#ifndef RENDERER_H
#define RENDERER_H

#include <SFML/Graphics/RectangleShape.hpp>
#include <SFML/Graphics/ConvexShape.hpp>
#include <SFML/Graphics/Text.hpp>
#include <SFML/Graphics/RenderWindow.hpp>
#include <SFML/Window.hpp>

#include <memory>

class Level;
class Cell;
class Hero;

/// Represents functionality to draw game level onto window
class Renderer
    float cell_width, cell_height, cell_deviation;
    unsigned int window_size;

    // Reset for each iteration of window pulling
    float init_painter_x, init_painter_y;

    float painter_x, painter_y;

    float vertical_shift, horizontal_shift;

    sf::Text text_charges;
    sf::Font font;

    sf::RectangleShape brush_background;
    sf::ConvexShape brush_cell;
    sf::ConvexShape brush_wall;

    bool drawCell(const std::unique_ptr<Cell> &cell, sf::RenderWindow &main_window);

    explicit Renderer();

    bool render(const std::unique_ptr<Level> &level, const std::unique_ptr<Hero> &hero, sf::RenderWindow &main_window);

    unsigned int windowSize() const;

#endif // RENDERER_H