold is the patron of Butchers and Fishmongers. This cruel warlord killed many Nord infidels who deserved killing. He couldn't read or write, but received inspiration directly from the voice of Blessed Almalexia in his head."
"Saint Llothis the Pious is the patron of Tailors and Dyers. Companion of the Tribunals and greatest Alma Rula of the Tribunal Temple, he formulated the central rituals and principles of the New Temple Faith. Saint Llothis is the symbolic bridge between the gods and the faithful, and the model of the Temple priest."
"Saint Meris the Peacemaker is the patron of Farmers and Laborers. As a girl, Saint Meris showed healing gifts, and trained as a Healer. She marched across battlefields with her followers dressed in white robes, healing warriors and wizards on both sides without discrimination. Great House troops adopted white robes as her standard, and disobeyed orders to fight."
"Saint Nerevar the Captain is the patron of Warriors and Statesmen. He united the Dunmer tribes into a great nation, but died leading the Dunmer to victory against the evil Dwemer and the traitorous House Dagoth at the Battle of Red Mountain."
"Saint Olms the Just is the patron of Chandlers and Clerks. Founder of the Ordinators, Saint Olms conceived and articulated the Inquisitorial principles of testing, ordeal, and forced repentance."
"Saint Rilms the Barefooted is the patron of Pilgrims and Beggars. This rich noble gave away her shoes, then dressed and appeared as a beggar to better acquaint herself with the poor."
"Saint Roris the Martyr is the patron of Furnishers and Caravaners. Captured by Argonians before the Arnesian War, Roris refused to renounce the Tribunal faith, and was tortured and martyred. Vengeance for the Saint Roris was a rallying cry of the Arnesian War."
"Saint Seryn the Merciful is the patron of Brewers, Bakers, and Distillers. This pure but less-than-handsome virgin could heal all diseases at the price of taking the disease upon herself. Tough as a guar, she lived to a ripe and sprightly old age."
"Saint Veloth the Pilgrim is the patron of Outcasts and Spiritual Seekers. This prophet and mystic led the Dunmer out of the decadent home country of the Summerset Isles and into the promised land of Morrowind."
"Saint Veloth taught the difference between the Good and Bad Daedra, and won the aid of the Good Daedra for his people while teaching how to deal with the Bad Daedra."
"The Temple honors our greatest ancestors as saints, celebrating them as models of virtue and piety, and invoking their aid and protection."
"Each of the greater saints and lesser saints has his own proper sphere of influence -- those worshippers of various walks of life that the saint has the most sympathy and affection for."
"Yes, you can find him on the Lower Level of the Tower of Dusk."
"I did see one of your kind over by the Arena."
"There were some Ordinators here asking the same question. I'll tell you what I told them: I don't know anything about it. That's all I'm saying. For now."
"I heard someone in the Legions was hiding in one of the storerooms on the Canal level."
"Admin saw such a man near the Arena. %Name does not know where he hides now."
"We're looking for him as well. I don't think I like your line of questioning."
"You wish to go there? Leave the fort and follow the path to the southeast, through the mountain pass. Continue to follow the path southeast along the shoreline. After you reach the fields of Kummu, follow the path north to the tomb. Take care in that place."
"Why would you want to go there? Well, it's your business."
"Can't think of why you'd want to go to that place. I'm not sure where it is, but check with Bugdurash gra-Gashel or Nuleno Tedas. They both know the land around here well. Check for them at the outpost, or maybe at the tradehouse."
"It's almost due north of here, but you'll need a way get across the sea. It's on an island, and it's a long walk with a long swim after it. You know where Vas is? Well, it's a bit southwest of there. Like I said, it's a long way to go. I suppose you could travel west from Dagon Fel, but it's a long trip from there as well."
"The scrib is a late larval form of the kwama. Crushed scribs produce a nutritious but sour-tasting gelatin with modest magical properties that the natives eat with gusto."
"I certainly haven't heard of one around here. You might ask Verick Gemaine, though. He's a trader here in town, and buys and sells many different things. If anyone knows of a local sculptor, it would be him."
"The Sea of Ghosts is the name for northern waters lying between Tamriel and the northern continent of Atmora."
"I know of no such Daedric ruin. Perhaps you should consult with a Dunmer scout, who may better know the lore of the land."
"A Daedric ruin sealed by a rockfall. That might well be Anudnabia, a ruin near Sadrith Mora. The lower halls of Anudnubia have been inaccessible since the First Era. And several other Daedric ruins are known to have within their chambers glowing pools of molten stone. Such pools might have fueled the forge of a master weaponmaker and his enchanter."
"We have adopted the name 'Dissident priests'. We are not ashamed of our disputes with the Temple's hierarchy."
"The security discipline involves defeating locks and traps designed to prevent access to locations and containers. This skill is essential for agents and thieves alike."
"Go to Hlaalu Council Manor for House Hlaalu services. Temple faithful go to the Balmora Temple. Outlanders go to Fort Moonmoth for the Imperial Legion and the Imperial cult southeast of town. Try Balmora Fighters Guild or Balmora Mages Guild. Morag Tong offers services. Better shops are in High Town on the hill. Plenty of merchants in the Commercial District, east of the river. And a few traders in Labor Town, west of the river."
"The only services offered here are over at the Ald Velothi Outpost. They have a publican, Trivura Arenim, and Orero Omothan, a Redoran smith, and Sedam Omalen, a Redoran trader."
"House Redoran services are in the Manor District, under Skar. Temple services? The Ald'ruhn Temple is on the east side of town. Go to Fort Buckmoth south of town for Imperial Legion and Imperial cult services. The Fighters Guild and Mages Guild are near the South Gate. Pricy but high-quality clothier, alchemist, and enchanter shops are under Skar as well. You can get more reasonable prices, but a smaller selection, from the smith, clothier, trader, pawnbroker, and bookseller near the entrance to Skar."
"Shenk's Shovel, the tradehouse by the South Gate, has beds, food, and sundries. Hodlismod the Nord is our smith, Verick Gemain our trader, Irgola our pawnbroker, and Falanaamo our clothier. House Hlaalu services are available at the big Governor's Hall on the hill to the northeast. The Mages Guild is in the southwest corner of town; they have an alchemist, enchanter, mage, and nightblade. Various other folks in town offer training."
"Fryfnhild is a trader. Hjotra the Peacock, also at the End of the World, is a pawnbroker; he buys and sells many things. We don't have a smith or a healer."
"This is a private plantation. But some people may be willing to train you on the side. Drillmaster Arver Rethul, Scout Suvryn Doves, Master-at-Arms Ivrosa Verethi, and Savant Guldrise Dralor have shacks in the western part of the compound."
"Agning is the publican of the Six Fishes; he rents beds and sells food and sundries. The Imperial cult shrine services include a priest, healer, monk, enchanter, apothecary, trader, and savant. The Imperial Legion services of the Hawkmoth Legion Garrison include a healer, smith, master-at-arms, scout, trader, chaplain, and battlemage. For other services, visit Vivec City -- the Foreign Quarter, in particular, for Fighters Guild and Mages Guild services, and the Great House compounds for kin and retainers."
"House Redoran maintains a hostel with beds, food, and sundries in the Tower of Dusk. Redoran also offers services here for retainers and kin. The Temple has healers and other services in the Tower of Dawn."
"If you're House Hlaalu retainer or kin, get your services at Arenim Manor. If you're Guild, then you want Wadarkhu, Balan, or Hinald at the Druegh-jigger's Rest. You might get some services at Nadene Rotheran's shack. And you might not."
"In the center of the village, try the merchants outside the Temple, or see Mehra Drora at the Temple for Temple services. Get Imperial Legions and Imperial cult services at Fort Darius east of the village. Madach is the publican at Madach's Tradehouse here in the village."
"A few folks in town offer services, but they're either independents, like Perien Aurelie the Pawnbroker and Pallia Ceno, or they're Camonna Tong, and only offer services to their own people."
"Services? You're out of luck. Thongar rents beds, and can sell you some food and sundries. But if you need anything else, you might try the Ald Velothi Redoran outpost down up the coast to the west. They have a smith and a trader, and a little shrine."
"We have several priests -- two at the Tower shrine and one at the Maar Gan Outpost. We also have a Redoran smith, master-at-arms, drillmaster, and scout at the Outpost. Manse Andus at the Andus Tradehouse rents rooms and sells food and sundries."
"Saetring the Nord is our local independent smith, and Vasesius Viciulus is a trader. The slaver trader is Zabarbael. The Temple faithful will find a monk, healer, and apothecary at Molag Mar Temple. Redoran retainers and kin have their own smith, drillmaster, trader, and savant with the Redoran garrison."
"Some Telvanni and Temple services are available at Council Hall; other Telvanni services have houses in town. Many services are offered at the Great Market. Look for Fighters Guild, Mages Guild, and Imperial cult services at Wolverine Hall. Thieves Guild types hang out at Dirty Muriel's Cornerclub."
"Niras Farys is a priest, Galero Andaram is a healer, and Hloris Farano is a monk. And, of course, you may receive blessings from the Tribunal shrine here, just as you can in Temples and other holy places."
"Get food and sundries from Arrille's Tradehouse. That's also where you'll find anyone who offers training. Not much else in the way of services in this damp little squat."
"For Temple services, go to the Suran Temple. For services for House Hlaalu retainers and kin, go to Oran Manor. Our local tradesmen and trainers include Dranas Sarathram at the Suran Slave Market, Garothmuk gro-Muzgúb the smith, Ibarnadad Assirnarari the apothecary, Goldyn Belaram the pawnbroker, Verara Rendo the clothier, Ranosa Gilvayn the trader, and Ralds Oril the trader."
"Public services, including an enchanter, a smith, a trader, and an apothecary, lie northeast of the tower. There's a publican at the Plot and Plaster tradehouse, and a Mages Guild member in residence there who offers training. Savile Imayn runs the Festival Slave Market northwest of the tower. At Tel Aruhn tower itself, we have an apothecary, alchemist, enchanter, healer, all House Telvanni retainers. Daynas Darys is the shipmaster for the docks to the south."
"Get food and rooms from Sethan's Tradehouse. Galen Berer sells and repairs armor and weapons. The tower has a sorcerer, alchemist, nightblade, and monk -- House Telvanni, of course. A few others in the village may offer training."
"Not much in the way of services here. Lord Fyr doesn't offer training, even to Telvanni retainers or kin, and neither do his wizard women. Alfe Fyr, Beyte Fyr, Delte Fyr, and Uupse Fyr. All four of them identical except for their hair. Very strange indeed."
"There's a Telvanni mage, sorcerer, nightblade, and alchemist at Tel Mora. Outside the tower we also have Berwen the trader, Radras the smith, Elenan the clothier, and Jolda the apothecary. Thaeril at the Covenant can rent you a room and sell food and sundries."
"Every canton has its own services. If you're with an Imperial Guild, go to the Foreign Quarter. If you serve a Great House, go to the Hlaalu Compound, Redoran Compound, or Telvanni Compound. If you belong to the Temple, go to the High Fane. Beyond that, there are many independent smiths, traders, alchemists, clothiers, booksellers, craftsmen, tradesmen, and trainers of all sorts in all the cantons. You just have to look around."
"Thanks to Master Aryon, now we have a Tribunal priest, Eldrilu Dalen, at the Vos Chapel, and a new tradehouse, the Varo Tradehouse. Burcanius Varo can rent you beds there, and sell food and sundries. And at Tel Vos, Master Aryon has a healer, enchanter, apothecary, and monk who provide services to Telvanni. Master Aryon says we are all his clients, and we can come get services at Tel Vos whenever we want."
"Services like trainers and tradesmen are in the northwest tower. We call it the Services Tower. Who wouldn't? Milar Maryon is our healer. Alenus Vendu is an enchanter. An Altmer, Andil, is our apothecary, and Mirvon Andrethi is a monk. If you need traders, smiths, or other services, the village of Vos is close by to the east, and Tel Mora, the tower of Mistress Dratha, has a larger settlement with many merchants and tradesmen."
"Mebestien Ence, the Breton, he's a trader, deals in a bit of everything. Uulernil is a High Elf, and fair smith. Shadbak gra-Burbug is the smith at Fort Pelagiad. The Imperial cult shrine is at Fort Pelagiad, with a healing altar, and Ygfa the healer sells cure potions. Ladia Flarugrius and Ahnassi are trainers; you can usually find them at the Halfway Tavern."
"Mebestien Ence, the Breton, he's a trader, deals in a bit of everything. Uulernil is a High Elf, and fair smith. Shadbak gra-Burbug is the smith at Fort Pelagiad. The Imperial cult shrine is at Fort Pelagiad, with a healing altar, and Ygfa the healer sells cure potions. Ladia Flarugrius and Ahnassi are trainers; you can usually find them here at the Halfway Tavern. And they say the Thieves Guild has some people in Pelagiad. But why would I know anything about that?"
"Mebestien Ence, the Breton, he's a trader, deals in a bit of everything. Uulernil is a High Elf, and fair smith. Shadbak gra-Burbug is the smith here at Fort Pelagiad. The Imperial cult shrine here has a healing altar, and Ygfa the healer sells cure potions. Ladia Flarugrius and Ahnassi are trainers; you can usually find them at the Halfway Tavern."
"You're welcome to rest in our beds. Speak with the others here, and you may find they can be of service in various ways."
"Outlanders may find employment in the Dunmer Great Houses. Dunmer membership in a Great House is a matter of birth and marriage, but Imperial colonists may become retainers of a Great House, or may be adopted into a Great House."
"Candidates seeking to join a Great House should be experienced and capable. For advancement beyond the lower ranks, you'll need a patron on a Great House council."
"Finding a patron to support an outlander's advancement to higher ranks in a Great House can be difficult. First look for a friendly member of a Great House council. Then perform services to win that councilor's support."
"Outlanders may find employment in the Dunmer Great Houses. Dunmer membership in a Great House is a matter of birth and marriage, but Imperial colonists may become retainers of a Great House, or may be adopted into a Great House. Candidates should be experienced and capable. For advancement beyond the lower ranks, a patron on a Great House council is essential."
"The smallest settlements are Ashlander nomadic camps, comprised of small portable huts. Rural people live in Dunmer village style, groups of small huts centered around Temple compounds. Town and city folk live either in the metropolitan style of Vivec City, the urban style of towns like Ald'ruhn, or the Imperial style of recent settlements like Caldera. In sparsely populated Telvanni District, the few Telvanni tower towns are essentially large villages dominated by monumental wizard tower complexes."
"The smallest settlements are Ashlander nomadic camps, comprised of small portable huts."
"Rural people live in Dunmer village style, groups of small huts centered around Temple compounds."
"Town and city folk live either in the metropolitan style of Vivec City, the native urban style of towns like Ald'ruhn, or the Imperial style of recent settlements like Caldera."
"In sparsely populated Telvanni District, the few Telvanni tower towns are essentially large villages dominated by monumental wizard tower complexes."
"It is customary for every member of the Temple to do the Pilgrimages of the Seven Graces. If you want to learn more, read "The Pilgrim's Path.""
"Take this book, "The Pilgrim's Path." It describes where the pilgrimage sites are. After you have completed these pilgrimages, speak with me again. I should warn you that while most of these are easy, the pilgrimages of Ghostgate and the Ruddy Man are more difficult. You may wish to do those last."
"Take this book, "The Pilgrim's Path." It describes where the pilgrimage sites are. After you have completed these pilgrimages, speak with me again. The pilgrimage to Ghostgate is the most difficult, but if you have already come this far, the rest should be no trouble for you. You should start by visiting the Ghostgate shrine just north of the gate while you're here."
"You have been given a copy of "The Pilgrim's Path." Simply follow the directions in that book to each shrine. When you have visited all these shrines, speak with me again."
"I see."
"Oh? You have already finished these Pilgrimages? The Temple must be your true calling. I admire your dedication."
"You have completed the Pilgrimages of the Seven Graces."
"Seyda Neen is a small seaport in the Bitter Coast region, on the southwest coast of Vvardenfell."
"The lighthouse of Seyda Neen is a beacon to mariners throughout the Inner Sea."
"Most visitors from the Empire make landfall at the port of Seyda Neen, where they are processed by the Imperial Census and Excise Commission agents of the Coastguard station."
"The Coastguard cutters of Census and Excise docked here control smuggling and piracy on the Inner Sea."
"The piercing light of the Grand Pharos at the mouth of the harbor of the port village of Seyda Neen is a beacon to mariners throughout the Inner Sea. Most visitors from the Empire make landfall at the port of Seyda Neen, where they are processed by the Imperial Census and Excise Commission agents of the Coastguard station. The Coastguard cutters docked here control smuggling and piracy on the Inner Sea."
"The native comberry wine is locally called shein. Shein is a strong stimulant, but using it results in impaired judgement. You may gain a lot of endurance, but you won't be very smart."
"The large island of Sheogorad lies north of Vvardenfell."
"Sheogorad island and the countless nearby smaller islands and barren rocks are a desolate wilderness from the main island of Vvardenfell into the Sea of Ghosts."
"Sheogorad is largely hostile and uninhabited, with two small villages at Ald Redaynia and Dagon Fel."
"Dagon Fel is the only settlement reached by ship services; all other island-to-island transport must be provided by the traveler."
"The large island of Sheogorad lies north of Vvardenfell. Sheogorad island and its associated lesser islands are a maritime wilderness extending north from Vvardenfell into the Sea of Ghosts. The region is largely hostile and uninhabited, with two small villages at Ald Redaynia and Dagon Fel. Dagon Fel is the only settlement reached by ship services; all other island-to-island transport in Sheogorad must be provided by the traveler."
"The short blade weapon discipline is the study and mastery of the dagger, tanto, short sword, and wakizashi weapon styles. To use any style of weapon effectively, the user must be trained, conditioned, and skilled in its use."
"A shrine sergeant helps keep order at the shrines, carries messages and packages, and sometimes escorts priests and lay servants on dangerous missions. This occasional service is ideal for bold, free-spirited adventurers like you. If you are interested, speak to Kaye at the Imperial Chapels in Ebonheart."
"Shrines are three-sided trioliths where prayer and offerings are made for healing and blessings."
"Shrines may be found in temples, at pilgrimage sites, or in ancestral tombs."
"Temple members and respectful guests may make offerings and receive blessings at shrines; the faithful of higher ranks need make no offering to receive blessings."
"Shrines are altars where prayer and offerings are made to the Nine Divines for healing and blessings."
"You can worship the Nine Divines at altars of the Imperial cult in legion forts throughout Vvardenfell."
"The main Imperial cult shrine on Vvardenfell is the Imperial chapels in Ebonheart."
"Altars are found in Imperial cult chapels and shrines. In Morrowind, Imperial cult shrines are usually found in legion forts."
"Temple members and respectful guests may make offerings and receive blessings at shrines; the faithful of higher ranks need make no offering to receive blessings."
"Shrines are sanctified objects where the humble and faithful may communicate more directly with their gods. In the Temple, shrines take the form of three-sided trioliths, with one side inscribed with the image of a saint of the Temple. In the Imperial cult, shrines take the form of altars consecrated to the Nine Divines. The faithful and respectful guests may make offerings and receive blessings at shrines; the faithful of higher ranks need make no offering to receive blessings."
"Silt striders carry passengers and cargo between settlements on Vvardenfell. Fares depend on distance to be traveled. Silt striders are giant insects. A compartment for passengers and cargo is hollowed from the creature's shell; the driver directs the beast by directly manipulating exposed organs and tissues. Silt striders travel between Ald'ruhn, Balmora, Seyda Neen, Suran, Gnisis, Molag Mar, Maar Gan, and North Landing near Vivec."
"Navam Veran runs the silt strider port on the western side of town, just north of the west gate. Silt strider service goes to Balmora, Gnisis, and Maar Gan. From Balmora you can get silt striders to Seyda Neen, and from Seyda Neen to Vivec. From Vivec you can get silt striders north to Suran and east to Molag Mar. Gnisis and Maar Gan are the end of the line for silt strider service."
"Selvil Sareloth runs the silt strider port on the southwest side of town, just inside the wall. Fares vary depending on the distance. From here in Balmora you can travel to Seyda Neen and Ald'ruhn. From Seyda Neen you can travel to Vivec. From Ald'ruhn you can travel to Gnisis and Maar Gan."
"Haven't heard anything about them, other than vague rumors. But something is different around here recently. There're always people with secrets around here -- mostly smugglers, criminal syndicates, Daedric cults, other such -- but lately everyone seems to be a little uneasy, like maybe there's a new player, and nobody knows much about him, and nobody wants to get caught with their guard down."
"We've heard. It sounds serious. We're glad you're on the case."
"Skar is the shell of the Emperor crab, outlander. The homes and shops of the Manor District inside are "under Skar.""
"Is that a place? That's not familiar. A pearl skin is white and round. Perhaps that is what you should look for."
"Just a moment. You mention the Needle, in the Valley of the Wind? I recall, at the top of that tall spire is -- not white, but much lighter than other rocks nearby. The head of the Valley of the Wind sits right under the Needle. It is a good, safe campground, sheltered from wind, with only one approach. That whitish rock at the top of the needle -- that might be the pearl you're looking for."
"You bear Malipu-Ataman's Belt. This is important... Just a moment. You mention the Needle, in the Valley of the Wind? I recall, at the top of that tall spire is -- not white, but much lighter than other rocks nearby. The head of the Valley of the Wind sits right under the Needle. It is a good, safe campground, sheltered from wind, with only one approach. That whitish rock at the top of the needle -- that might be the pearl you're looking for."
"Skooma is an illegal narcotic substance made from refined moon sugar. Criminals use it as a kind of currency. They say it makes you fast and strong, but clumsy and stupid. Of course, Admin wants nothing to do with breaking laws. That would be wrong."
"A legendary artifact of that name was forged in the First Era by the master weaponsmith Hilbongard of Skyrim and enchanted by his partner, the mage Dorach Gusal. Though wondrously light in the hand, it is said to strike the mighty blows of a Daedra prince. It was lost in the First Era, and unreported since then. It was said to bear a curse that would betray anyone who stole it from its creators."
"I've never heard of such a weapon. Perhaps you should consult with a Dunmer savant about such things."
"Skyrim, also known as the Old Kingdom or the Fatherland, was the first region of Tamriel settled by humans from the continent of Atmora: the hardy, brave, warlike Nords, whose descendants still occupy this rugged land. Though more restrained and civilized than their barbarian ancestors, the Nords of the pure blood still excel in the manly virtues of red war and bold exploration."
"Talk to our leader, Eleedal-Lei."
"Slavery is protected by law in Morrowind. Slavery is illegal throughout the rest of the Empire, and considered barbaric by most citizens."
"Most Imperial citizens assume the practice will die out as Morrowind adopts Imperial ways, and the subject excites little passion except among Argonians abolitionists."
"Argonians abolitionists are outraged that the Empire does so little to suppress persistent illegal cross-border slave raiding in southern Morrowind."
"Slavery is protected by law in Morrowind. Slavery is illegal throughout the Empire, and considered barbaric. Slavery had disappeared in Sumerset Isles and Valenwood long before their incorporation into the Empire. Most Imperial citizens assume the practice will die out as Morrowind adopts Imperial ways, and the subject excites little passion except among Argonian and Khajiit abolitionists, outraged that the Empire does little to suppress persistent illegal cross-border slave raiding in southern Morrowind."
"Dunmer have traditionally permitted enslavement of humans, orcs, Argonians, and Khajiit. We do not recognize the mistreatment of slaves of these races as a serious crime, other than as a crime against property. By terms of the Armistice, Morrowind may define its own laws and customs, and slavery remains legal. Slavery is uncommon in Redoran and Hlaalu Districts, but common in Telvanni Districts."
"The Dunmer people have all been slaves, sleeping in shame, serving the outland overlords like meek children. But now the sleepers awake, and shall be slaves no longer. Now we shall be the Dunmer once again, free and proud -- rulers, not ruled."
"Crazies with clubs have been attacking non-Dunmer. Call themselves Sleepers. Some folks hurt. A few killed. Sleepers go nuts when you try to arrest them, so we have to put them down. Some are strangers we can't trace. Others are locals, gone nuts. Ones we capture alive have complete amnesia, no idea where they are or what's going on. Just keep talking gibberish about the Sixth House awakening, serving Lord Dagoth, running foreigners out of Morrowind. Sounds like a new crazy cult or something."
"Sload soap? Anis Seloth might have some. Her shop is on the north side of town, next to Fara's Hole in the Wall."
"Most high-price smuggling concerns skooma, moon sugar, ebony, Dwemer artifacts, exotic Dunmer weapons and armor, and slaves."
"Local low-level smuggling involves the local alcoholic beverages; the Empire has a low tax on flin and a high tax on local alcohol, and many merchants and private citizens try to evade these tariffs."
"Stealing from smugglers is difficult and dangerous, but legal (since the smugglers are outlaws) and profitable."
"This slave says nothing. Stay safe? Stay quiet."
"All right, all right. I will tell you what I know. The boss man, Cunius Pelelius? He comes at night. He thinks he sneaks, thinks no one sees him. But everyone sees. He takes ebony and puts it in a bag. Then he sneaks out again."
"All right, all right. Admin will tell you what Admin knows. The boss man, Cunius Pelelius? He comes at night. He thinks he sneaks, thinks no one sees him. But everyone sees. He takes ebony and puts it in a bag. Then he sneaks out again."
"Thank you, friend. I have my freedom, so you will have the truth. The boss man, Cunius Pelelius? He comes at night. He thinks he sneaks, thinks no one sees him. But everyone sees. He takes ebony and puts it in a bag. Then he sneaks out again."
"Thank you, friend. Because of you, Admin has freedom, so you must have truth. The boss man, Cunius Pelelius? He comes at night. He thinks he sneaks, thinks no one sees him. But everyone sees. He takes ebony and puts it in a bag. Then he sneaks out again."
"The sneak discipline is the art of moving unseen and unheard by observers."
"None of the Hlaalu counselors live in Balmora. Nileno Dorvayn at the Council Hall is the ranking Hlaalu local. At the Fighters Guild, Eydis Fire-Eye is the steward. Ethasi Rilvayn is the Morag Tong steward. Feldrelo Sadri is the steward for the Balmora Tribunal Temple. Sugar Lips Habasi is the local Thieves Guild boss. Who am I missing? Oh. Mages Guild. Ranis Athrys is their steward."
"Nileno Dorvayn at the Council Hall is the ranking Hlaalu local. None of the Hlaalu counselors actually live in Balmora. Ethasi Rilvayn is the Morag Tong steward. Feldrelo Sadri is the steward for the Balmora Tribunal Temple. Sugar Lips Habasi, who should die tomorrow, if today isn't convenient, is the local Thieves Guild boss."
"Theldyn Virith is in charge of the Ald Velothi Outpost, the Redoran-style building with the watchtower. Also at the outpost are Orero Omothan, a Redoran smith, and Sedam Omalen, a Redoran trader. The rest of us are fishermen."
"All six Redoran councilors, Brara Morvayn, Hlaren Ramoran, Athyn Sarethi, Garisa Llethri, Miner Arobar, and Bolvyn Venim, live in the Manor District. Edwinna Elbert is Mages Guild steward, Percius Mercius is Fighters Guild steward. Old Methal Seran is an eminent Temple priest and scholar. Raesa Pullia is commandant of Fort Buckmoth, but Imsin the Dreamer is the chapter steward. The Redguard Hean is priest of the Imperial cult. Find Goren Andarys, guild steward of the Morag Tong, in the Manor District."
"Odral Helvi at the Governor's Hall is the town reeve of Caldera. Stlennius Vibato, the mine boss, lives on site at the mines to the southwest. Shenk the Redguard is the publican of Shenk's Shovel, the local tradehouse."
"Stlennius Vibato, the mine boss, lives on site at the mines to the southwest. Shenk the Redguard is the publican of Shenk's Shovel, the local tradehouse. Odral Helvi used to be the town reeve of Caldera, but he's been sent to the mainland to await trial on smuggling charges."
"Fryfnhild is the publican and proprietor of the End of the World tradehouse. Sarnir the Clerk is an Imperial agent, here to investigate the disappearance of a scholar. A Nord wizard, Sorkvild the Raven, has occupied an old wizard's tower east of town."
"Orvas Dren is in his villa, in the southeast corner of the plantation. Off-duty guards should be in the guardhouse. Slaves, workers, craftsmen, trainers are on the west side of the compound. Guards on duty patrol the grounds. So watch yourself."
"Duke Vedam Dren, Duke of Ebonheart, is head of the Grand Council and Uriel VII's representative on Vvardenfell. The Grand Council representatives are: Llerar Mandas, House Redoran; Galas Drenim, House Telvanni; Relen Hlaalu, House Hlaalu; Llivas Othravel, Tribunal Temple; Ruccia Conician, Imperial Commission. Rufinus Alleius is the Imperial magistrate."
"Cavortius Albuttian is the head of the Imperial Guard, Duke Dren's palace guard. Frald the White, Knight Bachelor of the Imperial Legion, is the head of the Hawkmoth Legion Garrison. Lalatia Varian is the head priest of the castle's Imperial cult shrine. The wealthy Canctunian Ponius is the chief factor and banker of the East Empire Company."
"If you are looking for the Duke, or a member of the Grand Council, this is the place to look."
"If you are looking for the Duke, or a member of the Grand Council, the Grand Council Chambers is in the castle to the west. If you're looking for those associated with the East Empire Company, this is the place."
"The Duke and the Grand Council members are here. Rufinus Alleius is the Imperial magistrate. Cavortius Albuttian is the head of the Imperial Guard, Duke Dren's palace guard. Frald the White, Knight Bachelor of the Imperial Legion, is the head of the Hawkmoth Legion Garrison. Lalatia Varian is the head priest of the castle's Imperial cult shrine. The wealthy Canctunian Ponius is the chief factor and banker of the East Empire Company."
"The Ordinator Grand Commander Ralyn Othravel is in the Tower of Dawn. Buoyant Armiger Grand Marshal Galdal Omayn, Ordinator Knight Commander Enar Dralor, and Anise Romoran, publican of the Redoran hostel, are in the Tower of Dusk. Rilvase Avani is the priest of the Temple."
"Wadarkhu the Khajiit hangs around the Druegh-jigger's Rest; he's very serious business. Almse Arenim, she's Hlaalu, of Arenim Manor; the Arenims are the local Hlaalu lords. Nadene Rotheran's place is where the Camonna Tong people hang out. You stay away from there, outlander."
"Mehra Drora is Gnisis Temple Priestess. Hetman Abelmawia is Village Hetman. General Darius leads the Deathshead Legion garrison at Fort Darius; Optio Bologra, an Orc, is Deathshead Legion's Camp Prefect. Fenas Madach runs the Madach Tradehouse. A renegade Telvanni wizard, Baladas Demnevanni, lives in Arvs Drelen, the Old Veloth tower."
"The Redguard Trasteve is owner and publican of Fat Leg's Drop-Off, the only tradehouse. And Baleni Salavel can get you out of here by ship to Ebonheart or Gnaar Mok. Other than that, nobody important here. By the way, this is Camonna Tong country. There are some Camonna Tong people around, and they don't like fat lip, or Thieves Guild folks."
"Thongar the Nord runs Thongar's Tradehouse, the Redoran-style building over to the east. The rest of these shacks are fisherman's homes."
"Manse Andus is the publican of Andus Tradehouse, and Miles Gloriosus, famous questing swordsman and monster-slayer, is taking his lodgings there while he hunts the blight creatures plaguing the village. Tralas Rendas and Salen Ravel are the Tribunal priests at the Tower shrine. Alds Baro, the smith, is ranking Redoran at the Maar Gan Outpost."
"Birer Indaram is the Buoyant Armiger Deputy Marshal and head of the Buoyant Armiger garrison at the Molag Mar Stronghold. Hakar the Candle is the ranking Redoran of the Redoran garrison. Tharer Rotheloth is the Molag Mar Temple Steward."
"All the Telvanni Mouths and most Telvanni service providers are here. Councilor Mage-Lord Master Neloth lives in Tel Naga, the wizard tower in the center of town. Heads of the Imperial guilds and cult are at Wolverine Hall. Angaredhel, Prefect of Hospitality, is at the Gateway merchant inn, along with Ery, Gateway's publican."
"Here at Wolverine Hall, Hrundi the Nord is Fighters Guild steward, Procyon Nigilius is Mages Guild steward, and Aunius Autrus is the Imperial cult priest. The Telvanni Mouths are over at Telvanni Council Hall. Councilor Mage-Lord Master Neloth lives in Tel Naga, the wizard tower in the center of town. Big Helende, the Thieves Guild Boss, hangs out at Durty Muriel's Cornerclub."
"Angaredhel is the Prefect of Hospitality here at the Gateway merchant inn, and Ery is Gateway's publican. The Telvanni Mouths are over at Telvanni Council Hall. Councilor Mage-Lord Master Neloth lives in Tel Naga, the wizard tower in the center of town. At Wolverine Hall, Hrundi the Nord is Fighters Guild steward, Procyon Nigilius is Mages Guild steward, and Aunius Autrus is the Imperial cult priest."
"This is Tel Naga, the tower of Master Neloth. The Mouths of the other councilors are at Telvanni Council Hall. Imperials are at Wolverine Hall. Angaredhel, Prefect of Hospitality, is at the Gateway merchant inn, along with Ery, Gateway's publican."
"If you're not Telvanni or Telvanni retainers, you only need Angaredhel, Prefect of Hospitality at the Gateway merchant inn and Ery, Gateway's publican. Otherwise, look at the Council Hall for the Telvanni Mouths, Felisa Ulessen, Galos Mathendis, Arara Uvulas, Mallam Ryon, Raven Omayn, spokesmen for their councilor mage-lords, and Dalyne Arvel, Telvanni Council clerk."
"Over at Wolverine Hall, look for Hrundi the Nord, Fighters Guild steward; Procyon Nigilius, Mages Guild steward; and Aunius Autrus, Imperial cult priest. Councilor Mage-Lord Master Neloth lives in Tel Naga, the wizard tower in the center of town. Big Helende, the Thieves Guild Boss, hangs out at Durty Muriel's Cornerclub."
"The Telvanni Mouths are over at Telvanni Council Hall. Over at Wolverine Hall, look for Hrundi the Nord, Fighters Guild steward; Procyon Nigilius, Mages Guild steward; and Aunius Autrus, Imperial cult priest. Councilor Mage-Lord Master Neloth lives in Tel Naga, the wizard tower in the center of town. Big Helende, the Thieves Guild Boss, hangs out here at Durty Muriel's."
"The Altmer Arrille runs Arrille's Tradehouse. Socucius Ergalla is the chief agent at the Census and Excise offices."
"Elynu Saren is the priest of the Suran Temple. Avon Oran of Oran Manor is the House Hlaalu Lord of Suran. Ashumanu Eraishah is publican of Suran Tradehouse. Helviane Desele is publican of Desele's House of Earthly Delights. Nevena Ules, the Grandmaster of the House Hlaalu Council, lives at Ules Manor across the lake to the west. Plantations to the southwest include Orvas Dren of Dren Plantation, Rovone Arvel of Arvel Manor, Direr Arano of Arano Plantation, and Gurak gro-Bagrat of gro-Bagrat Plantation."
"In the village, Llorayna Sethan runs Sethan's Tradehouse. Galen Berer is a smith and armorer. Fadase Selvayn is a trader. In the tower, Mistress Therana is our lady sorceress. Darvasa Vedas is her second-in-command, and the Altmer Mollimo of Cloudrest is her guard captain. And Trerayna Dalen, Mistress Therana's Telvanni challenger, has a camp just outside the village."
"Divayth Fyr, Telvanni Mage-Lord Divayth Fyr, he lives in the tower along with his four wizard women, Alfe Fyr, Beyte Fyr, Delte Fyr, and Uupse Fyr. That's everyone here."
"Mistress Dratha is our Telvanni mage-lord patron. She's been a Telvanni councilor since they invented dirt. And she doesn't like men. Thaeril is the publican at the Covenant. And there's Berwen the trader, Radras the smith, Elegnan the clothier, and Jolda the apothecary."
"Imperial guildsmen are in the Foreign Quarter. Redorans are in Redoran Compound and Telvanni are in Telvanni Compound. Hlaalu are in Hlaalu Compound, but also in St. Delyn and St. Olms Cantons. Temple priests, clerks, and Ordinators are in the Hall of Wisdom and the Hall of Justice. Some fighters live and train at the Arena."
"Here in the Foreign Quarter, you'll find the Imperial Guilds -- Fighters Guild, Mages Guild -- and an Imperial cult shrine down in the Canalworks. Redorans are in Redoran Compound and Telvanni are in Telvanni Compound. Hlaalu are in Hlaalu Compound, but also in St. Delyn and St. Olms Cantons. Temple priests, clerks, and Ordinators are in the Hall of Wisdom and the Hall of Justice. Some fighters live and train at the Arena."
"The most important people in the Temple Compound are Archcanon Saryoni at the High Fane, Berel Sala in the Justice Offices, and Elam Andas in the Office of the Watch. Redorans are in Redoran Compound and Telvanni are in Telvanni Compound. Hlaalu are in Hlaalu Compound, but also in St. Delyn and St. Olms Cantons. Imperial guildsmen are in the Foreign Quarter. Some fighters live and train at the Arena."
"Some fighters live and train here at the Arena. Imperial guildsmen are in the Foreign Quarter. Redorans are in Redoran Compound and Telvanni are in Telvanni Compound. Hlaalu are in Hlaalu Compound, but also in St. Delyn and St. Olms Cantons. Temple priests, clerks, and Ordinators are in the Hall of Wisdom and the Hall of Justice."
"All sorts of people live here in St. Delyn. A lot of Hlaalu lords and retainers live in Hlaalu Compound and in St. Delyn. Redorans live in Redoran Compound and Telvanni live in Telvanni Compound. Temple priests, clerks, and Ordinators are in the Hall of Wisdom and the Hall of Justice. Some fighters live and train at the Arena. Imperial guildsmen are in the Foreign Quarter."
"All sorts of people live here in St. Olms. Three Hlaalu lords also live here -- Crassius Curio, Yngling Half-Troll, and Dram Bero. A number of Hlaalu lords and retainers live in Hlaalu Compound and in St. Olms. Redorans live in Redoran Compound and Telvanni live in Telvanni Compound. Temple priests, clerks, and Ordinators are in the Hall of Wisdom and the Hall of Justice. Some fighters live and train at the Arena. Imperial guildsmen are in the Foreign Quarter."
"All the important Telvanni retainers and mercenaries live here in the Telvanni Compound. Mavon Drenim, the ranking Telvanni lord here in Vivec, lives in the tower. Various Hlaalu retainers live in Hlaalu Compound, St. Olms, and St. Delyn. Redorans live in Redoran Compound. Temple priests, clerks, and Ordinators are in the Hall of Wisdom and the Hall of Justice. Some fighters live and train at the Arena. Imperial guildsmen are in the Foreign Quarter."
"Baren Alen in the Hlaalu Vaults is the head Treasurer. Edryno Arethi's house is in the waistworks. Crassius Curio has a manor in the Hlaalu Plaza. Yngling Half-Troll lives in the St. Olms Canton. Temple priests, clerks, and Ordinators are in the Hall of Wisdom and the Hall of Justice. Some fighters live and train at the Arena. Imperial guildsmen are in the Foreign Quarter."
"Faral Retheran, the treasurer, is in the Redoran Vaults. Various other Redoran lords and retainers live her in Redoran Compound. Telvanni live in Telvanni Compound. Hlaalu are in Hlaalu Compound, but also in St. Delyn and St. Olms Cantons. Temple priests, clerks, and Ordinators are in the Hall of Wisdom and the Hall of Justice. Some fighters live and train at the Arena. Imperial guildsmen are in the Foreign Quarter."
"Maela Kaushad is the village hetwoman. Eldrilu Dalen is the priest at the Vos Chapel. Burcanius Varo and his wife Ferise Varo run the Varo Tradehouse. Master Aryon is the mage-lord of Tel Vos, the wizard tower. Master Aryon is a councilor of House Telvanni, a very important person, very good to us, but a very strange wizard. Turedus Talanian is Lord Aryon's chief of mercenaries."
"Master Aryon is our mage-lord and Telvanni councilor. Master Aryon's Chambers are a pod high up on the central spire-vine. The door faces to the south. If you want to speak to him, you need to fly -- no stairs at all. You'll find Turedus Talanian there, too. He's Aryon's chief of mercenaries. And all the tower's service people are in the Services Tower. Fancy that."
"Angoril of Vulkhel Guard is the boss of Fort Pelagiad. Drelasa Ramothran is the publican of the Halfway Tradehouse. Nobody else important I can think of. And if you're looking for someone in jail, you need to look in the fort. Of course."
"I mind my own business. Why don't you mind yours, outlander?"
"The local dark elves don't approve of his necromancy. He gives me the creeps too. You'll find his tower on the east side of town."
"He is practicing necromancy. This should not be done in these parts. If he wishes to do so, he should return to his native Skyrim. Someone needs to take care of him."
"The local Dunmer are pleased with your efforts. It's made it better for us all. Thanks."
"You were the one who killed him? This is excellent news. Let that be a message to all who practice the dark arts."
"Thank you for getting rid of him."
"Lord Sotha Sil the Magus is one of the three Immortal God-Kings of Morrowind, a Pillar of the Tribunal, and the patron of Artificers and Wizards. Sotha Sil was the mightiest wizard and most wise counselor of the First Council. Companion and teacher of Nerevar and Vivec, Sotha Sil is the Light of Knowledge and the Inspiration of Craft and Sorcery."
"Sotha Sil was the mightiest wizard and most wise counselor of the First Council."
"Companion and teacher of Nerevar and Vivec, Sotha Sil is the Light of Knowledge and the Inspiration of Craft and Sorcery."
"I've been hearing of a lot of people with bad dreams, seeing bad omens, stuff like that. Haven't you?"
"Well, the Temple has always said that madness is a soul sickness, and a sign of sin. But in the Empire, they say it's just another kind of disease."
"Madness is a sickness in the soul. It comes from a lack of faith, and a love of sin. All this talk of bad dreams and bad omens, superstition... it's just a sign that people have abandoned the Temple and fallen into greed and wickedness."
"Madness is a sickness in the soul. It comes from a lack of faith, and a love of sin. All this talk of bad dreams and bad omens, superstition... it's just a sign that people have abandoned the Temple and fallen into greed and wickedness."
"It's strange, isn't it? Lots of people I know are having bad dreams. Seeing strange visions. Acting funny. The Tribunal Temple just goes on and on about sin and wickedness, but they're just religious fanatics. It is odd, though. Wonder if it has anything to do with all the blight storms this year?"
"I'm telling you, it's making me worried. My neighbor was outside in the middle of the night last night, running around, talking nonsense, and in the morning, he doesn't remember a thing about it. Those scholars talk stuff about delusion diseases and such. What the hell does that mean? And why can't the priests cure it?"
"The Devil Dagoth sends bad dreams in the red dust. People don't sleep, go mad. Blight storms come, and soul sicknesses come, all together. Men get no sleep, get so sick, so tired. Very bad."
"I've heard savants say that Dagoth Ur was the source of the bad dreams and madness. Now that Dagoth Ur is dead, there should be no more madness and bad dreams. If the savants are right."
"Now that the Devil is dead, and his dark dreams are gone, we must all renew our faith, and grow strong and righteous under the guidance of the Temple."
"The madness and bad dreams were sendings from the Devil Dagoth Ur. But just because the Devil is dead, the dreams and madness will not necessarily go away. The people must protect themselves from the sins of greed and wickedness by faith and by heeding the teachings of the Temple."
"Dagoth Ur is dead, and the Blight is gone. And, if Dagoth Ur and the Blight were the sources of the bad dreams, then the bad dreams should be gone. Don't you agree?"
"I heard that Dagoth Ur caused the bad dreams. But you have killed Dagoth Ur, so the dreams should go away. Yes?"
"Now that the Devil Dagoth is dead, there should be an end to the dark dreams."
"I know they say that Dagoth Ur was the source of all the soul sickness and bad dreams. And I know you killed Dagoth Ur. But are you sure that killing Dagoth Ur will make all the bad dreams and madness go away?"
"South Wall is a working class cornerclub in Balmora, east of Odai River, on the south end of Labor Street, owned by Bacola Closcius."
"That's where the Thieves Guild scum hang out."
"Yes, this the South Wall."
"Ask someone else. I do not care about such petty matters."
"The spear weapon discipline is the study and mastery of the spear and the halberd weapon styles. To use any style of weapon effectively, the user must be trained, conditioned, and skilled in its use."
"Balmora's a big town. Think in terms of districts. High Town, on the hill to the west, has the Temple, Hlaalu Council Hall, rich manors, better shops, and the Morag Tong. The Commercial District, just west of the river, has the Fighters Guild and Mages Guild, shops and inns. Labor Town, east of the river, where the commoners and poor live, has only the South Wall Cornerclub. Fort Moonmoth, southeast of town, houses the Legion garrison and the Imperial cult."
"Roads south lead to Pelagiad, Seyda Neen, and Vivec. Silt strider service goes to Seyda Neen, Ald'ruhn, Suran, and Vivec. Roads north lead to Caldera and Ald'ruhn. Guild guides at the Mages Guild can teleport you to Ald'ruhn, Vivec, Caldera, and Sadrith Mora for a fee. Hla Oad is southwest on the coast. There's no trail, and it's easy to get lost. The only route to Ghostgate is via Foyada Mamaea."
"High Town, on the hill to the west, has the Temple, Hlaalu Council Hall, rich manors, better shops, and the Morag Tong. The Commercial District, just west of the river, has shops and inns, and the foreigner Fighters Guild and Mages Guild, Labor Town, east of the river, where the commoners and poor live, has a couple of cornerclubs and a few merchants. The Imperial soldier boys are down at Fort Moonmoth, southeast of town."
"Roads south lead to Pelagiad, Seyda Neen, and Vivec. Silt strider service goes to Seyda Neen, Ald'ruhn, Suran, and Vivec. Roads north lead to Caldera and Ald'ruhn. Guild guides at the Mages Guild can teleport you to Ald'ruhn, Vivec, Caldera, and Sadrith Mora for a fee. Hla Oad is southwest on the coast. There's no trail, and it's easy to get lost. The only route to Ghostgate is via Foyada Mamaea."
"This is the Ald Velothi Outpost. The only other place of interest is the Daedric ruin of Ashalmawia to the east. Follow the coast northeast to the village of Khuul. Gnisis is due south, but there's no direct road. Head southwest until you reach the Samsi River, then work back east towards Gnisis."
"The Ald Velothi Outpost is uphill from the fisherman's shacks and docks. You can't miss it; it's a Redoran-style building with a watchtower next to it. The only other place of interest is the Daedric ruin of Ashalmawia to the east. Follow the coast northeast to the village of Khuul. Gnisis is due south, but there's no direct road. Head southwest until you reach the Samsi River, then work back east towards Gnisis."
"The Redoran Council, the Redoran Noble Manors, and fine merchants are in the Manor District, all inside an ancient Emperor Crab shell known as Skar. The Temple is to the east, the Rat in the Pot cornerclub and the Mages Guild and Fighters Guild to the south, and the Ald Skar Inn to the west, near West Gate and the silt strider port. Through the South Gate, behind the Mages Guild, look for Fort Buckmoth and the Imperial cult altar."
"Roads lead south through Caldera to Balmora and north to Gnisis and Maar Gan. The road to Balmora swings northwest and curves around until it heads south again. Between here and Balmora are many side paths; watch for signposts, or you'll get lost. Silt strider service goes to Balmora, Gnisis, Khuul, and Maar Gan. Guild guides at the Mages Guild teleport you to Balmora, Vivec, Caldera, and Sadrith Mora for a fee. Gnaar Mok is a LONG hard walk west to the coast and then south; there are no marked routes."
"Shenk's Shovel, the tradehouse, is near South Gate. The Governor's Hall sits on the hill to the northeast. The Mages Guild in the west, in the corner opposite North Gate's twin towers, has guild guide transport to Vivec, Balmora, Ald'ruhn, and Sadrith Mora Mages Guilds. The Caldera ebony mines lie in a depression southwest of town. Roads lead south to Balmora and north to Ald'ruhn. Hla Oad on the west coast is a long walk without any trail; head west to the coast, then follow the coast north."
"The End of the World tradehouse is in the center of the village, near the watchtower. The Dwemer ruins of Mzuleft are southwest of town. The Shrine of Malacath is on Sheogorad island, west of Mzuleft. The Sanctus Shrine, a pilgrimage site sacred to the Temple, is on a tiny island west of Sheogorad island. The Nord wizard, Sorkvild the Raven, occupies the old wizard's tower east of the village. Haema Farseer's ship to Tel Mora, Sadrith Mora, Tel Aruhn, and Khuul is the only travel service."
"This is Orvas Dren's Plantation. All the work -- netch processing, storage, shipping -- is handled in the western part of the compound. The guardhouse is in the northeast, and Orvas Dren's villa is in the southeast corner."
"Castle Ebonheart is a pair of forts on adjacent islands on the Systata Lagoon west of Vivec City. The Grand Council Chambers, along with the Imperial Commission, the Imperial guard quarters, the Imperial cult shrine, and the Duke's chambers, are in the castle's west keep. The Hawkmoth Legion Garrison is in the east keep, with the Skyrim Mission and the Argonian Mission in an outer court nearby."
"The East Empire Company has offices, warehouses, and docks east of the castle, and connects to the castle by a bridge. The great statue of the Imperial dragon in the East Empire Company plaza is a visible reminder of the Empire's power and wealth here in Morrowind. The Six Fishes Cornerclub is just across the bridge from the East Empire Company and inside the east gate of the castle. Nevosi Hlan offers ship passage to Vivec, Sadrith Mora, Hla Oad, and Tel Branora from the docks east of the dragon statue."
"Ghostgate consists of two towers, the Tower of Dusk -- the west keep -- and the Tower of Dawn -- the east keep -- with a temple between the two towers, and a tunnel beneath the temple leading up Foyada Esannudan into Red Mountain. The Redoran hostel and Buoyant Armiger barracks are in the Tower of Dusk. The Temple services and the Ordinator barracks are in the Tower of Dawn. The pilgrimage shrine lies west of the stronghold along a path."
"There are no travel services out of Ghostgate. Returning to Balmora, follow Foyada Mamaea south until you pass under an ancient Dwemer bridge, then watch for the road leading northwest out of the ravine to Fort Moonmoth and Balmora, or, below that, the road leading southeast out of the ravine towards Pelagiad, Seyda Neen, and points south."
"Druegh-jigger's Rest is the only tradehouse. Arenim Manor is a Hlaalu Manor, so retainers and kin can get beds and services there. And, apart from a bunch of fisherman's shacks, that's all there is to Gnaar Mok. Oh. Nadene Rotheran's place is Camonna Tong country. But you're an outlander. You do NOT want to go there. Valveli Arelas at the dock offers ship passage to Hla Oad and Khuul."
"Our village is on the Ouada Samsi gorge in the West Gash. The Gnisis Temple is the village center. The Gnisis eggmine lies to the east. The Legion barracks, Fort Darius, the Deathshead Legion garrison, and the Imperial shrine lie to the southeast. Madach Tradehouse and the silt strider platform are south of the Temple. Hetman Abelmawia's hut is southwest, close to the Temple. An Old Velothi tower lies under a natural arch to the northwest, built into the bluff."
"A well-marked road leads southeast to Ald'ruhn. Punibi Yahaz offers silt strider service to Ald'ruhn, Maar Gan, and Khuul from the strider port overlooking the river gorge. The fishing villages of Ald Velothi and Khuul lie to the north on the coast, but there's no direct or marked route -- you just have to travel cross-country north to the coast. Ald Velothi is west of Khuul, with the Daedric ruin of Ashalmawia in between."
"Fat Leg's Drop-Off is the only tradehouse in the village. That's where everyone hangs out. See a couple shacks and a ship or two, and you've seen all of Hla Oad. Baleni Salavel at the docks offers passage to Gnaar Mok, Vivec, and Ebonheart."
"Thongar's Tradehouse, the Redoran-style building, is on the east side. The rest of town is just fisherman's shacks. Look around if you like. Doubt if anyone'll care. The fishing village of Ald Velothi is west along the coast, past the ruins of Ashalmawia. The silt strider goes to Ald'ruhn, Maar Gan, and Gnisis. If you're on foot, Gnisis is way south of Ald Velothi, and Maar Gan is way southeast of Khuul, and there're no good route to either."
"The Tower shrine, the famous Maar Gan pilgrimage site, is on the east, surrounded by a wall and three watch towers. Andus Tradehouse is up the steps and through the gate at the northwest end of the village. The Maar Gan Outpost is on the southwest side, by the West Gate and the strider port. Silt strider service goes to Ald'ruhn, Gnisis, and Khuul. The main road south to Ald'ruhn runs farthest west; the back road runs closer to Red Mountain."
"The Buoyant Armiger and Redoran garrisons, the hostels, and other services are all inside the Molag Mar Stronghold, either on the tier top or inside on the lower tiers. Roads lead north to the two pilgrim sites, Mount Assarnibibi and Mount Kand, in the Molag Amur wastes. Silt strider service goes to Suran and Vivec. From the docks get ship passage to Vivec, Tel Branora, and Hla Oad."
"The Gateway merchant inn is all that's open to non-Telvanni. Telvanni kin and retainers stay at Wolverine Hall, housing the Fighters Guild and Thieves Guild and the Imperial cult shrine. The Council Hall is the big sphere down by the harbor. The Great Market has many services and tradesmen, and many others are scattered through town. There are two cornerclubs: Durty Muriel's, for outlanders, and Fara's Hole in the Wall for local Dunmer. Tel Naga is Master Neloth's wizard tower."
"Sadrith Mora is an island; there's no road or bridge to the mainland. You want to go west to the mainland, you fly, swim, or water-walk. From the docks, ships go to Ebonheart, Tel Branora, Tel Mora, or Dagon Fel. The guild guide at the Wolverine Hall Mages Guild can transport you to Ald'ruhn, Vivec, Caldera, and Balmora for a fee."
"Not much here. Arrille's Tradehouse, the Census and Excise offices -- that's the Coast Guard, too -- and a lighthouse. And that's it. Silt strider service goes to Vivec, Balmora, Gnisis, and Suran. The road goes north past Pelagiad to Balmora, and east to Vivec, and southeast to Ebonheart."
"The Temple is at the south end of town, and the silt strider port is to the north. The Fields of Kummu pilgrimage site is southeast of town, and the Shrine of Molag Bal is north of town. The farms and plantations of the Ascadian Isles lie southeast across Lake Masobi, except for Ules Manor, across the lake west of Suran. Arvel Manor, Arano Plantation, gro-Bagrat Plantation, and Dren Plantation are southwest across the lake. To visit them, you swim, fly, or waterwalk; there're no convenient bridges."
"Tel Branora is Mistress Therana's tower. The Bal Fell ruin lies far to the west, across the bay. That's an old Daedric ruin. Ships go to Ebonheart, Vivec, Molag Mar, and Sadrith Mora. The nearest settlement is Molag Mar, up the peninsula to the north."
"The docks are to the south, the village and slave market to the north, and the tower of Tel Aruhn sits on the high ground in the center of the island. The Plot and Plaster tradehouse and most public services are northeast of the tower, while most House Telvanni services are in the lower tower. The upper tower is reserved for Lord Gothren and his retainers."
"Tel Fyr is the wizard's tower of the Telvanni Mage-Lord Divayth Fyr. It's also known as the Corprusarium, because this is where all victims of corprus disease are sent. Corprus victims can't be cured, but Lord Divayth cares for them, and keeps them from infecting the rest of the world. The nearest settlements are Tel Aruhn across the bay to the north, and Sadrith Mora across the bay to the northeast. From Sadrith Mora you can get ships to Ebonheart, Tel Aruhn, Tel Mora, and Vos."
"The Covenant is our tradehouse. Our clothier is on an island to the south. The trader is on a bridge east from the tower island, and the smith and apothecary are further past the trader, on a small island to the east. Tel Mora tower, of course, is in the middle of the harbor. There's an upper and lower entrance. The upper entrance, that's for wizards who can fly. Ships go to Sadrith Mora, Tel Aruhn, Vos, and Dagon Fel."
"Vivec has eight cantons. On a map, it looks like a cross, with the Foreign Quarter at the top, the Temple Compound, with Vivec's Palace, the High Fane, the Ministry of Truth, and the Hall of Wisdom and the Hall of Justice, at the bottom, the Hlaalu Compound to the west, the Telvanni Compound on the east, and four cantons grouped together at the center of the cross -- Redoran Compound northwest, Arena northeast, St. Delyn Canton southwest, and St. Olms Canton southeast."
"Silt striders from North Landing, north of the Foreign Quarter, go to Seyda Neen, Suran, Molag Mar, and Balmora. Guild guides at the Foreign Quarter Mages Guild teleport you to the Balmora, Ald'ruhn, Caldera, and Sadrith Mora Mages Guilds for a fee. Gondoliers ferry passengers between the Telvanni Compound, the Hlaalu Compound, the Foreign Quarter, St. Delyn Canton, and the Arena. Roads lead from North Landing north towards Suran and the Ascadian Isles and northwest towards Seyda Neen."
"Tel Vos, Master Aryon's wizard tower, is to the west. You can't miss it. It's very strange. Tel Mora, Mistress Dratha's wizard tower, lies across the bay on an island to the east. In Vos village, the Vos chapel is in the center of the village, through the gate and courtyard. Hetwoman Maela Kaushad's house is the middle house on the south. Varo Tradehouse is down by the docks. Ships go to Sadrith Mora, Tel Aruhn, and Tel Mora."
"For services here, the northwest tower is the Services Tower. This is still a small settlement. You might want to try Vos and Tel Mora to the east; they're larger settlements, with more services. If you're here to see Master Aryon or Turedus Talanian, Aryon's mercenary captain, look for a door facing south onto a fungus pad, way up the air on a central spire-vine, south of the Central Tower. You can fly, can't you?"
"Pelagiad is a small place. Just the Halfway tradehouse, a couple of merchants, a few colonists, and Fort Pelagiad. Most of us are outlanders, colonists from the Empire, adventurers looking for our fortunes. To the west of town, roads lead southwest to Seyda Neen, south to Ebonheart, southeast through the Ascadian Isles to Vivec, and north to Balmora. We have no travel services, but walking is good exercise."
"I'm not here to give you directions, outlander. Go ask your friends."
"The speechcraft discipline is the art of influencing others through verbal persuasion. Those skilled at speechcraft can inspire trust and confidence in others, making the listener more willing to divulge information or to entrust important tasks to the speaker."
"St. Delyn Canton and St. Olms Canton are residence cantons for commoners and paupers. The Temple charges very reasonable rents for comfortable workshops, shops, and apartments, and most of Vvardenfell's crafts and light industry is housed in these cantons. The Abbey of St. Delyn the Wise is on the top tier of St. Delyn, and Hlaalu Councilor Yngling Half-Troll has a top-tier manor on St. Olms."
"St. Delyn Canton and St. Olms Canton are residence cantons for commoners and paupers. The Temple charges very reasonable rents for comfortable workshops, shops, and apartments, and most of Vvardenfell's crafts and light industry is housed in these cantons. The Abbey of St. Delyn the Wise is on the top tier of St. Delyn, and Hlaalu Councilor Yngling Half-Troll has a top-tier manor on St. Olms."
"Yes, Arielle has a staff like that."
"A "statue book"? Well, I don't believe I have anything that might contain the information you need. Perhaps you should check with someone who deals in rare books, like Jobasha in Vivec. He has many of the more hard-to-find volumes."
"The nine disciplines traditionally associated with the Thieves Guild are: security, sneak, acrobatics, light armor, short blade, marksman, mercantile, speechcraft, and hand to hand."
"Stendarr, God of Justice and Mercy, is the patron of righteous might and merciful forbearance. He is the inspiration of magistrates and rulers, the patron of the Imperial Legions, and the comfort of the law-abiding citizen."
"You have brought me the soulgems. The power in these souls will strengthen your stronghold's foundations and help the tower grow."
"Speak with Llunela Hleran in the Council House Hermitage."
"It is a cavern on the far west coast of Sheogorad, due west of Dagon Fel. There is an inlet west of Dagon fell before you reach the real coast. Do not be fooled by this."
"The local Dunmer liquor, sujamma, is extremely potent, and indulgence results in elevated spirits and diminished mental faculties. Has a kick like a guar -- very strong, and just as stupid."
"The local Dunmer liquor, sujamma, is extremely potent, and indulgence results in elevated spirits and diminished mental faculties. The local Dunmer liquor, sujamma, is extremely potent, and indulgence results in elevated spirits and diminished mental faculties. Has a kick like a guar -- very strong, and just as stupid."
"The Summerset Isle is a green and pleasant land of fertile farmlands, woodland parks, and ancient towers and manors. Most settlements are small and isolated, and dominated by ruling seats of the local wizard or warlord. The Isle has few good natural ports, and the natives are unwelcoming to foreigners, so the ancient, chivalric high culture of the Aldmer is little affected by modern Imperial mercantilism."
"Suran is an agricultural village in the northeastern corner of the fertile Ascadian Isles region. Two popular pilgrimage sites are nearby -- the Fields of Kummu and the Shrine of Molag Bal."
"Suran is a busy trading village on Lake Masobi, gateway to the lakes, farms, and plantations of the Ascadian Isles region. Pilgrims visiting the Temple pilgrimage sites at Fields of Kummu and the Shrine of Molag Bal seek lodgings in Suran. Suran also provides food and services for the farmers and plantation owners of the Ascadian Isles, the rich agricultural lands south and west of Suran. In this country of lakes and islands, travelers need water-walk or levitate magic or strong swimming skills."
"Swamp fever is a mild common disease affecting the victim's strength and behavior. Symptoms include high body temperature and delirium. It may be contracted from the mudcrab."
"There is nothing in your words for me. Talk with someone else."
"You want to speak to Sul-Matuul. You want to speak to Nibani Maesa. Have they sent for you?"
"I have not heard of this. So go, and find some other who has."
"If they have not sent for you, then you will not speak to them. You are an outlander, and Sul-Matuul is our chief, and Nibani Maesa is our wise woman. They will not speak to you."
"You are an outlander. And you wish to talk of the Nerevarine prophecies? You are polite and well-mannered, for an outlander, and I do not think you mean to give offense. But why should you care about the Nerevarine prophecies?"
"We have heard that Zabamund has sent you to Sul-Matuul to speak of the Nerevarine prophecies. Very strange, outlander."
"So. You have talked with Sul-Matuul, and now you are a friend of our clan. Will wonders never cease."
"Clanfriend. Welcome. If you have come to speak with Nibani Maesa, you will find her in her yurt."
"I have no words for you, killer. My weapons will speak for me. Do you wish to challenge me?"
"Tiber Septim was born on the continent of Atmora with the name 'Talos'. When he became Emperor of Tamriel, he took a Cyrodilic name -- Tiber Septim, the Dragon of the North."
"They have some fringe members in the Legion. Talk to the troopers here in town. They're not telling everything they know."
"Don't know much about them, actually. I know they revere Tiber Septim, but there's nothing wrong with that. Not really of too much interest to me, though. They have many followers in the Legions."
"Ok, ok. Look, I'm not into it, but I know someone who is, Oritius Maro. That's all I'm saying."
"We are those who worship the true following of the Legions. Protecting the Glory of Tiber Septim, Talos, the Dragonborn."
"She's over at the Arena. She has Corprus. Don't go near her."
"I don't know why you'd want to speak with her... But she is in the Arena pit."
"She's right over there."
"Tashpi? A necromancer? I don't believe that. Talk to her yourself."
"She lives in the last house on the right before the shrine."
"Tashpi is our healer, not some necromancer. Everyone here in Maar Gan knows her and all the good she's done here."
"How dare you talk about that after what you did?"
"Hmm. I know no place of that name. But there is a place called 'Airan's Teeth' in the Valley of the Wind. These two rocks spires mark the entrance to the Valley of the Wind, and they bear the name of the seer, Airan, one blessed by Azura."
"You bear Malipu-Ataman's Belt. I will share what I know. Hmm. I know no place of that name. But there is a place called 'Airan's Teeth' in the Valley of the Wind. These two rocks spires mark the entrance to the Valley of the Wind, and they bear the name of the seer, Airan, one blessed by Azura."
"Tel Aruhn is the Telvanni tower of Archmagister Gothren, Telvanni Sorcerer-Lord and head of the Telvanni Council. The associated settlement is a sizable village, and the site of the Festival Slave Market, the largest slave market on Vvardenfell."
"The tower of Tel Branora and its tiny village are located on a rocky promontory at the southeasternmost tip of Azura's Coast."
"Tel Branora is the tower and seat of the eccentric Telvanni wizard named Mistress Therana."
"Tel Branora is the tower and seat of the eccentric Telvanni wizard named Mistress Therana. The tower and its tiny village are located on a rocky promontory at the southeasternmost tip of Azura's Coast."
"Tel Fyr is the Telvanni tower of Sorcerer-Lord Divayth Fyr. Beneath the tower is the Corprusarium, a refuge-prison where the deranged, distorted victims of the deadly corprus disease are housed and tended. Here. Let me mark it on your map."
"No easy way to get there. Not a popular place. You'll have to swim, fly, or water-walk. Most direct route, straight southwest from Sadrith Mora, is over open water all the way. Keep an eye out for a Telvanni tower on an island. If you miss it, and hit land, go back and forth along the coast looking back across the bay for a tower on a small island. And buy flying potions or scrolls from the Mages Guild when you visit wizard towers. No stairs inside."
"Tel Mora is the Telvanni tower of Mistress Dratha, an ancient wizard of the Telvanni Council. The small settlement includes a few craftsfolk and a tradehouse."
"Tel Mora is a wizard tower and settlement on an island north along the coast from Sadrith Mora. You can water-walk, but it's a long way. Or you can travel by ship very cheaply from the docks here."
"Tel Mora is the wizard's tower of Mistress Dratha, a Telvanni mage-lord and councilor. The first thing you'll notice is that there are no men here. Mistress Dratha doesn't like men. Other than that, and the fact that she is getting old and... well... a little crazy, she is a very good patron, and Tel Mora is a prosperous tower settlement, with a tradehouse, craftsmen and traders."
"Tel Vos is the tower of Telvanni wizard and council member Master Aryon. Tel Vos is a peculiar blend of Telvanni and Western architectural styles, and is close to Vos village."
"Tel Vos is the tower of Telvanni wizard and council member Master Aryon. Tel Vos is a peculiar blend of Telvanni and Western architectural styles. Vos village is just to the east."
"Telvanni bug musk is an expensive perfume made from the scent glands of Grazelands beetles. The substance is sold in sealed flasks, and appears as a dark red-brown paste. The subtle but compelling fragrance is attractive to all mortal races and all sexes. Even a barbarian can be persuasive wearing this perfume."
"Telvanni Compound is the eastmost canton. The mage-lord Mavon Drenim is the ranking Telvanni noble. The Telvanni rent the compound from the Temple, and have to make do with a Velothi tower instead of their preferred mushroom towers. The administrative center includes a treasury and a hall of records. Slaves are housed in the lowest tiers. There are many tradesmen, craftsmen, and trainers, and the Lizard's Head cornerclub provides lodgings for Telvanni kin and mercenaries."
"Here's a recent edition of the Brown Book of Great House Telvanni. It lists the current Telvanni councilors and their residences. Let me mark the locations of the councilor's towers on your map -- Tel Aruhn, Tel Vos, Tel Mora, Tel Branora. And Tel Naga is right in the center of Sadrith Mora."
"You should consult the recent edition of the Brown Book of Great House Telvanni. It lists the current Telvanni councilors and their residences. Let me mark the locations of the councilor's towers on your map -- Tel Aruhn, Tel Vos, Tel Mora, Tel Branora. And Tel Naga is right in the center of Sadrith Mora."
"The Telvanni mage-lords are far too busy and important to attend council meetings. So they have representatives called 'Mouths' who attend to council business for them. Mouths are proteges of their wizards, and expected to step into their shoes when their masters die. Mouths have complete authority to speak for their lords, but they often defer the tough decisions to their masters."
"I don't know of any spies in the Mages Guild."
"The Mages Guild is very strict with its admissions rules. We would never accept a Telvanni spy."
"How would I know who the Telvanni spy is? What are you suggesting?"
"Ranis is right about this one. Telvanni spies are everywhere."
"Talk to Trebonius."
"In Telvanni villages, the settlement is dominated by the wizard's residence called a 'Telvanni tower', a fantastic organic form grown and sculpted from stems, caps, and root-like holdfasts of the giant native mushrooms. The tower is often surrounded by a village of smaller mushroom pods hollowed out for craftsmen and commoners."
"In Telvanni villages, the settlement is dominated by the wizards tower, a fantastic organic form grown and sculpted from stems, caps, and root-like holdfasts of the giant native mushrooms. The village itself is comprised of smaller mushroom pods hollowed out for craftsmen and commoners. Open-air markets often include the giant cages displaying the wares of the slavemasters."
"The Tribunal Temple is the native religion of civilized Morrowind. They worship three God-Kings, Almalexia, Sotha Sil, and Vivec, who are known together as the Tribunal. We usually just call it 'The Temple.'"
"The Tribunal Temple is the native religion of civilized Morrowind. They worship three God-Kings, Almalexia, Sotha Sil, and Vivec, who are known together as the Tribunal. Followers usually just call it 'The Temple.'"
"The Temple Compound includes the High Fane, the largest Tribunal temple on Vvardenfell, and The Ministry of Truth, a moon suspended by Vivec's power above the Temple Compound, where the Temple Ordinators are quartered. The Hall of Wisdom and Hall of Justice house the executive, administrative, judicial, and martial operations of the Tribunal Temple. The Palace of Vivec is the abode of the god-hero Lord Vivec. Beneath the Palace of Vivec is the Puzzle Canal, a place of testing for questing heroes."
"The Blight is a sickness you get from being outside during ash storms. The sickness comes from Red Mountain; it makes normal creatures into terrible monsters."
"The Blight is a weather phenomenon associated with Vvardenfell's colossal volcano, Red Mountain. Persistent within the Ghostfence -- that is, within the crater and on the volcano's slopes -- and intermittent near the volcano, the Blight is a health-threatening, ash-heavy volcanic cloud. Plants and creatures exposed to the Blight may contract a variety of blight diseases."
"Since you slew Dagoth Ur on Red Mountain, the Blight is gone. But many creatures affected by the Blight have survived, and are still a problem. And it may be that creatures can get Blight from contact with the ash that has accumulated for centuries in the wastelands. So it may be a long time before we are completely free of the effects of the Blight."
"In Imperial stories, the dark skin and red eyes of the Dunmer derives from 'the Dark Elven Curse,' which was caused by a moral taint, a sorcerous curse, and the pernicious environment of the northeastern wastelands, according to various legends and fables. These stories may be plausibly ascribed to western Imperial racial prejudice and fear of the Dark Elves; such legends play no part in the Dunmer's own accounts of their past."
"The Empire of Tamriel encompasses the nine Imperial provinces: Skyrim, High Rock, Hammerfell, Summerset Isle, Valenwood, Elsweyr, Black Marsh, Morrowind, and the ancient Imperial province itself, Cyrodiil. Dating from the First Era Cyrodilic Empire, the Empire is almost 4000 years ago. But more properly, the current Empire dates from the beginning of the Third Era and the crowning of Tiber Septim as Emperor of Morrowind over 400 years ago. The current emperor is Uriel Septim, 24th of the Septim line."
"The Empire of Tamriel includes the nine Imperial provinces: Skyrim, High Rock, Hammerfell, Summerset Isle, Valenwood, Elsweyr, Black Marsh, Morrowind, and Cyrodiil. The current emperor is Uriel Septim, 24th of the Septim line."
"Rule Number One: The boss says you do business with him, or you don't do business. You don't know who the boss is? Then you don't do business. Simple. Rule Number Two: You do business, but it is not with the boss, because you have broken Rule Number One. So Rule Number Two is that now I visit you, and after this visit, you never do anything ever again. Except feed the worms. And Rule Number Three is don't push your luck with me. Or I kill you. Nothing personal. Just part of my job."
"Crassius Curio is quite a patron of the arts. He commissioned some artists to do a mural for him, and I heard that he has written a new play, and would like to have it performed. He'll probably be putting together a group soon. Oh...help us all."
"Theldyn is usually in the Ald Velothi Outpost. That's the building with the watchtower."
"You'll find her in Therana's Chamber in the Upper Tower. Easiest way is to enter through north-facing entrance to the Upper Tower. You'll have to fly, either way you go, and the Lower Level is confusing, so you might as well start through the entrance to the Upper Tower. When you're inside, walk downstairs, take the first left, take the passage up to a room with two doors to Therana's Chamber. Take either door, fly up the shaft. Therana's chamber is in the center."
"You're in the Upper Tower. You need to go up to Therana's Chamber. The stairs lead to the outside. Don't go that way. The upper room has two doors to Therana's Chamber. Take either door, and you'll find yourself in a shaft. Fly up the shaft. Look for Therana in her chamber in the center of the tower."
"You're in the Lower Tower. Take the west shaft up to the door to the Upper Tower. The west shaft is off the second level of the main chamber. In the Upper Tower, take the passage on the right -- DON'T go up the stairs. Take the passage up to a room with two doors to Therana's Chamber. Take either door, fly up the shaft. Therana's chamber is in the center."
"Therana's Chamber is in the center, off the central passage."
"In the Empire, the Thieves Guild is old and powerful, but here in Morrowind, the Thieves Guild is young and weak. The old and powerful criminal guild of Morrowind is the Camonna Tong. The Camonna Tong doesn't like the newcomers, and threatens to destroy the Thieves Guild."
"The Thieves Guild is just like any other trade guild, an organization of craftsmen and professionals."
"The Thieves Guild doesn't have public guild halls, but they do tend to gather at a single location -- usually a cornerclub or tradehouse -- in larger towns. Look for guild operatives in Balmora, Ald'ruhn, Sadrith Mora, and the Foreign Quarter of Vivec."
"It isn't easy to find out where Thieves Guild members meet. For obvious reasons. You have to look around, and talk to the right people."
"As everyone knows, the Thieves Guild is at war with the Camonna Tong. The Thieves Guild is the new gang in town, and the Camonna Tong, the old gang, wants the Thieves Guild dead. It's a mess. You don't want to get involved."
"They're much like any trade guild, I suppose. Why are you asking me?"
"Why are you asking me? Maybe you'd like to join the Thieves Guild?"
"Any jobs or leads for me, Anon?"
"Yes, Mastermind? What do you need to know?"
"Do you want to offer me a gift? Good. I am not proud. I like gold. This is the custom you outlanders call a 'bribe', yes?"
"You think to buy my friendship? You who have killed my kin? That is not likely."
"Three major cultural groupings have settled Vvardenfell: the Ashlander nomads, the Imperial Provincial culture, and the Dunmer Great House culture. The smallest settlements are the Ashlander nomadic camps, comprised of small portable huts. Recent Imperial colonies like Pelagiad display the same sturdy half-timbered homes and stone castles as might be found in Daggerfall or any other Western province. But the dominant culture is the native Dunmer Great House culture."
"The three Dunmer Great Houses that have settled Vvardenfell have distinctive architectures and lifestyles. Aristocratic, warlike Great House Redoran favors a spacious, irregular, organic building style. Great House Hlaalu, an aggressive mercantile culture, strongly admiring and influenced by Imperial culture, prefers simpler, more modern, more densely populated settlements, while bizarre wizard towers dominate mushroom-hut villages of the Great House Telvanni sorcerer-lords."
"A fourth Great House style, the Velothi or Temple style, is evident in the monumental architecture, bridges, buttresses, and grand canals of the ancient religious center of Vivec City."
"Tiber Septim, Talos, the Dragonborn, Heir to the Seat of Sundered Kings, is the greatest hero-god of Mankind, and worshipped as the protector and patron of just rulership and civil society."
"Tiber Septim conquered all of Tamriel and ushered in the Third Era and the Third Empire."
"In his aspect of Ysmir, 'Dragon of the North,' Tiber Septim is also invoked as the patron of questing heroes."
"Ask Guildmaster Trebonius. He's the one that puts up with Tiram."
"You killed him, Anon. While he was not truly a member of the guild, no one admires your actions."
"Him? I think I've seen him in The Rat in the Pot."
"Don't know about that. Heard he was gone."
"Oh, he's around here somewhere."
"He hasn't been by in a while. Don't know exactly what happened to him."
"Trade goods we have in plenty. What, does the outlander think we are savages? Because we do not have the things the settled people have? Big buildings? Heavy furniture? We have no use for this trash. And do we need to dress ourselves in foolish clothes and stand about with fancy weapons to feel like men? Hah. But of course you do not know the Ashlanders. It is not your fault. Outlander."
"I told you. We need nothing."
"We Zainab make everything we need. We do not need things from outsiders. But. Our men get common diseases and blight diseases when they go out hunting or tending the herds. They are sometimes gone for long times, and cannot return all the way back to camp to be cured by the wise women. The settled people make the bottled magics that cure common disease and blight disease, but the Zainab are often in short supply of these things. Such bottled magics might be the trade goods we would want."
"Bottled magics that cure common disease and blight disease, as I have said. Those are the trade goods we would want."
"Our trader, Lanabi, has her yurt with the ashkhan's and the gulakhan's yurts."
"Our trader, Ashur-Dan, has his yurt with the ashkhan's and the gulakhan's yurts."
"Our trader, Massarapal, has his yurt with the ashkhan's and the gulakhan's yurts."
"You're the new Archmage, Anon. Try and forget about Trebonius."
"Almalexia, Vivec, and Sotha Sil are mortal guardians who walked the earth, defeated the Dunmer's greatest enemies, the Nords and the Dwarves, and achieved divine substance through superhuman discipline and virtue and through supernatural wisdom and insight."
"Like loving ancestors, the Tribunal guards and counsels us. Like stern parents, they punish our sins and errors. Like generous relatives, they share their bounty among the greatest and least, according to their needs."
"The Temple believes that Almalexia, Vivec, and Sotha Sil were mortal guardians of Morrowind who walked the earth, defeated the Dunmer's greatest enemies, the Nords and the Dwarves, and achieved divine substance through superhuman discipline and virtue and supernatural wisdom and insight. Like loving ancestors, they guard and counsel their followers. Like stern parents, they punish sin and error. Like generous relatives, they share their bounty among the greatest and least, according to their needs."
"You've got to hand it to the daemon-charmers. They surprised us. The Telvanni got these little groups squatting down all over the island, and we've done little to stop them. They're going to be tough to root out. It's going to cost money and lives. But we better make the investment now, before it's too late."
"House Hlaalu would much rather have the Caldera charter, thank you very much, and run those ebony mines ourselves. But it hasn't worked out so badly. The Imperial Caldera Mining Company is laying out the cash and doing the work, and we're talking the cream off the top in graft and bribes. No wonder Redoran is angry. And when they're angry, they're dangerous."
"House Redoran is really steamed up about the Caldera land grab. They say that Caldera is in their territory, and that they should have gotten the charter. Worse yet, they say that Hlaalu is skimming the top off the Imperial fatcat company that got the charter. Since it's an Imperial company, Redoran can't even get a House War contract on it. It'll come to violence, you mark my words."
"Redoran is not going to stand by and watch Telvanni setting up those bases without a charter. Ever since we let the Telvanni get away with Tel Vos, they've been sending out wizards and mercenaries to stake their claims on promising sites. And if we don't do something about it, those damn necromancers will end up on our doorsteps."
"We've been lucky. We really pushed the Duke and the other Houses when we grabbed Tel Vos. And when he didn't put up much of a fight to protect the settlement charters, we sent out our losers and lunatics to stake new claims. Some will survive, some won't. But Hlaalu and Redoran have to respond. And in the end, the ones that survive give us more power and influence here on Vvardenfell."
"I do not know if they really exist. It is said they help slaves like us escape. Until you arrived, I did not believe I would ever see Argonia again."
"Admin knows only rumors. They help slaves escape. They take us back to Elsweyr."
"I thought you were a member. You have freed many slaves, so I will tell you this. If you are asked, "Have you seen the Twin Lamps?" You say, "They light the way to freedom.""
"You do not know? Admin was sure... But you should be a member. If Admin asks, "Have you seen the Twin Lamps?" You say, "They light the way to freedom.""
"Yes. She teaches Conjuration and Mysticism and Destruction at the Mage Guild. You think she might be involved in the Gateway haunting? Well. I suppose it's possible. Uleni Heleran has a mischievous personality, and she has some sort of bad feeling for Angaredhel and the Gateway Inn. I also noticed that Uleni Heleran has been magically transporting into Wolverine Hall quite a bit lately. Maybe she's using a Mark and Recall spell sequence or a Divine Intervention."
"Monks dedicated to the ascetic philosophies of Elsweyr have long cultivated the unarmored martial arts traditions called the 'Rain-of-Sand' fighting styles. The Mages Guild and other societies have had some success adapting these styles for self-defense training of wizards and other armor-averse vocations. Students of the unarmored styles wear little or no armor, and count on evasion and deflection to avoid injury."
"The unarmored discipline is the skill of avoiding or reducing injury during combat by evading, deflecting, or absorbing blows. This discipline is traditionally associated with the mystical martial arts disciplines of the Khajiit, but has been adapted in the West for use by mages whose spellcasting is adversely affected by encumbering armor and weapons."
"Uriel Septim is sick, and wizards say his heir, Geldall Septim, and the younger Septims, Enman and Ebel, are just doppelgangers placed in the household during Jagar Tharn's tenure as Imperial Battlemage. They say the Guard charged a mob demanding destruction of the false heirs... lots of folks were killed."
"The current emperor is Uriel Septim, Uriel VII, 24th of the Septim dynasty. Uriel VII has been, for the most part, a strong and effective ruler, but harsh and unyielding in personality, and private and secretive by nature, he has never been popular with the people. The Emperor is over eighty, and in poor health. He has two declared heirs, Enman and Ebel, but there are rumors of controversy over the succession in the Imperial City."
"The Ashlander Urshilaku tribe has a permanent settlement at Urshilaku camp on the northern coast of Vvardenfell, north of Maar Gan village."
"Urshilaku camp is due north from Maar Gan, but high ridges lie in the way. From Maar Gan head east past the Silt Strider, then take a trail north to the Foyada Bani-Dad. Follow the Foyada northwest to the sea. A shipwreck at the seamouth of the ravine is a landmark. Swim east around the headland. Pass east through the ruins of Assurnabitashpi Shrine. Avoid Daedra here. They're powerful and aggressive. Urshilaku Camp lies east of the ruins, inland in a low hollow."
"Urshilaku camp is inland along the northern coast of Vvardenfell, many footsteps east of the village of Khuul, south as the racer flies from Ald Redaynia."
"This is Urshilaku camp, outlander."
"Enchanted items are completely reliable. They always work. But the more skilled the enchanter, the more efficiently the item uses the magical charge of its built-in soul gem. Unskilled enchanters quickly exhaust the power of items they use."
"Valenwood is a largely uninhabited forest wilderness. The coasts of Valenwood are dominated by mangrove swamps and tropical rain forests, while heavy rainfalls nurture the temperate inland rain forests. The Bosmer live in timber clanhouses at sites scattered along the coast and through the interior, connected only by undeveloped foot trails. The few Imperial roads traverse vast dense woodlands, studded with tiny, widely separated settlements, and carry little trade or traffic of any kind."
"There are two valleys, side by side, on the northeast slopes of Red Mountain. The westmost valley is called Dry Camp Valley; the camps have no water, but they are sheltered from the wind. Dun-Ahhe Caverns are also there. The Valley of the Wind is the eastmost valley; it runs long and straight south between Airan's Teeth, and climbs towards Red Mountain. The mouths of these valleys are to the east along the coast. Pass Bthuand, a Dwemer ruin, and just past Zergonipal, a Daedric ruin, turn south."
"Yes, he goes by the name Ano Vando, and he has been seen around here lately. Do not approach him, young vampire. It will be your end."
"We are the dark walkers, those who prey on the warm blooded. Our gifts are many, and weakness few. There are three major clans: Aundae, Berne, and Quarra. There are others in this world as well, living like cattle in tombs under the ground."
"The Dunmer hate necromancy and the undead, and hate blood vampires in particular. Blood vampires are powerful undead creatures that feed on humanoid blood. The vampire curse is contracted from disease-contaminated blood; victims of vampire attacks sometimes become vampires. There is no known cure for vampirism but the destruction of the vampire. Ash vampires are not blood vampires; though both are powerful immortal undead, ash vampire do not feed on blood, and have no connection with blood vampires."
"Imperial culture regards blood vampires as destructive monsters to be hunted and destroyed. However, romantic notions of noble, virtuous vampires persist in Imperial traditions, and vampires are thought to pass unrecognized in the Mages Guild and the Imperial aristocracy."
"Vampires are loathsome monsters, creations of false gods and Western necromancers. The kinsmen of Lord Dagoth have been called 'ash vampires' by the ignorant, but they are not vampire in any way. They are wise and powerful, long-lived and masterful in sorcery -- but they are ageless, immortal wizards, like all of Lord Dagoth's kin -- and not vampires."
"You might find a copy at Jobasha's Rare Books in Vivec."
"I think I've heard someone say that vampirism is a disease. And if it's a disease, there might be a cure. But there are diseases that have no cure, aren't there?"
"I don't know whether vampirism is a disease. And if it is a disease, I don't know if it can be cured, or how. But I have heard rumors of a cure for vampirism. And I recall reading a reference in a rare local book that might be useful. Look for a book called 'Vampires of Vvardenfell, Volume II.' It might be hard to find here. It was suppressed by the Temple. But I recall reading something there about a Buoyant Armiger who became a vampire, but who was cured."
"Everyone knows there is no cure for vampirism, other than the destruction of the vampire."
"The trader? I think I saw her on the west side of town, near the entrance. Looked like she was waiting for someone."
"He is the head of the Legions here in Morrowind, and Knight of the Imperial Dragon."
"You can find him at the castle, in the Grand Council Chambers."
"He's upstairs, with the Duke."
"You are greater than he. You have my honor. How may I serve you?"
"That's none of your business, outlander."
"The ebony mine? It was abandoned long ago and it's location has been lost. Allegedly one of the miners summoned a Daedra... But perhaps you should speak with Nileno Dorvayn at the Hlaalu Council Manor."
"If you know the location of the mine, perhaps you should speak with Dram Bero in Vivec or with Velanda Omani at her plantation east of Vivec. I have heard that Nevena Ules is also looking for this mine, but if you deal with her, be sure you get your payment up front."
"Duke Vedam Dren, Duke of Ebonheart, is head of the Grand Council and Uriel VII's representative on Vvardenfell."
"The Duke's younger brother, Orvas Dren, is a wealthy plantation owner in the Ascadian Isles."
"The Dren family has been prominent for many generations in House Hlaalu."
"Councilor Velanda Omani lives outside Vivec on Elmas Island. Take the bridge to the mainland from Telvanni Compound, then turn south and cross the bridge to Elmas Island. The path from the south end of the bridge leads right to Omani Manor."
"He's been here once or twice. Why do you want to know?"
"His ship is the Grytewake."
"The Grytewake sometimes docks southwest of here. It's hard to see from a distance, just follow the coast."
"Last I heard, someone snuck aboard the Grytewake and killed him."
"He met with an accident. Serves him right, too."
"You'll find it Under-Skar. That's the giant shell on the north side of town, outlander."
"You'll find the entrance at the southeast corner. Move along."
"You are in the Venim Manor, outlander."
"I'm not sure I want to talk to you about that."
"I know who you're talking about. Look in Mannammu."
"I've heard of them. They're holed up in Mannammu. Go south out of town, and a bit to the east. You'll see a little landbridge across the water. Leads right to it. Take care in there, though. There are six or seven of those fetchers, and they don't take kindly to visitors."
"It is safe to walk around an Ashlander camp, but risky to talk with Ashlanders, especially if you do not know their customs, since they may take offense at your speech, and challenge you."
"When visiting an Ashlander camp, you must speak with the people, since you cannot receive an invitation to enter an ashkhan or wise woman's yurt without speaking with an Ashlander."
"If an Ashlander gives you permission to enter a khan or wise woman's yurt, you are welcome, but enter a khan or wise woman's tent without invitation, and the whole tribe may attack you."
"It is safe to walk around an Ashlander camp, but risky to talk with Ashlanders, especially if you do not know their customs, since they may take offense at your speech, and challenge you. When visiting, speak with the people; you cannot receive an invitation to enter a yurt or tent without speaking with an Ashlander. If an Ashlander gives you permission to enter a khan or wise woman's yurt, you are welcome, but enter a khan or wise woman's tent without invitation, and the whole tribe will attack you."
"The city of Vivec is located in the Ascadian Isles region of Vvardenfell, on the south coast."
"Vivec City is the largest settlement on Vvardenfell, and one of the largest cities in the East."
"Each of Vivec's great cantons is the size of a complete town."
"Outlanders mostly confine themselves to the Foreign Canton of Vivec, while natives live, work, and shop in the Great House compounds and residential cantons."
"The High Fane and the palace of Vivec are visited by hundreds of tourists and pilgrims daily."
"Citizens flock to Vivec's Arena for entertainments and war games."
"Vivec City is the largest settlement on Vvardenfell, and one of the largest cities in the East. Each of the great cantons is the size of a complete town. The High Fane and the palace of Vivec are visited by hundreds of tourists and pilgrims daily. Citizens flock to the Arena for entertainments and war games. Outlanders mostly confine themselves to the Foreign Canton, while natives live, work, and shop in the Great House compounds and residential cantons."
"Vivec is a city made up of nine cantons, each a little town in itself. Each Great House has its own canton, and outlanders have their own canton called the Foreign Quarter. The Arena is for public entertainments like mock battles and comic plays. Commoners and paupers live in St. Delyn and St. Olms Cantons. But most of all, this is Lord Vivec's holy city. The Ministry of Truth, the Temple prison, hangs above the great temple of the High Fane, the Halls of Wisdom and Justice, and Lord Vivec's Palace."
"Lord Vivec the Poet is one of the three Immortal God-Kings of Morrowind, a Pillar of the Tribunal, and the patron of Artists and Rogues."
"Vivec was the most gallant knight and the most subtle rogue of the First Council."
"At once brave and honorable, and cunning and devious, Lord Vivec is a rare combination of the virtues of flamboyant adventurer and prudent statesman."
"Lord Vivec is a lover of both words and deeds, and a master of weapons and poetry."
"The village of Vos is a small Velothi settlement in the middle of the grassy plains of the Grazelands, inland from the coast and west of Red Mountain. You can travel by ship to nearby Tel Mora, then water-walk to the mainland and head southwest to reach the village."
"The village of Vos is a small Velothi settlement in the middle of the grassy plains of the Grazelands, inland from the coast and west of Red Mountain. You can water-walk to the mainland and head southwest to reach the village."
"Vos is an old Velothi farm village in the Grazelands. Dunmer have farmed here for centuries. Life's never been easy, and the Ashlanders have always raided and stolen our wickwheat and marshmerrow. But our new Telvanni mage-lord, Master Aryon of Tel Vos, protects us from the Ashlanders, and he's grown us a fine new tradehouse and docks. Tel Vos is Master Aryon's wizard's tower. It's very strange. You have to see it to understand. Master Aryon isn't afraid to try new things."
"Vvardenfell District is one of the six Imperial administrative districts of Morrowind, consisting of the island of Vvardenfell, surrounded by the Inland Sea, and dominated by the titanic volcano Red Mountain and its associated ash wastelands."
"Vvardenfell district encompasses Vvardenfell Island, a great land mass dominated by the giant volcano Red Mountain and cut off from mainland Morrowind by the surrounding Inner Sea. The portion of the Padomaic Ocean lying north of Vvardenfell is know as the Sea of Ghosts."
"Only recently open to settlement and trade, most of Vvardenfell's population is confined to the relatively hospitable west and southwest coast, centered around the ancient city of Vivec and the old Great House district centers at Balmora, Ald'ruhn, and Sadrith Mora."
"Except for the settled southwest, Vvardenfell is covered by hostile desert wastes, arid grasslands, and volcanic badlands, and thinly populated by the nomadic Ashlander tribes."
"Vvardenfell is one of the six Imperial administrative districts of Morrowind. Vvardenfell district encompasses Vvardenfell Island, a great land mass dominated by the giant volcano Red Mountain and cut off from mainland Morrowind by the surrounding Inner Sea. The portion of the Padomaic Ocean lying north of Vvardenfell is know as the Sea of Ghosts."
"Vvardenfell District is one of the six administrative districts of the Imperial province of Morrowind. Vvardenfell District consists of the island of Vvardenfell with its Great House and Imperial settlements and the city of Vivec, surrounded by the Inland Sea, and dominated by the titanic volcano Red Mountain and its associated ash wastelands."
"The first government of all Morrowind was called the First Council, comprised of representatives from all the Dunmer Great Houses. This First Council mobilized to suppress a civil war. A rebel house, House Dwemer, joined with Nord and Orc clans to invade northern Morrowind. The rebels, invaders, and a traitor house, House Dagoth, were finally defeated and destroyed at the Battle of Red Mountain. See Agrippa Fundilius' book, The War of the First Council, for a more complete account."
"The western highlands of Vvardenfell are called the West Gash."
"The West Gash region goes from the Sea of Ghosts on the northwest coast to the town of Balmora, where the region is sandwiched between the Bitter Coast and the Ashlands."
"The main settlements in the West Gash are Gnisis, Ald Velothi and Khuul to the north coast, and Caldera and Balmora in the south."
"The herds of the Ashlanders of Urshilaku camp graze on the sparse but hardy highland vegetation of the West Gash."
"The western highlands of Vvardenfell are called the West Gash. The largest settlements are the trading village of Gnisis, north of Ald'ruhn, and Caldera and Balmora to the south. The fishing villages of Ald Velothi and Khuul lie on the north coast. Muckspunge grows there, and I have collected chokeweed and roobrush as well."
"I don't know you, outlander. What are you doing here? Are you here to worship at this foul shrine?"
"Then you defy the law of the Temple, and shall die for it."
"All right, then. We don't care about that. In fact, you'll be doing us a favor if you kill a few witches and warlocks in the process. Just be careful, leave us alone, and we'll leave you alone."
"No! You are the False Incarnate, and the Devil of Lies! You claim to be chosen by Azura, and savior of Morrowind, but you curse the Tribunal, call them false gods, and turn the people against their true protectors! You are nothing but a Dreamer and Deceiver, and mad servant of the Devil Dagoth Ur, and you must be destroyed!"
"Hello, Anon. I'm a typical Morrowind NPC, and I'm here to clean out this den of Daedra worshippers. You go right ahead and look for treasure, if you like. We don't care. And if you kill a few witches and warlocks in the process, then even better."
"Smiths know about weapons and armor, and how to repair them. Clothiers know about clothes. Enchanters know about enchanting and enchanted items. Ashlanders know about ashlands ecology and geography. Nobles can tell you about the Great Houses. Priests know about cults and shrines. Savants know about history, speechcraft, and language. Sorcerers know about daedra. Barbarians know about creatures. Mages know about undead. Miners know about eggmines and kwama. Scouts know about places, and how to reach them."
"She lives in her hut, just outside the village to the west, along the river. Her husband died recently in the eggmine. It's a shame."
"Her land is prime for our expansion plans here."
"I could sell you a Wizard's Staff, but they are quite expensive at 5,000 septims. However, I also know of a former member of our order, Anirne, who may still have her Wizard's Staff."
"Very well, I will take your gold... I assume it's all there. And give you this Wizard's Staff. You are now ready for advancement."
"Really any Wizard's Staff will do, but it is no crime to take one from a renegade and outlaw like Anirne. Last I heard, she was in the caverns of Sud."
"So you have a Wizard's Staff? Yes, that one will do. You are now ready for advancement."
"I have already given you your Wizard's Staff. Don't tell me you lost such a rare and prized possession."
"You have shown me that you have a Wizard's Staff."
"Yes, it is wise to keep your Wizard's Staff with you at all times."
"A Dunmer woman, in a skirt and netch leather armor? With a dagger? No. Haven't seen anyone like that."
"A Dunmer woman, in a skirt and netch leather armor? With a dagger? No. Haven't seen anyone like that. But I recall someone -- maybe one of the sewer cleaners -- saying something about seeing a Dunmer woman down in the Underworks. Not that odd, really, though Dunmer are not seen as much in the Foreign Quarter. But in the Underworks. That's odd. Nothing down there but rats and sewers."
"Old Imperial fellow? Legion veteran? Named Wulf? No. Nobody like that up here that I remember. Don't remember any old legion veterans here at all. Not in a VERY long time. I could be wrong, but I don't think so."
"It's in the Plaza of the St. Olms Canton, near the statue."
"The entrance is from the Plaza in the canton. When you enter the Plaza, it's on your right."
"The entrance is on the west side of the plaza, near the door outside."
"You're there. What do you want?"
"This is the place. What is it?"
"Zainab Camp is in northeast Vvardenfell, southwest of Vos village, in the rolling plains of the Grazelands. Here. Let me mark it on your map. Head southwest from Vos across the Grazelands until you strike the foothills, then head south, keeping the foothills on your right. When you pass the Dwemer ruins of Nchuleft on the western edge of the Grazelands, you'll cross an east-west road; Zainab Camp is eight or ten yurts east of the hills and south of that road."
"Zainab camp is southwest of the village of Vos, near the foothills of Red Mountain. Here. Let me mark it on your map. Head southwest across the Grazelands until you strike the foothills, then head south, keeping the foothills on your right. When you pass the Dwemer ruins of Nchuleft on the western edge of the Grazelands, you'll cross an east-west road; Zainab Camp is eight or ten yurts east of the hills and south of that road."
"Our tribe has a permanent settlement at Zainab camp. The village of Vos is to the northeast."
"The Zainab are the Ashlanders of the green Grazelands, between Red Mountain and the eastern coast. Zainab camp is inland, halfway between the coast and Red Mountain. Here. Let me mark it on your map. The nearest settlement is the village of Vos. You can get a ship from Sadrith Mora to Tel Mora. In Tel Mora, ask a local for directions to Vos or to Zainab camp."
"Zainab camp is on the mainland, southwest of the village of Vos, near the foothills of Red Mountain. Here. Let me mark it on your map. Head southwest across the Grazelands until you strike the foothills, then head south, keeping the foothills on your right. When you pass the Dwemer ruins of Nchuleft on the western edge of the Grazelands, you'll cross an east-west road; Zainab Camp is eight or ten yurts east of the hills and south of that road."
"The Ashlander Zainab tribe has a permanent settlement at Zainab camp, southwest of the village of Vos in the Grazelands region."
"Zallay Subaddamael? I know that name. I believe that is an Ashlander who lives in Aharasaplit Camp on the southwest coast of the island."
"Zenithar, Trader God, and Patron of Work and Commerce, is the deity of wealth, labor, commerce, and communication. His priests have shown that the way to peace and prosperity is through earnest work and honest profit, not through war and bloodshed."